Dmitry Ishakov - biography, personal life, news, photo, a former husband Polina Gagarina, "Instagram" 2021



Dmitry Ishakov - Russian designer and photographer, whose name is known far beyond Russia. Brands such as Bosco Di Ciliegi, Mercury, JTI Tabacco, Toyota, Sony and others cooperate with it. His homeland knows for works with the stars of the Russian pop and cinema, and also - as a former husband, the lovers of the public of Polina Gagarina.

Childhood and youth

Designer and secular photographer Dmitry Ishakov was born on February 24, 1978, by nationality Russian. About the life of Dmitry Russian public knows a little. Ishakov himself says that he was teased by "hamster" as a child. The peers with him were not treated too well. The cause of such a relationship was the weight of Dmitry.

Ishakov's solid character allowed him to reveal himself in the future, achieve a high degree of self-realization due to the mind and knowledge. Dmitry argues that he got creative thinking from his parents. Father photographer was fond of poetry, mother wrote paintings.

Part of the life of Dmitry lived in Germany. In this country, the future designer came in 17 years. At first he worked in Pizzeria - she prepared a pizza, but then settled in an advertising agency for the position of designer. So the creative biography of Dmitry Ishakov began.

Photo and design

Returning from Germany to Moscow, Iskhakov first worked as a graphic designer, continuing to take pictures for the soul. Soon, Dmitry decided to completely devote himself photos. Ishakov cooperates with many well-known magazines and companies, as well as private clients, regularly organizes bright photo exhibitions.
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About the photographer spoke in Moscow Beaujda, the career swiftly went up. Each new event organized by Dmitry, invariably attracted the attention of fans and just people who are not indifferent to the art of creating pictures. Today, Dmitry Ishakov's works are known in North America and European countries.

A lot of famous people from the world of politicians and show business are collaborating today with Dmitry. He worked with actresses by Renat Litvinova and Ravka, the singer Zemfira and other media directions. Ishakov - author of the official cover for the film Renata Litvinova "The Last Fairy Tale of Rita".

The photographer's work is successful in Russia and other countries of the world. Creation of Ishakov was acquired by art lovers from Australia, Hong Kong, USA, Germany and France. Dmitry also participated in the popular TV project "VS Mother's Daughters" on the TLC channel, which was the leading Alla Destaist.

In 2016, the personal exhibition of Iskhakov "Life as a movie" took place. In the metropolitan GUM, where the event was held, and Russian celebrities were also. The photo project was created with the support of Bosco Di Ciliegi. The name of the event was not chosen by chance, because 2016 declared the year of Russian cinema. The main star of the evening was Renata Litvinova.

Dmitry participated in the creative life of Polina Gagarina. Ishakov became the author of the cover to Single Singer "Angels in Dance", who saw the light at the end of May 2019. He also supported the artist at all stages of participation in the international music competition Singer, which was held in China. It was Dmitry who took photos with Gagarina, who fell on the cover and pages of the July issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.

Now Dmitry leads its own business, he leads the photo studio of Best Memories, and also actively engaged in creativity.

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Ishakov regularly organizes master classes and presentations. So, in the fall of 2019, master classes for children from Dmitry Ishakov's photo studio, which provided a methodology for educational programs on video blocking and "Drawing in Anime" was held at the Crafts Park.

Personal life

In the Russian press, it was not reported that the photographer met many celebrities, but these romantic communications were not officially confirmed. In a secular Tusovka, rumors about the novels of Dmitry Ishakov with Renata Litvinova and Renata Kurkova were walking. With the last designer met in Malta, where I filmed an actress with her wife Artem Tkachenko in a romantic photo shoot.

Returning to Moscow, the designer and actress were phoned, began to appear together in secular events. Marriage Ravshans and Artem has soon collapsed. Representatives of the press assumed that the main blow to their union was pronounced Izhakov, but it remained at the level of boulevard boulevard.

Dmitry Ishakov's personal life again became the top theme when in 2013 the man began to meet with the singer of Polina Gagarina, from whom he met at the photo shoot. The couple woke up during the spring trip to France in 2014. Dmitry made an offer to Polina beautifully - in Paris at the bridge of lovers.

On September 9, 2014, a wedding of Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Ishakov took place. Wedding passed in the Moscow Tver Regulation. The ceremony was attended by close bride and groom, including the 6-year-old son Polina Gagarina from the first marriage with Peter Kislov. Honeymoon of Ishakov and his wife spent in Malta.

At the end of April 2017, Dmitry Ishakov first became a father. Polina Gagarina presented her husband's daughter. The long-awaited baby was born in the Maintenance of Moscow, who was often visited by a happy father to support his spouse.

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In May 2017, Dmitry Ishakov showed a touching photo with her daughter on a walk. Polina Gagarina shared emotions with subscribers in "Instagram". According to the photographer, the spouses could not decide how to call a daughter, as a result of 5-7 options chose the name Miya.

Increasingly, Dmitry faces a question from subscribers of his "instagram" about the change of image. Many people express the idea that Ishakov will look younger without a beard. The photographer himself assures that he will not remove the vegetation on the face for one reason: Polina in this case jokingly threatened to leave him, which Dmitry could not allow.

Unfortunately, Marriage Polina and Dmitry turned out to be short-lived: in May 2020, it became known that the spouses no longer live together and soon they are going to legalize the divorce. And in December, star spouses officially dissolved the marriage in one of the global vessels of Moscow.

For some time, Dmitry was alone. A man discovered the reluctance to build relationships. And in the spring of 2021 gave an interview, in which he said: he has a favorite. But the name of the chosen refused to speak, as she, he said, the person known.

Dmitry Ishakov now

After the divorce Dmitry for a long time did not communicate with the press, like his ex-wife, however, in the spring of 2021 gave a small comment. For him, separation with the singer led to a large emotional crisis. But over time, the designer managed to sublimate energy into operation. Moreover, when he stopped accompanying Polina at all her concerts, he had many times on his career.

Immersed in creativity, Ishakov presented a new project - "The woman is not a product and does not have a shelf life," in which the main issue was the condemnation of the Ageness - discrimination by the age basis. Cristina Orbakaite became stars of photo shoot, Victoria Shelyagova, Elena Pulia, Elena Bat and other famous personalities. The idea to demonstrate models in wrapping paper, according to the author, was to pay attention to the existing problem in society.


  • Personal exhibition "Life as a movie", created in the Commonwealth with Bosco Di Ciliegi
  • Personal exhibition in honor of the 5th anniversary of the Chief Children's TV channel of the country "Carousel"
  • Personal exhibition "Kisses of Russia"
  • Personal exhibition "Renata. Never hide ... "

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