Dmitry Shimko - biography, personal life, photo, news, horoscope, asthytipologist, yutube-canal, numerologist, astrologer 2021



"Well, what to say, what to say - so people are arranged: they wish to know, want to know, want to know what will happen," the song from the film "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ...". One of those specialists who help the Russians to find out the future - asthytipologist Dmitry Shimko.

Childhood and youth

The future researcher of the influence of the date of birth on the fate of a person was born in the north of Moscow on December 31 at the beginning of the 80s. According to the sign of the zodiac Dmitry - Capricorn. According to Shimko, the people born on December 31, the jokers, owners of the most ancient soul and the greatest experience.

Dmitry studied at school №158, in parallel with the music school. Isaac Dunaevsky in the class of guitar. On Shimko's "Instagram" page, children's and adolescent photos of the numerologist are posted, on which it is clear that at an early age, Dmitry was the same charming and charismatic as now.

In school years, Moskvich was fond of music and numerology, checked the coincidence of characters and biographies of classmates and teachers with forecasts in accordance with their horoscopes. The book "Practical Astrology" was particularly strong at a teenager.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Shimko became a student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities of Mguyk (now MGIK). The same faculty graduated from Bogdan Titomir and Alexey Glyzin. Later, the asthytipologist received two more education: mastered the specialty "Practical Psychology" and studied in the magistracy of the CCD.

In the first year, Dmitry founded the rock band "point of reference" in which he was not only a musician and leader, but also by the author of the melodies and lyrics.

9 years after the foundation, disagreements arose in the group. In addition, the management of the "point of reference" was difficult to combine with study in the magistracy. In 2009, Dmitry dismissed the group and began working as an administrator at a nightclub. In 2010, Shimko received a master's degree.


The television experience Shimko is associated with work at the "Battle of Psychic" and the reality show "Ghostbusters". The offer to join the first of these projects as administrators was a gift to Dmitry for a birthday.

Astrologer Dmitry Shimko

Although on television, a graduate of the MGIK performed modest functions on the organization of the film process, communication with psychics inspired the guy and stimulated to deepen knowledge and their practical application. Dmitry developed the talent of Esoteric, studying the Kabbalistic and Vedic numerology.

Numerology and esoterica

In 2014, Shimko created the Youtyub-Channel, which began several rollers with the characteristics of the zodiac signs. Over the years, the popularity of the Yutiub-Channel and the official website of Esoteric grew, with which they contributed to both the availability of the explanations of Dmitry and the contribution that he introduced into numerology. Confirmation of the authority of a graduate of the MGIC as a numerologist - keeping them the author's column in one of the online media.

The merit Shimko as a scientist is the division of the number of the soul and the number of fate. The first is the amount of the day of the day of the month, when a person was born on the light, and the second is the sum of all the numbers of his birthday.

Numerologist Dmitry Shimko

The numerologist distinguishes the marriage alliances to the heart and karmic (pragmatic) unions. According to Shimko, ideally, after 2-3 years, the karmic relationship is included in the heart of the heart: marriage, based on the calculation, respect and friendship, develops into love.

Personal life

Dmitry Host. Information about personal life prefers not to advertise.

Dmitry Shimko now

In the fall of 2020, Shimko published horoscopes for 2021 for each sign of the zodiac.

The newest study of Dmitry, posted on his blog in the spring of 2021, is devoted to the influence of people of the rooms of the apartments in which they live.

Every fall he publishes on his youtube channel horoscope for the next year for all signs of the zodiac, and also leads live ether, answering the date of birth online.

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