Louis Frank - biography, personal life, photos, discography, songs, rumors and last news 2021



Louis Frank is a musician and an artist, who has brought participation in the Ukrainian alternative rock badde "Esthetic Education". In addition to the musical activity, Louis became famous for the television screens in the role of an actor, scenario and director.

Louis Frank

Louis Alfred Frank appeared in Zurich on December 28, 1971. His father Erik earned the life of reselligents of various artistic works, later concentrating on the photo. The mother of the future musician and film director Ines worked in PR at the world-famous Sotheby's auction. The profile education Louis received in Moscow by studying in Mkate.

Actually, it was there that he demonstrated the challenges of the brilliant actor: after one of the plays Anouilh's L'alouette, where the role of the King Charles VII, one of his teachers, People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov, dubbed his "black swan".

Musician Louis Frank

After the completion of training at MHAT Louis leaves for the American continent, where the director in Pittsburgh is studying and works in the Canadian advertising company "Cossette", in parallel with acting and directing work at the Montreal Theater. In the same place, Frank creates the "ENSEMBLE SAUVAGE PUBLIC" troupe, combining the acting role with the work of the composer.


At the beginning of the XXI century, Louis Frank lives and works in Moscow, doing fashion-photography. In 2002, an event was happening, which was the impetus for the creation of his own musical project: during this period, the well-known Ukrainian group "Ocean Elzy" arrives in Moscow with a touring tour. The Frank helps the team with the shooting of the clip on the song "Friend" and in the same way comes clips with two musicians of Band, Dmitry Shurov and Yuri Fuchochka.


Musicians gladly accept the offer of Louis on writing soundtracks to the second film Frank called "March". Then the trio was thinking over the creation of its own group. Dmitry and Yuri leave the "ocean Elzy" in order to surprise the public with his own creativity soon.

The group "Esthetic Education" saw the light in 2004. Musicians clearly distributed the roles among themselves: a hustochka became a bass guitarist, Shurov took a place from the keys, and Louis Frank became a vocalist of the project. Band is considered Ukrainian and based in Kiev. In parallel with the development of the Frank Group, completes the work and releases the film "March". "Esthetic Education" began to conquer the hearts of their fans from December 2004, when their first album Face Reading was released.

The popularity of "Esthetic Education" grew every year. In 2005, the second album of the group was released. In 2007, "Esthetic Education" again surprised the public, presenting the regular album of the group in the style of theatrical statement. The performance passed in the abandoned "Green Theater", which after this presentation gained mad popularity. Similar glory acquired and forgotten Gallery "Mr. Arsenal", where the group presented its project "Antenna", taking as the basis of the Argentine Maja film as a basis, adding his own music.

Louis Franc on stage

However, after 2008, the activities "Esthetic Education" went to the decline. New works practically did not produce, and in 2009, Shurov left the project and founded his own group. In 2011, the Group ceased existence, and Frank took a creative pause for two years in order to return again.


2013 was marked by the start of the new project Louis Frank, which was called "Atlantida". The group was engaged not only by music, but also united in itself a huge number of areas of art, among which were literature, theater, cinema and much more. The first eponymous album of the new Band came out in the winter of 2013 and united in himself the most different music: from Soviet times to modern styles.

Louis Franc in Crimea

On September 12 of the same year, the new project franca spoke with a concert on Jazz Koktebel, which collected at least 1500 admirers, and the presentation of the team took place only a little less than a week later.

At the moment, the Frank group has already released 2 albums, and Louis himself took part in the shooting of the film Alexey German Jr. "under electric clouds", where he played one of the main roles, along with Chulpan Hamataya, Merab Nicer, Anastasia Melnikova and Other famous Russian actors.

Personal life

Louis Franc happily married to actress Dina Korzun. The couple met in the student years at Mkat courses. After returning the franc to Russia in 1998, the relationship flared up lightning. Later, Frank and Korzun play an improvised wedding in Yugoslavia, where Louis shot his first film "Picture", and in 2001 the couple officially signed in Geneva.

Louis Frank and Dina Korzun

Dina Korzun is a well-known and demanded Russian actress, which before marriage with Louis was already married. From the first husband, Korzun is a son whom the girl raises with Louis. Also, a couple of Frank-Korzun have two own children: daughter and son.


  • Face Reading
  • Leave US Alone / Machine
  • Live At Ring.
  • Werewolf.
  • Bascet Case.
  • Atlantida.
  • Twockers.

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