Pavel Trubiner - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Film, Actor, Filmography 2021



Pavel Konstantinovich Trubiner is a Russian actor and cinema actor who received all-Russian popularity after working in bright films where he performed the main roles. The artist admits that, although on the screen, his characters often look at brave heroes, bright and memorable, in simple life the pipeline is very modest and does not like unnecessary attention.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the village of the village of Northern in the family of hereditary military under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. Despite the unusual surname, Paul's nationality is Russian, but from the side of the Father in his family there were Jews.

One grandfather's grandfather participated in the capture of Berlin, the second served in special military units. Paul early joined the world of weapons and power sports. Everything went to the fact that after the young school, choosing one of the military universities will continue a family tradition. But, as often happens, everything decided the case.

In childhood, the boy adored football and hockey, he studied at school unimportant, and therefore did an emphasis on the sport. One day, the junior pipe played in the school performance the role of strawberries in the Gogol "Auditor". And the speech on the stage itself, and the preparation for the spectrum liked the teenager so much that he was seriously thinking about the career of the actor. Parents did not oppose the desire of the Son to develop in this direction.

Soon it became known that the senior classes in the village of the village of the North are reduced. Trubiner saw some kind of tip and the hand of fate. The young man, together with a classmate, filed documents to the admissions commission of Gitis, passed the exams and was adopted in the workshop of Boris Golubovsky. Later, Paul admitted that if the entrance exams failed, then life would be related to the officer.

Personal life

Friends and friends say that in everyday life Pavel Trubiner is a modest and deeply decent person. The actor did not "sound" and still loves privacy and rest in a close family circle. Personal life of the pipeiner has never been a source for woven and perekov.

Nevertheless, changes in the life of the Russian artist, which happened in 2010, fell to the first bands of tabloids. The fact that the externally prosperous and happy marriage of Paul Trubiner with an athlete and a repeated record holder on the pentathlon Olga Mukhortova collapsed, did not write the lazy. For Paul, parting with his wife and a destroyed family, in which two children were grown - the sons of Pavel and Alexander, turned out to be a difficult test.

The reason that he divorced, served new love with a colleague from the Satirikon Theater Julia Melnikova. Pavel Trubiner met her on November 1, 2010. And on November 1, 2016, exactly 6 years later, Yulia and Paul had a daughter, which Spouses called Liza.

Fans compare Paul with another popular colleague Egor Beroev. It is characteristic that no related ties in the actors are traced, but the external similarity, which is visible on numerous photos, is present between them.

In 2018, Paul decided to please fans and opened his own profile in "Instagram". The artist introduces subscribers not only with his creative life, but also places pictures with his wife, older sons and daughter.


The creative biography started in the youth of Paul, namely in 1995: having received a diploma, a beginner artist began to play on the scenes of Moscow theaters. One of the best roles - Talkinhorn in the diagnostic of the Roman Charles Dickens "Cold House". The end of the 90s was a difficult time for theatrical actors. Theaters were poorly funded, the audience rarely attended them. Paul began to search for roles in the cinema. He was visited without tired of casting castings and starred in any, including episodic roles.

Advertising videos of the pipeline also did not leave without attention, and one day one of them brought all-Russian recognition. It was an advertisement for coffee Nescafe "Circus" in 2002. The 30-second roller began to broadcast on all TV channels, in it the coffee theme is intertwined with Circus and Love. And later in the capital there are huge billboards on buildings with the face of the actor, enjoying a cup of fragrant drink.

Slogan "Everything begins with coffee" turned out to be prophetic pipeiner. Not only the cinematographers turned attention to the artist, he was also recognized on the streets. Subsequently, he got a small episode in the video of Dima Bilan "Night Hooligan". And after a couple of years, his career and went to the mountain.

The beginning of the real acting activity of the pipeline is 2004. The debut for him was the role of attendant lieutenant in the popular TV series "Soldiers". And the first serious work of the young actor was the Character of Kurbatov in the criminal mini-series "Plus Infinity". After the project is released, the pipeline has become a recognizable artist, and the directors began to invite him to castings more often.

In 2006, Paul was offered to be held in the screening of the novel of Dostoevsky "Demons", where the actor brilliantly played Gaganov. The roles of the Special Forces in the film-catastrophe "Shift" and Sergey in a plenty detective "Agony of fear" were noticeable.

This success came to the Trubiner in 2007, after the release of the film "Resort Roman", in which the artist played charming and mysterious Sasha. Next year, success has added to the series "Private order", in which Paul appeared in the form of fearless Cyril Warlov, leading an investigation.

The fans of the Talent Talent love his work in the ribbons about the war, where Paul feels organically, recalling the military dynasty of ancestors. The most rating films were the military mini-series "Hunting for Vervolf", where the artist played Nesterov officer, the picture "Military intelligence" (the role of Pavlovsky's clima) and mystical 12-serial detective "Ruch".

The last project was successful and came out on the Ukrainian television channel "Inter" at the end of 2012. The main role of Major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergey Gracheva went to the pipelier. And in the tape, Svetlana Ivanova, Galina Sazonova and Ivan Okhlobystin starred. In the early 2013, Ivan Urgant invited the main heroes of the series Pavel Trubiner and Svetlana Ivanov in the humorous show "Evening Urgant".

In 2012, in the TV series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva", the actor created an unexpected image of the head of the Gynecology of Romanian, introducing a certain proportion of irony in this role. Interesting was the reincarnation of Paul in the enemy agent, the German by nationality, in the film "Kill Stalin."

In the same year, he starred in an informant military mini-series "Death to spies. Shock wave. " The picture tells about the special operation to destroy equipment for the nuclear reactor.

Today, the actor filmography includes dozens of movie cartines and serials. Among the successful works of the artist in 2014 are the main roles in the Melodrame "Widovel", the historical thriller "Wolf Sun" and "Hurry to Love."

It was even richer for pleasant surprises from the beloved actor turned out to be for fans of 2015: the comedy series "Moms" came to the screens. He liked the audience so much that the creators immediately took up the shooting of the continuation of the Sitkom, which was published in 2016.

In 2015, Paul again made the hearts of the fan of the "Great" appeared in the historic TV series in the role of a reckless brave ladies, Favorite Catherine Great Gregory Orlova.

The film turned out to be the most expensive project of the Channel One. Empress played Julia Snikir.

These are not all artist gifts dated 2015. Spectators gladly looked at two detective melodists - "One day, one night" and "undisputed pages." The films are notable for those removed by the works of Tatyana Ustinova director Peter Amelin, and Pavel Drubiner and Christina Babushkin played the main characters in them.

In 2016, the shooting of the second-vision militant was completed, the hero of which was the blinded investigator of the slaughter of Tikhonov (Pavel Trubiner). Unexpectedly, injury turns into a rare gift. Investigating crimes, Tikhonov notices the details that are hidden from the eyes of colleagues.

In the comedy "Challenge", the artist is reincarnated in the Russian scientist, who was going to work in the United States, but because of his beloved woman remained in Russia. The actor also appeared in the project "Hotel Russia" with Catherine Vilkova.

Pavel Trubiner and Egor Beroes are similar

No less interesting experience received an actor, playing the main character of Sergei Vorobyeva in the series "Life after Life". A young businessman dies from Yury's hands close to each other (Anatoly Cat), but, hitting the sky, the soul of the deceased gets a chance to return to Earth in the body of unlucky suicide Kharkov (Alexander Robak) to help Svetlana's beloved (Alexander Ursulak).

In 2017, a detective series was started on Ukrainian television with the participation of Pavel Trubiner and Olga Lomonosova "Secrets and Lies". At the same time, the work on the drama Konstantin Khudyakova "Walking on the flour" was completed. In this 12-serial television series, the constellation was shone by the constellation of Russian artists: except for Paul Trubiner, Anna Chipovskaya, Julia Snigir, Andrei Merzlikin and Svetlana Khodchenkova starred.

In 2018, the shooting of the Drama "Svetlana" was completed about the fate of the daughter of Joseph Stalin Svetlana Allyluve. Victoria Romanenko presented the main heroine on the screen. Paul embodied the image of Alexei Kaplera, the filmmature, which was in love with the young daughter of the leader. The novel, which began in 1942, ended for the hero of the Trubiner crying: in a year he was arrested and sent to Vorkuta.

By request, the "home" channel was created by a melodramatic picture of "Mom", in which several topical problems of modernity - the difficulties of adolescence, the birth of children with the help of surrogate motherhood. In general roles, in addition to Pavel Trubiner, Yulia Melnikova, Galina Polish and others appeared.

The actor also received the "Desert" and "Tell the Truth" projects. The latter was released on the screens in the spring of 2019, where he and Victoria Isakova played an unfortunate spouse. Family couple, many years lived in a happy marriage, problems begin at one moment. The wife suspects her husband in treasures, and over time, these thoughts develop into an intrusive idea.

The woman begins his own investigation to achieve truth, and discovers many years of silence of his friends and acquaintances. Her attempt to learn everything is so far that the heroine risks losing not only the relationship, but also a successful career and destroy communication with the most close people.

At the same time, the NTV channel began to work on a detective television series "under cover", which became Russian adaptation of the Korean tape Hidden Identity. The original version came out in Korea in 2015 and caused positive feedback, and therefore Russian cinemakers decided to repeat the success of foreign colleagues. The main roles went to Paul Trubiner, Vladimir Ilyina and Andrei Ilyina.

At the end of April 2020, the showroom "Russia-1" started showing the dismissal spy series "Black Sea", the events of which are unfolded in Novorossiysk in 1944. The creators promised interesting cinema with a strong branched detective line with shootouts, adventures and chains. Paul got a character Sergei Saburov, captain of the 2nd rank.

Trubiner performed the main role together Catherine Vilkova. In an interview, the man spoke about the complexity of the filming of underwater scenes: they were performed in the deepwater pool and at a decent depth. Simply actor's abilities for this is not enough, but the artist managed to realize all the ideas of the director, he successfully coped with difficult tasks.

Also on the screens a spy drama "Translation from German", where Paul, together with Maria Mashkov, played the main roles.

Pavel Trubiner now

In March 2021, the drama "Heaven will wait for the Russian TV". In it, the actor played a small role - an entrepreneur who dies at the very beginning of the narrative. Following the channel "Russia-1" presented another project with the participation of Paul - "Educator" directed by Sergey Vinogradov.

Interestingly, today the Trubiner is in the list of persons who threaten the national security of Ukraine. On the indoors of the native village of Northern in this list, it became known even at the end of 2020. This circumstance does not interfere with Paul to build a career in his homeland - the actor's filmography is regularly replenished with regular masterpieces of Russian cinema.

One of the most anticipated premieres with his participation is the sports drama of Alexey Pimate "eleven silent men." Film shooting took place in Russia, and abroad - in London. The film tells about the Moscow Dynamo football club and about the triumphant trip of athletes in England in 1945.

For each of the actors, a form corresponding to the equipment of players of that time was sewn. Also in full compliance was recreated and other attributes - boots and balls. Trubiner played one of the key roles - Mikhail Yakushin's head coach.


  • 2005 - "Plus Infinity"
  • 2006 - "Shift"
  • 2008 - "Alexander. Nevskaya battle
  • 2008 - "Hot ice"
  • 2012 - "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva"
  • 2012 - "Grache"
  • 2014 - "Wolf Sun"
  • 2015 - "Great"
  • 2016 - "Call"
  • 2017 - "Hotel" Russia "»
  • 2018 - "My Life"
  • 2018 - "Svetlana"
  • 2019 - "Tell the Truth"
  • 2019 - "Undercover"
  • 2020 - "Black Sea"
  • 2020 - "Translation from German"
  • 2021 - "Eleven Silent Men"
  • 2021 - "Educator"

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