Elena Isinbaeva - biography, personal life, photo, news 2021



Elena Isinbaeva - legendary jumper with a sixth. By choosing this sport at the age of 15, the girl did not suspect that he would bring her world famous fame and recognition. Once driving out of the School of Olympic reserve for hopelessness, Elena eventually became the author of 28 world records, two-time owner of Olympic gold and a multiple world champion and Europe.

Childhood and youth

Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva was born on June 3, 1982 in Volgograd. Father Haji Gafanovich emigrated from Dagestan and worked as a plumber, Mother Natalya Petrovna, by nationality Russian, worked in the boiler room, later became a housewife.

The family lived modestly, although parents supported Elena and her younger sister Inna Isinbaev in all endeavors. The mother brought up girls in rigor and kept the sports career, as herself herself in his childhood basketball and tried to go to the Institute of Physical Education.

At the age of 5, Elena came to the sports school, where he was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics under the leadership of the Honored Coach of Russia Alexander Foxov. In 1989, Ishinbayeva entered the libele of engineering and technical focus, where the 10th grades had studied. She studied at the Special School of the Olympic Reserve and in 2000 without a competition entered the Volgograd Academy of Physical Culture, where he continued to receive education.

In 2003, Elena called for the service to the railway troops, and after 2 years the girl received the military rank of senior lieutenant, and after 3 - Captain. In 2015, the athlete was awarded the title of Major, and she signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of Russia, according to which it was supposed to be brought in a military school.

Personal life

Elena Isinbaeva - an open and friendly woman, but his personal life prefers not to advertise. In Beijing at the 2008 Olympics, she stated:"Artem, I love you very much! I really love you. "

The celebrity first opened the veil over his personal life. The chief was not the famous athlete Artem Khmelevsky at all, as previously assumed numerous journalists, and DJ. Elena and Artem met in 2006 during the training fees athletes in Donetsk. After some time, the couple broke up.

Often, Elena said in an interview, he dreamed of a child. In 2014, her dream came true - Eva daughter was born in Ishinbaeva.

For the sake of birth, the firstborn jumper had to abandon the sports career and go to Monaco because of the Russian press too much attention. At the same time, officially she did not change the citizenship, remaining on the passport by the Russian woman. Soon the name of the child's father was known - Nikita Petin's spear thrower, who became Hasinbaeva's husband at the end of 2014.

In 2017, a tragic event occurred in Elena's life - her mother died. The champion placed a farewell photo on the page in "Instagram".

In mid-February 2018, it became known that Ishinbayev became a mother for the second time, which she said in "Instagram". The celebrity gave birth to a son Dobrynya in a clinic of Monaco. The athlete quickly led himself in shape after childbirth and is not shy to demonstrate a figure in a swimsuit.


In 1997, Elena Isinbayeva passed the necessary standards and became a master of sports. However, to continue classes and careers in a sports gymnast she was prevented by a high growth (174 cm with a weight of 65 kg). The coach just watched on the TV of the competition, where they performed athletes with pole jumps, and considered that this sport would be ideal for his ward.

Ishinbayeva has already dreams of a sports career and understood that she had little chance to become a famous gymnast, so agreed to offer. Later, she admitted that the insight of Alexander Lisovo influenced her sports biography. As a sign of gratitude at the peak of glory, the champion presented the first mentor a present - the keys to the new apartment.

To change the sport in 15 years is considered a risky step, but Ishinbaeva possessed the necessary will to start learning from scratch. Her mentor was the Honored Trainer of Athletics Evgeny Trofimov, for the first time in his career took the girl.

The first Jumps of Isinbaeva showed that she has the necessary preparation and congenital predisposition to this sport. Trofimov took half a year to make the Olympic champion from the young athlete.

In 1998, Elena debuted on world youth games with a score of a 4 meter jump. In 1999, the girl again participated in games and with a result of 4.10 m won the gold medal, putting the first record.

In 2000, Ishinbaeva again took gold in junior games, having broken his own record for 10 cm. When the "pole jump" discipline was added to the Olympic Games program, she got a chance to participate in the most prestigious start of four years. However, during the qualification, it was not very successful and did not get into the game final.

For 3 years, Elena Isinbaeva received many medals among juniors: in 2001 - the Gold Medal on Che and the Berlin International Festival, in 2002 - silver on Munich Che, giving the 1st place to another Russian woman. In 2003, she installed a new world record of 4 m 82 cm.

The jumper year after year improved the results, which increased its popularity and brought considerable money: for each new world record athletes receive $ 50 thousand. Gradual heights allowed Elena to maintain popularity year after year.

In 2005, Issinbaeva broke the previous record for 5 cm, having arrived at 5 m. The athlete was already then admitted that a similar height is for her more training and it is ready for new records, in particular, dreams of installing 36 world records. At the same time, he decided to change the coach - Vitaly Petrov came to the place of Trofimov, the coach of the famous jumper with a sixth Sergey Bubki.

Since 2008, Elena moved to live in Monaco, I also installed another record at the Super Grand Prix stage. In these competitions, Russian athtale Yuri Borzakovsky also showed itself, which showed the best result over the past 7 years. In August, the athlete again won a convincing victory at the Olympic Games with a 5 m 5 cm.

In 2009, Isinbayeva put two more records at the Star Star Tournament, which was held in Donetsk, and one at the Golden League in Zurich. But the Berlin World Cup brought the star of sports. The first offensive defeat: in the final of the competition, Elena could not overcome a single height. In an interview, she said that it was upset by this defeat and her extremely embarrassing in front of the coach, whom the ward led.

In April 2010, Elena again overtook the failure - she did not even manage to get a bronze medal on performances in Doha: her ahead of the old rival Svetlana Feofanova. After this event, Isinbayeva decided to leave the sport for some time.

Then Isinbaeva returned to Volgograd to the Trofimov coach. After an annual break, the athlete took part in the competition "Russian Winter", where she won a confident victory. Further performances were diverse: she put new records, did not receive prizes at all.

In contests, the champion usually used three poles with different winding color. For the first warm-up height, Elena chose a pink shade, for victorious heights - blue, and for the third record - golden. At the speeches athlete appeared in a sports swimsuit with the inscription "Russia".

In 2013, the multiple champion reiterated that he plans to complete the sports career after participating in the World Cup for athletics in Moscow. This solution was dictated by a decline in the activity of athletes and the desire to do the family and make a child.

Nevertheless, Isinbayeva continued to fitness training and planned at the end of the career to perform at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. However, 4 years of persistent training in the end led to disappointment and annoyance.

Due to the doping scandal, with the participation of Russian athletes, the IOC made a decision on removal from the OI 2016, in addition to those who have stained its reputation as athletes, the Russian national athletics team. The famous jumper was stubbornly preparing for the Olympics in Rio, which would have become the logical conclusion of a professional career.

Until the last moment, Elena, not involved in the doping scandal, challenged the unjust decision of the IOC, filed Iska to all sorts of instances, but on July 28, the final refusal of IAAF (International Association of athletics Federations) was obtained. One month after the removal from participation in the Olympiad, the career champion was completed, which she officially reported.

Career and politics

On May 6, 2015, the Ministry of Defense of Russia concluded with Elena Isinbaeva contract for 5 years. She became an instructor for athletics CSKA.

At the end of 2016, the celebrity was headed by the Supervisory Board of Rusada - the Russian Agency, which is inspected by athletes for doping. But on the recommendation of WADA six months later, she left this position.

Family life did not affect the activity of Elena Gadzhievna in social activities. Today, she is the founder and head of the charitable foundation of its name, whose forces are supported by the support of children engaged in sports.

She was organized by the Elena Isinbaeva Cup for an athletics, which takes place annually in Volgograd. The federal competition competing includes running, long and height jumping, the pushing of the kernel. Teenagers 14-15 years old are invited to participate in competition.

Another direction of work of the Jumper Charitable Foundation is to hold the festivals of street sports, as reported on the pages of the official website of Isinbaeva. She also applies efforts to open new sports grounds in Volgograd and other cities of the country and helps children who have fallen into a difficult life situation. Now the Foundation cooperates with world brands that provide financial support in sports endeavors.

Jumper has repeatedly said that he does not want to hold a position in the Duma: "Administrative work, for example, through the Ministry of Sports or through the International Olympic Committee is mine. And be a deputy in the State Duma or something else - I'm not used to this. I love to be useful. " But at the same time, the celebrity involuntarily became a political figure. She is also the face of the United Russia party.

Elena Isinbaeva now

In October 2020, Elena Hajievna took part in a meeting of the Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, where he submitted a report. Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and ministers planned to develop this area in the country for the next 10 years. The Olympic champion decided to express his opinion. She talked about the need to digitalize student sports. For the implementation of this goal Isinbayeva asked 15 million rubles. Suddenly, Elena was satisfied during the speech:

"This is the common goal of our country, this is your, your, your goal, but our task. Rather, no ... In general, what you said to do, we do it. "

An awkward situation forced to smile not only Vladimir Putin, but also users of social networks. The video quickly gained popularity on the Internet, so Elena Isinbayeva received an invitation to become the guest of the Evening Urgant program. As part of the show, the athlete explained why he was confused in his speech:

"I just could not figure out who to contact, because it's like a common task ... and in the end it was confused ... when you oppose the president, really thoughts are confused, but the essence was voiced."

On October 3, the new season of the "Ice Age" show started, which was attended by representatives of Russian show business and athletes. Among them are Nadezhda Mikhalkov and Maxim Marinin, Vlad Sokolovsky and Ekaterina Bobrova, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Solovyov and others. Elena Gadzhievna became a member of the jury.

In the 2nd issue of the show athlete put a low score pair of Regina Todorenko and Roman Kostomarov. Spectators believe that the celebrity deliberates assessments to the participants. They began to demand to remove Elena from the jury. However, the producer of the project Ilya Averbukh does not consider it possible to dismiss for unpopular opinion.


  • 2009 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sports achievements at the 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing
  • 2006 - Order of Honor for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and high sports achievements
  • 2012 - the medal of the order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sports achievements at the Games of the XXX Olympiad of 2012 in the city of London (United Kingdom)
  • 2009 - Prince Asturian Prize
  • 2006 - Honorary Citizen Donetsk
  • 2004, 2005, 2008 - the best athlete of the world according to IAAF
  • 2005, 2008 - The best athlete of Europe
  • 2013 - the athlete of the year in Europe

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