Irena Ponaroshka - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", husband, son, divorced, Ivan Urgant 2021



Irena Ponaroshka - Russian TV presenter, who collaborated with many entertainment channels on domestic television recently engaged in blogging, is a columnist number of well-known publications. Its manner of communication is distinguished by positive, energy and non-standard approach to each topic.

Childhood and youth

Irina Filippova, who is better known as Irena Ponaroshka, is a radical Muscovite, born in October 1982 in one of the hospital hospitals. By the sign of the zodiac, it is scales.

The girl grew in an intelligent and closely related to the family of education: Father Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, until 2004 was the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation. The mother graduated from the Polytechnic Institute and worked as a teacher of mathematics at school.

Since childhood, Irina was distinguished by activity, character hardness and purposefulness. She admired rhythmic music, especially the electric-boogie style, and sought to be like their idols. The girl, like many children, loved animals and dreamed of a career of a veterinarian.

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And Filippov from an early age was interested in crowding the creation of television programs. Together with the girlfriends, the young Ira came to the "Mosfilm" studio to look at the shooting process.

Nevertheless, after graduating from school, the Minister's daughter, like her native brother, entered the Faculty of Economics of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, where at that time Father Vladimir Mikhailovich was a rector. She got a higher education to please parents, because it was not going to work in the specialty. At the same time, the student studied English and French and received a departure of the translator.

At one time Irena, Ponaroshka deliberately introduced the public in error, telling the unprecedented about her life. For example, at the beginning of a creative biography in an interview, the future star of television argued that he was the daughter of the musician of the Guitar Chervona Guitar Group, Ponarow, Pole by nationality, moved to Russia in 1989. Only in 2009, in communication with journalists, Iren admitted to his comic hobles, revealed the names of the parents and the real facts of their lives.


Telecarer Irena started in 2005, when she came to casting the "12 evil spectators" program from the MTV music channel. During the ether, the selected spectators first looked through, and then discussed, criticized and put the assessment with musical video clips.

On the set of show Irena, one of the producers of the canal was noticed and offered her the post of younger assistant. This work did not assume a salary, but the girl agreed to offer.

Iren's plans were ambitious - she dreamed of a career of the chef editor, she wanted to independently invent the programs and at first did not even think about behaving the very show. At the television screens, the first chance came on the pure hour: it was filmed with a couple of other leading shows to revive the frame. Since then, the girl dreamed only about the quarry of the TV presenter.

Thanks to the purposefulness of Irena, the pilot was the leading many musical projects on the TV channel MTV Russia. She led the day program "Total Show" with Ivan Illesh (later he was replaced by Yuri Pashkov), the most popular musical hit parade "Russian Dozen" together with Tanya Gevorkian, as well as the program "Common Chart" and "Night Flirt".

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The MTV star was not limited to the framework of one channel. In parallel, the TV presenter managed to participate in the filming of the entertainment show "Morning on TNT" and "Online Stars" on the "Star" TV channel. In 2009, she was invited to the role of the leading program "Big City" on the STS - to the project, which was supposed to combine humor of the series "Friends" and the format of the Soviet TV shows "Look".

Until 2013, the TV presenter participated in the life of the MTV's favorite channel. For three years, Iren led the humorous program "Thirteen Film". The purpose of the transfer was to search for errors and inconsistencies in films, which and reported charming leading. The show was popular among the audience. The celebrity was also the leading "Crazy News Ponaros", where in the humorous and slightly absurd form told about the news of the show business.

In the spring of 2013, she left the MTV television channel and joined the Europa Plus TV team. Irena became one of the main TV hosts show Music Lunch. And in 2015, the ponaroshka signed a contract with the channel for the Parents "Mom", where, together with Alexander Gingerbread, the main transmission unit was led.

The creative biography of Irena is not limited to the framework of television. She is also the leading columnist popular magazine about the stars OK!, Since 2018, leads his own column in Vogue.

Irena confesses that she has many idols in a variety of spheres of life. But the main authority and "lighthouse" there was always a father. She also claims that he loves the work of Ivan Urgant, DJ sheet, Mikhail Bulgakov and Quentin Tarantino. Their Ponaroshka calls their teachers in life and profession.

Packing beauty is a frequent guest at various secular events and VIP-party, which is the name of the brightest representatives of the Russian show business. At the end of 2016, Irena, along with Pavel Will, Evgeny Papunyashvili, Anastasia, Zadorozhnaya and other stars, whose names are known to the whole country, visited the dinner-presentation in honor of the new Porsche Panamera car, which was held in the old house of Smirnov in the capital.

In 2017, the TV presenter SPA TV host in the humorous show Ivan Urgant "Evening Urgant". The fitness guru introduces the viewers with how not to gain overweight during the holidays, how to behave properly in partnerships and how to prepare for the summer holiday. In May 2018, Irena told about the little-known method of traditional medicine - dendrotherapy.


Ponaroshka is an active user of social networks, its accounts operate in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. On the pages it often places curious photos, characterized by brightness and expressiveness. Under them, subscribers are fascinating discussions on various topics, including enthusiastic reviews about appearance and the leading appearance.

The celebrity remains a commitment of natural beauty, did not resort to plastic, does not make a tattoo on the body. The beloved Makeup Iren is simple as possible - even tone, well-groomed eyelashes and an underlined line of eyebrows. Ponaroshka is not indifferent to curls, so often visits the hairdresser for laying curls.

Ponaroska - Vegetarian. And she is interested in yoga, meditation and 2 months a year resting in Thailand, where changes the fumeric rhythm of life to the measured and calm.

In the summer of 2018, subscribers suspected a blogger in anorexia. Fans alarmed a photo on which her legs and hands looked over thin. The TV host advised to refuse a vegetarian diet and recover by 5 kg. However, Iren replied that he was never inclined to completeness, and the lack of meat in the diet does not affect weight. With a height of 170 cm, it retains a comfortable 53 kg, while not refuses to itself in all sorts of sweets.

TV presenter has always been responsible to health and regularly made blood tests. And today, in half a year, the KDL laboratory comes home to the Ponaroshka. Blider declares that in vegetarians with balanced nutrition, all indicators remain normally.


Ponaroshka continues to develop his blog, regularly posting on the official website new posts. The constant rubric of the account in the "Instagram" of Irena remains "good Saturday", which she created for charitable purposes.

Thanks to its subscribers, the TV presenter regularly lists funds to the Foundation "Dobryakov Club", whose guardian is. Each shares makes it possible to seriously ill children and adults, the ward of the Fund, receive qualified medical care.

In addition to charity and promotional posts, the "Instagrama" subscribers are available to the purchase of Avocado Boxing, which includes organic cosmetics, useful snacks and superfids, sports accessories and handmade decoration.

In 2020, Irena launched a charitable action "Each purchase is important." Together with Elena Sifrina TV presenter introduces fans with the recipes of Vedic cuisine, placing cooking rollers on Yutubeub.

Personal life

In the youth of the personal life of Irena, the Ponaroshka preferred either to silenced or seek the public with frank statements. So, in an interview, which she gave in 2008, the TV host said that he lives with two men at once. In the days of her work on the MTV television channel, novels with colleagues were often attributed to her.

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Irena claimed that it was not ready to become a mother and does not seek to start a family, explaining this fear before childbirth and the motherhood burden. But the romance with Vidgem Alexander Glukhov (more famous as DJ List) changed the opinion of the celebrity about the family and children.

With a future husband, I got acquainted in 2004 in 2004, but at the same time did not take the persistent Cavalera courting, considering it not ready for a serious relationship and marriage. Nevertheless, in 2007, the couple submitted a statement to the registry office and quietly, without a lush and solemn ceremony, solemn. In 2011, Irena gave her husband Seraphim's son.

It is known that the celebrity gave birth to the firstborn at home, in his beloved cherished apartment, where he started repair and furnished the children's room. The newly-made father divided the troubles associated with the birth of a son, and courageously carried the day "watch", giving the opportunity to his beloved spouse after a sleepless night. A few months later, he, seeing how the wife was filled without work, persuaded her to return to television, and the baby was nanny.

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Summer season In 2018, the celebrity family spent in Los Angeles, which she reported from the Personal Microblog Page. Compatriots who have met the TV presenter, noted that Irena is pregnant, and is already 6-7 months.

The information leaked to the network, but the celebrity itself kept intrigue and did not comment on rumors. On September 20, 2018, Irena again appeared in the show "Evening Urgant", removing all questions about pregnancy: the tummy TV presenter confirmed rumors.

At the beginning of the school year, Son Serafim went to the 1st grade. The boy in choosing parents went to a simple Moscow school. On the festive line, he was dressed in an elegant gray suit, while the baby's bouquet was distinguished by an unusual. In addition to red roses, it includes apples, limes and the root of ginger. Decorated composition colored pencils. As Iren explained, Seraphim will attend an educational institution only 6 months a year, and 3 months be with her mother in Thailand on home training.

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At the end of October 2018, Irena gave birth to the son of Theodore. According to the TV presenter, she baked 3 days after he learned that she would have a second boy, she wanted to give her daughter to her husband. But later, the blogger admitted that no longer imagines his life without Theodore. Births passed at home.

Irena quickly returned the previous parameters of the figure, which one could judge the photo in a swimsuit she did 3 months after the second child appeared. Healthy nutrition and regular workout played its role in this. And if in Moscow, it is possible to visit the sports hall only twice a week, during the winter holidays, which she spends in Thailand together with children, she managed to arrange multi-day marathons.

Family of Irena Ponarushka always made a beneficial impression of the public. But in the fall of 2019, Alexander Leaf surprised subscribers by a post about the soon divorce with his wife. DJ reported that he was experiencing financial difficulties that led to disagreements with his wife. Later, the musician deleted the post, and I did not comment on what was happening in her house.

In the summer of 2020, it became known that the TV host filed documents for divorce. She preferred to hide from the public the causes of separation with his spouse. The official termination of marriage took place in July.

Irena Ponaroshka now

Despite the reverent attitude to health, Irene failed to protect against coronavirus infection - New Year's events in 2021 had to cancel her and children. Ponaroshka suffered an infection in a slight form, without a significant raising of temperature. And soon it was already returned to the usual affairs, including his heading in the Evening Urgant show.

After the media has ceased to discuss the divorce leading, it gave a new infopoveod for the Obid. This time, the reason for the increased attention of the audience was the methods of upbringing the eldest son. In his blog, Irena told that Seraphim planted on a diet - the boy did not eat after 19:00, and was still deprived of sweet and flour. In addition, the mother organized regular physical classes for a schoolboy. It did not cost without a system of punishments - for each addition to the mass, the initiative was deprived of the heir of gadgets.

This news has grown out subscribers. Many have considered such methods impossible for the child. Blider Lena Miro, who wrote a whole post about the dangers of food restrictions in children, as well as the dubious benefits of frequent training at such a young age, responded.


  • "12 evil spectators"
  • "Total Show"
  • "Summer Chart"
  • "Night Flirt"
  • "Russian 10-ka"
  • "Clinic Ponaroshka"
  • "Morning on TNT"
  • "Ponarochka Crazy News"
  • "Big city"
  • "Info"
  • "13 film"
  • Music Lunch
  • "SPA TV"

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