Pavel Krisevich - biography, personal life, photo, news, activist, shareholder, Red Square, shot in the head 2021



Pavel Krisyevich calls himself a latent policeman, an artist, ancient and writer. Despite the young age, the guy has already made the federal media about himself, and also managed to visit the bastard, since its shares are interpreted not as the art and expression of civil position, but as an offense of varying severity.

Childhood and youth

Paul was born in 2000 and, as he himself says, all his life lived with Vladimir Putin. At the same time, Chreevich's hometown is the same as the President of Russia. The shareholder belongs to the middle class and says that he grew up on the panel outskirts of St. Petersburg, where he won the yards and, it happened, fought.

Half of school years, Pasha dedicated football, taking an example from his grandfather, who at one time managed to play Zenit and CSKA. He trained 4 times a week.

Summer boy traditionally spent in the summer village of Toksovo, where he was playing in the neighboring sandbox with siblings Boris Rothenberg. However, the Chrisevich family lived modestly. Mom and grandmother tried to take care of the boy, who grew up without his father and did not know him at all. Paul says that now his parent serves in the Lensovet Theater, but the activist is not going to go on contact.

At one time, he was engaged in his upbringing, but Krisyevich recalls him only as a homely playman, who also allowed himself to raise his hand on his mother. So the topic of domestic violence for Paul is not an empty sound.

The boy studied in the 196th gymnasium. School was chosen according to the principle: to be closer to the house. But all the missing knowledge of Krisevich tried to compensate through reading books and the Internet. He recalls, as at the age of 14, a trigger for him became the topic of the revolution, the study of which began at school. In parallel, Maidan took place in Ukraine, and the events hit the young man for living.

He became a mop reading literature on civilian unrest of the beginning of the twentieth century, thoroughly studied the communist manifestos, outlined the works of Lion Trotsky, who turned his consciousness. Following the writings of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and by 16 years old Paul caught fire for the idea to organize Komsomol in his hometown.

By the beginning of 2017, 30 participants had already been listed in the organization created by him. They arranged shares together, went to rallies who perceived more as entertainment: poured into a shared jet, ran from riot police. The first rally, who visited Krisyevich, was organized by Alexey Navalny, who caused Paul's respect after the release of the film "He is not Dimon".

In the meantime, it was time to think about admission to the university. The guy entered MGIMO, but quickly realized that it was far from ambition to become a diplomat. He preferred to study philosophy and history, while at the Institute the main time went to comprehend foreign languages. In the end, Chisyevich threw his studies and went to serve in the army.

Returning to the Cituit, Paul again tried happiness in Moscow and entered Rudn. He lived in a student dormitory, accounted for an increased scholarship and began to show his civil position through pickets and shares.

Creativity and ancistening

The first performance in the biography of Paul believes the "interception" of the rally of the Navalny winter of 2018. Krisyevich with like-minded people decided to make a procession as "left" and went out ahead of the column with the Red Flag. Then he, another minor, got into the police station, from where he was resulted by a mother with his grandfather, who had not been suspected of this moment than their boy was fond of.

And in the meantime he felt that he did not want to be part of the crowd, and moved away from the party work. Paul began to speak to anarchism and expand the circle of communication, getting acquainted with people of different political views.

In 2019, Krisyevich decided to engage in creativity. During service in the army, he wrote 2 novels, but they could not publish them. Then he decided to join the efforts and chained himself with handcuffs to the courthouse, where the sentence was carried out by the participants of the Network (organization prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation).

A month later, in August 2020, Paul in front of the crowd cut the throat of mannequin as a sign of support for "new greatness" (the organization is recognized as extremist). He spent a number of events, which until time did not receive loud publicity.

For the first time, Chreevich was seriously spoke after the FSB building on Lubyanka, he arranged a share in support of political prisoners, during which he set up himself on the cross, imitating the crucifixion of Christ. This performance no longer seemed to law enforcement agencies, and the guy Schlopotal arrest for 15 days.

In January 2021, Arbat Paul presented his creation "Sphere of the Human Human Soul" by the audience, having conducted an analogy between a barbed wire bar and an authoritarian oppression, which, according to the artist, lives a Russian man. The shareholder again did not escape the detention.

Personal life

The first love guy found on the game "Mokhpers and Mistnitsa", I became Tatyana Kolobakin. But they collapsed while studying in the first year, and the guy with his head went into politics, so as not to ban heart wounds. Then Paul decided that she would no longer accumulate to someone soul, and decided to build a personal life in the "Friendship + Sex" format. At the same time, Chreevich, loyal to LGBT, assures that he does not care about the partner's floor.

Pavel Krisevich now

On June 11, 2021, Krisyevich came to the Red Square, where he held another action. This time he simulated suicide, shot himself three times with idle cartridges. Before the shots, he read the pathos anti-government text. Paul was arrested. A journalist nick Samusik was detained for shooting the promotion.

Krisyevich's girlfriend Anastasia Mikhailova reported that the guy was not injured. It is in the SIZO, and on his page in the "Instagram" under the fresh photo from the point of detention is already being conducted in order to "stably maintain his transmissions for the next 2 months." In the meantime, the picture of the sensational outcoder was sold on June 13 for 50 thousand rubles. At the auction, held in the art space "Eva Rib".

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