Anastasia Meskova - biography, personal life, photo, news, ballerina, actress, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater 2021



Anastasia Meskov is a talented ballerina and actress, known in leading parties in the Bolshoi Theater, where it acts as the first soloist, and memorable works on television screens. After the main role in the rating series "Sweet Life", her fate changed dramatically: the artist woke up by the famous.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Valerievna was born on July 23, 1985 (Lion on the sign of the zodiac) in Moscow in an intelligent family. Father Valery Meskov - Academician, Mother Nadezhda - teacher MSU. The actress has Brother Sergey and Sister Catherine.

In childhood, parents gave daughter love for classical music, putting records to calm the child. Anastasia loved to remember in an interview that the works of world composers were always with her: still standing in the children's mannet, the baby began to rhythmically squat-dance for eternal melodies.

Since childhood, Nastya was preparing for the career of the ballerina, began to seriously engage in ballet four years. The first teacher of the future star scene and the screen became Natalia Rević, who learned its basics of a classic ballet school. At the school age, Meskov danced in the ensemble named after V. S. Loktev.

In 1992, Nastya participated in the competition of young talents "Morning Star". The room performed under the song of the French singer Edith Piaf, brought the contestant not only victory, but also popularity. After that, a 7-year-old girl traveled all over Russia and polim, fulfilling dance solo. In 1993, Meskova entered the Moscow State Academy of Choreography. In the same year, starring in the film Alexander Zguridi and Nana Kladiashvili "Balerina".

At 12, resting in the "Artek", Nastya met the director Vladimir Grammatikov. He suggested a young dancer to play in his film "Little Princess" in the role of Sarah Kr. So in 1997, Meskov performed the second major role in the cinema. Egor Grammar, Lyanka Gryu, Anna Terekhova, Alla Demidov and others became partners. For work in the picture, the young actress received a large gold medal of the Moscow Film Festival and the Golden Aries Prize for the Best Children's role.

In 1999, Anastasia became the owner of a scholarship diploma for the development of the development of choreographic art named Maris Liepa. With the Academy of Choreography, Ballerina toured in Japan, Germany, Israel and Norway.

Ballet and theater

Anastasia's ballet career had every chance to end when she was 18 years old. Meskoy had a serious injury. Four doctors out of five said that she could no longer dance, but the latter was pleased: Hope is. The girl believed him and remained in the ballet.

At the end of the Academy of Choreography Meskov was adopted in the Bolshoi Theater Ballet Trud. Already in the second year of service in the theater received a major role - the Juliet Party in Romeo and Juliet, Sergei Prokofiev. Later in the creative biography of the dancer appeared projects "Nutcracker", "Don Quixote", "Swan Lake" and others.

Anastasia remains the first soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, participates in almost all regular performances and new productions, dancing leading parties and has a high status in the ballet world.


Meskoy's creative biography is not only dozens of ballet roles, but also extensive filmography. Cinema from ornamental years Manifa Anastasia, but the priority was dance. The speeches on the main ballet scene of the country did not interfere with the artist in the early 2000s to play in the Aurora drama. In the film, we were talking about the girl Aurora (Anastasia Zyurkalov), which after the Chernobyl disaster began to slowly die. But the radiation disease did not become an obstacle to her dream - learn to the ballerina.

The girl fell into the United States, where he met the Russian dancer-emigrant by Nick Astakhov (Dmitry Kharatyan). The meeting changes the lives of all the heroes of the narration. After a time in the piggy bank, an episodic role appeared in the TV series "Freud Method". The performer reincarnated in Broker Alina Milovanov. The recognition of Anastasia came with work in the series "Sweet Life" Andrei Dzhunkovsky.

The premiere of the ribbon, which took place in June 2014, chained the attention of a crowded audience to the series. Meskov began to find out on the street, take autographs and interviews. Anastasia played Julia, the heiress of the Armenian businessman. This fact and the memorable appearance of the ballerina caused questions among fans about its nationality. But neither the actress itself nor her loved ones did not comment on it.

In the performance of Anastasia, the metropolitan "thing" Julia, passionately dreaming about motherhood, was remembered and loved by the audience. Eduard Matsaberidze and Anton Denisenko, who played two Beloved Yulia, between which she could not decide, preparing for the wedding with a new guy, then returning to the former, who was preparing for the wedding with a new guy.

Anastasia recognized that her heroine - unlike her a man, but the artist tried to understand the motives of the girl with all their mights, which allowed the truth-like to play the experience of the character. The history of Julia was decided to continue in the 2nd season of the series, which started in May 2015. In the new series, many drama, conflicts and tension. In May 2016, the 3rd season of the rating project "Sweet Life" came out, in the filming of which Meskov also took part.

Already after the release of the 1st season of the popular project, the Nastya began to receive new proposals to play in the cinema from famous directors. But Meskov decided to pay more attention to the main work - the large theater, where he is constantly busy in the repertoire. Life in the ballet is short: at 35-40 years old, career comes to the finish. Therefore, the ballerina argued that until the work on stage would prefer, and after her creative biography would continue in the field of cinema.

Working on the main project in his film engineer, the actress had time to appear in the British documentary "Big Babylon" and the rating series "Londongrad. Know ours! " In these paintings, Anastasia again appeared as ballerina.

With the participation of the dancer in 2017, the detective was "the last argument". In the TV series, Anastasia starred in the episodic role of the ballet artist Daria Mukhina. Soon the Muscovite was waiting for the rating project "Trotsky" director Alexander Cotta.

The film Meskova reincarnated to the heroine Larisa Mikhailovna Raisner, revolutionary, writer, poetess and reporter. She was the wife of the Soviet diplomat Fyodor Raskolnikova (Kirill Zaitsev). According to the story of Heroine Anastasia, a love relationship with the main character performed by Konstantin Khabensky. The project received warm reviews reviewers and became the laureate of the Three Thai awards and other awards.

In 2018, the dancer filmography was replenished with a role in the overseas film "Nureyev. White Raven ", dedicated to the life and work of Rudolph Nureyev. The director of the picture spoke Raif Fayns. In the summer of the same year, the celebrity visited the studio of the program for children "Good morning, kids!", Where he met with a children's dream - a piggy piggy. According to Anastasia, before the meeting with a funny character, she worried more than before visiting the president. In the fall, Meskova received an offer from the creators of the project "Fashion sentence" and took the place of defenders of the "accused".

Personal life

Meskoy's personal life has difficult for himself. The first famous press Novel happened in 2003. During the tour in Paris, the friendly attitudes of the artist with Dmitry Duzhev turned into love. It was a rapid novel, but when the couple returned to Moscow and tried to live together, it became clear that this love was not destined to last long. The actors peacefully separated.

The first husband of Anastasia was the cook Konstantin Berg. Ballerina gave her husband to the son of Vasily, but it did not save an unsuccessful relationship. The marriage ended in a divorce 2 years after the wedding. After parting with the father of the child, the celebrity brought up the heir alone. Meskov did not hurry to give the boy in the circles and sections. She recalled her "corson" training and wanted the child to have real childhood.

At one time, the actress had no serious relationship. In the media, there were rumors about Ballerina's boyfriends, even the information was appeared that Anastasia was parted with one young man from "sweet life." The man did not want to see Meskov starring in frank scenes, and put it before the choice - either he, or shooting. The actress did not suffer an ultimatum in his life and finished these relationships.

The artist was sure that women happiness was waiting for her ahead. Her new chosen one is a man of a nonwork profession. With the future fiancé Alexander, she met visiting friends. Soon the relationship from friendly turned into romantic. Anastasia's proposal received from his beloved on his birthday, and in April 2016, the couple submitted an application to the registry office.

In the same year, the dancer became the guest of the program "Let them say", where he shared the recipes of family idyll. The son of the ballerina perceived the new chief of the mother, began to call dad. Soon after the wedding ceremony, Anastasia began to prepare to experience the joy of motherhood for the second time. The child was born in September 2016. The boy was called Savely. The artist did not hide the long-awaited family happiness and shared personal photos in "Instagram" and other popular social networks.

The celebrity spoke to journalists that the spouse helps her with the upbringing of children. Alexander, according to his wife, more organized and responsible. These qualities allowed him to easily manage with two boys. The fans rejoiced that the dancer finally managed to gain long-awaited women's happiness.

Therefore, a couple in 2020 became completely unexpected for the public. Ballerina did not comment on parting for a long time with Alexander. In December, she became a guest of the project "Honest Divorce", leading to whom Agatha Mutzing.

Anastasia told about parting details with his spouse, confessing that the cause was the mutual extinction of feelings. In addition, she shared his thoughts about female behavior models in Soviet films, how now communicates with the father of the child, how the future chosen one sees.

Being a mother of two sons, Anastasia can look great (with height 178 cm, the weight does not exceed the average parameters). She surprises colleagues with its performance. Ballerina sews a figure, but it does not prevent her from being culinary gourmet. Meskov itself prefers great and in the diet prefers to see dishes of Thai, Italian and French cuisine. Homemade happily try culinary delights cooked with artist hand. The celebrity dreams once become a TV presenter of the author's culinary show and open your own restaurant.

The appearance of the ballerina in everyday life is more like the appearance of Hollywood stars: it is not shy to go outside in simple jeans and sneakers, with minimal makeup. The artist is recognized that it does not suffer from this at all, because in her life and so many events where you can "walk" gorgeous dresses.

Anastasia Meskov now

In 2020, Anastasia continued his creative career - video of new productions with the participation of the dancer appeared in its instagram account. At the beginning of the year Meskov became the victim of telephone jams. Scammers who deceived the ballerina were introduced by the Bank's employees. By using speech tactics (informing that someone wants to enter the personal account of Meskova), the attackers achieved the desired.

The actress told them personal data of the bank card. As a result, 250 thousand rubles disappeared from its account. After Anastasia published the post in the social networks, in which the subscribers called for visuality, check the information from the Bank's employees, referring directly to the department.


  • 1993 - "Ballerina"
  • 1994 - "We are still funny"
  • 1997 - "Little Princess"
  • 2006 - "Aurora"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2014-2016 - "Sweet Life"
  • 2015 - "Londongrad. Know ours! "
  • 2016 - "Big Babylon"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2018 - "Nureyev. White Raven"

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