Ivan Stebunov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Ivan Stebunov is a sought-after actor who has proven itself as cinematic and theatrical works. During the creative biography of stebunov starred in dozens of projects. Nevertheless, he did not pass the crisis years, from which the artist came out with honor.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Stebunov was born on November 9, 1981 in Pavlovsk. By the sign of the zodiac he scorpion. Father Sergey Alekseevich was a private entrepreneur whose business was associated with the sale of a car. Olga Mikhailovna's mother is a deserved artist of Russia and the actress of the Globus Youth Theater.

Ivan - the younger child in the family, besides him, parents brought up the daughter of Alain, who also went to the footsteps of Mom and became the actress of the theater.

Mother did not immediately determine the profession. Initially, she studied at the teacher of the Russian language, the Father was also a teacher - he taught children physics. But after the birth of the younger son, Olga Mikhailovna decided to try his hand in the actor and entered the Novosibirsk Theater School. Sebunov family had to move to a new city.

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The boy grew up obedient and trouble-free child, but after moving to Novosibirsk, Ivan's character has undergone significant changes. The guy is hooliganil and climbed into the fight, forcing the mother to worry and wait for trouble almost every evening. Teenage age negatively affected the school successes of the future actor.

In the life of a young man there were two serious hobbies - Sports and theater. Ivan Stebunov began to engage in the Greek Roman struggle in the 7th age and achieved significant success in this case, becoming a laureate of the Karelia Cup among young people.

At the age of 14, the teenager had to abandon the sports career in connection with the injury: the young athlete fell on the mat, having received a fracture of two cervical vertebrae. I miraculously avoiding paralysis after the injury, the stebunov was forced for another 2 months to fly on stretching, and then wearing a special medical corset for a year.

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After these events, the first place the theater had a passion for theater, which predetermined his further biography. He actively participated in mugs of amateur in school and attended the performances of the mother, sometimes playing episodic roles.

After the 9th grade, having resurrected a school life, the future actor decided to enter the theater school. Olga Mikhailovna, with understanding, reacted to the decision of the Son, but the hooligan nature of Ivan played with him a keen joke, and at the 2nd course of the guy's school was expelled due to fights.

Stebunov decided to try happiness in the Moscow Theater University, but failed on exams. Without losing time, the guy went to the northern capital, where he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art for the course of the city of Trostyanetsky and Yu. Butusov. Ivan safely graduated from the university in 2002.

Personal life

The first love actor was Dasha Zyabko, with which Ivan met at school age. Serious relations from the stebunov began in his youth with Anna Challenko, his classmate. But love passed when the guy decided to move to St. Petersburg, and his girl stayed at home. Relationships at a distance of lovers decided not to support.

As actor the theater, Ivan got acquainted with the future wife - actress Marina Alexandrova. Together they played in the play "Woe from Wit". Kissing lovers for the first time on a banquet on the occasion of the premiere. Before officially registering relations, they met a year, and in 2008 they played a wedding.

Over time, the relationship has become rapidly deteriorating. Although the young family tried to solve conflict situations at home, scandals and quarrels began to manifest themselves during working hours. The spouses were traveled along various apartments, they rested again. Their marriage lasted 2 years, after which the couple still decided to divorce. The divorce was saved on their relationship: Ivan with Marina remained good friends.

In 2011, during the shooting of the comedy "My crazy family!" Ivan got acquainted with the young actress Ageles Shilovskaya, who accounted for the granddaughter to the famous director Vsevolod Shilovsky. Their relationship developed rapidly and in a month rumors appeared that the pair plans to play a wedding. However, the novel turned out to be configured, and the information about the coming marriage was not confirmed.

After parting with Agela, Ivan decided not to advertise his relationship with the girls. The actor postponed plans for the family life and the birth of children. Perhaps he was prevented excessive in love: in secular events, he appeared every time with a new chosen.

After the creative break, returning to Moscow, Ivan Stebunov managed to arrange a personal life. In the capital, he met a girl Elena Vlasova, who works as an economist, and also tastes strength as a model and TV presenter. The beauty struck the heart of the actor, and in the summer of 2018 it became known that Ivan was married to the elected. This information was a pleasant news for actor fans.

A month after the marriage ceremony, the couple went to a wedding trip to the Dominican Republic. Romantic photos taken on the trip later appeared on the page of the artist's wife in "Instagram".


In 2006, Ivan Stebunov was adopted in the Toroupe of the Moscow "contemporary". His negative attitude towards the theater has changed thanks to a talented teacher of the MHT Studio and the Director of Cyril Serebrennikov. The first work of the actor was the role of Julia Caesar in the play "Anthony and Cleopatra". Thanks to the patience and skill, Serebrennikov Ivan managed to get rid of groping on stage and fully reveal the creative potential.

In 2007, the stebunov took part in the "Mount of Mind" under the leadership of the director of Rimas Tuminas, where the actor received the role of Chatsky. The audience reacted in different ways to the image of Ivan, then she giving it with applause, then remaining in bewilderment from his game. In the same year, the artist played in the performances of "three sisters", "three comrades" and "gentleman."

In 2015, the artist resigned from the theater "Contemporary". According to Ivan, he has long treated work for a long time, therefore, during his career, he was confused by the authority from colleagues. A man decided to figure out what happened. He left Moscow to Altai, where he settled in the droupe of the youth theater.

In the native edge of the stebunov plunged into directorial work, together with young actors, put performances. Two years later, Ivan lived on a salary of 20 thousand rubles. In a small apartment. After returning to Moscow, he managed to recover in the theater and immediately receive several proposals from cinematographers.

Called back the stebunov his senior colleague Mikhail Efremov. He informed the artist that he was decided to try in the new project of the theater - the play "Return home". Ivan realized that he had a second chance.

Now, in addition to the "contemporary", the actor collaborates with the modern theater of Refrisses. For 2017, the artist visited the cities of Belarus and the Far East with the formulation of "Do not be happy to be happy", put on the play Alexey Arbuzova "My poor Marat".

In the play, the military topic is affected, which turned out to be close to Ivan Stebuna. He had fallen and the acting ensemble, where, in addition to him, Ivan Lodine and Olga Kuzmin entered.


To filmed in the movie Ivan Stebunov began early. On the 3rd year, he made his debut in the Pirates of Edelweiss Pirates, where Karl Ripka played, the participant of the anti-fascist movement in Germany. In this tape, the guy got completely unexpectedly: he was noted by an assistant for a set of actors, when Ivan with a bruise under the eye smoked around the hostel.

Having moved to Moscow, the artist began shooting in the series "Cadets", where he played with Andrei Chadov. The film appeared on the screens in 2004 and was warmly accepted by the audience. After participating in two successful paintings, Ivan began to invite into many other projects, among which the Family Saga "Gromov", Thriller "Last Weekend", where Ivan played with Tatyana Arntgolts. The soundtrack from the last picture was later presented in the form of a music clip.

The collection of roles in the movie in Stebunova was also successfully replenished. In the melodrame "everything is not by chance" he played with Karina Razumovskaya. In the comedy "Three and Snowflake" starred in the company Ivan Urgant and Daniel Svivakovsky. Among the works of the actor there are a mystical thriller "Testament of the Night" and the military picture "Zapasta Zilina".

The artist filmography was decorated with such rating projects as the series "Kotovsky", Drama Garik Sukacheva "Sun House". The youth public of the stebunov was remembered by work in the comedy "Ticket for Vegas" and "Diamond in Chocolate".

In 2011, the artist tried himself as director, removing the first short-term tape "Seventh". The scenario was written by the sanguisa himself, he also became a producer of the project, and the premiere of the tape took place at the Festival "Kinotavr". Later was the main role in the "Bird in a cage" melodrama, where Ekaterina Astakhova also played.

2013 replenished the piggy bank of the actor role in the kinobiographies of the famous singer and the restaurant "Peter Leshchenko. All that has gone before…". Ivan Stebunov played the main character in his youth, Mature Peter Leshchenko embodied on the screen Konstantin Khabensky.

Artists have similar features of the face, almost the same height (174 cm in Stebunov, with a weight of 76 kg, 172 cm - at Khabensky), a close manner of the game due to study in the same theater academy. The similarity of the actors who managed to play one person in the picture, did not cover the eye of the viewers.

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I instantly appeared rumors about the relationship of Stebunova and Khabensky. However, Ivan cannot be the son of Constantine because of the too small difference in age, so fans focused on the version that the actors are brothers. These rumors artists do not comment. About similarity with the Khabensky Ivan knows, but does not consider this comparison of the offensive or offensive.

In 2014, Ivan played a major role in the criminal melodrama "Find me if you can." The role of Alice, the bride of his hero, performed Evgeny Laose. According to the story, the main character of Ilya, his bride and friends are forced to help the father of Alice rob the casino to find the money for the treatment of the youngest sister girl.

In 2015, the stebunov received a major role in another criminal film "The Second Life". The drama tells the story of a girl who should witness in the case of the gang of robbers.

The criminals are trying to kill the main witness, but she accidentally saves the former captain of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which Ivan played. Later it turns out that the same robbers are to blame for the death of his wife and daughter, the main characters are united to achieve justice.

In the same year, the actor took part in the filming of the historical drama "Men and Baba", based on the period of collectivization and delegation in 20-30 years of last century, but the picture did not reach the screens.

In 2017, Ivan started shooting in the film "Crimea", the genre of which is indicated as Saga. In kinocartee, we had about the reunification of two families - Russian and Crimean-Tatar. The main roles are distributed among the actors of Elizabeth Saksina, Fyodor Dobronravov, Konstantin Kryukov, Anton Makarsky, Artur Smolyaninov.

Stebunov starred in the detective TV series of the NTV channel "Spy No. 1". According to the plot of the Agents of the American intelligence agencies in search of the Soviet intelligence officer go to the USSR, to the bribing to calculate his name. But on the part of the Soviet leadership, a pseudocredorator is put forward, which is designed to let Americans on the false path.

Often Ivan becomes a guest of popular gears. He visited the studio at Boris Korchevnikova, starring in the program "The Fate of Man", gave an interview with Tatiana Ustinova in the TV show "My hero".

Ivan Stebunov Now

Today, Ivan calls the acting profession by nationality. He was communicated with foreign artists, with whom he easily found a common language, not even knowing their speeches.

Now the stebunov expands the horizons of their acting talent. He tries himself in a new role. The man became a member of the project "Dancing with the Stars", the shooting of which was started in the spring of 2020. According to Ivan, the television show helps him survive the quarantine period, which was introduced during the danger of the spread of coronavirus.

The partner of the actor was the dancer and choreographer Inna Svechnikov. As Ivan said in an interview, he was lucky, because Inna also his herself puts all the dances that the couple then demonstrates at the competition. Artists have successfully started with the number "Tango", which, according to the results of SMS voting, brought them to the 1st place.

Ivan also became a member of the Internet project "Dr. Chekhov", which launched the theater "Contemporary". Every day, on the website of the theater team at 19:00, video recordings of Anton Chekhov's stories appear. In addition to Ivan Stebunova, Sergey Garmash, Vladislav Vetrov, Alyona Babenko and others.

The cinematic premiere of the year was the show of the "Toy" detective on the TVC channel. In the film, Ivan Stebunov performed a major role, appearing on the screen with Maria Mashkova and Anatoly Rudenko. The series "Let's find each other" became an equally bright opening, in which the stebunov got one of the main images.

DTP Mikhail Efremova

On the evening of June 8, 2020 at the Garden Ring, in the area of ​​Smolensk Square, the actor Mikhail Efremov in a state of severe intoxication went to the oncoming lane and made a frontal collision with Lada truck. As a result of the accident, the 58-year-old truck driver Sergey Zakharov was injured, who he died in the hospital later.

According to eyewitnesses, at the time of the accident in the auto Efremov there were two passengers - Ivan Stebunov and his spouse Elena. Ivan's subscribers literally sustained the Social School of Artist, asking the question of why they made a drunk colleague to the steering wheel. However, this information was not confirmed later, Efremov drove one in the car. People's artist awarded 8 years in prison.


  • 2001 - "Pirates of Edelweiss"
  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2007 - "Three and Snowflake"
  • 2007 - "House on the Embankment"
  • 2009 - "Zapowa Zilina"
  • 2010 - "Kotovsky"
  • 2010 - "Sun House"
  • 2011 - "My crazy family"
  • 2013 - "Ticket for Vegas"
  • 2013 - "Peter Leshchenko. All that has gone before…"
  • 2015 - "Second Life"
  • 2017 - "Second Life"
  • 2019 - "Spy No. 1"
  • 2019 - "Toy"
  • 2020 - "Let's find each other"

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