Barack Obama - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Barack Obama is the most atypical politician around the world, broken many conventions due to its cold mind. The 44th president of the United States, who became the first black head of the state in the history of the country. Winner of the Nobel Prize of the 2009 World.

Childhood and youth

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. on August 4, 1961 was born in the Hawaiian Islands, in Sunny Honolulu, a couple of young students, Kenyana Barack Obama-senior and American Stanley Ann Dunham, married against the will of their parents shortly before the birth of the future American president. At that time, while young parents received an education, her grandmother Madeleine Li Pien Daem was engaged in the upbringing of a little barrack.

Barack Obama

In 1964, the parents of another Obama divorced, so the boy remained without paternal attention and support. In 1967, Barack's mother again married Indonesian Lolo Sutorso, and the family moved to Jakarta, where the younger sister of Barack - Maya was born. At the homeland, the boy went to the local general education school, but at the end of the 4th grade of Barack again returned to the upbringing grandmother in Honolulu. In the Hawaiian Islands, the future head of the United States received a complete secondary education in the prestigious private school "Phanehou". In the school years, Barak was fond of basketball and even together with the team won the state championship.

Childhood and school years Barack Obama described in the autobiographical book "My Father's dreams", on the pages of which admitted that in his youth, he was exposed to a moral drop, taking alcohol, using Cocaine and smoking marijuana, but he stopped in time, received a higher education and reached heights in politics.

Barack Obama in childhood

After graduating from school, Barack moved to Los Angeles, where he entered the Western College, and after a time he was transferred to Columbia University of New York at the Faculty of International Relations. The US Economic Center and became the starting point in the career of the future American president. Until the end of the university, he already worked as the New York Research Center and International Business Corporation.

Having received a bachelor's degree, Barak decided to expand knowledge in the field of jurisdiction. In 1988, he moved to Chicago and was enrolled in a law school at Harvard University, as well as in parallel with the study of the right, held the post of editor of the Harvard Law Review University newspaper, becoming the first in the history of the publication by the African American editor.

Barack Obama in youth

In 1991, Barack Obama received a diploma of the doctor with honors (Magna Cum Laude), after which it was engaged in legal practice, defending the rights of "victims" of discrimination in court. In addition, the US President has a pedagogical experience, since 10 years taught constitutional law in the University of Chicago.

Career and political activities

Career The policy of Barack Obama began in 1997 in the state of Illinois, where he until 2004 held the chair of the senator, representing the interests of the US Democratic Party. The main political doctrine of the future chapter of the United States at that time was the support of low-income families, the withdrawal of American troops from Iran, the development of pre-school education, tightening control over the work of the investigative bodies of the country. Obama's popularity and support of Americans has deserved thanks to a bright fight against racial discrimination and support for the General Health Insurance Development Project.

Politician Barack Obama

Since 2004, Obama has joined the first election race for a place in the Senate of the US Congress and after his main competitor Jack Ryan withdrew his own candidacy due to the scandalous charges, won the primaries, having won a convincing victory over six opponents.

In 2005, hitting the US Senate, Barack Obama was incorporated immediately to several committees, namely, was connected to solving issues related to public works, environmental problems, international relations and veterans affairs. At that time, Obama visited Russia for the first time, where he discussed questions regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass lesion.

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama

The new US senator quickly won the sympathy of the press and became one of the most significant political figures of Washington. In the fall of 2006, neither in society nor among the population had no doubt that the "favorite" of the Democratic Party would participate in the elections of the US President-2008 and will become the next chapter of the American state.

These assumptions were confirmed - in 2007, Obama officially announced his joining the presidential race and began preparing the election program. He focused on the country's political and economic issues, as well as the support of the low-income layers of the American population, which was supported by most US inhabitants. Then $ 58 million was collected in support of his presidential campaign, a third of which ordinary people donated. Thanks to this, the future president of the United States refused to budget funding for his campaign and confidently ahead of his opponents in the presidential race with the slogan "YES WE CAN".

President Barack Obama

Despite the popularity of the candidate, the election campaign was not without excesses. One of the promises of the barrack was the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, but in the process of communicating with the electorate, the senator made an oversight, calling the mistake of the life of American soldiers participating in military operations in the Middle East. For this statement, Obama paid a decline in the rating, which had to restore explanations of his point of view and numerous apologies.

Despite its belonging to African Americans, the influential representatives of this minority did not rush to the support of the candidate. From Obama's father, Obama did not belong to the descendants of oppressed slaves, the Barak Sr. was visiting the student from the current Kenya. Beyond the information that appeared in the press, about the ancestors of the Senator's mother, some of which turned out to be slavemen.

Barack Obama

Ultimately, Obama won the presidential elections and became the first black politician who took the Oval Hall of the White House. He won 51% of votes and received support for more than 300 emotors.

The first presidential period of Barack Obama was far from cloud. America went to the "legacy" of a new chapter in a deplorable state: the worst financial condition was observed in the country since the 30s and political instability. However, the "People's President" did not stop such difficulties, and he was plunged into the fulfillment of the tasks of his election campaign to bring the state to the leading position of the world ranking.

Barack Obama with children

A year after the election, the head of state was awarded the Nobel Prize of the World in the field of "strengthening international diplomacy and cooperation between people." It is assumed that Obama's reward received for the creation of prerequisites for reducing nuclear weapons. Previously, the premiums were honored with its predecessors Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

Achievements Obama during the first time period of the USA are significant - he conducted a number of economic and political reforms, allocation of $ 787 billion on this. The presidential deposits of the President's health system reforms, thanks to 2014, 95% of US population were provided with medical insurance . In addition, the President of the United States completed the military mission in Iraq, to ​​derive the last combat US division in 2010 from the territory of this republic. In 2011, the next decision in foreign policy Obama was the participation of the American army in NATO intervention in Libya.

Barack Obama with Nobel Prize

Approaching the next presidential elections 2012, Barak announced the intention to continue to rule the country and put forward his candidacy by starting the collection of funds to the election campaign. At that time, the budget deficit in the country continued to remain the main problem of the United States, but Obama assured voters that the anti-crisis bill is in operation and the full amount of its implementation has yet to be fulfilled.

According to the Western media, this time Obama managed to collect a record amount on the election campaign of $ 934 million, of which $ 200 million was spent on the content of the election headquarters. The "enthusiasm" of voters compared with 2008 is essentially UGAS, but the clear work of the "electoral car" helped Obama to win the presidential race and ahead of the opponent - the Republican Mitht Romney.

The second term of the Board of Barack Obama from the very beginning was saturated with negative events, and therefore conversations about the "curses of the second term" appeared in society, since the Dark-skinned ruler became another first president who had a second term of the Board much worse than the first. Interestingly, even on the eve of the re-entry into the position of Barack Obama began to lose pouring kilograms and with height 185 cm dropped 13 kg. His weight has reached 78 kg. Later, the state of health of the head of state has stabilized.

During this period, Obama faced unforeseen issues related to the problematic entry of health reform, the situation around the chemical attack in Syria, journalistic persecution, tax policies and other problems in the country. Then Rating Obama began to decline steadily, and for six months of the second presidential period, Barak lost 12% of supporters, and since 2014, the political course of the American chapter did not support the big half of Americans.

Barack Obama and Peter Poroshenko

Obama's presidency and the situation in Ukraine, in which, according to the US administration, Russia tried to encroacitate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the neighboring state.

According to the president of the United States, its task was not the delivery of weapons to Ukraine and the incitement of the war, but a diplomatic settlement of the conflict and the cessation of bloodshed. To this end, soon after the signing of the "Act on Freedom Support in Ukraine", Obama adopted the law on the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation, which, according to the American authorities, should affect the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin and, accordingly, to provide additional assistance to Ukraine.

Personal life

Personal life of Barack Obama is crystal clear and cleaner. The USA 44th president does not hide the spouse Michel Lavon Robinson from society, which is married for many years. Unlike a spouse having the royal roots, Michelle Obama is a descendant of black-slaves, but it did not prevent her from becoming the first Lady of the United States and with dignity to fulfill the duties corresponding to the status obtained.

Barak and Michelle Obama

Barack and Michelle Obama met back in 1989, at the dawn of a legal career of the future US president. We survived, like most young couples, "gray" family weekdays, quarrels, lack of money and other typical problems of the average family, which sometimes even brought to solutions to divorce. However, the love of each other and concern for daughters allowed to keep marriage, and the spouses hand in hand overcame all the difficulties and won the title of the most ideal married couple in a serious world of politics.

In 1998, Michelle gave the first daughter of Malia Ann, and after 3 years, in 2001, Barack Obama became his father for the second time - the wife gave him the second daughter Natasha. The President of the United States is known for a trembling attitude not only to his daughters, but also to all children. He participates in the upbringing and life of Malia Ann and Natasha, and also acts as the initiator of a number of public children's events in the country.

Barack Obama and his wife and children

Despite the impeccability of Michel's image and the lack of scandalous intrigues in the biography of Barack, according to Western sources close to the White House, the same time, Obama's family was on the verge of a divorce. According to American journalists, complex and stretched relations established between the spouses, and together they remained only because of the children and political career Obama.

Information appeared that the conflict between the spouses occurred due to the behavior of the American chapter on the memorialist on the ex-leader South Africa Nelson Mandela, on which Barak had fun with his colleagues and satisfied Selfie with the Prime Minister Denmark Helle Torning Schmidt. This fact has no official confirmation, and Chut Obama continues to demonstrate the ideal relationship and show mutual love.

Barack Obama with his wife

In addition to the main activity, the USA 44th is a member of 16 Internet services and one of the most popular bloggers in the world. The hobby of Barack Obama should also be attributed to the writing of books - there are already 2 published bestseller in the writer's collection, the autobiography of My Father's dreams and political reflections "The audacity of hopes".

Barack Obama now

After the completion of the second presidential term and the transfer of authority to the new chapter of the state, Donald Trump Barak decided to pause in political and social activities. Together with the family, he spent some time at the British Virgin Islands and the island of Tetiaroa, where he soon began writing autobiography.

Donald Trump and Barack Obama

Barak claims that he misses the team that he worked under his beginning during the presidential time. Now Obama can afford a monthly life in a family circle, which was deprived of 2009 to 2017. Nevertheless, politician continued to meet with the electorate, participating in supporting candidates from the Democratic Party in the US Congress Senate. Photo from speeches Politics fall into the news feed of his personal "instagram."

In 2018, Obama - Michelle stated brightly. She became the author of Memoirov "Formation", which were recognized as the best-selling book of the year. Labor is issued in the countries of North America and Europe.

Barack Obama with his wife in 2018

Now the married couple is preparing another autobiography for the exit, over which they will work together. The advance payment received by spouses under the contract is $ 60 million. Also Barak and Michel have concluded an agreement with Netflix film studio to create a full-length documentary and artistic cinema. Soon Obama plans to screen the work of the "fifth risk" of Michael Lewis.


  • 2009 - Order of King Abdel-Aziza with chain
  • 2009 - Nobel Prize World
  • 2014 - Order of Sicatoon with a large chain
  • 2013 - presidential medal with honors
  • 2017 - Medal of the Ministry of Defense "For Outstanding Civil Service"
  • 2018 - Member of the American Philosophical Society
  • 2018 - Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

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