Margarita Simonyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, RUSSIA TODAY 2021



Margarita Simonyan is a Russian journalist, editor-in-chief of the Russian TV channel, the International Information Agency "Russia Today" and the SPUTNIK news agency.

Having started a career from the position of an ordinary correspondent of a provincial television studio, she managed to take one of the leading places in Russian television officers. Today, Simonyan is included in the first hundred of the most influential women in the world according to the Forbes edition.

Childhood and youth

Margarita Simonyan was born on April 6, 1980 in the Russian city of Krasnodar. The girl together with the sister Alice grew in the poor family. Father Simon, Armenian by nationality, earned the life of the repair of refrigerators, and Zinaida's mother traded in the market. There are rumors in the network that Margarita has both Jewish roots.

As a journalist wrote from the pages of "LJ" and "Instagram", together with parents, the girls lived in an old house on Gogol Street, where rats were constantly running, there was no gas, water supply and sewage. Heavy living conditions only strengthened the desire of the girls break out of poverty and achieve comfortable living conditions. When Margarita was about 10 years old, Simonyan's family allocated an apartment in a new city microdistrict.

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In kindergarten, the future journalist quickly learned to read, so their teacher often left Rita with a book to entertain other children: a girl read fairy tales aloud. Later, Simonyan went to the Krasnodar school specializing in the study of foreign languages, where he studied on some fives, went to the Olympics. In grade 9, Simonyan fell a chance to go to study abroad on the exchange program. The girl came to the USA: she lived in the family, to which it still belongs to warmth and gratitude, and studied in the 12th grade of the school. At one time I wanted to stay in a distant country, but love for the Motherland forced to return to Russia.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, Margarita entered the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Journalism. The girl was also trained in a new "school of theatrical skill" under the leadership of Russian TV host and journalist Vladimir Posner in Moscow.

Personal life

A little known about the personal life of Simonyan. In an interview with 2012, she mentioned that for 6 years, as a civil marriage with a journalist Andrey, the benevhentenko. The woman argued that her official marriage and wedding preparation would not attract her at all, quite satisfied with such a state of affairs.

Back in an interview with 2012, Simonyan said that together with family members, the restaurant "Hot!" At the resort in Sochi. At the same time, the girl became increasingly noticed in the company of the famous director and actor Tigran Keosayan, who at that time was still official marriage with Alena Khmelnitsky.

According to information that later appeared in the article "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the novel between the journalist and the director began at the initiative of Tigran. He wrote a girl a message in the social network "Facebook", where he expressed MARGARIAT support: at that time, she was injured against her radio. Original Simonyan did not pay attention to the letter, as it did not believe that the famous director would be interested in her person. But the correspondence ended with joint dinner in the restaurant. Soon, relations began between the journalist and cinematographer, which were grew into civil marriage.

In September 2014, Margarita had a son Bagrat. At the same time, Keosayan confirmed that he became a father on a page of one of the social networks. Later it turned out that this is the second child of the pair - in August 2013, Margarita gave birth to her husband to Maryan's daughter. As a journalist told in an interview, she gratefully recalls the time when pregnant was pregnant. Each time Margarita experienced a tide of strength and never suffered to substance, despite the fact that Mariaina experienced a threat to miscarriage.

Simonyan is a commitment to early learning children. In a games form with Marianan and Bagrat, teachers are engaged in linguists, therefore, already at such an early age, the kids express themselves in five languages ​​- Russian, Armenian, English, French and Chinese.

Interestingly, between the former spouse Tigran Keosayan - Alena Khmelnitsky and Margarita Simonyan established friendly relations. Women became the best friends, and even together with the director created the project - the psychological thriller "Actress". In creating a film, which successfully passed through the NTV channel, Margarita participated as a screenwriter.

For the third time, Margarita became a mother on October 19, 2019, the wife presented Tigranu Son Maro. The woman published the appropriate news in "Instagram", after what began to get congratulations from relatives and friends.

Rumors about the third pregnancy Margarita went on the net for a long time, but confirm the information journalist decided only in April 2019 in the Lera Cudryavtsevsky program "Secret per million".

And in March 2020, Simonyan again shared the news about the expected addition. She got pregnant only 4 months after the third birth, but he took this fact as a blessing and admitted that it was ready to become a mother and for the fourth child. Unfortunately, soon it became known that the TV host lost this child.

Simonyan leads a page in "Instagram", where the photo is laid out with family and frames concerning her journalistic activity. Snapshots from vacation, in a swimsuit, on the shores of the Azure Sea or the ocean, it does not publish, preferring this part of life to leave out of sight of subscribers. Margarita has no personal site, she publishes all the information in social networking profiles.

Simonyan is friendly with many Russian stars and leading. Proof of this is a photo of women, periodically appearing in social networks of various media personalities. For example, in the spring of 2018, Tina Kandelaki placed in the profile of a picture in the company Philip Kirkorov, Mikhail Galustan and Simonyan, signing that their company is similar to the clan soprano.

The work allows Margarita with her husband to provide children without life. Although she does not show declarations about income, and without this it is clear that the salary of the journalist is calculated not one thousand dollars.

Journalism and career

In 1999, Simonyan began to work as a correspondent on the television and radio channel "Krasnodar". She managed to get this work due to the collection of poems of his own essay, which Margarita issued a year earlier. The TV channel decided to remove the plot about the talented girl. Communicating with the film crew, Simonyan mentioned that he wanted to work by a journalist, and she was offered an internship on the TV channel. The choice of the first place of work determined the future professional biography of Margarita.

In 19 years, the girl went to shoot the plot to Chechnya. A miniature figure (its growth was 160 cm) did not interfere with it to show masculinity and hardness of nature. The fact that travels to the combat zone, Margarita told parents only on return, after 10 days. A series of reports in one of the hottest points of the world brought Margarita Simonyan Glory and a number of journalistic awards: "For professional courage," the first prize of the All-Russian competition of regional television and radio companies and the Russian Order of Friendship.

In 2000, Simonyan became the editor-in-chief of the Krasnodar TV channel, and a year later, the correspondent of the All-Russian state television and broadcasting company in Rostov-on-Don. She continued his military journalist career by visiting Abkhazia, covering the collision of militants with the state army in the Kodori Gorge.

In 2002, Margarita Simonyan was invited to Moscow by a correspondent TV program "News". The journalist was accompanied by Russian President Vladimir Putin, being among the presidential pool of journalists. In September 2004, she went to Beslan to illuminate the hostage seizure events at school. The tragedy influenced the worldview and views of Margarita, in an interview she does not advise young journalists to start a career as military correspondents.

In 2005, Russia Today TV channel was created, which led broadcasting in English and was designed to display the position of Russia regarding international events. The editor-in-chief of the Russian TV channel was approved by Margarita Simonyan.

The appointment of such a young person on such a position The founders of RIA Novosti argued the position that a person who did not see Soviet news had to lead the project, who had its own ideas about how to show Russian news from foreign spectators. Later, Margarita also began to oversee the Arabic and Hispanic version of the TV channel.

In 2011, the girl became a TV host project "What is happening?" on the Ren-TV channel. During the program, she discussed the most significant events of the week, which for any reason were not adequately covered on federal channels. Margarita communicated with direct participants in events and spectators.

In 2013, Simonyan became the TV host of the political show "Iron Lady" on the NTV channel. Together with the counterpart Tina Kandelaki live, the journalist was not always comfortable, but current issues of famous political figures and businessmen. In the same year, the leadership of the TV channel decided to close the show.

At the end of 2013, Margarita Simonyan was appointed to the position of chief editor of the International Information Agency "Russia Today".

Margarita from early childhood dreamed of becoming a writer and engage in printed journalism. At the age of 18, a collection of own poems was published. In 2010 published the book "To Moscow". In connection with the active journalist and editorial activity, writing the book took about 10 years. This novel tells about the generation of the 90s and difficult fate, unless dreams. In 2011, thanks to Roman Simonyan became a premium laureate for the best book of the journalist.

In 2012 on the pages of the magazine "Russian Pioneer", Margarita published an excerpt from his new story "Train". The girl also writes culinary articles for this publication. In a couple of years, her story "Rats" came to the publication, which caused a lot of discussions on the network.

Margarita supports the policy of an existing political system in Russia. In 2018, she became a trustee of Vladimir Putin during the election presidential campaign. At the same time, the journalist published a post on the refusal to her friend from US citizenship. According to the editor-in-chief RT, the girl supported the opposition and in 2013 immigrated to the United States, but after 4 years, he decided to regain Russian citizenship. The television journalist information has duplicated in Twitter.

In 2014, together with Tina Kandelaki and Vladimir Presnyakov, Simonyan became a guest of the Evening Urgant program on the first channel.

Margarita constantly enters into controversy with foreign media. She managed to expose fake frames with a wounded boy Omran Daknis, who used as evidence of the aggression of Russia in Syria. The truth revealed the father of the boy in an interview with RT.

The television journalist has repeatedly became a guest of the studio of the popular political observer Vladimir Solovyov. In early 2018, she spoke with a detailed interview, where together with the TV presenter reflected on the freedom of speech in Russia and in the West.

Continuing the creative career in the cinema, Margarita Simonyan in collaboration with Tigran Keosayan participated in the creation of a lyrical comedy "Crimean Bridge. Made with love! ", Whose premiere date is scheduled for November 2018. Alexey Deedov, Katerina Spitz, Artem Tkachenko, Sergey Nikonenko and Yuri Stoyanov, were performed by the main roles in Melodrame.

The scandal with the poisoning of the ex-reconnaissance of Sergei Skripalya, in which the UK authorities have suspected - Ruslan Bashchirov and Alexander Petrov, have appeared. Young people gave an interview to Margarita Simonyan, which she commented on the radio "Echo of Moscow". The TV journalist emphasized that she had no reason to trust these people, but she also does not believe in Western special services. Meeting frames used as a photo, users disassembled memes.

In the summer of 2019, one incident occurred with Simonyan. On June 7, she visited the editor of the Echo Moskvy radio station, where her love was waiting for her, demanding a comment on the distribution of apartments with his subordinate mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.

Margarita responded with refusal, but sable it did not stop, and the woman continued in persistent form to demand to answer her questions. During this period, Simonyan was in the last months of pregnancy and, apparently, passing away because of this conflict, felt bad, after what was hospitalized.

In November of the same year, a presentation of the collection of stories Simonyan "Black Eyes" took place. In just a week of sales, she became the most discussed in Moscow Beaujda, causing sharp rejunction from the enemies of Margarita and delight from the admirers of her talent.

And a month before, Ksenia Sobchak took an interview with Simonyan, which published on his Youtyub-Channel. The conversation was immediately not asked, as women proseked the topics to record, which will be discussed, but Sobchak decided to "deviate from the course" and began to ask Margarita "uncomfortable questions", which made a woman nervous (then she was at the last stage of pregnancy). The journalist interrupted the interview, but he thoroughly thought out and calming down, returned and finished a conversation with Ksenia.

And in December, Simonyan visited the studio Boris Korchevnikov, becoming heroine transmission of the "Fate of Man". There she told details from privacy, including an unusual acquaintance with Tigran.

Margarita Simonyan now

Margarita and is now active in his journalistic activities, regularly appears on television and expresses its opinion on different situations occurring in the country. In mid-February 2020, Simonyan became the guest of the program "Right to know" on TVC. The studio discussed acute questions on the topic of international relations. Experts and political scientists raised important economic, political and social news of the last week.

And a month later, when the Pandemic of Coronavirus began, Margarita expressed an opinion on this topic. A woman believes that panic around this disease is much more terrible than the virus itself. People who are not suspected of themselves, in contact with animals, infected with rabies, which in 100% of cases cause death (if before the appearance of the first symptoms does not make an injection). But for some reason the inhabitants of Russia focused on a new virus, which, compared to rabies or tetanus, real nonsense, says a journalist.


  • 2002-2005 - "News"
  • 2005-N.V. - Russia Today.
  • 2011-2012 - "What is happening?"
  • 2013 - "Iron Lady"
  • 2013-2020 - "Russia today"
  • 2014-2020 - "Sputnik"

Filmography (Writer)

  • 2013 - "Sea. The mountains. Ceramzit »
  • 2017 - "Actress"
  • 2018 - "Crimean Bridge. Made with love!"

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