Anna Matison - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Wife Sergey Bezrukov, Wedding, Children, Films 2021



Anna Matison is a rapid rising star of Russian director and drama. The fragile girl was on the shoulder of many major projects, starting with the creation of a manufacturing commercial studio and ending with the release of full-length paintings and opera performances. Anna does not possess borders and uses any opportunity to expand its professional skills.

Childhood and youth

Anna Olegovna Matison was born in Irkutsk in July 1983. An unusual last name causes questions from fans and ill-wishers who are interested in who is the director by nationality. The theory is popular on the Internet that Anna Matison has Jewish and Ukrainian roots, but the director has not officially commented on this information.

Anna has two brothers: Senior Timofey and Junior Leonid. Her mother Olga Mathison is a famous Irkutsk journalist. The daughter went in the footsteps of the mother and at the age of 17 on the announcement settled by a freelance correspondent for local television, rather rapidly doing the way from an ordinary employee to the editor of the program broadcasting.

In 2004, Anna, together with the director and producer Yuri Dorokhin, founded its own production studio rec.Production, which is engaged in the creation of commercial videos, audio and video records. Matson became the main producer, and then the director of the television company. And this is without a separation from studies at the International Faculty of Irkutsk State University, where Anna acquired knowledge in the specialty "Commerce".

Matison is a creative man, a frame of commercial advertising. Her shy. Already according to the first rollers, the production studio has become clear that Anne wants to shoot movies, and not advertising. Unfortunately, in Irkutsk it was impossible due to the lack of a technical base. That is why in 2008, her fate made a sharp round: the young producer moved to the capital and entered the workshop of Natalia Ryazantseva to the Scenic Faculty of Vgika, which graduated from in 2013 with a red diploma.


Anna's cinematic biography began in Moscow immediately after moving from Irkutsk in 2008. The director's and scenario debut in the artistic cinema for Matison became the short film "The mood improved" in the same name of the work of Evgenia Grishkovets.

Grishkovets became interested in the film and his creators and offered Anna Mathison cooperation, which later resulted in the creation of the full-length film "Satisfaction". The scenario collaborated by the writer himself, who starred in the lead role. The film went into a wide range and participated in the program of Festivals "Kinotavr", "Moscow Premiere" and others.

Then followed by other joint work Mathison and Grishkovets: the documentary series "Without a scenario" and a number of music clips. A special place in their work occupies the audiopect "Rivers".

Simultaneously with work on the works of Grishkovets, Matson managed to write scripts to popular films of the franchise "Christmas trees". And in 2013-2014, the future wife of Sergey Bezrukova and her team shot a musical film for children "Big Adventures of Little Sasha Stupkin."

Another significant layer of creative biography Anna Mathison is her job as a documentaryist director. In 2011, the first channel was shown a full-length documentary "Musician" about Pianist Denis Matsueva.

The premiere of the film "Milky Way", the screenwriter and the director of whom Mathison took place in early 2016. Sergey Bezrukov and Marina Alexandrov played the main roles in the comedy. Critics negatively spoke about the script of the painting. According to their reviews, the plot did not develop, the heroes were enough for scenario ideas, but did not move from the place, and the final remained unfinished.

Already the next picture is the drama "after you" - it was warmly accepted by spectators and critics. The main character - the choreographer and the former dancer - in the film played Bezrukov. In an interview, the director noted that it was Sergey who managed to convince her for samples in his incredible plasticity. In addition, she knew that during his studies, the artist was heard by the best student of the choreographic class. On the recommendation of professionals in the scenes of dance, the star "Brigade" was filmed without Dupler.

The work of Sergey Dovlatova "The Reserve" director chose for the next work due to his long-standing love for the prose of the writer. According to Anna, she grew up on the books of Sergei Donatovich, and to remove his cinematographic story was her dream. The scenario approved and relatives of the writer. The image of the central hero was changed, but the picture from it only won. Sergey Bezrukov again starred again.


After moving to Moscow, Anna was interested in all manifestations of directorial skills. In 2009, she was invited to the modern play school to work on the play "House". Later, together with Evgeny, Grishkovets wrote Pieces "Weekend End" ("End of the Week"), which was shown from the Scene of the MHT named after Anton Chekhov.

The creative path of the director in the music theater began with the documentary. Initially, 3 films about Maestro Valeria Gergiev and his troupe were created. The pictures received the names "Mariinsky Theater and Valery Gergiev", "Prokofiev: during the path" and "continuation should be". Then, Matson's repertoire appeared "Left -sha", "Semen Kotko" and "Trojans".

The debut on the stage of the Opera House was the formulation of Anna Olegovna the iconic work of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov "Golden Cockerel". The director not only was engaged in the miceanscenes of the performance, but also took responsibility for the artistic component of the process.

Personal life

Personal life Anna Matison is the subject of close attention of the mass media. The cause of the director's attitude was the attitude of the director and then married to Irina Bezrukovy Sergey Bezrukov.

They say, the Bezruk-free family boat gave flow in 2014, when the omnipresent journalists quit the presence of another family on the side of the side. The media found out that Sergey has two children who gave birth to Petersburg actress Christina Smirnov.

Family troubles of Bezrukov scratched, plunging into the novel with Anna Mathison. Lovers of these rumors were not commented for a long time, but over time they became increasingly appearing together. Periodically, the photos of Anna were published on the Actor page in "Instagram".

After Anna began to go out into the world with an actor, Internet users are interested in personality and appearance of the director. Before that, Matson knew more by her professional work. The question of the parameters of the Anna Figure was popular. Information sites refer to the figure of the director of sports and model and have the following information: growth - 165 cm, weight - 59 kg.

In March 2016, information appeared in the media that Bezrukov and Mathson got married. Rumors about the wedding officially confirmed: March 11, 2016, Anna became an actor's wife.

Already in June 2016, the spouses informed the joyful news about the emergency replenishment in the family. July 4, Sergey and Anna became parents, the daughter of Masha appeared. After about 2 years, it became known about the second pregnancy Anna. In November 2018, the son was born, which was called Stepan.

A pleasant tradition is to report to the emergence in the family of frames from the Black Sea coast - Sergey continued in 2021. From his publication on a page in "Instagram" it became known that the wife is pregnant with a third child. A similar frame appeared in Matison fan account.

Anna Matson now

Now Anna successfully combines professional activities with family troubles.

In the Krasnodar region, the couple went not to relax. In Sochi, another joint work of the director and actor was filmed - the Full-length film "Pope". In the project about the relations of fathers and children, Dmitry Nagiyev, Yuri Stoyanov, Mark Bogatyrev, are also involved. Production was engaged in Fresh Film film company, founded by Mikhail Galustin and Armen Anician.


  • 2010 - "Satisfaction"
  • 2013 - "Treets 3"
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2015 - "Milky Way"
  • 2016 - "After you"
  • 2017 - "Nishchebrudes"
  • 2018 - "Reserve"
  • 2021 - "Pope"

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