Ilya Averbukh - biography, news, personal life, figure skating, Lisa Arzamasov, got married, photo 2021



Ilya Ilyaslavich Averbukh is a star of figure skating of the USSR and Russia, a well-deserved master of sports and a multiple sports dancing champion on ice, a silver winner of the Winter Olympic Games in American Salt Lake City. After completing the sports career, he found applied to his talent by creating his own ice show.

Childhood and youth

An outstanding athlete of Russia and the USSR Ilya Averbukh was born in the intelligent Moscow family in December 1973. By nationality, he is a Jew than always proud. At 15 years old on the proposal of one of the coaches, to change the surname Ilya said that he was born to Averbuh and will remain.

His parents were far from sports: Father Izyaslav Naumovich Averbukh - Engineer, Mom Julia Markovna Budo - Microbiologist for education. She became the conductor of the Son into the world of figure skating.

For the first time Ilya Averbukh stepped on ice at the Avangard stadium at 5 years old, but was soon charged as unpromising. At the insistence of Mom Ilya again fell into the section in a year. After another failure, the woman did not surrender, but found the son of a suitable coach. She became Zhanna Gromov.

From children's years, Averbukh was preparing for a quarrel of a single room, but physiology prevented: dialing in one year 12 cm in growth, the guy stopped performing jumps without errors. After 13 years, Ilya switched to pair dances, where it remained. Later, his growth stopped at 177 cm, and the weight is 70 kg.

Personal life

In 1995, Ilya Averbukh married his partner on figure skating Irina Lobacheva. In March 2004 in the US, where the couple moved after the wedding, the Son Martin was born from the spouses. Together they lived 12 years. In 2007, Ilya and Irina decided to part.

Having passed a serious timeline procedure, according to them themselves, both sighs with relief. Ilya took over the complete provision of ex-wife and son. From the section of the joint property of Averbukh refused - everything was left for the ex-wife and their son Martin. At that time he was 3.5 years old. The former marriage couple had a normal friendly relationship. Martin often sees with dad.

After parting with Irina Lobachey, the personal life of Ilya Averbukh was under the closer attention of the press. For all women who appeared next to the figure skater and producer, Paparazzi was observed especially and soon managed to dig up the information that interests, although in its authenticity it is impossible to be confident. Ilya Averbukh "caught" in the novel with Alice Grebenshchikova, which for the first time took part in the Glacial Project in 2007.

In 2008, Alice gave birth to a son, and journalists attributed fatherhood Ilya. It is noteworthy that Grebenshchikova broke up with a civil husband Sergei Dundurian even before the birth of a boy. There is no weighty evidence of fatherhood Averbukh, and Alice itself keeps silence on this topic.

In 2009, rumors broke out in the world of show business again: VIP-Tusovka spoke about the Roman Ilya Averbukh with the star of the series "Princess Circus" Valeria Lanskaya. Allegedly an official novel between them arose during the "Ice period". Star couple spent his free time together, but the novel ended as soon as the show was completed.

Later on the name of the figure, the director of the Ice Symphony company Catherine Tsavna, as well as Daria Gardung, which Ilya at the end of relations accused of financial frauds.

In an interview, Ilya admitted that since the divorce lived with a convinced bachelor, and all the rumors that arise around his relationship with the opposite sex had nothing to do with reality. And only in the summer of 2020, the heart of the figure was constantly melted. This time the selected athlete was the actress Liza Arzamasov, known for the role of Galina Sergeyevna in the TV series "Daddy's daughters". In December of the same year, the couple officially issued relations.

According to Averbuch, he never managed to become a father-dictator. With his son, he supports friendly relations, keeping a positive mood in communication. Nevertheless, Ilya has time to follow the development of Martin. The guy will not become a professional skater, but the sport is present in his life on an ongoing basis.

Figure skating

The reinforcement of the coach Zhanna Gromovoy adopted the famous figure skater and coach Natalia Linichuk. In early youth, the athlete managed to replenish the ranks of the Russian national team.

In 1990 and 1992, Averbukh sports biography was marked by the long-awaited victory: in a couple with Marina Anisina in the junior league, Ilya Averbukh becomes a two-time world champion. Soon a creative duo collapsed.

Since 1992, Ilya Averbukh began to ride a pair with the figure skater Irina Lobacheva. With his partner, the figure skater was familiar from childhood.

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In 1995, Averbukh and Lobachev moved to the United States, where they lived and trained to the 2000 Olympic Games. Due to the injury of Irina, the 2001/2002 season and all stages of the Grand Prix were missed: Lobacheva injured knee in training in September 2001.

Ilya Averbukh sports biography This was not over: the next season Tandem Averbukh - Lobacheva successfully performed, conquering silver medals at the 2002 Olympics in American Salt Lake City. In an interview, Ilya admitted that from the moment the divorce lives a convinced bachelor, and all the rumors that arise around his relationship with the opposite sex have nothing to do with reality. In his life, a career occupies the main place, as well as the upbringing of the Son. Martin from adolescence lives with his father, so the whole responsibility for the education of the child lies on the skater.

According to Averbuch, he never managed to become a father-dictator. With his son, he supports friendly relations, keeping a positive mood in communication. Nevertheless, Ilya has time to follow the development of Martin. The guy will not become a professional skater, but the sport is present in his life on an ongoing basis.

In amateur sports, skaters stayed another year. They won the European Championship and occupied the 2nd place at the World Cup.

In 2004, Olympic couple of Averbukh and Lobacheva returned from the United States to Russia, having decided to finish the amateur career athletes and no longer speak. As Ilya subsequently recalled, he was preparing for the care of sports for a long time and thoroughly. In America, a man did not want to stay, as the road in a big show business was closed for emigrants. All that expected a sports couple is coaching, and lower order.

Ice Show

Saying goodbye to professional sports, Ilya Averbukh was not going to part with figure skating: In 2004, he organized his own show "Ice Symphony", which dreamed of a long time ago. This project was a magnificent theatrical ice show in which the stars of world figure skating are involved: world champions, Europe and the Olympic Games.

In his artistic preferences, Averbukh relied on the experience of Tatiana Tarasova and her theater "All Stars", as well as the Theater of Ice Miniature Igor Bobrin, which existed in Soviet times. The first speeches of the troupe of the figure were similar to the show Tom Collins. Gala concerts were not yet merged with scenario, but were a show of bright numbers of various nature.

In 2006, Ice Symphony company Ilya Averbukh on the first channel first introduced the viewers of the show "Stars on Ice", in which celebrities from the world of cinema and pop, as well as athletes. Ilya Averbukh performed as a producer and choreographer show.

The project had a stunning success, and subsequently were created similar to: from 2007 to 2009 - "Ice Age", "Ice Age - 2", "Ice Age. Global warming". Marat Basharov, Irina Slutskaya, Alexey Yagudin, Alla Mikheyev and others performed as TV presenter program.

And from 2010 to 2012, the projects "Ice and the Place" started, "Bolero", "Ice Age. Cup of professionals. " The popularity of the gear was so great that the tour of the participants around the cities of Russia, near and far abroad was arranged at the end of each season.

In 2014, Ilya Averbukh became the producer and director of the new season of the television project "Cup of professionals" on the first channel. Competitions are divided into 2 stages - team and individual offset, as in the Olympic Games in Sochi. And the participants were divided into the "national team of Russia" and "national team".

Later, Averbukh begins work on the production of the musical "Lights of the Big City", the premiere of which was held at the Moscow GCCZ "Russia" in Luzhniki on October 14, 2010. Later in the repertoire of the team appeared a children's play "Morozko", the show "Carmen".

The geography of the company's implemented projects is striking: only in 2016 in more than 100 cities there were several performances set by the famous coach: "Favorite movies about the main thing", "Classmates", "12 months", "Mom", "Kid and Carlson" .

One of the main stars of the sphere of Ice Show Averbuch calls Tatiana Navka. According to him, the figure skater possesses that charisma that is necessary for the status of princes. The spectators of different age categories hurry on performances with the participation of athletes. Another competitor to ice in the famous choreographer remains Yevgeny Plushenko. The show-business champion came later Averbuha, but his team, according to the choreographer, is a strong competitor.

Success on the New Year holidays 2017 by the producer company Averbukh brought the "Nutcracker and Mouse King". According to Ilya, the participants of his team showed a story, interesting not only to children. The performance turned out to be multifaceted, his scenario was distinguished from the libretto of ballet, known to many lovers of Music Peter Tchaikovsky.

In addition to working on stage and TV projects, Averbukh remains one of the desired choreographers in Russian figure skating. He put the number Julia Lipnitskaya, Evgenia Medvedeva and other athletes.

In 2016, Averbukh submitted to the audience Drray show "Buratino", the premiere of which was held in the framework of the festival "Moscow jam. Human gifts. In this performance, the director used the elements of acrobatics, extreme sports and street dances. The show was involved in the European Champion and Russia in the discipline of Freestyle Slalom Sofya Bogdanova.

For a purely Russian project Averbukh calls the TV show "Ice Age. Children, which started on the air of the First Channel in 2018. The program received high ratings of views and at the TEFI premium ceremony awarded awards in the nomination "Television project about sports".

Ilya Averbukh now

Now Averbukh is engaged in entrepreneurship, is the producer of his own ice show and trains Russian skaters. In April 2019, the concert of the company Ilya - Gala Show "15 years of success" took place in Luzhniki.

In 2019, it was not without a scandal. At the beginning of the year, the Ili Averbukh company took place in Astrakhan. The figure skater rejects its involvement in these tours. The producer expressed indignation by the actions of chairs from the Personal Account page in "Instagram". He promised to contact the prosecutor's office.

For 2019, the Team of Ilya Averbukh held a large tour of the cities of Russia with the productions of Romeo and Juliet and Carmen. Photo and video materials artist generously shares with his subscribers.

One of the stars with which Ilya is engaged in, the two-time world champion Evgenia Medvedev became. In 2020, despite the complex schedule of training, the figure skater is declared among the main performers of the New Year's show "Wizard of the Oz Republic".

In February 2020, Averbukh launched a new Ice Show "Champions". A tour, designed for 2.5 months, included such cities like Lipetsk, Tolyatti, Perm, Saratov. This is a performance created from different numbers in the nature of the united overall dramperature. Many stars of global figure skating were participants in the production, including Alexey Yagudin, Tatiana Tutmianin, Maxim Marinin.


  • 1990, 1992 - Two World Junior Champion
  • 1997, 2000-2002 - Champion of Russia
  • 2002 - The winner of the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City
  • 2002 - World Champion
  • 2003 - European Champion
  • 2003 - Winner of the Grand Prix Championship Final

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