Sergey Zhorin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lawyer, Wife, Katya Gordon 2021



Sergey Zhorin is a famous lawyer in Russia, representing the interests of media dareson and public persons in the courts. On his account there are several dozen sensational lawsuits with the participation of stars of show business, actors, singers, producers who, thanks to the talent and abilities of a lawyer, sought record compensation. Every year, his fee is becoming more and more with the number of customers.

Childhood and youth

Zhorin Sergey Viktorovich was born on June 5, 1976 in the capital of Russia. Childhood and adolescence, as in most famous personalities, are not particularly remarkable biography periods. After graduation, he entered the law faculty of the Moscow State Industrial University, which graduated from 2002.

After that, Zhorin decided to receive the second higher education and again became a student of the Russian Institute of State Registrars in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which successfully graduated in 2007.

About the family Zhorin is known not so much. The lawyer told about mom a little on the program "Fashion sentence." According to Sergey, a woman alone climbed him and brother, all his life saved, cheaper everything was to dress in sportswear. In 2018, the lawyer decided to change the situation: Mom he wants to see feminine and elegant, and therefore he led her to the program. Fashionable stylists managed to pick up beautiful and suitable outfits for her, change the hairstyle and pick up the appropriate makeup.

Career and loud court cases

During training in Rigr, the law career Sergey Viktorovich has already been fully implemented. At the expense of his knowledge and accumulated experience, he became one of the creators of the Moscow board of lawyers "Zhorin and partners" and took the position of Chairman of the Presidium. Highly professional lawyers, accountants and lawyers included in Zhorin's advocacy board. Detailed information on the activities of the company is published on its official website.

Thanks to Zhorin, acute questions were resolved when registering the international music and other state-owned enterprises and institutions. Also, the specialization of a lawyer includes tax planning, administrative and business cases, which Sergey Viktorovich successfully wins both in the courts of general jurisdiction and in the arbitration and arbitration courts of the Russian Federation. Prices for the services of a lawyer in each individual case are discussed individually and are confidential information.

In the asset Zhorin, there is a huge number of high-profile affairs on the representation of the interests of Russians. In the healing career, the lawyer successfully represented the popular producer Bari Alibasov, who thanks to Sergey Viktorovich won the court and received moral compensation in the amount of 1 million 100 thousand rubles. From the creators of the Internet portal, in which the producer was called "Tatar-Kazakh Mountains".

In 2012, Zhorine again broke the record of Russia and in court achieved the recovery of moral compensation for the singer Valeria and her spouse of Joseph Vigogin in the amount of 1.7 million rubles. For constant negative comments and insults in the network of their activities.

A year later, the media discussed the case of the prosthetic zhorin singer Vitas, who knocked down a cyclist on the car, taking another 2 car, and when DPS officers arrived at the scene, one of them came into place. The works of a talented lawyer artist managed to get rid of 100 thousand rubles.

Other loud considered cases were the claim of Yevgeny Petrosyan to the former spouse of Elena Stepanenko about the return of real estate, the recovery of alimony from the Denis Glushakov's football player in favor of his ex-wife Darya. In May 2019, the lawyer became one of the speakers of the series of seminars of Roskomnadzor.

A month after that, the name of the lawyer fell into the articles with the discussion of the Instaborera Elena Kornilov, which gave itself to a specialist in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology, gave subscribers paid tips than and earned a living. After its exposure, or rather confirmation of the fact that women's diplomas are fake, the blogger has published a new photo in the profile, which is captured with Zhorin. It, as it were, hinting unfair people, that in the case of trials, its right will defend a star lawyer.

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The fact of acquaintance with Cornilova Zhorin did not deny. But on the question of whether he will really represent the interests of Helena in court, the lawyer answered negatively.

In the fall of the same year, Zhorin helped the first wife and son of the late deputy Vladimir Kasanenko, Lydia and Denis Kasanenko, win the case of the inheritance section. The court rose to the side of the Saglgei.

At the same time, Zhorin was engaged in the Black Star. He defended the interests of the label against Levan Gorosia, previously known under the pseudonym L'One, who tried to defend the right to act under this name and use the songs recorded at the time of cooperation with the company. As a result, the court he lost, about which Timati gladly stated in "Instagram".

At the same time, Sergey has time to periodically appear on the Echo Moskvy radio station, where the opinion is voiced by a situation of this or that situation.

The name of Zhorin periodically pops up in the press. He is engaged in new things and speaks regarding old, which are already considered by the court. For example, about the current relations of Petrosyan and Stepanenko in February 2020, Zhorin said that Elena is lying when he tells the press that without any problems let the former husband in their apartment. And he has a recorded telephone conversation.

Zhorin entered into the singer Valery, when she announced the announcement of the creation of his own political party engaged in the protection of women's rights, was criticized from Gordon. Catherine sharply spoke out about the abilities of the artist, noting that she did not stand on her side during the conflict with a former husband. Sergey's answer regarding this topic did not make himself wait long: "Why should I comment on the toad?"

Personal life

Lawyer Zhorin copes not only with other marriage marriages. Now it is already known - the lawyer was married five times, and in his youth, before gaining fame, was in demand in women. Personal life Sergey Pepit is loud events, weddings and divorces.

In 2011, a secular lawyer married the famous journalist and singer Kate Gordon. After 2 months, the marriage collapsed. The reason for the divorce Zhorin and Gordon became the beating of a girl with a lawyer. However, 2 days after the incident, the conflict of spouses was settled, and Zhorin brought public apology to his wife.

In 2012, Gordon gave birth to her husband's son Daniel, the appearance of which did not establish relations in the family. Later, Zhorin was attributed to the Roman with the winner of the 15th season of the "Battle of Psychic" show Julia Wang, which both refuted, as well as with a colleague Natalia. And in 2016, Zhorin made a proposal of TV presenter Ekaterina Guseva, giving a wedding ring at a solemn event.

In 2017, the press spoke about the novel by the lawyer with Miss Savalda, Natalia Ragosina. The lawyer and the titled boxing champion together appeared at events and went to the weekend to Zhorin's house in Italy. In July, the couple officially issued relations. Newlyweds signed in the Moscow Region Region and celebrated this event in the prestigious Barviha Luxury Village complex.

After a year and a half, a couple without scandals divorced. The separation of Sergey and Natalia became a few months later. Ragozina made recognition on the broadcast of the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. The athlete dreamed of a strong family and the birth of children, while Zhorin was not ready for such a lifestyle. From previous relations, he brings up two sons - Daniel, born in marriage with Gordon, and senior Alexander, whom Natalia's first wife presented him.

Sergey was not lonely alone. In September 2019, in "Instagram" under his own photo, he made an unequivocal statement, which confirmed the presence of a new novel. But the man wished to leave the name of the new girl secretly, dreaming, so that at least some of his relationships were not worn.

And although Zhorine has long been building a new life, between him and Gordon periodically again appear scandals. In March 2020, Katya became the guests of the program published on the Yutiub-Channel "Alena, Damn!", Where he had told about the difficult life with the former spouse.

According to Gordon, all the time spent in marriage with Zhorin, she experienced moral and physical humiliation: he called her, called the "terrible woman." And at the time when she lay in a hospital on preservation, her husband changed her. According to the woman, in the social network Anna Sedokova, she saw a new picture of the artist, and in the background he learned the wallpaper and plinth of his own apartment. After Catherine, wrote a split letter with the following content: "Anya, what, maybe, at least I face?", What amazed Sedokova answered: "Oh, and you are still married?"

According to her, Sergey did not deny betray, but his novel with his singer ended quickly. The last months of pregnancy Gordon lived in the hospital, but Zhorin refused to pay for the childbirth of his wife.

Katya Gordon answered the program to accusations from Zhorin in the use of alcohol and drugs. Shortly before the release of the transfer, Sergey posted a video into a network, in which Catherine appeared in an inadequate state. The journalist explained that there was a psyche disorder with Zhorin, and after the divorce to come to her helped her meetings with a psychotherapist. She also stated that he had never tried drugs in his life, and 2-3 glasses of red dry wine could afford from alcoholic beverages, from more her just getting bad.

About another betrayal of Zhorin Gordon became known after the release of the program "Secret by Million" in 2018, where Zhanna Epple became the main heroine. The actress told Lere Kudryavtseva, which was in relations with a star lawyer even before his birth and Ekaterina of the child, allegedly not knowing that Sergey's wife was pregnant.

Sergey Zhorine leads an active life, it is clear on the photographs that the lawyer publishes in "Instagram" and "Twitter". He spends a lot of time on travel, likes to attend different countries. The female part of the subscriber notes its attractiveness and sports physique. Although the growth and weight of Zhorin are unknown, and without it it can be seen that the man has a tightened figure.

Sergey Zhorin now

In instagram account, lawyer has repeatedly stressed that participation in television shows for him is a way to convey the truth to the audience, but in no way the vanity fair. The star lawyer who became famous at the beginning of 2021 did not change his credo and starred in the transfer "Let them say", which was devoted to the continuation of the difficult history associated with the death of Valentines easless.

In April, Sergey took over another resonant case - an accident on the garden ring. The famous blogger and Pranker Edward Beil became the culprit of a terrible accident. The young man flew to the oncoming lane, being driving the blue Audi, and made a collision of several cars.

One of the victims - the State Duma Consultant Maria Artemova was brought to a hospital with numerous fractures and internal bleeding. The blogger himself was placed in a temporary detention facility, and Sergey Zhorin took his interests to represent his interests.

A lawyer Pranker immediately told the press on his customer's readiness to assist victims in the accident. Edward admitted guilt and was released home. He was forbidden to leave the house from 22:00 to 08:00, get drove and use the phone.

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