Ben Affleck - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, "payback", Jennifer Lopez, filmography, "Batman" 2021



Ben Affleck - Star of Hollywood Cinema. Now in the piggy bank of a talented actor - bright and memorable roles in films of different genres. The artist masterfully comes in in the image of the characters, making them "alive", colorful, for which he has not one kinonagra. Viewers love the on-screen heroes of Ben, appreciate it as a producer and director.

Childhood and youth

Ben Affleck (the full name - Benjamin Geza Ben Affleck-Boldt) was born in the city of Berkeley on August 15, 1972 in the family of a physician and teacher. Father Ben, Scot, Tim Affleck, tried to become an actor in his youth, drove friendship with Dustin Hoffman and Blytte Danner, Mom Gwyneth Paltrow. But a detrimental tendency to drink a cross on Tim's acting career. He went to California and settled to work with a physician, throwing his wife with two sons. In 1984, after the divorce of parents, Ben together with his mother and brother Casey Affleck moved to Massachusetts.

Christine alone brought up children and dreamed that Ben would go to her feet and become a teacher. But herself pushed a 7-year-old son to the profession of a leader, setting up a role in the TV series "Journey Mimi". At a young age, the boy had enough of this to be forever getting actor. In addition, on the set, Ben met the best friend who divorces his interests, - Matt Damon.

Teenagers went on film processing together, starred in films, hoping for more. Affleck and Damon lived in several quarters from each other, went to one school and visited theater circle. According to the memories of Matt, who taught acting skills, Jerry Savior constantly endowed the Afflec for the most responsible roles and long monologues.

After graduating from school, Ben entered the Vermont University. The only motive to make it was passionate about the girl, who did not even study in this university, but lived nearby. Without waiting for reciprocity, Affleck threw his studies and moved to Hollywood. After a decade, Ben will call a sad story of love with the largest disappointment in life.

The mother believed that her son would certainly go to the bottom. Concerns partly justified: for the first major money, friends shot a cottage on the ocean and opened a party. Then Ben tried to get a higher education and entered the Humanitarian College in Los Angeles.


The novice actor went to castings, but appeared only in extras and episodes. A real breakthrough for the American was the picture "Umnitsa Will Hunting", the basis for which the story written by Daimon was made. Friends caught fire the idea to shield this work, wrote an original script for the future tape. Producers did not want to risk, binding to little-known performers. Some agreed to shoot, by setting the condition that Leonardo di Caprio and Brad Pitt should be in high roles.

However, Matt and Ben themselves wanted to play in this project about young ingenious mathematics and waited for a good moment. The film made a sensation at the box office, and in 1998 he received two Oscars - for the best scenario and the best role of the second plan (Robin Williams). The painting scenario was also awarded the Golden Globe, and Damon and Affleck were awarded the National Board Of Review Award.

In 2000, the film "Gambling" came out on the screens. Within the framework of the project, Ben Affleck managed to work with Charlize Theron. Both actors starred. According to the plot of the cells, Nick Kescidi and Rudy Duncan soon must come to freedom. However, nickname tragically dies in a prison fight. Then Duncan decides to pretend to them, because he has long laid his eyes on the beloved Kesside - the beauty of Ashley. So he turns out to be drawn into serious trouble - he will have to rob a gambling house.

Becoming famous, Affleck began to receive many diverse suggestions. An iconic event in the career of the actor was the film "Pearl-Harbor", which in 2001 was leading in global box office. The Oscar-eyed picture of love, which unfolded against the background of the military conflict of states and Japan, caused many contradictory reviews. Veterans of those events found many historical inaccuracies in the ribbon.

A year later, the audience saw a Hollywood star in an exciting detective "Big Game". In the film Afflecks played the Secretary of the Referent Congressman, Stephen Collins. The hero is invested in dramatic conflicts associated with several killings. The investigation of them is engaged in the journalist Cal McCaffrey (performed by Russell Crowe), whom not only a long-time friendship associates with Collins.

In the 2010th, the Contractor reduced the intensity of acting, diluting it with its own projects. Ben tried himself as director, screenwriter and producer. One of the successful projects was the Thriller "Operation" Argo ", filmed on the basis of real events - salvation from captivity in Iran in 1979 by American diplomats. The main role was offered to Brad Pitt, but he refused because of employment - as a result of the central character, Ben himself played. The picture received three Oscars, including the main one for the best movie.

Affleck continued the experience of combining the director and acting in the painting "Town City". In the plot in Boston every year more than 300 banks are happening. One of the most successful criminals in this area is Dag Mackey. He takes everything he wants, and always goes dry out of the water. However, everything can change suddenly breaking love.

The picture for the first weekend of rental gathered $ 23 million at a budget of $ 37 million. The film was marked by the premiums of the Washington Film Crims Association and the US National Council in the nomination "For the Best Acting Ensemble". And one of the actors - Jeremy Renner - even awarded the nomination for Oscar for the best role of the second plan.

In the thriller "disappeared", published on the screens in 2014, Ben played her husband's main character performed by Rosamund Pike. David Fincher, famous for film projects with unusual endings, was directed by the picture. During filming for better reincarnation in Affleck's own character, he got acquainted with the real affairs of men accused of killing their own wives.

In 2016, several blockbusters were published with Ben Affleck. In the picture "Batman against Superman" he played the main role - a person - a bat. To play the role of Batman, the actor was forced to engage in the gym for 2 hours every day. He lost weight (the growth of Affleck is 192 cm, and the weight is 91 kg). In the "suicide detachment", the artist appeared in the episode in the form of the above superhero. Both projects received a lot of nominations for Golden Malina, awarded the worst films of the year.

At the end of the same year, the premiere of the dismanting militant "Payback" (alternative name - "Auditor") took place. The script was written in 2011, but preparation for filming was stretched for 5 years. Instead of Affleck, Will Smith was considered, and directed by Gavin O'Connor - Brothers Cohen and Mel Gibson. Ben appeared in the painting as an accountant, which suffers autism. At the same time, he is a brilliant mathematician that works for criminal organizations. It is curious that the picture is removed on the 35mm film, although now in most cases digital technologies are applied.

At the beginning of 2017, the crime drama "Night Law" was released on the screens, in which Affleck acted as director, screenwriter and actor. The film is the screening of the novel "Night - My Home" Dennis Lhaene. The plot of the paintings is unfolded in the 20s of the last century, when the prodigal son of the Captain of the Boston Police of Joe Coglin becomes a booteger, and later - Gangster. Project producer spoke Leonardo di Caprio.

In 2019, the Afflerse filmography was replenished with a triller "Triple Border". The project started by Paramount studio in 2000, pursued problems. The teams of directors and actors changed, and bin, to undergo a course of treatment. The Rights of the film bought the Netflix Streaming Company. Later returned Affleck.

Ben and directorial activity resumed, holding a picture based on the real events of 2001 - a traveler of the lottery results in McDonalds. Matt Damon was invited to the main role of the head of the Department of Protection, distributing prizes for a part of the winnings.

In 2020, the Affale filmography was replenished with several significant career for his career and cinema projects. In the painting "Out of the game", the American played the main role - Jack Canningham. In the plot, Ben's character was a rising basketball star. But at some point he had to end the sport. Alcoholism and bad habits finally destroyed the life of the "Stars". However, fate gives the character to the second chance - Jack becomes the coach of the basketball team in his native school. True, the players are considered frank losers that are definitely not friends with the ball.

In the film "Last, what he wanted" Affleck played the main character - Trent Morrison. On the shooting, he invited Di Ris - the director of the series "Empire" and the film "Farm" Madbound "." The plot tells about the journalist of the newspaper, which threw a job in a prestigious edition and refused to cover the course of presidential elections. A woman cares for his sick father, but suddenly falls into the center of illegal arms trade. Also in the shooting were involved Willem Defo, Ann Hathaway and Ed Gtegi.

Social activity

Affleck is known in his homeland not only with bright roles in the cinema, but also an active life position. American participates in many charitable projects, supporting those who particularly need help. For example, under its patronage is A-T Children's Project - a non-profit organization that helps children with muscular atrophy syndrome.

In 2010, the artist became a co-founder of the non-profit organization Eastern Congo Initiative, whose activities were on the support of African farmers. Later, American participated in programs aimed at helping families with low income in obtaining full nutrition. The actor showed a special activity in 2020, when, due to the Pandemic COVID-19, the revenues of state inhabitants decreased.

Manifested himself Affleck and politics. Ben did not hide that he supports Democrats. American participated in several election campaigns in support of candidates from the Democratic Party. In particular, in 2004 agitated to vote for John Kerry, and in 2008 it is for Barack Obama. In 2020, an interview with the actor noted that he liked Bernard Sunders, and Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren (US presidential candidates), but the main thing - he does not like Donald Trump.

Personal life

About personal life in the biography of the actor, it is time to shoot a separate cinema. Ben's first beloved Affleck called Shayen Rotman. However, his feelings were not mutual. In 1997, Affleck began to meet with Gwyneth Paltrow, who at that time only broke up with Brad Pitt. The pair for a long time was considered an example for others in Hollywood, but the relationship did not go far. On the set of "Shakespeare in love" Paltrow spun a novel with the leading role in Joseph Fains. Affleck once found his colleagues together, after which the relationship ripped, despite the assurances, Gwyneth, that it was only a rehearsal.

Solva attributed to Ben with a connection with Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock, Famke Jansen. And in 2002, on the set of the film "Gili" Affleck spun a novel with Jennifer Lopez. Lovers appointed a wedding date, but 4 days before the solemn ceremony broke up. Later, Affleck will say that the relationship with pop diva was so pleased that he could not find the strength to film.

Then Affleck began to appear in public with a new girl. She became the actress Jennifer Garner, with which he starred in Pearl Harbor and Sorvigolov. In 2005, the actors secretly got married in the Caribbean Islands, and at the end of the year Violetn Ann daughter was born. Later, four more children appeared - the daughter of Serafina Rose Elizabeth and Son Samuel.

After 10 years of living together, the couple announced a divorce, official papers entered the court only in April 2017. Another year it took that divorce legally took place. The media mentioned the causes of family strife - treason of actor with nanny of own children and addiction to alcohol.

Garner did not stand and love her husband to gambling. Once Ben lost to California State Poker Championship Sunday $ 350 thousand. Former wife, like Ben, refused property claims, and the issue of custody of children remained open. Jennifer was not ready to leave the heirs alone with his father, who did not cure from alcoholism, but not going to interfere with communication either.

Affleck found a consolation in the company of producer and mother of three daughters Lindsay Shusus. The woman helped the actor to overcome the thrust to alcohol, twice by placing a movie star into a drug clinic, but the efforts were disappeared in gift, and Lindsay left. The Chona Sexton, the "playboo" model, which is twice as younger than Afflek, became then chosen Ben. In the fall of 2018 and this connection, an end came. Ben put his health at first place and pledged to visit a psychologist with Garner to preserve normal relationships and not injure children. In October 2018, a man was prescribed from the next clinic.

In the spring of 2020, it became known that Ben Affleck meets with the Kubino-Spanish actress of anaya de Armaas. They met the filming of the film "Deep Waters" and for a long time the novel was kept secret. Ben's intentions regarding the beloved were serious because he presented the Children's Children and Mother. They also spent time on self-insulation and actively postponed joint photos in social networks.

One of the "viral" has become a snapshot of a joint walking couple during antique restrictions. There were masks on lovers, but even with this "forced" accessory, the American was able to delay the cigarette. The photo of the smoking in the actor mask immediately scattered over the network, gathering a lot of comments of the type "Mood: Ben Affleck" and turned into meme.

The attitudes of the artists did not last long, and in January 2021 the couple broke up. The initiator of the rupture was Ana, who told the former beloved about the break on the phone. The actress no longer wanted to be in Los Angeles, while Ben had to stay there, next to his children.

Immediately after that, An An Ana de Armas decided to change the image. She made a short haircut to mark a new stage in life. A photograph of Spaniard placed on his page in "Instagram". Ben, in turn, decided to get rid of all things that remind him of failed relationships. He threw into the trash can a cardboard figure of De Armaas in the full height, which he was presented a few months before this event.

And in May the tabloids, they set out loud headers reporting that the actor along with Jay Lo had a vacation. At first, the couple visited the Charitable Music Festival Vax Live, and then went to the ski resort in Montane. The media clarified that Affleck owns his own chalet on this territory. Previously, the singer and her groom Alex Rodriguez broke up. This caused the public to be assumed that Ben and Jennifer are again found.

Ben Affleck now

In 2021, the American continued to work in the cinema. The actor starred in the film "League of Justice Zack Snidder", where he again got the role of Batman. The premiere was held in March. Events unfold after the death of Superman. Man is a bat and a wonderful woman create an equity league. Together with other superheroes, they are trying to protect the world from the invasion of the steppe wolf and his army.

It is worth noting that different rumors went on the participation of Affale in the continuation of the heroic epic "League of Justice". A number of portals wrote that Ben wants to abandon the image of the billionaire Bruce Wayne and plans to remove his own film about Batman. Other media in advance included the actor in Cast Sikvel, along with Joe Mangannelo and Jesse Aisenberg.

The next project is a thriller "deep water", in which Ben again got the main role - he played Vika Wang Alyona, Melinda's husband performed by Ana de Armaas. The plot is spinning around Ajulter - the wife "supports" marriage with lovers. Affleck again met on the set with Matt Daimon, this time in the historic thriller Ridley Scott "Last Duel".


  • 1997 - "Umnitsa Will Hunting"
  • 1998 - "Armageddon"
  • 2000 - "Alien ticket"
  • 2001 - Pearl Harbor
  • 2003 - "Hour of Reclamation"
  • 2004 - "Jersey Girl"
  • 2006 - "Death of Superman"
  • 2008 - "Promise - does not mean marry"
  • 2010 - "City of Thieves"
  • 2012 - "Operation" Argo "
  • 2014 - "Disappeared"
  • 2016 - "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice"
  • 2016 - "Suicide Society"
  • 2016 - "Payback"
  • 2017 - "League of Justice"
  • 2019 - "Jay and Silent Bob: Reboot"
  • 2019 - "Triple Border"
  • 2020 - "Out of the game"
  • 2020 - "Deep Waters"
  • 2020 - "Last, that he wanted"
  • 2021 - "League of Justice Zack Snider"

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