Daria Dontsova - Books, Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Daria Dontsova is the Russian writer, who many years recognized as the most readable author of adult literature, thanks to which he became a laureate of the Bestseller of the Year Awards and the Writer of the Year.

Darya Dontsova

But first of all, Donzova is known as a woman who managed to defeat cancer. A experienced experience helps her inspire hundreds and thousands of sick people to fight ailment.

Childhood and youth

Daria Dontsova (real name - Agrippina Arkadyevna Dontsova) was born in Moscow in 1952 in a creative family. At birth, the girl called Agrippine in honor of the grandmother. At the time of birth, the daughter's parents were not yet officially painted, as the father consisted in the previous marriage. The pair made a relationship only in 1959. The Father was a writer, and Mom worked in Moskoncert director.

Daria Dontsova in childhood and now

The first time the family lived in the barrack. When it was disbanded, Agrippina with her grandmother had to live a year without parents, because the room that the family was allocated was too small. Only in 1957, they received a new spacious apartment in a new building near the Airport station. In the house of the parents often gathered eminent guests, so Daria was personally familiar with the writer Valentin Kataev and Beloved Vladimir Mayakovsky Lily Bric.

Parents took care of the development of Agrippins, so they gave it to a music school, but it was found that the girl is deprived of the abilities to mizicating. In school years, the future writer did not differ in success in the knowledge of the exact sciences. But she gladly studied foreign languages.

Daria Dontsova in youth with his father

From preschool age, Agrippines showed tendency to languages. She had 2 nanny - Frenchwoman and German. In Russian, they almost did not say that he had a positive effect on the girl's teaching. In 1964, being a schoolgirl, she visited Germany along with his father - there the local publishing house was going to publish the work of his authorship. From Germany, the girl brought with him many books in German. In his youth, she was fond of literary works of different authors, including foreign ones.


Possessing a tendency to humanitarian sciences, the girl acted in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. After graduating from the university, she worked for 2 years in the Syrian Consulate of the USSR by the translator of French. Returning from Syria, Daria 7 years was a journalist in the press editions "Operation" and "Evening Moscow".

The first story was written in 1984, but in the journal "Youth" literary samples of the girl did not interest anyone. However, the writer did not despair and tried himself in another genre.

Daria Dontsova with books

In 1999, the first detective "cool heine" under the pseudonym Daria Dontsova appeared. Heroine was Dasha Vasilyeva, who walled the case was engaged in private son. This cheerful, cheerful book of Dontsova wrote, lying in the hospital in the oncological department. When Daria graduated from treatment, 5 works were already ready for printing.

The first detective was perceived by the readers "with a bang," everyone wanted to continue, and it, of course, followed. The release of Donzova's books is engaged in the Eksmo publishing house, in total Daria wrote more than 100 detectives, the circulation of which is more than 230 million specimens. Every new novel writer becomes an indispensable bestseller.

Daria Dontsova on the presentation

In Russia, Dontsova is considered one of the most published writers. One novel she writes within a month. In the Russian book of Records Guinness, the writer is recorded as the most prolific author. Darya's novels are read in Russia, countries of the former USSR, as well as in China and Western Europe.

Darya's books are considered a medicine from depression, in every work the inexhaustible optimism of the writer is felt. The fans of her work believes that the autograph Dontsova brings good luck.

Autograph Darya Dontsova brings good luck

Woman works not only in a detective genre. The list of copyright publications included the book "Cooking Book of the Lazy", where, in the form of simple benefits, available recipes for beginner hosts are presented. Donzova also wrote the book "Notes of the Mad Optimist" of an autobiographic nature.

However, of course, the popularity and well-being Darius brought her detectives. According to their motives, the series were filmed, where the main characters were Dasha Vasilyeva, Ivan Pushkin, Evlampia Romanova and Viola Tarakanova. Popular actors of modern times - Larisa Udovichenko, Vera Sotnikova, Alla Kesta, Anatoly Zhuravlev, Irina Rakhmanova, Dmitry Kharatyan. Interestingly, in the film of the "Lover of Private Sud Sax Vasilyeva-4", the writer itself appeared, performed by Kameo.

Daria Dontsova at the festival

Daria Dontsova - a three-year owner of the "Writer of the Year" award, doubled the "bestseller of the year" award from the "Book Review" newspaper, and also became a laureate of the "Book of the Year" contest. In 2003, a star Dtzova appeared on the literary "stars" on passionate boulevard in Moscow. In 2005, the writer received the Order of Peter the Great of the first degree with a tape for merits in the field of literature and personal contribution.

Gradually, the famous writer put the creation of detectives on the flow. Fantastic literary fertility allowed her to get a wide audience. In her creative biography there are works of various genres, and new items immediately disassemble fans.

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For many years, Donzov's books remain in the top of the most popular among Russian readers. The publications overlook by millions of editions and on the shelves of bookstores are not dusting. Her works continue to be popular in Russia, and in 2016 the book "Stamp on the heart of a woman" was published.

The writer itself was once admitted that he had a creative impulse when he started working on a new product:

"When I write, I am in some half-conscious state. If in the novel, the cold, snow, wind, I begin to freeze, despite the fact that the heat of the heat is inspired. At a certain point, my heroes emerge from under control and begin to live an independent life. Somehow one of the characters winks to me and said: "And I killed, I, and you didn't even guess!" Well, completely encouraged. "
Autobiographical book Donzova

In 2012, the writer released the autobiographical book "I really want to live. My personal experience. " In this work, Dontsova shares the experience of victory over a terrible disease - cancer. Daria got sick breast cancer in 1998.


The writer has repeatedly told in an interview about how she defeated the disease. Doctors put a scary diagnosis of "cancer" writer. She had to survive 18 operations, several irradiation sessions, as well as pass numerous chemotherapy courses.

Daria Dontsov overlap Cancer

She fell into the hospital already at the 4th stage of the disease and at first postponed 3 operations. There was no hope for complete recovery, but Dontsova did not fall in spirit and overclocked a terrible disease. She is an optimist in life and, being in the hospital ward, began writing ironic detectives to distract from terrible reality. A bold woman managed to avoid depression and cure. In 2008, Daria was chosen by the ambassador of the charity program "Together against breast cancer", which Avon was organized.

The writer inspires oncological patients on the fight against ill and helps with the purchase of the necessary equipment to clinics of the country. The fee from the publication of the novel "Emperor Village Gadyukino" Daria listed to the account of the Russian oncological scientific center named after N. N. Blokhin.

Daria Dontsova on a charity march

She had to face an extremely severe illness, which is actually a demoralizing factor for many people. What broke the others made a famous writer is stronger. Donzova was able to overcome the breast cancer, and oncology did not become a barrier to the obstacle to achieving the goal. Her readers argue that it is a hard disease that opened in the Donz writing talent. The first novels became bestsellers.

Soon after the treatment of Dtzzova, he told media representatives that people with the words "chemotherapy" and "irradiation" arise terrible associations, but these are only "contrived myths". The writer, who managed to pass such suffering, stated that all this was not so scary as they represent others.

Personal life

The personal life of the famous writer has repeatedly made steep devices. Daria was married 3 times, and only the last marriage turned out to be happy. With the first chosen by Dmitry Demin Dttsova met in early youth, being a 1st year student. A romantic meeting on the sea coast of Koktebel led young people under the crown. The firstborn of the writer was born in this union - the son of Arkady. But the marriage broke up even before the birth of the heir.

Daria Dontsova with her husband Alexander

Boris Kapustin became the second husband Darya. The young man witnessed at the first wedding of the writer. This meeting has become for both fatal. The relationship lasted for 7 years, after which the spouses broke up with friends. Boris left to teach the University of Yale.

For many years, Dontsova is married, this is her third marriage. His husband's name is Alexander's name, they have children - the common daughter of Maria and the two sons - Arkady and Dmitry - from the first marriage of Dontsov. Native children have already made Daria Grandma. In the family of his son, the grandson of Nikita will grow up, and Masha in 2015 was born a boy Mikhail.

Daria Dontsova with her husband, children and grandchildren

The family of Donz and today remains friendly and cohesive. Alexander supported Daria during the treatment of oncology. Before the responsible operation, the writer asked the spouse whether he would remain with her after the mastectomy. What Alexander replied that even if only one ear remains from his wife, he will live with this ear.

Fans of the writer knows her hobby - pets. The special weakness of Donzova naises for pugs, making these cute dogs part of his own image. In the house Daria live 4 pugs. They make up the company Cat British breed and turtle.

Daria Dontsova with dogs and cat

In addition to the fact that the photo of Pugs regularly decorate the covers of all the books of the author, almost every post in the personal "instagram" is devoted to the four-legged pets.

Daria Dontsova now

The writer continues to participate in events devoted to the support of cancer patients. In 2018, Daria became a TV presenter of the author's program "I really want to live" on the channel "Savior". In the transfer, people who live with severe illness or managed to overcome all the difficulties and cure. In one issue, the Guest of the project was the singer Cornelia Mango, which suffers from diabetes mellitus. The disease did not prevent the artist to make a solo career.

The leading author's program "I really want to live" Daria Dontsova

Daria Dontsova does not forget about the hobby of cooking. She became the heroine of the transfer "Save, I do not know how to cook" TVC channel, where he taught to prepare the TV host project Otar Kushanashvili.

Now the woman is passionate about writing children's stories, the first reader of whom her junior grandson Mikhail. In September 2018, the author presented the readers to the readers the next work "Country of Miracles" from the series "Fairy Tales of the Beautiful Valley".

At December, the release of the new book of the same series is scheduled - the Dragon Village. The main characters of the narrative are residents of the country Pugshaus, members of the Pug family. Cook sisters and Marsht are sent to search for their relatives who stole dragon.


  • "Lover of the private owner of Dasha Vasilyeva"
  • "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dilettant "
  • "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions "
  • "Gentleman of the Susk Ivan Pushkin"
  • "Detective on a diet. Tatyana Sergeeva "
  • "Fortune Fortune Stepanid Kozlov"
  • "Notes of insane optimist"
  • "Culinary book lazy"
  • "I really want to live. My personal experience "
  • "Fairy tales of beautiful valley"

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