Marcus Riva - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Marcus Riva is a popular DJ in Latvia, a singer, a model, the author of the songs, the actor and the TV presenter. Finalist talent show "I want to Meladze!".

The Sabil of the Latvian Socialist Republic became his hometown for the future star, where Marcus Riva was born on 2 October 1986. By the way, this is his creative pseudonym. Present his name Michelis Lyasses. The boy's family was far from music and creativity in principle. His mother is called Ines, she is a teacher of Latvian language and literature. And his father Alvis was a sailor. But he died of blood cancer when Marcus was 9 months old. He does not remember dad, he knows him only in the photographs and grandmother's stories.

Singer Marcus Riva

Marcus and his two brothers brought up stepfather. Matis's younger brother works by a basketball coach, and Senior Martynsh checks food for quality. Therefore, the profession of Marcus family has always been perceived non-serious. His mother is a rather conservative person. She wanted him to get a fundamental education. Even today, she can easily bother his son, for example, for a frank photo session.

Markus musical inclinations were discovered at an early age - the boy began to show interest in this kind of art. Sounded the Choir of the Dorsion Cathedral in Riga, where the first basics of classical music, which explains his professional execution and absolute hearing.

Friends describe Marcus as a person, always ready to listen, support, give advice. According to them, in nature it is a modest, positive, timeless guy. So he remains to this day. In turn, Riva says that friends inspire him to create new works. But even greater driving force in creativity, his own internal experiences serve. According to the singer, he, like every creative person, wounded and impressionable, takes to heart all the events taking place with him, which leads to writing poems, and then songs.

The singer admits that he had no friends before. It's hard to believe in it, but in my childhood he was full, wore glasses and had a wrong bite. Above him laughed, mad and mocked. Because of this, the boy was often depressed and even thought to commit suicide. Music has become a saving for Marcus. He set a goal to prove to the offenders, which she will achieve success and glory after 10 years.


Riva is a sociable man and a company. He admits that he is not averse to acting in the teams, as the choir in which he sang from childhood, he taught him command work for the common goal - art. Marcus himself removes and produces video, writes songs and music to them, removed for model projects and leads an active secular life. For Riva popularity is not an end in itself, and music is not only a means of competition of fame and fees. The artist just wants to share the work with people and be heard. Ukraine and Russia Markus loves the fact that their mentality is close to his own, Latvian. That is why the Contractor is not so Ryano seeks to enter the European music space.

Marcus's first solo album was recorded with direct assistance and participation of his musicians. He got the name "Ticu" and saw the light in 2009. And already on December 15, 2010, with the support of the "Deelecta Records" studio, the second plate of the singer was recorded - "Songs of NYC". The next year was no less successful for a young man - he brought the singer of the title of Latvian style icon.

On television screens and radio Marcus Riva "lit up" in the summer of 2012 and since then has extensive rotation and thousands of fans. The singer took the first prize "OE TV" in 2010-2011 as the best performer of his own songs. During the shooting of the clip "Take Me Down" (in the Russian version, Tattoo), the musician collaborated with the famous Clipmaker Alan Badoev and admitted that he received a mass of positive emotions from cooperation with the Ukrainian director.

To participate in the musical talent show "I want to Meladze!" The guy pushed the example of his familiar Misha Romanova, who was held competition and fell into the updated composition of the VIA Gra Group. And although he already had a stage experience, the guy was worried on stage, since "he felt sixteen-year-old."

Despite the fact that the Women's part of the jury (Eva Polna, Anna Sedokova and Polina Gagarin), without staging under the onslaught of his charm, unanimously approved the contestant, Konstantin Meladze reacted to the young artist coldly and with a fraction of criticism. But Markus reached the finals of the project. And despite the fact that the producer did not choose not in favor of the group, in which Riva sang, for a young man participation in the show opened new horizons.

After the project "I want to Meladze!" Marcus participated in the selection of the Eurovision Song Contest 2015. But he managed to become only the second.

And Marcus Riva performed on theatrical scene. In his homeland, he brilliantly demonstrated himself in the Musiclah "Westside History" and "Rejected". Participation in the performances brought him success, and critics were pleased with his game. Thanks to such experiment, Marcus acquired the necessary by each artist Harisma and the ability to present himself.

Personal life

Today, the heart of Marcus is free. Of course, he has a lot of fans, and with all the girls Riva willingly communicate, but until the musician stopped at either one candidate. As the artist himself tells, he souls are cute, good girls without the "Ponte" and False. For a young man, anyway, what nationality will be his future second half, the main thing is the real and clean love "not in public." The artist is recognized that quite jealous, but not to fanaticism.

Singer Marcus Riva

In his youth, learning in the house school, Marcus fell in love with the girl for the year younger than himself. The pair had tender relationships, but they were rarely met because of standing studies. When the school ended, the roads of the guys diverged, but Riva still supports friendly relations with his first love.

Marcus Riva now

In February 2018, Marcus Riva participated in the National Selection for Eurovision 2018. After the speech, the singer received positive feedback from the jury of the competition. The judges noted that they were regularly asked when they would send Marcus Riva to Eurovision. Everyone was confident that he would introduce Latvia this year. However, according to the results of the voting, the talented singer did not even enter the final, which caused all bewilderment and shock.

As it turned out, during the reception of votes on the site was a technical failure - the photos of the participants did not correspond to the names, and the voices of fans went not to their favorites. As a result, the publisher of the public Marcus Riva took the place of the leader in the final table of voting, but, unfortunately, the right to represent the country went to the singer Laure Risotto.

In any case, the singer specifically wrote the beautiful song "This Time" and took a romantic clip on it. By the way, the footage from this video spent quite a few rumors. Even before the release of the clip, wedding photos appeared in his "instagram", and the Ramon Lazda model appeared in the role of the bride. Fans thought the musician really married. But in real life, the heart of Marcus Riva still belongs to only music, creativity and work.

Recently, Marcus often happens in Ukraine, where he met the singer of mint. With her in March 2018, they released a duette composition "Do not Vіdputy" in Ukrainian. The song came out romantic, complete emotions and dance rhythms. In the same month, he submitted to the court of the audience his new video "Where the night will lead."


  • 2009 - "Ticu"
  • 2010 - "SONGS FROM NYC"
  • 2015 - Single "Beautiful strongly" (together with Artur Dennis)
  • 2015 - "MR"
  • 2016 - Single "You are in love"
  • 2017 - Single "Don't Cove"
  • 2017 - Single "Southern Wind" (together with Artur Dennis)
  • 2018 - Single "Where the night will lead"
  • 2018 - Single "Do not Vіdputy" (together with mint)

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