Alexey Kostyushkin - biography, personal life, photos, discography, death, rumors and last news



The leader of the famous Rock group "Corridor" Alexey Gennadyevich Kostyushkin was born in the city of Novosibirsk on July 12, 1969. Father Gennady Fedorovich worked for a long time and often traveled on business trips. Often, Dad took a son with me, and Alexey from 4 to 7 years old traveled the entire Novosibirsk region with the regional dramatic theater (now the "Old House" theater). The boy even played baby roles in performances.

Musician Alexey Kostyushkin

Literally from the 1st grade, Alexey became interested in sports, and it is difficult to find such a kind that they would not be tried. The most good results - CMC - reached in the field of fencing with a sword. But at the age of 15, when the guy picked up a guitar, a big sport lost it. But, on the joy of future fans and fans, the creative and musical biography of Alexey Kostyushkin began.

Alexey Kostyushkin in youth

In his youth, Sostyushkin listened to many diverse music, until he accidentally stumbled upon a "time machine" record. Later "Sunday", Yuri Shevchuk and other rock musicians appeared. At 16, Alexey Kostyushkin collected his first musical team, which was already called "Corridor". Many kept the Kostyskha artist's career in view of the constant major roles in the school agitbrigade and all sorts of theatrical evenings, where Alexey also acted as director. However, he did not go on this path by choosing music.

Alexey Kostyushkin in youth

The guy settled on the preparatory courses in the music school in the class of guitar and, together with his friends, began to master all sorts of professions, visiting both the bakera and butcher. Earn money, as a rule, went to travel. Soon Alexey Kostyushkin went to the service in the Armed Forces. After the army, adapting in the new country already and changed several professions, Alexey led the cultural department for some time in the Azat Youth Center.

Group "Corridor"

Returning from the army, Alexey Kostyushkin decided that it would be nice to revive the "corridor" from non-existence and began to look for suitable options. The second birth of the "corridor" occurred after his merger with the group "Boulevard". The team, while working out the repertoire of his own compositions, made a small tour of the Novosibirsk region and recorded its first album "Night arithmetic" in Studios 8.

Alexey Kostyushkin and group

Replacing several sponsors, the group "Corridor" broke up. For several years, Kostyushkin performed solo to the guitar, according to his own words. After some time, the musician again collected the "corridor". Despite the fact that many musicians changed, the group gained momentum, became popular and survived to the days of the present. In 2000, "Corridor" Alexei Kostyushkina released the album "ask me to sing", which extended to audio cassettes and CDs.

In 2001, the recording of the album "in the open sky" was started and the solo album Alexei Kostyushkin "See you". In the same year, the album called "black and white dances" was completed and released. Fans of Kostyushkin highlight the songs "Novosibirsk" and "Chuk and Gek". They did not enter the album, but became hits, and therefore no performance of the rock team did not affect without them.

By the beginning of the third millennium, Alexey Kostyushkin with the "corridor" approached almost as "legend." Until 2003, the composition of the group did not change, and this year a sign "Live in Rock City" album was recorded. Most of the compositions were recordings from a live concert at the Rock City Club. 2007 was especially fruitful for Alexey Kostyushkin and the musicians of the group. Two albums came out - "Anna" and "Tango on Mount", hotly accepted by the team fans.

Until 2013, every year, new hits and clips appeared, among which the "unknown soldiers" should be noted, "Alyona flies on a bowl", "Che Guevara" and "on the roof of the world." A group with Alexei Kostyushkin toured a lot around the country, often spoke with concerts in the capital. One of the last works of the group - the soundtrack for the film "On the roof of the world". In 2013, the magazine "" called Alexei Kostyushkin man of the year in the nomination "Music".

Personal life

Personal life Alexey Kostyushkin includes two marriages. From the first union the musician has an adult daughter.

Alexey Kostyushkin with his wife

The second wife Kostyushkin became Svetlana Garkovaya, for her it is the first marriage. The couple met in 2010 at one of the concerts of the team. The marriage of Alexey Kostyushkin and Svetlana Garovskaya took place on January 10, 2013.


On the night of June 17, 2015, the soloist of the Admeks Kostyskin group at the 46th year of life died from the incurable disease - side amyotrophic sclerosis. This is a slowly progressive disease that affects the central nervous system is incurable. A terrible diagnosis was delivered to Alexey in two and a half years before.

Alexey Kostyushkin in recent years of life

The funds for its treatment were collected by the musicians of the whole country, colleagues conducted charitable concerts, satisfied stocks. The last year of his life Alexey Kostyushkin did not get out of bed, was very weak, practically could not speak and needed constant care. About the death of Alexei Kostyushkin informed his wife Svetlana.

"There was a heart stop, everything happened to around five in the morning," said Light. - Two days before, Alexei was diagnosed with pneumonia, taken into intensive care. There he died. I was not even let me say goodbye. "


  • Bugs in the city of dead windows
  • Ask me to sing
  • Black and White Dances
  • Anna
  • Tango on Mountain
  • There on Mountain
  • Che Guevara
  • On the roof of the world

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