Nikita Panfilov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Films, Photo, Wife, Series 2021



Nikita Panfilov is the Russian actor and movie actor, TV presenter. At the popular and in-demand artist, the whole army of fans. His biography, movies and personal life are incredibly interested in fans.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Vladislavovich Panfilov was born in the Moscow Theater Family on April 30, 1979. By nationality, he is Russian, but by the sign of the zodiac Taurus.

Father Vladislav Vladimirovich - Head of the Moscow Theater of Hying Comedians. Mother is the director of the Monoton Theater. Nikita also has a brother Ilya and Anna's sister.

With such a creative family it is not surprising that the son has grown behind the scenes. The future of the boy was predetermined at 5 years old: at this age he played the first role of Ivan Tsarevich on stage. And although in childhood Nikita did not dream of becoming an artist, the mother had already seen in the son of the star and movies. The child himself first wanted to become a surgeon, and then athlete.

By the way, to associate life with sports Actor had all the chances: In the elementary school, his father gave him to the martial arts section. He dreamed that Nikita would become a champion. And the son first justified the hope of the parent. In the 8th grade of Panfilov, he became a master of sports and entered the Olympic reserve for the junior team of the country. But then I threw the struggle, since he was tired of constant workouts, trains and competitions. Nikita decided that it was necessary to agree with the mother and become an actor.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Institute of Contemporary Art on the acting faculty. But it was not possible to make it possible - Nikita was called to serve in the army. Having gave the debt home, he filed documents directly to Schukinskoye and Shchepkinskaya Higher Theatrical Schools, VGIK and the Studio School of MCAT. He passed into the "sofk" and the Studio School of MCAT, as a result, choosing the last one. He studied on the course of the Honored Artist of Russia Igor Zolotovitsky. Training graduated in 2006.

Personal life

Personal life Nikita Panfilova was not immediately. In his youth, he married actress Babenko, who studied at the Studio School MCAT. But the marriage existed not long and soon collapsed.

New happiness knocked on the door to Panfilov after dating a girl named Lada. She worked as the administrator of the program "Army Store" and picked up actors for the project. Nikita invited Lada to the performance at the Sachirikon Theater, and after a year they got married. The family was growing up in the family, which parents called the kind. The actor was present at the appearance of a child to the light and considers this test to be more difficult in life.

In 2016, the media started talking about the fact that the couple was divorced. Nikita deleted the status of "married" in social networks, and his wife Lada Panfilova, according to some reports, even changed her husband's surname. It turned out that the couple went back in 2015.

At the end of the same year, the actor met a girl named Ksenia Sokolov, she is a medical education, a native of St. Petersburg. Communication began on social network. Soon the girl came to Moscow to visit the actor, and they quickly found a common language. Joint photos of Nikita and Ksenia soon began to appear in "Instagram".

At the time of dating Panfilov was still officially married. In 2016, he received a divorce from the Lada. As follows from one interview, the actor's wife first decided to terminate the marriage, despite the efforts of a man to keep it.

Nikita and Ksenia Panfilov are happy together. According to the actor, the elect maintained it in difficult moments of divorce, is always next to him during filming.

At the end of 2016, Panfilov told representatives of Hello magazine! On the difficulties of communicating with the former wife, saying that Lada turned his life in the day. The artist assumed that the ex-spouse was striving to destroy his union with the current beloved.

In an interview with Panfilov, he argued that he experienced the betrayal of Lada, but managed to cross over himself and forgive her.

"For some time I communicate with the right only through a lawyer. Unfortunately, I admit that the negative situation, which my ex-spouse, hesitates, can only be aggravated, "he noted.

Nikita considered: a woman wants the Son to forget the Father.

"Lada The first submitted documents for divorce. I fought for a family six months. I won't wish anyone any such torment, "Panfilov added.

After a day after a divorce, Nikita decided to issue a relationship with Ksenia. The couple visited the registry office secretly, even the parents of the actor did not know about the wedding. But paparazzi was informed about the celebration, so the report on the same day appeared on the pages of the tabloid. The news found relatives and loved ones Panfilov surprise, mother even offended his son due to the fact that he did not warn about an important event. Nevertheless, in the artist's family, a new daughter-in-law was accepted warmth. As the man commented later, he decided on a stamp in the passport only because of the desire to get married with the chosen.

The actor belongs to the third spouse and hopes that this marriage will be the last. It often pampers the soul mate with romantic gifts. Nikita with Ksenia love to travel in Europe, go to ski resorts.

In the summer of 2018, a joyful event occurred in the family - the spouse gave Nikita daughter to Aurora. The news has long hidden from the public, the birth of the child of Panfilov told only in the fall. He also managed to establish relations with the previous spouse and from March regularly seen with the son of Dobryna Panfilov.

Theater and films

The creative biography of Nikita began in student years. He made his debut on the MHT scene. A. P. Chekhov as Ikara in the play of Evgenia Grishkovets "Osada". The work was favorably encountered critics and spectators.

Working in Mkate, Panfilov ranked a professional actor career. Among his roles were the images of the Knight of Hans in the play "Undina", Stepan in the "Marriage" stage, Nikulina in the theater masterpiece "Do not part with your loved ones" and many others.

As a student, the actor debuted and on the screen. Peter Cherkasov became the first film organ of the young artist in the famous TV series "Adjutants of Love". Nikita Hero is high (height 180 cm, weight of 87 kg) and an attractive founder of Russian intelligence - all viewers were in love. The man began to recognize on the street.

And yet Panfilov basically played minor roles. The most successful works - the romantic comedy "Loves does not like", the series "Inspector Cooper", "Teacher in Law. Return "," Major ". Among the bright projects involving Nikita, the detective series "Churchill", Youth tape "Angelica", 2nd season of the "paths" comedy.

In the ranking of the best works of the actor, the Russian blockbuster "Spiriness", in which he played Misha Voodoo. Nikita himself later in an interview spoke about a special attitude to this work. According to him, there was a creative atmosphere on the stage platform, which helped the most accurately convey the image of the hero. Star cast on the screen: Danil Kozlovsky, Arthur Smolyaninov, Sergey Belogolov, Maria Kozhevnikova. The project has become a kind of reboot in an artist's career. After the tape "Spiriness" of Panfilov, one after another performed the main roles in the militant "point of the explosion" and the film "Personal Business".

Many arts played by celebrity can be called bright and colorful. These include Cascadener VITEK in the series "One day there will be love", an estimated guy Yuri in tape "Blood is not water", the poet of the counts in the picture "I will return", a freelance law enforcement officer Max Maximov in the TV series "Dog".

The detective series "Dog" is another popular film in the cinematic biography of the actor. It is known that during the filming of Panfili was injured. In the episode with the trick "Blood ashtray on the head", the partner of Nikita, without having calculated forces, caused damage to him. Doctors arrived at the site immediately to help the actor. Now the slaughter of celebrities "decorates" the scar.

In 2014, the TV series "Sweet Life" came out on the TNT channel, in which Nikita played one of the main characters - the owner of the Night Club Igor. The project had a grand success, having received a continuation in the 2nd season, and in the middle of 2016, the 3rd part appeared. In this film, as in the 1st season, the actor plays Igor, but now the hero is changing for the better and opens with a light side. According to the artist, his work on the screen approved relatives, and the only question that constantly arose from relatives - why he is at most of the time in the frame without clothes. Panfilov answered it simply - the roles are different.

Nikita is one of the most experienced actors among the entire composition of the "sweet life," but argues that novice colleagues of talented and grab the knowledge on the fly. It is interesting and easy to play with them.

After the "sweet life", the artist has gained popularity and proposals from directors. Between the 1st and 2nd seasons he had a fruitful year. Nikita starred in several projects, including "Major", "Computer", "Londongrad", "30 dates". In the last comedy, he worked with Natalia Medvedeva. In addition, it became a TV presenter of two documentary TV programs - "Bastions of Russia" and "Land of Heroes".

In May 2017, the actor became the guest of the project "You're super!". On the NTV television channel, the final stage of the semifinal competition of the vocal competition for children remaining without parental care was passed. The 13-year-old Ruslan Chvanko from Tobolsk struck members of the jury with opera vocals from the first issue. The boy has long dreamed of meeting Panfilov. The contestant told that herself herself with the hero of Nikita from his beloved TV series "Dog". This helps Ruslan feel confident not only on stage, but also be brave in life.

Chwanko came in full delight when Nikita appeared on stage.

"Ruslan, you are super, you are well done! Removing you a hat. You are a real man: in your life there were very serious tests, but you, without looking back, you go to new altitudes, "said the artist, picking up the participant of the competition. Hearing warm words from your beloved actor, the teenager believed in his strength.

The creative life of Nikita is not standing in place. The new project in his filmography was the Drama "Salyut-7", in which Panfilov tried the image of the astronaut Igor Zaitsev. The film-catastrophe is based on the events of 1985. Then the space station was flying to the "dead" space station to clarify the reasons for its failure. The main characters on the screen presented the stars of Russian cinema Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Pavel Derevyanko, Maria Mironova, Oksana Fander, Alexander Ratnikov.

In 2018, the next season of the "Dog" series was released with Panfilov, the shooting of the "presumption of innocence" detective was completed. He also worked on three films where the main roles played. This is the criminal series "Bullet", in which Nikita character, officer GRU, investigates the death of his mother's death, detective retrame "Winners", where Fyodor Plevako, who lived in St. Petersburg at the end of the XIX century, became the prototype of his hero. In the same picture the actor Nikita Efremov is involved.

At the end of January 2019, Nikita Panfilov became the hero of the transfer of the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. He frankly told about his childhood, personal life, a relationship with the son and career.

In the same year, the shooting of the series "Likhach" was completed in Sochi for the NTV television channel. A witty detective talks about the investigator Sergeha Sotnikov. It is called a library for brutal character, strict methods of work and fearlessness.

Sotnikova has a real prototype. This is the investigator who worked in the Sochi police in the 90s. He beat records in revealing, no criminal remained unpunished. And Sergey loved speed and car preferred a motorcycle.

The series turned out to be spectacular. Nikita coped with the role of the brutal investigator brilliantly. In the project a lot of action-scenes: explosions, shootouts, faunions.

Nikita Panfilov Now

On quarantine caused by a coronavirus infection pandemic, the actor went into forced vacation. But the time for self-insulation was not wondering - the gardening was hungry. In his microblog, he boasted subscribers to transplanted tulips and dug the weeds. Help him in this daughter Aurora Panfilova.

June 2020 Nikita dedicated to the shooting of the television series "Dog". You could expect the release of the 5th season to fans in September. Detective Maksu Maksimov and his faithful four-tailed friend to be overwhelmed again and pull out each other from the front.

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The director of the picture Nikolai Capanta said that there are interesting moves in the plot that relate to the relationship of the main character with Elena Leonidovna. He also noted: the villains will become more sophisticated in their crimes, so Maksimov will have difficult to fight evil.

The cast of the 5th season remained the same. In addition to Panfilov, Olga Oleksii entered it, Mikhail Jonin and Andrei Sinmin. The role of PSA got a shepherd by nicking Mukhtar.

In August, the actor together with his family spontaneously went on a mini-vacation in Novorossiysk. Nikita stopped at the Rus Hotel. For 3 days he managed to visit Mindhako and in a wide beam, swim in the sea, see the sights. According to celebrities, rest was a success.

In the 2020s, Panfilov starred in the series "Presumption of Nevinosta", also a premiere of the historical multi-ribbon tape "Grozny" about the Epoch of Ivan Grozny, in which the actor got the role of Boyarina Ivan Petrovich Fedorova-Chelyluned. A lot of work in him and in the theater.

Nikita publishes photos and Storsis in "Instagram". The actor page is used only for personal purposes, it does not advertise, so follow it especially interesting. There you can even see photos where Panfils are with hair, but fans like more when he is bald. It adds to him brutality.

The official site has an artist. However, all the news related to his creative activity is published in VKontakte.


  • 2005-2006 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2007 - "paths"
  • 2007 - "Pursuit of angel"
  • 2010 - "Angelica"
  • 2011 - "Protected Persons"
  • 2012 - "Spirieless"
  • 2014-2016 - "Major"
  • 2014-2016 - "Sweet Life"
  • 2015 - "30 dates"
  • 2015 - Londongrad
  • 2015-2018 - "Dog"
  • 2017 - "Salute-7"
  • 2018 - "POS-4"
  • 2018 - "Presumption of Innocence"
  • 2018 - "bullet"
  • 2018 - "Payback"
  • 2019 - "Likhach"
  • 2019 - "POS-5"
  • 2020 - "Grozny"

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