Jennifer Aniston - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Films, Children, Brad Pitt, Adam Sandler 2021



Jennifer Aniston is American film actress, owner of the registered star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory". And once she worked as an ordinary waitress and did not even assume that she would achieve such heights. Participation in the rating youth series "Friends" allowed her to get into full-length American projects.

Childhood and youth

Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969 in Sherman-Oks, California. Father Jennifer, Greek by Nationality Yannis Anastassakis, starting a career on television, changed the name on John Aniston. Mother - a little-known actress Nancy Dow, at one time he worked out by the Assistant Rock Hudson. Great Father Jennifer Aniston became the best friend of his father, famous in the past television actor Telly Savalas.

When Jen reached 10 years old, her parents divorced. In these years, the girl decided to become an actress. It happened after viewing on Broadway the comedy play "Annie". Father Jennifer Aniston tried to dissuade the daughter from the career in the cinema, trying to protect from those problems with whom he had to face. John Aniston played in many soap operations, but most of the time received refuses, sat without work and worked as a seller of vacuum cleaners. However, Jen was adamant, and his father surrendered. Jennifer received the first role thanks to him. John Aniston in an acquaintance gave a girl into the extras of the soap opera, in which he played himself. So its creative biography began.


For the first time, the name of the beginner actress fell into the titers after entering the screens of the series "Molla", where Jennifer got a small episode. On the castings she was offered only small episodes in the TV shows, and everything that she had remained, to work out in anticipation of the new role. Jennifer had to work as a secretary in the advertising agency, and a courier by bike in New York, and the master of ice cream, and a waitress. And at the last position she lasted 2.5 years.

In 1990, the actress moved to Hollywood and found an agent who agreed to represent her. But at the same time, he put a rigid condition: Jen was supposed to reset 13 kg. At first, Aniston did not agree, but after a series of directorial failures and his appearance in a tight criticism of the horror film "Leprechaun" surrendered.

Biography Jennifer Aniston made a cardinal turn toward success in 1994, when she was offered a role in the series "Friends". At that time, David Shvimmer and Courtney Cox were already approved for their roles. And Courtney received the role of Rachel Green, and Jennifer tried to the role of Monica. But both actresses wanted to exchange roles, and when the producers learned that Aniston worked as a waitress, girls immediately changed places.

At the time of the start of the filming, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Matt Leblan and others were little-known actors, producers expedited to gain popularity due to the person of Coke. But the series received a visual response from the first episodes. Aniston became not just known, and the legislator mod. Trend has become all: from clothes before haircut.

By the way, the birth of fashionable hairstyles - smooth straight hair - Aniston is obliged to the unlucky stylist, who first made an annoying oversight, cutting off the actress of an extra curl, and then was forced to work on errors. Since then, Aniston's hair has become its trademark. She regularly spends the fabulous sums on maintaining them in a magnificent state and hides that they are from nature crispy.

Interestingly, the series "Friends" allowed the beginning of a beginner actress to get acquainted with many Hollywood stars. Including Aniston happened to work with Bruce Willis, who agreed to shoot due to the fact that Matthew's dispute lost.

The series "Friends" became megapopular and existed for 10 years. Jennifer Aniston from the actress faults turned into one of the highest-paid stars of telecommunication zero. Her fee was fabulous: $ 1 million per episode. Jen became famous and rich. The actress was organized for 5 times for the AMMI premium, and in 2003 she received the Golden Globe.

During the time, while the series "Friends,", Aniston had time to act in a big cinema. In early 2000, she headed the rating of the most popular comedic actresses Hollywood. Each film was collected a decent cash register, and Eiston's fees reached $ 10 million per tape. And behind it, the image of a girl for romantic comedies has been fixed. So, her filmography replenished the paintings "Prince from Dreams" (1996), "Portrait of Perfection" (1997), "Office space" (1999). The romantic comedy "Portrait of Perfection" received mixed reviews from film critics, but the Eiston game was rated high. At the same time, Jennifer starred in the films "Extralling Ideal" with Saraz Jessica Parker, "Thin Pink Line" and "Office Space". The last movie later received a cult status. And its role in the "Good Girl" drama was positively rated at the Sundance Independent Cinema Festival.

In 2003, the new wave of popularity Aniston brought a comedy "Bruce Almighty", in which the actress played the beloved Hero of Jim Kerry, who received Divine powers. A year later, the audience had the opportunity to watch the game Jen already in a pair with Ben Stiller in the romantic tape "And here and polli." In this tape, Aniston got the role of a reckless beauty, loving extreme, while the styller played a "gray office mouse".

In 2005, Jennifer starred in the film "It's rumors" with such stars of Hollywood, like Kevin Costner and Mark Ruffalo. In the same year, the actress changed the role and the genre, playing in the Thriller Charger Charger Thriller with Claiv Owen and Vincenne Kassel.

A year later, Aniston tried herself as director, removing the short film "Room 10". Jennifer told that she picked up the example of Gwyneth Paltrow. The second director's work was the picture "Five" (2011).

In December 2008, the tragicomedy "Marley and I" came to the rental, where Jennifer Aniston became a partner Owen Wilson. World filming fees amounted to $ 242 million. The next film of the celebrity was the romantic comedy "to promise - does not mean marry." Together with her starred the largest stars of American cinema - Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Bradley Cooper. Despite the fact that the film reviews were mixed, the work of Aniston and her star partners was assessed more than worthy. Only in the first week of rental she collected $ 30 million.

And again, Aniston was waiting for success in the next romantic comedy - "pretend to be my wife." The actress played a surgeon's friend (Adam Sandler), who asked her to pretend to be his former spouse before seductive beauty.

In March 2010, the premiere of the film "Hunter for Heads" with the participation of Aniston and Gerard Batler took place. The main hero of Milo is a policeman in the past, and in the present head hunter, specializing in the search for runaway criminals. Once he gets the task to find a journalist Nicole. The picture was in the fluff and dust criticized critics, but I collected more than $ 130 million at the box office. The same story happened to the melodrama "more than a friend" in which Aniston also made a producer. The picture received negative feedback from critics, but was appreciated even higher than the "head hunter".

In the summer of 2011, the comedy "unsteady bosses" was published, in which the star appeared as a concerned Dentist doctor. In the fall of the same year, the premiere of the film "Thirst for Strangers" took place, during the filming of which an Eiston had a novel with a future husband. Another comedy "We - Millers" also remembered the mass audience. In this film, the actress played a fake spouse of drug dealer. After 3 years, the continuation of the bright picture was successful - "unscaniferous bosses - 2, where Jennifer Aniston again shone.

In 2013, the premiere of the film "Decoration My Wife" took place. In Kinolent, Aniston got the role of his wife of a ruined rich man, which two accomplices decided to kidnap the sake of redemption. But it turned out that her burgher heroine does not burn with the desire to buy a spouse from captivity.

On September 8, 2014, the premiere of the Drama "Cake" took place at the International Film Festival in Toronto, where Aniston fulfilled the role of a chronic painful pain in Claire's syndrome. The film was warmly accepted by critics and showed that the actress copes not only with comedy roles - she is under the power of deep psychological images.

Jennifer Aniston is the owner of the mass of awards and a personal star on the "Alley of Glory" in Hollywood. She did not once confessed the most beautiful and sexy woman in various ratings. And in 2011, according to Men's Health magazine, Jennifer headed the rating of the "sexiest women of all time," ahead of Angelina Jolie and Marilyn Monroe.

In 2016, Aniston, together with Kate Hudson and Julia Roberts, starred in the Comedy "Unbendable Lady", which tells the audience about what female happiness is. Jack Houston became a partner of the actress in the Drama "Yellow Bird", which tells about two young American servicemen who survived the war in Iraq. Removed celebrity and in the paintings "New Year's corporate", "Storks".

In 2018, Creative Career Aniston was still active. The actress continued to appear on the big screen, and in the favorite role of comedy actress. In December, the premiere of the Musical Film "Piss" was held. Aniston appeared in the role of the former queen of beauty, in the daughter of which the parameters of the figure are far from generally accepted ideals. It does not stop the girl from participating in the competition arranged by her mother.

In 2019, Aniston worked on the "Mysterious Murder" project, in which he again appeared in a pair with Adam Sandler. The actors reincarnated in a married couple, which becomes a witness of a number of crimes.

The actress also starred in the dramatic television series "Morning Show". The script is based on the book "Morning Show: Ruthless World of Television", which is written by a journalist and the leading CNN TV channel by Brian Stelter. Jennifer played the main role of Alex Levi. Also in the picture starred Reese Witherspoon.

Personal life

Personal life Jennifer Aniston is full and joy, and disappointments. In the youth, Aniston met with the musician Adam Duritz, then with the actor Tait Donovan. A serious relationship with Brad Pitt came to replace short novels. Couple played a wedding in July 2000 in Malibu.

The most beautiful couple of Hollywood in January 2005 announced parting, and in October they divorced. All this time, the personal life of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt did not go from the first pages of tabloid, which saved all the details and scandals around the stellar pair. Angelina Jolie became the cause of the divorce, with which Brad met on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's paintings. According to the suggestions of Jolie fans, Pitt preferred it, because she did not mind to acquire the offspring, and Aniston did not want or could not have children.

Jen was seriously worried about parting and did not hide hostility to Angelina. Especially after her interview, in which Jolie confessed that the feelings between her and Brad broke out when Pitt and Aniston were together. In 2016, having learned about the divorce of Pitt and Jolie, Aniston called it "karma."

After parting the actress tried to build relations with actor Vince Voon, then with John Mayer. In 2010, after joint filming in the film "The Hunter for Heads" in the press, rumors about the novel with Gerard Butler began to be medalized. It turned out to be untold. And the actress itself is in one interview, as if justifying, stated that he was happy, despite the lack of her husband, children and bought at home.

And yet a new acquaintance turned around the wedding. During the filming of the "Thirst for Westerns", Aniston was tightened with a novel with Justin Tera, known on the film "Malkolland Drive" and the series "left". Unexpectedly Romance converts to a serious relationship: the screenwriter and actor theory for Jen threw his civil wife, with which he was in relations for 14 years.

The general public has become aware of the relations of Aniston and the Terra only in May 2011. Love spoke the head of a woman, and she even took a creative vacation and began to equip the house, bought for $ 21 million. A year later, Tera did an aniston offer, but the wedding took place only in 2015. To hide the fact of marriage, the couple invited guests allegedly to celebrate the Birthday to thera. But star friends quickly understood that they came to the wedding.

Wedding took place on August 5, 2015 in Los Angeles in the presence of many Stars Hollywood - Rachel Makadams, Toby Maguire, Orlando Bloom, Emily Blunt and others. The bride's girlfriend became Courtney Coke. After the celebration, the family flew to the honeymoon on Bora Bora.

Jennifer Aniston has already become accustomed to constant rumors about her pregnancy, but perceives speculation in the press painfully. In February 2017, rumors broke out with a new force: Sun tabloid said that after a 16-month treatment, the ECO procedure gave the result, 48-year-old actress is waiting for a child. According to the tabloid, not far from the mountains in honor of the future parents, for whom this baby should become the first. Herself Aniston called not to believe the rumors and said: when she succeeds in pregnant, she herself told the world about this joyful event.

In early 2018, it became known about the divorce of Jennifer and Justin. Opened about parting with her husband actress spoke later time. The reason for the rupture was that the theer was repeatedly shown in Ajulter.

After parting with the wrong spouse, Aniston took the help of a psychotherapist. The actress attended the doctor, shared with him with revelations and feelings she experienced. A specialist helped her to properly arrange priorities. According to her loved ones, the break of the pair was inevitable. Hollywood actress failed to fit in New York, who attracted the theer with his bohemity, and her spouse was far from life in Los Angeles. As a result, the last 1.5 years, Jennifer and Justin have not seen.

For a long time, fans suspected an actress in reunion with Brad Pitt. Another reason for this was the new photo in instagram account actresses, which she posted in March 2021. In the picture, in addition to the face of Aniston and her pet, you can see a male figure that resembles an ex-spouse's physique.

However, Western media reported that the new boyfriend Aniston is not Pitt. This mysterious stranger helped her to survive difficult times, having moral support.

A source close to the star of the series "Friends," said that she is now happy in a new relationship: "Jen in the seventh heaven from happiness and cannot hide a smile on his face." He also added that with Brad, the actress holds a distance to avoid mental pain. In addition, she does not want a new partner to feel a threat.

It is worth noting that the previous experience of the relationship made Aniston a strong woman. She even helped Jason referee to survive a break from Olivia Wilde, who happened in the life of the actor in 2021. "She was a real support for him throughout this nightmare. They talk and rewrite every day. Jen shared his ways with him, which could help him cope with experiences, such as meditation and yoga, and also encouraged him and invited him to the zoom parties, where he could be distracted, "said Insider.

Beauty and Figure Jennifer can envy many girls. The tabloids often publish Aniston's pictures in a swimsuit or tight evening dresses. With a height of 164 cm, the actress retains low weight, which fluctuates in the range of 50-55 kg. According to the artist, the secret is simple: proper nutrition and sports, especially she likes to do yoga. This allows you to stay on the crest of the wave, getting new roles of romantic beauties and young seductors and remain one of the most beautiful women of the planet.

Like other artists and stars of show business, Jennifer Aniston began holding a page in "Instagram" and accommodating personal photos on it. She is often divided by photographs and communicates with fans.

Jennifer Aniston now

At the end of May 2021, all fans of the famous series waited an incredible premiere - the exit of a special issue of "friends". For a long time, the creators of the project did not shed the light on the mystery of the plot of the episode, which gave the reason to the fans of the star six, hope to see the restart of the liberated Sitkom.

However, this did not happen. The shootings took part performers of major roles, including Aniston. True, they played there not their characters, but themselves. In addition to them, star guests joined the project, among them Lady Gaga, Cindy Crawford, Justin Bieber and others.

The fact that the special issue does not mean the continuation of the "friends", it became clear after the release of the official tizer. However, the fans of the series were not upset at all and were happy to see those who loved the actors in familiar locations - on the idea of ​​the creators of shooting, they were conducted in the same place where the main events of Sitkom were taking place.

By the way, the news about special issue appeared in 2020. This confirmed Jennifer Aniston, who posted in his account in "Instagram" photos with colleagues on the set and wrote: "This will happen." Identical photos appeared in Courtney Cox accounts, Matthew Perry, Lisa Kudrou, David Schwimer. According to rumors, each of the actors received $ 2.5 million per episode.

The director Special Education spoke Ben Winston. Creator of the series Kevin Brother, Jennifer Aniston and other representatives of the original caste became executive producers.


  • 1990 - "Molly"
  • 1994-2004 - "Friends"
  • 2001 - "Rock Star"
  • 2006 - "Divorce of American"
  • 2009 - "Promise - does not mean marry"
  • 2010 - "Hunter for heads"
  • 2011 - "Pretend to my wife"
  • 2013 - "We are Millers"
  • 2016 - "Unquest Lady"
  • 2016 - "New Year's Corporate"
  • 2017 - "Yellow Birds"
  • 2018 - "Push"
  • 2019 - "Mysterious Murder"
  • 2019-2020 - "Morning Show"

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