Lena Perova - biography, personal life, photos, news, singer, group "Lyceum", TV presenter, "Instagram" 2021



Lena Perova is a Russian singer, an ex-soloist of musical groups "Lyceum", "Amega", "Feather", actress, TV presenter, participant of the reality show "The Last Hero". Real (maiden) Surname of Artistiki - Perov.

Childhood and youth

Lena was born in June 1976 in Moscow in the family of musicians. Pico Zodiac sign - Cancer. Father played the clarinet, mother - on the piano in the Orchestra of the Moscow Academic Satire Theater. Lena grew by an independent and disciplined child. The girl without problems climbed in the morning from bed, breakfast and gathered to school. And the little Persian attended the music school and the vocal-choreographic group "Children's World" under the leadership of the composer Valentina Ovsyannikova. Here she brought her elder brother Sergey Suponev, the first sister's musical talent.

Soon the vocal-choreographic group was transformed into the Moskovsky Estrada Children's Theater. Here were selected three most talented girls, of which the group "Lyceum" has developed.

Lena is two higher education. In 2000, she graduated from the Moscow Economic Statistical Institute and the International Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism.


The beginning of the creative biography of Lena Perno is closely related to the group "Lyceum." For the first time, the country saw talented girls in white shirts and blue jeans sanging under the Gytar, in the program "Morning Star" Yuri Nikolaev. Then the "lyceum" was performed by one of the hits of the ABVA group and immediately won the audience sympathy and popularity.

A year later, Lyceum released the first album with clips called "home arrest." Fans and critics celebrated strong vocals of performers and bright images of girls. After a couple of years, when young singers graduated from school, Lyceum began to tour in the country. An excellent advertising group was the second album, published in 1994 under the name "Friend-night". Then the singer received a "silver microphone" prize at the competition "Hit-Parade Ostankino" as part of the group "Lyceum".

The first money Lena Perov earned in his youth, when I began to perform in a group with Anastasia Makarevich and Isolde of Ishkhanishvili. The girl was then only 15 years old. She never asked for money from her parents and independently earned his studies in two higher educational institutions.

In 1996, Perov became the laureate of the Golden Gramophone Prize together with the team of Lyceum (Song "Autumn").

In 1997, together with the girls from the group, Lena Pereova starred for the magazine, hitting the cover twice. But this became the last joint action of "lyceum". According to Lena, in the group she always lacked freedom, because by nature it leader and soloist, whereas in the "lyceum" first place was always given to Nastya Makarevich. The solo songs of Pern in the team were only musical compositions "Mom" and "Socy I". After leaving the group interrupted the connection with the former colleagues, their creative and life paths no longer crossed.

Perov's dismissal followed in 1997 due to violation of the contract conditions for the prohibition of participation in third-party projects. Such a project for Lena was the program "Right now SPO" on TVC television channel, producer of which was her brother Sergey Suponev. He invited his sister to become co-host.

However, Lena wanted to sing. And two years after leaving the "lyceum", Perov joined the Music Group "Amega". This cooperation continued not long. Already in the early 2000th, the performer decided to perform solo. His songs and music for them Lena Perov wrote herself. The first album of the singers was called "Fly for the Sun."

According to the singer, it took a slightly over a week for the composition of the musical material. Helped write a music record from the group "Guests from the Future" Yuri Usachev. Later, their roads were separated, as Lena preferred a living sound, and Yuriy was to electronics. A few years later, the second album "Now I" came out. Ponder songs can be attributed to the direction of pop rock.

In 2001, Lena created the Music Group "Feathers". Together with her played live music, in the creation of which a classic set of tools participated - drums, guitars and her voice. The musicians with whom Perov recorded songs live in Chelyabinsk, which did not interfere with their joint creativity. In 2005, the release of the "Dates" album took place.

In total, in the discography of singer 4 albums with a group of "Lyceum", 1 - with a group "Amega" and several solo plates.


Creative biography of Lena Pernov has not only music pages, but also bright roles in the cinema. In 2002, the performer debuted in the Russian art film "In the movement" of the director Philip Yankovsky, where he played Lisa Wheel. The singer recorded the soundtrack to the film - the composition "Ice into the sky", for which the video clip was created later. Konstantin Khabensky played the main character in the video, with whom Lena had friendly relations during the filming of the film.

In 2007, the actress starred in the episode of the film "Glyanets" directed by Andrei Konchalovsky.

Soon, Perno offered a role in the popular series "Margosha". Lena played one of the main roles and took part in three seasons. The series brought actress wider fame. Maria Bersenev and Eduard Truchmenyev and Eduard Truchmenyev and Eduard Truchmenyev's partners are partners.

In 2013, Perov appeared in the second season of the film "Angel and Demon", where he played Tatyana Corob.


Perov always dreamed of bright adventures and travels. The opportunity to realize the pressure dream of an artist received in 2002, taking part in the reality show "The last hero: stay alive" on the first channel. At first, the artist was not going to participate in the show and even refused the program editors when she was invited. But a conversation with Konstantin Ernst was held that the name of the transfer at one time suggested Sergey Suponev. Then Suponov's sister changed his decision.

The singer reached the final of the show, but Vladimir Presnyakov became the winner. During the program, the girl showed creative abilities. Lena trusted cooking on the whole team. For two days, the islanders were given one kilogram of rice. Lena was roasted at the campfire coconut, from which the oil was distinguished, and prepared delicious dishes for colleagues.

From November 2004 to May 2010, a musical talk show "Life is beautiful", along with the former Minister of Culture, Mikhail Shvydkim, and composer Levon Oganezov, was led on TV channel. As part of the transfer, they communicated with dramatic actors and musicians. For work in this program, Lena Pereova became the laureate of the TEFI-2008 award in the category "Persons" and in the "Leading Show" nomination.

In March 2011, Perova "lit up" as the leading program "Girl" on the TV channel "Russia-1", where he worked with Marina Blue, Olga Rust and the Larsen's right. The transfer fell in love with millions of viewers.

In 2013, the performer was a member of the jury of the second-season qualifying round of the Russian television music project "Voice" on the first channel. And in 2013, the artist was invited by Yuri Axet and Konstantin Ernst to the position of chief editor of the Directorate of Musical and Entertainment Programs. The singer worked in this post a year.

In 2014, Lena appeared as a participant in the program "Alone with everyone" on the first channel with the leading Julia Little. There, Perov gave a detailed comment on the rumors about her suicide attempts.

In 2016, the performer was invited to the place of the radio hosting program "Rod from childhood", which was broadcast on the air "Children's Radio". In 2017, Lena stopped participating in the project.

In 2018, Perov became a participant in a special issue "tonight", dedicated to the TV presenter of the Morning Star Music Competition, Yuri Nikolaev. The actress did not come to shoot in the studio, but recorded a video message to former colleagues and television drivers.

In the same 2018, the performer was invited by Yuri Dudu on the show "Duty", in a special issue dedicated to Sergey Suponew, where she also gave comments about her brother.

Personal life

After leaving the group "Lyceum", Lena Perov was married to the son of a high-ranking official, minister of coal industry. Celebration on the occasion of marriage was celebrated magnificently. The dress was bought in Munich, a Courchevel was chosen for a wedding trip. But the marriage of the singers existed only a year and a half. Later, Lena admitted that the cause of the gap was a dense work schedule, which was difficult to combine with family life.

Even before the divorce, the girl was offered the work of the TV presenter of the "Party Zone" program, where Otar Kushanashvili was coordinated. Seeing the wife of the son of Andrei on the screen in the company of a journalist with a scandalous reputation, her husband's parents hinted Lena about dismissal from work. But Lena wanted to build her life alone. When the relationship has reached the line, Perov left her husband, without leaving himself anything of jointly proven property.

The personal life of the performer has always been shrouded in a variety of rumors and scandals. In 2013, a lot was talked about a strange accident, which came the singer. With hospitalization of Lena on its wrists, cuts were discovered, forced to talk about the attempt of suicide. According to one of the versions, it could happen after a quarrel with her close friend Yulia Melnikova. The singer itself argues that the cuts received due to the accident. On the program of Julia, the smaller "alone with everyone" singer once again confirmed the information about his rumors around her possible suicide.

In May 2017, Lena Perova broke the clavicle. The injury turned out to be difficult, the operation was required. After the surgical intervention, the singer was in the Botkin hospital.

Now the artist is not married, she does not have children either.

Lena Perov now

Now, according to Elena Pernov fans, it looks good, at least colleagues and attribute to her addiction to alcohol. The artist herself answered this comment in the spirit of the classic: "Do not read Soviet newspapers for lunch." The singer follows the figure: with a height of 157 cm it weighs 50 kg.

Lena has a quiet and peaceful life, rarely appearing in public events and playing in small performances.

In 2020, Perova became a member of the third season of the show "The last hero: champions against newcomers." The woman took the side of the champions team. Despite the fact that the actress rarely appears on television and practically does not allow an interview, this time she shared their impressions from participating in the show in 2000 and told a little about their lives. Elena noted:

"I understand that the past experience has changed a lot in me for the better. Now I am a lot of family, self-development and health moms. I also have an interesting and important project, which is still in the initial phase, while it is too early to talk about something specific. "

The actress is also passionate about the work with the photo and most of the time devotes to this hobby. Ponder likes to create high-quality pictures, it is divided into "instagram" with its works.


With the group "Lyceum"

  • 1992 - "Home Arrest"
  • 1994 - "Girlfriend Night"
  • 1996 - "Open Curtain"
  • 1997 - "Varosk-cloud"

With Amega Group

  • 1999 - "Up. Part 1"


  • 2000 - "Fly for the Sun"
  • 2004 - "Now I"
  • 2005 - "Dates"


  • 2002 - "In motion"
  • 2007 - "Gllyan"
  • 2008-2010 - Margosha
  • 2013 - "Angel or Demon"


  • 2004 - "Life is beautiful"
  • 2011 - "Girls"
  • 2013 - "Voice"
  • 2016 - "Right from childhood"

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