Natalia Lagoda - biography, photo, personal life, death



Natalia Lagoda is called one of the most beautiful singers of the 90s. Artist clips were shown along the main channels of the country every day. However, the fate of the performer has developed tragic.

Natalia Lagoda was born in Cherkassy in March 1974 in a simple family. He graduated from school number 26 in the same city. After school, he entered the vocational school, where she was learned on the seam, but it was not useful for her in life.

Natalia Lagoda in childhood and youth

In the mid-1990s, Natalia Lagoda came to conquer Moscow. In the capital, the girl took off the room and traded vegetables on the market. Then the Lagoda got a dancer in the Dollls Striptease, where he met an influential businessman Alexander Karmanova.


The creative biography of Natalia Lagoda is like a fairy tale about Cinderella. A poor girl from the province after acquaintance with the famous metropolitan businessman became rich and famous. Alexander Pockets did not regret money on Natalia and decided to make singer from her. It was more like a whim of men than the future artist.

After two fabulously expensive clips filmed in Thailand on businessman money, Natalia Lagoda woke up famous. "Little Buddha" and "lie your eyes" sang everything around, the photo of Lagoda published tabloids. About the singer was talking about as a rising star.

The fans have waited for a girl in the dressing room and bore with flowers. Businessman invested money in the promotion of several songs and clips of Natasha. She recorded the solo disk and starred to cover the magazine "Pleyboy".

After the release of the song "I am lying your eyes" the artist began work on the second collection, which never released.

Natalia Lagoda had another little-known song that could be called autobiographical. At the base of the plot is the tragic fate of the provincial girl who comes to Moscow and is arranged to work in a strip club, where he gets to a young man. He will soon cast it because of another woman. The song is called "do not promise."

The clip did not hit the screens, as it was posted an advertisement for one of the metropolitan clubs. Two more hits who remember the public are known: "Martian love" and "Our Love". Money Pockets were not invested in vain. Natalia Lagoda clips were twisted on all major channels and radio every day, and the "little Buddha" did not sing only lazy.

Personal life

The first husband of Natalia Lagoda became her countryman Eduard Fisak, from which she gave birth to the son of Dmitry in 1992. Marriage collapsed almost immediately. Natalia met his fatal love in Moscow when he worked as a dancer in the club "Dollls".

The singer herself said: "Alexander Pockets came every night and left a thousand dollars just for me to communicate with him. I did not even have to dance for him. And it happened so that we love each other. "
Alexander Pockets and Natalia Lagoda

It seemed that the fairy tale would last forever. The girl loved Parmannov almost fanatically and was sure that Alexander was her fate, the second half. The couple lived together, Lagoda brought the Son to Moscow. However, the beloved stars became interested in another woman - Olga Orlova, the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant", and soon Olga became pregnant.

Later, Lagoda recalled how after the execution of the song, the former participant of the "brilliant" approached Natalia behind the scenes and told about pregnancy. Then the woman even congratulated Orlov. But the second added: "From yours."

Natalia Lagoda with son

In February 2001, Alexander and Olga officially issued relations. This strike was not able to survive. In 2001, after a year of severe depression and unsuccessful treatment, Natalia Lagoda jumped in front of the 8-year-old son from the window of his apartment on the street. For a long time, the singer stayed in a coma, moved 16 operations, among which and the trepanation of the skull. After 8 months of treatment, she again studied walking, talking, writing.

Personal life of Natalia Lagoda then turned out to be the top theme of all tabloids and media. After the attempt of Suicide Lagoda disappeared from show business.

Natalia Lagoda

After what happened in an interview, the woman shared that he had survived, because he heard the voice of Dima, who asked mom to return. Lagoda did not want, but returned.

Presumably, the third civilian husband of Natalia Lagoda became a businessman from Lugansk Vitaly Simonenko. He took the singer from the hospital and drove into Lugansk. There, former artist worked in the car repair shop. Later, Natalia Lagoda told that beloved women - a former classmate from Cherkassy, ​​with whom she was sitting at one desk.

Natalia Lagoda and Vitaly Simonenko

The family of Natalia Lagoda accused Simonenko in fraud, stating that he was in force to Natasha from Moscow and forced to sell an apartment, using a woman's disease and an inadequate state. More native Natalia accused Vitaly in the fact that he abused alcohol and joined Natalia to this addiction. Lagoda itself denied these accusations and assured that happy with Vitaly loves his spouse.


From Moscow, the singer moved to Lugansk. According to media reports, when the fighting began in the east of Ukraine, Lagoda and her husband refused to leave Lugansk. The house of the couple turned out to be destroyed by bombing, and then the family lived at all in the bomb shelter. In contact with Natives, Natalia was extremely rare. Previously, the media reported that the Son of the singer Dmitry moved to Russia. Other sources told that the guy fights on one of the parties to the conflict.

On May 31, 2015, Mother Brother Sergey informed the public that the sister of a young man Natalia Lagoda died on May 29, 2015. The causes of the death of the singer were not announced, but some sources argue that there could be addresses to alcohol to death, but there is no official confirmation of this information. According to Brother Natalia, the death of a woman is "the result of tragic destiny." She was only 41 years old.

Then the audience learned that Natalia died from the acute form of running pneumonia. The funeral was held in Lugansk.

In June 2015, one of the issues "let them say" on the "First Channel" dedicated Natalia Lagoda. The program was invited to the wife of Women - Vitaly Simonenko. On the show, a man denied that they and his wife existed like a homeless. Vitaly argued that the couple lived at his aunt, and then moved to the maintenance station. And there were the necessary conditions for life.

After the death of Natasha Simonenko went to jail: the man was suspected of the case. And only before the funeral of the husband of Lagoda was released. As Vitaly assured himself, he could not even prepare a farewell with his beloved woman.

Singer Natalia Lagoda

Mother and father Natalia are confident that this Simonenko brought her daughter to a critical condition and death.

In the transfer was present the son of Lagoda - Dmitry. The young man stated that he came to tell how his mother was his mother. And Dima is confident that Natalia died due to the war in the Donbas. Dmitry also stated that Mom was leaning under normal conditions. The young man himself could not say goodbye to her mother, since he could not leave the Russian Federation.


  • 1998 - "Little Buddha"
  • 1998 - "Do not promise"
  • 1998 - "Martian Love"
  • 1998 - "Your Star"
  • 1998 - "I myself"
  • 1998 - "Snow"
  • 1998 - "What am I"
  • 1998 - "Katenka"
  • 1998 - "I'm good"
  • 1998 - "Our Love"
  • 1999 - "Everything for you"
  • 2000 - "I am lying your eyes"
  • 2000 - "ULA-LA" (I myself went from you)
  • 2000 - "Isn't that"

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