Vladimir Zelensky - Photo, biography, personal life, news, presidential candidate 2021



Ukrainian TV presenter, Showman and actor Vladimir Alexandrovich Zelensky - a versatile and talented person, in a short time won his niche in the world of the show business of Ukraine and Russia. Today he is included in the top rating of the most influential people of Ukraine and among the most successful producers. In early 2019, Vladimir Alexandrovich announced his participation in the presidential elections, in which he won a unconditional victory.

Childhood and youth

The future artist and politician was born in the industrial town of Krivo Rog in January 1978. The symbol of the patron of the future humorist was the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. For some time, the Zelensky family lived in Mongolia, despite the fact that parents are Ukrainians by nationality.

In the steppe, he worked Father Vladimir. Mathematics for education, in the future, who took the post of professor at the Department of Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, in the distant Asian country, he participated in the construction of a mining and processing plant. Mom was engaged in engineering technologies.

Little Vow went to the Mongolian school at 8 years old - in accordance with the laws of the country. The boy spoke on Mongolian fleet, but after returning to Krivoy Rog, without having practice, quickly forgot the language.

Returning to Ukraine, Vladimir began visiting theater circle and worked hard. He was a restless and active child. In early childhood, Zelensky wanted to become a border guard, and later dreamed of learn to a diplomat or translator.

Humor and creativity

Vladimir Zelensky entered the local branch of the Kiev Economic University, choosing a legal specialty for himself. The creative abilities and sense of humor of the student immediately noticed: Volodya called the dance numbers in the KVN team "Zaporizhia-Krivoy Rog-transit". After some time, Zelensky and himself began to participate in the rooms.

In 1997, Vladimir Zelensky, together with several members of the KVN team, created its own team, calling it "95 quarter". He not only performed as a captain team, but also wrote scenarios for most numbers. Two years later, the Highest League of KVN invited a talented team to himself. Each speech was highly appreciated by the jury, the guys acquired popularity among fans of the famous game and began to give concerts throughout the CIS.

In addition to concert and touring activities, Vladimir Zelensky was taken for writing scenarios for corporate events and concerts. The participation of the "95 quarter" in KVN lasts until 2003, but after the conflict with the company "Amik" Zelensky and his team ceased participation in the project.

"95 quarter" Ukrainian TV channels became interested. "1 + 1" came out on talented guys with a proposal to make a whole transmission, which would be the best rooms. So the KVN team was transformed into the "Studio Quarter-95", the head and owner of which Vladimir Zelensky became.

A man is not only a successful comedian and TV presenter, but also a brilliant movie actor, whose account is working in numerous full-length films and musicals. The cinematic biography of the artist began in the early 2000s.

His filmography was opened with a comedized project "Kazanova Impaired", soon the artist fulfilled the role of D'Artagnan in the New Year's Musikle "Three Musketeers". According to the plot of the parody of his faithful friends, Anna Ardova, Ruslan Pianca and Alena Sviridov presented the artist. Among the debut scenario works of humorist, the film "For two hares".

In 2005, the transmission of the "Evening Quarter" appeared, which first broadcast the channel "1 + 1", after which the right to show the "Inter". Zelensky performed in the role of the main TV host, ideologist and author. The program quickly becomes a rating, and Vladimir's studio tvolyimo produces new projects without giving popularity to fuse. Among the most bright - "Fight Club", "Evening Kiev" and "Ukraine, get up".

Zelensky, as one of the brightest stars of show business, are increasingly invited to become a participant in popular projects and television shows. In 2006, he appeared in the Ukrainian television project "Dancing with the stars", where he spoke with Alena Shoptenko. As a result, the couple won the television show, thanks to the audience voting, he climbed the rivals significantly.

Then Vladimir Zelensky in a duet with Ruslana Pisanka becomes the leading TV show "Service Romance" on the Inter TV channel. In 2010, the artist began to be filmed in the TV show "Comic Laugh" together with Dmitry Shepelev, and a year later, the humorist becomes the co-host of Philip Kirkorov in the Russian television show "Factor A".

At this time, the film "Love in the Big City" film starts on the cinemas screens, which became the first bright work of Vladimir in full meter. In a romantic comedy, along with Zelensky, an ex-soloist of the VIA Gra "Vera Brezhnev, actors Alexey Chadov, Villa Haapasalo, Anastasia Zadorozhnaya and Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Kinokartina received many positive feedback and liked the audience, so after some time the 2nd part was removed, and after it, and the 3rd. Then Zelensky starred in the remake "Service Novel. Our time "in the role of Novoseltseva, but the film itself was tough.

From 2010 to 2012, Showman served as the general producer of Intera, and in 2013 he was invited to lead a new musical show "I want V VIA GRU." Two years later, on the basis of the Studio Quarter-95, "Liga of Laughter" was created, a humorous show, in which comedian teams under the guidance of mentors competed with each other. Led by the program Vladimir Zelensky. At one time, Alexey Potapenko became judges and project coaches, Elena Kravets, Anton Lirnik, Nadezhda Dorofeeva, Vlad Yama and others.

According to information published by the Forbes publishing, the profits of the Zelensky studio amounted to $ 2 million. In 2012, the whole team of "Quarter 95" fell on the 2nd place of the rankings of the 25 most wealthy media projects and stars of Ukraine show business. The artists gave way only to Vladimir Klitschko, but by the annual income of Ani Lorak, "Potap and Nastya", the group "VIA Gra".

Soon, Vladimir appeared in the comedy "Rzhevsky against Napoleon" in the role of the French conqueror, but also this picture caused contradictory reviews. Later, Zelensky played in the romantic comedy "8 ​​first dates", and in 2014, the Artist's filmography was replenished with her Sicvel "8 new dates".

In 2015, the Quarter-95 studio released a new film for Ukrainian spectators in the genre of a political comedy, in which many of the most noticeable figures of Ukrainian Polit-Boymda underwent acute satire. The series about politics was called the "servant of the people", and Vladimir played the President of Ukraine in it. The project liked the audience so much that in 2016 it was continued.

In the same year, the sequel "8 best dates" came to the screens. As in the first 2 comedy melodramas, the third Zelensky appeared in the image of Nikita Sokolov. But the main heroine, which Oksana Akinshina was played in previous films, replaced Vera Brezhnev.

The artist and showman, together with the team "Quarter-95", became famous for producer projects, many of whom were popular. First of all, this is the Family Comedy Series "Shatta". Zelensky and his studio presented the spectators of the 6 seasons and the musical "New Year's Shatts".

In 2012, another comedy series was released on the screens - "Dads", in which the stars of the Russian cinema Roman Magyanov, Sergey Gazarov and Tatiana Doglev starred. Vladimir turned out to be one of the producers of the ribbon who scored a high rating.

In 2018, Vladimir first tried his strength as a director. In collaboration with David Dodson, he took part in creating a picture "I, you, he, she." He became the producer of the project and the executor of the leading role.

His photos in the image comedian placed on a personal account in "Instagram". The actor appeared before the subscribers with a disgraceing chapel and mustache. Snapshots caused by the fans of humorist delight. In addition to Zelensky, Yevgeny Koshevoy and Nadezhda Dorofeyev appeared on the screen. The premiere of the wedding comedy took place at the end of the year.

Politics and scandals

At the beginning of the escalation of military conflict in Ukraine in 2014, Vladimir openly supported the actions of the Ukrainian Army in the Donbas. But during the Maidan, the humorist did not advertise his sentiment, and at a press conference dedicated to the release of the comedy "Love in the Big City - 3", determined his views on the situation with the words:

"We are with the people."

After aggravating the political crisis and the beginning of the power confrontation in the east of Ukraine, the artist, together with his colleagues, not only spoke with concerts to the military personnel of the Army, but also sacrificed for the needs of the army 1 million hryvnia.

In the speeches, the humorist more than once ridiculed Russia and Russian politicians, without bypassing the president of the country of Vladimir Putin. Soon the artist had difficulty: the Evening Quarter show was canceled on Russian television, and the work on the next season of the successful Russian-Ukrainian series "Svati" was frozen.

In winter, 2015, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation began checking information on financing by Vladimir and other cultural figures of Ukrainian security workers. It is noteworthy that the artist himself opposed the ban on entering Ukraine Russian colleagues.

In the homeland, the jokes of Zelensky about Russia also like not everyone. In 2014, Showman was in a hospital with multiple hematomas on the body. The attackers beat the artist in the late evening at the Kiev embankment, at the same time, as the humorist noted in an interview, "they were pro-Russian set up." It is not known how the story would end, if it were not for the random passerin, threatened to call the police. His Savior Vladimir Shchedro thanked.

In December 2014, unknowns set fire to the Zelensky SUV, parked near the Palace "Ukraine" in Kiev. And a year later, information appeared that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was neutralized by the gangster group participants who prepared an attempt on humorist. The plans of the attackers included an attack on the members of the Vladimir family. After this incident, the artist was forced to hire security.

In 2016, a new scandal was killed, caused by the jokes of Zelensky and Quarter-95 in Jurmala. This time the humorist was offended at home. The reason was how some seemed to be too acute reprise on the economic situation in Ukraine. The artist compared his country with "begging", which defines money from neighboring countries and it will not return them absolutely.

In 2017, Zelensky began work on the 7th season of the series "Shatta", which did not like the Ukrainian authorities. The film was banned on the territory of Ukraine, and Fyodor Dobronravov is closed into the country for 3 years.

The authorities turned out to be adamant, and Vladimir had to interrupt the shooting of the next Sitkom season. An angry message to politicians producer posted in a personal profile in Facebook. After 3 months, the executor of the leading role confirmed that the issue with the continuation of the filming was already resolved.

Personal life

Vladimir Zelensky is in the prime of forces and creative plans: in 2018, he noted the 40th anniversary. With 170 cm height (as the actor himself says), he has a tightened, sports figure, and the weight is kept in the area of ​​63 kg.

The artist is married to Elena Kiyashko, with whom he met before the wedding for 7 years. A couple familiar from childhood, studied in parallel classes in school. Elena acts as one of the authors of the Quarter-95 studio, despite the fact that she is also a lawyer for education. The couple got married in 2003, after the "95 Quarter" team left KVN. A year later, the humorist became the father of Sasha's daughter. In 2013, Elena Zelensky gave birth to a second child, the son of Kirill.

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According to friends and close comic, Vladimir is an exemplary family man. He calls the main quality of the real men responsibility for his children, family and loved ones. The showman admits that the daughter and son indulges, as well as his wife, trying to compensate for its frequent absence.

Rumors and gossip about personal life did not bypass Vladimir. In 2012, at the set of the series "8 first dates", the artist met Oksana Akinshina. Roven, romance broke out between the pair, and at one time the artists met. But Vladimir himself refuted these specles in one interview and laughed at the fantasy of journalists.

Election of the President of Ukraine

In the spring of 2019, Ukraine froze, waiting for the next presidential elections, which took place on March 31, 2019. Vladimir Zelensky became one of the presidential candidates. He has been talking about his estimated participation in the election campaign in the summer of 2018.

On December 31, 2018, Zelensky officially reported that he was running into presidents. His speech on the TV channel "1 + 1" took place on the eve of the New Year. The channel management went to such a step to the detriment of the congratulatory speech of the current President Petro Poroshenko, which sounded later.

Already in the first appeal to the people, Zelensky outlined the main postulates of his election program for a number of acute issues: on the cessation of hostilities in the Donbas, about building relationships with the IMF, the European Union, NATO, etc.

On January 21, 2019, Vladimir Alexandrovich's name was successfully registered on the list of candidates for the post of head of state. The candidacy of Zelensky on his own behalf, a party "servant of the people" was put forward. This organization was formed 3 years ago, the first time its name sounded like a "party of decisive change". The head is Ivan Bakanov, who is also engaged in promoting the humorous "Quarter-95" studio.

Very quickly, Vladimir Alexandrovich gave out in the leaders of the election race. Already at the end of January, a number of sociological companies recorded a 21 percent rating of a candidate who was ahead of his closest opponents of Peter Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko by 5-6%. And in early February, the actors voted 5-7% of respondents more than 2 weeks ago.

Political scientists explain the popularity of Vladimir the non-standard form of the election campaign. The producer covers the presidential race in the online Internet show format, practically without stopping acquaintance of social network subscribers with the events of its political activities.

On March 31, 2019, Vladimir Zelensky, who scored 30.24% of the vote, and Peter Poroshenko (15.95%) were held in the second round, leaving behind their competitors. Elections, as expected, were accompanied by informational stamps, scandals, provocative speeches and rollers.

On April 21, the second round of the presidential elections of Ukraine was held, in which the unconditional, almost threefold, victory, according to exit-floor, won Vladimir Zelensky. Petro Poroshenko recognized his defeat and suggested a new chapter of the state his help, from which Zelensky is not in a hurry.


  • 2004 - "Casanova Impaired"
  • 2005 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 2006 - "Militia Academy"
  • 2009 - "Love in the Big City"
  • 2011 - "Service Roman. Nowadays"
  • 2012 - "Rzhevsky against Napoleon"
  • 2012 - "8 first dates"
  • 2015 - "Server of the People"
  • 2018 - "I, you, he, she"


  • "Evening Quarter"
  • "Fight club"
  • "Service Romance"
  • "Fort Boyard"
  • "Dancing with the Stars"
  • "Millionaire is a hot chair"
  • "Komik laugh"
  • "Factor a"
  • "Sunday with the Quarter"
  • "Nighttime Kiev"
  • "Chervone Abbo Chorn"
  • "I want V VIA GRU"
  • "League of Laughter

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