Victor Sukhorukov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



The priest and the killer, the king and theatrical director, Kaiser of Germany and the Military Majak, such as the Range of the roles of Viktor Suchukov, for which the actor received "Nika", "Golden Eagle", "White Elephant" and "Gold Griffon". Now he says that she made children's dreams. The path turned out not easy, with steep turns, sometimes - in tetat, but most importantly - he lived his own life, did not envy and did not lose, she was walking and knew how to wait. Sorry only that parents do not see what he achieved, and it would be nice that success came in his youth, when the desires would coincide with the possibilities.

Childhood and youth

Victor Sukhorukov was born on November 10, 1951 in the city of Orekhovo-Zuev. His family did not stand out anything and was far from art: the father and mother worked in a weaving plant and did not understand the aspirations of Young Victor to become an artist. A boy from early childhood began to exercise congenital artistry: he very similarly paroded famous Soviet actors. But most of all, the little Vitya loved to merry the audience, considering their laughter to their award.

In school, Victor studied diligently, preferring to humanitarian sciences. The student liked the lessons of literature, where he wrote serious writings for which teachers praised. Then the guy wrote his first adventure scenario "Fate, or such a life," and in the summer I composed a satirical story about everyday life in the pioneer camp. The creative inclinations of Suchukov were not limited to literature, he tried himself in dancing, drawing, athletics, but always dreamed of a career of the actor.

From 12 years old, Viktor Sukhorukov secretly from parents traveled to Moscow to Casting Mosfilm's film studio. Being an 8th grader, I tried to enter the circus school, but the applicant was offered to wait 2 years.


After graduating from school in 1970, contrary to the advice of parents, Viktor Sukhorukov went to Moscow to enter the MCAT Studio School. It was expecting a complete disappointment here: Not only that Victor did not pass the introductory competition, the school examiners said that the guy did not shine at all to become an actor. Having left without a place in the higher educational institution, Sukhorukov was forced to go to the army. After the service settled at the factory and 2 years worked as an electrician.

In 1974, Victor tries to enter Gitis. This time, the admission committee highly appreciated his speech, and Sukhukov was determined for the course of Vsevolod Ostala.

After the end of the guitis in 1978, Viktor Sukhorukov left for Leningrad and at the invitation of director Peter Fomenko began service at the Akimov Comedy Theater's troupe. For 4 years played a total of 6 productions.

In 1982, Suchukov was fired from the comedy theater because of alcoholism (according to the official version). The man does not deny that he had problems with alcohol at the dawn, but claims that they began much later, during filming in the film "About freaks and people", where the actor had to play the finished bastard. According to Victor, he began to drink because of hate to this role.

After dismissal, the actor was forced to work in different low-paid places and for a while to forget about the acting career. Later, Victor fell into the Leningrad State Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol. There Artist performed for 6 years.

In 1995, the actor returned to the Leningrad Comedy Theater. There was another 5 years of creative biography. Victor played diverse heroes: ubiquitous lakes, shocking doctors and romantic dreamers. Sukhorukov went out to the frame of the Wahtangovsky Theater in the play "LIR" and "Smile to us, Lord." The role in the latter brought him an Award of Oleg Yankovsky and the prize from the publication "Moscow Komsomolets".

The theater scene on the foundry I remembered the actor in the image of Vladimir Lenin, the theater on a small armor - in the main role of the waiter in the statement of "Man from the restaurant" and the Moliere Tartuf. In the project of the agency "Bogis", Viktor got 5 roles at once in the "Little Prince". He had a chance to embody 2 characters in the "players", an entrepreneurial project of Oleg Menshikov.

In the theater of the stage and in the "free scene", Sarafanov played Sarafanov in the play of Alexander Vampilov "Senior Son". In 2011, he joined the Mossovet's Theater Torrief, where he was involved in the play "Meet, we go out" that the pension is not the end of life. In "R.R.R." The artist appeared in the form of a detective, in the "Roman comedy" depicted the emperor.

In April 2019, an incident occurred on the Mossovet Theater with the participation of Suchukov. Right during the performance "Meet, we leave" the actor fell and broke his hand. He was emergency to hospitalized them. N. V. Sklifosovsky. However, the yellow press immediately became activated, and rumors of death of the artist crawled into the network. And although the damage was strong and for some time he suspended his activities, Viktor Ivanovich was alive and was in good condition. And soon and returned to the stage at all.


Victor Sukhukov's path to the world of cinema was long. Until 1989, the artist received episodic roles, some of them were even absent in film titers. Once, luck smiled, and he was invited to shoot a tape "Bennbard" on the main role. This picture opened the Sukhorukov road into further projects of Russian cinema. Then he was still with her hair and his image was very different from the one who the audience was accustomed to see today.

His second leading role of Sukhorukov is obliged to a happy occasion. On Lenfilma, he met with Emily Belsky, headed by the selection of actors, who introduced him to the screenwriter and director Alexei Balabanov. In 1991, the light saw the film "Happy Days" by the story of Samuel Beckett, where the artist played a man without a name.

The wave of popularity was covered by Sukhukov after the release of the criminal film "Brother" directed by Alexei Balabanova in 1997. The artist got the role of Senior Brother Hero Sergei Bodrov-Jr. - the hired killer of Viktor Bagrova. In the future, the actor was firmly entrusted to the role of the bandit, he was often invited to the role of negative heroes. Not in this sense, the exception of the Russian comedy "Love Evil", where he played the evil sorcerer Tea-Nagan, director Vladimir Zaikin and the producer of Vladimir Menshov.

Victor knew how to look truly threatening, despite a small height (169 cm). The success and popularity of Sukhukov consolidated the continuation of the film "Brother 2", published 3 years later.

With Balabanov, the actor met on the set of comedy "Zhmurki", in which he reincarnated in a sales policeman, in the films "Kochegar" and I also want. " Victor's voice spoke Alexey Semian's hero in the project of this director "Cargo 200".

To Balabanova, a man belonged to the genius of cinema, and after the death of the director took the rule not to talk about him with friends and journalists. Sukhorukov still does not understand why Alexey was so inconsistently in assessing his own creativity and so mercilessly treated himself.

In the 2000th, in the second part of the "gangster Petersburg", Sukhorukov played the deputy Valery Pokhanov, who was part of the St. Petersburg City Council of People's Deputies. True, this character was episodic and appeared only in the 6th and 7th series.

In the period from 2002 to 2012, the artist played in 7 productions in various theaters of Moscow. Noteworthy "Players" performances, delivered by Nikolai Gogol's story in 2002. For the sake of participation in the production of Sukhorukov, I had to abandon filming in the film about James Bond. 7 film films with actor participation came to the screens.

In 2003, he departed from the "gangster" role and took part in the filming of two historical paintings at once: "Golden Age" and "Poor, Poor Paul". The role of the conspirator of Palen and Emperor Paul I became a challenge and chance to show the talents of reincarnation. This character brought the artist at once 3 awards: 2 - for the best male role and 1 - in the nomination "Best Actor".

In 2004, Viktor Ivanovich played a major role in the Russian-American thriller "Exile" (the second name Exile), shooting which was held in St. Petersburg and Los Angeles. This year brought the certificate of the title character in another international project with broader geography. The film "Shiza" has become a product of collaboration of Kazakhstani, French, Russian and German kineles.

In 2006, the picture of the "Island" has appeared in the heat taken critics. Together with Peter Mamonov and Dmitry Dyughz, he played three monks from a secluded monastery. Everyone seemed to rejected all the earthly hero was their drama: envy, responsibility, dark past. The film received 6 Golden Eagle Awards and 6 Awards Nika.

In 2007, a man played in the film "Artbrigada" Bay Enemy! "", The phrases of his character in this picture quickly scattered on quotes. The TV series "Furtseva" appeared in the form of the head of state Nikita Khrushchev, in the Sitkom "Fizruk" - director of the provincial theater and father of Dmitry Nagiyev. The idea of ​​the Channel TNT Viktor Ivanovich called the "plastic conveyor", without normal relations and souls, and shut down to participate in such a uninteresting multi-sieuled industry.

By the 60th anniversary of the People's Artist on the TV Center, the documentary film "Three Life of Viktor Suchukov" was presented. The picture tells about several periods in his biography: about childhood spent on the streets of native nut-zuev; about moving to the northern capital and heavy tests there; About returning to the profession and obtaining major roles.

In 2015, Viktor Sukhorukov took part in the shooting of the creative project "New Russians", which was a collection of short films filmed by young Russian directors. The paintings raised many sharp topics that a big movie prefers to silence, and became a bold breakthrough in cinema. Sergey Makovetsky, Ekaterina Shcheglova, Alexander Yatsenko, George Pierunan, Fandus Gaptullin, also played in short films.

In May 2016, Suchukova was invited to the first channel, to the program "At night looking", where he told the leading about the flattery and compliments, about filming in the picture "Poor, Poor Paul" and about the service in the theater. Mossovet. And a couple of months before, he visited the "Evening Urgant" program.

In the same year, the actor played the role of Henry Himmler in the Russian-German historical drama "Paradise" directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. The film is removed in a pseudocumental style with imitation of lost fragments and recorded confessions of characters and tells about a woman (actress Yulia Vysotskaya), shelting Jewish children. When the Nazis find her, a German soldier falls in love with her, who offers to run together.

The picture was awarded "Silver Lvom" at the Venetian Film Festival and put forward to Oscar in the category "The best film in a foreign language". The invitation to the project Andrei Konchalovsky Sukhorukov received the next day after the premiere of the Black Traggo "Orleans", in which the executor played - a person with extraordinary abilities, punishing people for the actions.

Victor Sukhorukov and Yuri Stoyanov in the show

About the historical drama "Godunov" was spoken up before the release of the series on television screens in the fall of 2018. The creators were not chased over the portrait similarity of the performers with the characters, and they tried to remove the cinema about the "great man with their weaknesses, a reflective personality, which was largely influenced by the country."

Participation in the shooting embodied the dream of Viktor Sukhukova to play Malyutu Skuratov. In addition, the actor was struck by costumes and scenery, "But these are still Polbie. Personalities were present on the set "- Sergey Bezrukov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Sergey Makovetsky, Andrei Merzlikin. The role of Patriarch Hermogens planned to remove Stanislav Govorukhin, but did not have time. Producers devoted a movie of the famous director's memory.

In the tragicomedy "Stars" who replenished the filmography of Suchukov in the same year and presented at the "Window to Europe" filmography, the main character solves the task - to commit killing or maintaining human appearance. The problem is that the crime is a man who has a sick daughter in his arms will receive a lot of money.

In November 2019, he came to visit the leading Darya Zlatopol. On the TV Channel "Culture", in the program "White Studio", he told the audience about his first impressions from cinema and working with Alexey Balabanov, and then shared his main life principles, which the artist follows a lifetime. And a month before, I gave a great interview and Kire Pastutinskaya in the program "He and she" on the TV Center.

Personal life

About the personal life actor Viktor Sukhorukov speaks, believing that the intimate and personal should not be the public domain. He has no wife and children. In a long interview, a man said that he had made a choice between family and profession, but "not blue, not impotent and not contuge." And who said that his lifestyle in the eyes of society is not the norm, people are not given to know how correctly. Sukhorukov decided that the main thing is to be honest, not snob and not boring. After that, rumors about his non-traditional sexual orientation were silent.

Free time, the artist dedicates career in the cinema and engaged in the upbringing of the nephew of Ivan, the son of his native sister Galina. The boy's father died of drug addiction, so he took the responsibility of his upbringing on himself.

Social networks Viktor Ivanovich ignores, but the actor fans have brought a page in "Instagram", where publish a photo of a pet. In 2016, a monument in Orekhovo-Zuev, his hometown, on the main street appeared in honor of the People's Artist.

The artist was treated with the understanding and fraction of irony, considering that this monument is not a person, and reflections and the life path.

Victor Sukhorukov now

Despite the age, Victor Sukhorukov and now remains in demand by the artist. By the 490th anniversary of the birth of the Grand Duke Moskovsky and All Russia Ivan Vasilyevich, in the fall of 2020, Russia-1 TV channel prepared for the show of the Motheric film "Grozny", where the actor got the role of one of the favorites of Prince - Malutes Skuratov, whom they call the cannibal .

This character Viktor Ivanovich was offered after he executed a similar character in Godunov. At first, the actor refused, saying that he would no longer sit down at the horse. Then they decided that instead of it the tricks on horseback will perform a cascade. With the special admiration of Sukhorukov responded about the work of the director Alexei Andrianova, which is violently immersed in the material, detailing and reproduction of facts.


  • 1997 - "Brother"
  • 1998 - "About freaks and people"
  • 2000 - "Brother 2"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2003 - "Poor, Poor Paul"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2005 - "Zhmurki"
  • 2006 - "Island"
  • 2009 - "Son"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2013 - "Weekend"
  • 2014 - "Seventh Rune"
  • 2015 - "Orleans"
  • 2016 - "Paradise"
  • 2017 - "Dima"
  • 2018 - "Godunov"
  • 2018 - "Stars"
  • 2019 - "100Yanov"
  • 2020 - "Grozny"
  • 2020 - "Ilia. Believe me"
  • 2020 - "Back to the steppe to Sarmatam"

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