Fair Fisher - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Series 2021



Fisher faith in the Latin American world is called the goddess, Phoenix bird. The share of the actress fell a lot of difficulties in his personal life and in a professional plan, but it survived.

"Yesterday does not define being, and tomorrow is not frightened."
Vera Fisher

Now Miss Brazil now considers himself a feminist, stands for the legalization of marijuana for therapeutic purposes and for the weakening of pressure on the LGBT community, because it believes that the diversity is a door to the future.

Childhood and youth

Vera Lucia Fisher was born on November 27, 1951 in the Brazilian town of Blumen. Her family emigrated from Germany many years ago. Father Emil Fisher was engaged in entrepreneurship and held a small shop of fabrics and clothes in the city, Mother Hildegard Berndt played in the theater, but with the birth of children devoted himself to their upbringing. The faith had a brother Werner, who tragically died at 19, after which the mother surrounded the only daughter with love and care.

Hildegard dreamed all his life about the career of the actress, but since it did not achieve special success on this field, I decided to make a star of the theater from the faith. From parents Fisher got an exotic appearance for Brazil: green eyes and blonde hair, thanks to which the girl was difficult not to notice. At the age of 7, she had already danced in a ballet play on the stage of the Karlus Gomez's theater in Sao Paulo.

Fair Fisher in childhood and youth

Faith studied at the college of the city of Blumenau, the teacher and classmates remembered her diligent and prospective student. However, the learning process is not very loved by the future actress. At the age of 15, Fisher fell into a modeling agency. A year later, he participated in the regional beauty contest "Miss Santa Catalina", where without much difficulty won victory. The girl began to recognize in their hometown. In the father's store, where the young artist was worked out, fans began to come, ready to spend any money, just for a few minutes to stay near the celebrity.

But the real success was expected to be faith in 1969, when she went to represent his native Santa Catalina at the State Beauty Contest "Miss Brazil". The beauty and artistry Fisher helped win a prestigious competition, and the whole country spoke about it.

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However, Glory did not prevent the Beauty to enter the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of the University of Santa Catalina. As the owner of the Miss Brazil title, Vera Fisher, pledged to attend secular events, charitable evenings and often act on television.

Career of Faith did not limit himself one movie only. Beauty posed nude for magazines, and also seriously fascinated by the theater. In 1998, Fisher put and played a major role in the play "Cats on a hot rooftop". In 2007, the autobiography of the popular Brazilian actress and the new theater statement on the scenario of her first husband Perry Salles "secretly" came out.


For a long time, the filmmakers did not pay attention to the talented model. However, in 1972, faith finally offered a role in the movie in the style of "Pornochanchadas", the erotic comedy "Sinal Vermelho - AS FêMEAS".

The girl, passionately who wanted to tie his career with a movie, agreed and was filmed in such projects for 3 years. In 1973, the screens came the "Superwear" tape, thanks to which Vera awarded the title of the main sex symbol of Brazil.

Fair Fisher in Erotic Comedy

In an interview, this in 2018, the edition of the ROP-SE.com, the star will say that then, in youth, shooting in the films of the category 18+ allowed to pay bills. People understand that this is just work, and Fisher did not shine in too frank scenes. On the Internet now there are men and women showing a lot more open body, says faith.

In 1977, Fisher's debut took place on Brazilian television in the TV series "Magic Mirror". The girl conquered TV viewers not only with her beauty, but also an impressive acting game. She signed a contract with the largest television studio of the Globo country. Career Fisher reached a peak. The actress participated in the filming of films "Too stupid", "Sweet Creek" and others.

Fair Fisher at the beginning of a career

In 1995, the popular actress began problems with drugs. Faith increasingly noticed in an unacceptable state on the set. It turned out to be the fact that the Globo TV channel broke the contract, and for some time Fisher disappeared from TV screens. The artist found the strength to fight dependence and after 3 years returned to the Globo Studio, which gave her a modest secondary role in the painting "Crazy money".

Fisher posted in this role, justifying his confidence provided to her. Globo largely helped when recovering career and appearance actress: after a difficult period, faith was seriously recovered. She was engaged in personal coaches hired studio, the artist also made several plastic operations to return to the former appeal.

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In 2000, Fisher played in Megapopular in Russia "Family Tives". Writer Manuel Carlos wrote the image of the main heroine of Elena specially for the actress. Participation in the telenovell returned faith to the former glory and ensured the signing of a new contract with a "globo" for a period of 10 years.

The next project Fisher became the series "Clone", which came to the screens in 2001. Telenovella became one of the most successful projects on the television of Brazil, having received a huge number of awards. The actress herself for his role awarded the title "Best Actress" from the "Brazil Quality Prize" in 2002.

Fair Fisher in the series

Fair Fisher to this day is removed in the series, being one of the most highly paid actresses of Brazilian movies.

Personal life

When faith Fisher was 20 years old, she married a young Brazilian actor Perry Salles. Together, spouses lived for 16 years, removing in the same serials. In 1979, the Fisher-Salles was born daughter Raphael.

Fair Fisher and Perry Salles

However, the marriage collapsed, since the actress fell in love with another colleague on the shooting, actor Felipe Kamarwa, with whom he was playing in the series "Mandala". Felipe younger faith for 9 years, but the difference in the years did not interfere with the novel. From Perry actress broke up in good relationships, without scandals and quarrels.

In 1989, Fisher married his beloved Kamarwa. 4 years later, they had a son Gabriel. And this marriage ended.

Fair Fisher and Felipe Camarga

Soon, the actress began problems with narcotic drug addiction and alcohol. Having lost its work, she became a frequenter of clubs and bars, the newspapers were nourned with scandalous headlines about her antics. Fisher practically did not engage in raising children, leaving them on the care of nanny.

The Actress's husband filed for divorce and in 1997 through the court deprived the faith of parental rights to Gabriel.

Fair Fisher with Son Gabriel

The faith was required for 3 years and support for the former husband Perry Salles to come to themselves and cope with his dependence. After treatment in the clinic and return to television, Fisher with new forces began to fight for the right of guardianship over young son. According to the court order, the artist had the right to see a child of 8 days a month.

With Gabriel, the artist tried to spend the whole weekend, the boy also spent the night from the mother once a week. Fisher paid an alimony to an ex-husband and fully paid all the hobbies of the Son: swimming, football and judo. Only in 2005 the actress managed to defend the right to unhindered to communicate with her son.

Fair Fisher and Paulo Serra

In 1998, the belief has a novel with a partner of the theatrical formulation of "Cat on the hot roof" by Florian Peishot. Their connection lasted for about 2 years, after which Peishot went. Faith is extremely difficult to experience this gap, feeling rejected and offended. Later followed short-term novels with other young people: actor Murillo dew, and then a football player and model Alesandre Monteiro.

In 2004, Vera Fisher began to meet with a young actor Paulo Serru, who under the actress for 26 years. The lovers became acquainted with the carnival, which actress arranged on her phasenda. The guy conquered the heart of the Brazilian Star and soon moved to her. However, this novel turned out to be a veneer, after 5 months the couple broke up.

Fair Fisher and Perry Salles

In 49 years, Vera first starred for the cover of the "playboy", as if trying to prove Heaters that she had written off her early. In the 21st century, Fisher acquired a agent that leads a celebrity page in "Instagram", publishes the photo of the actresses in the company of children, friends and colleagues, frames from projects that make it up filmography.

Faith, according to his own recognition, has never experienced a feeling of shame, if it was necessary to appear non-manifold, so pictures in a swimsuit is not a problem. Moreover, in 2018, 67-year-old Fisher starred nude for the Brazilian magazine. The artist, who believes that the one who does not live, happily agreed to the photo session, as the editorial office promised not to use photoshop.

Fair Fisher in a swimsuit in youth and now

Among the secrets of beauty faith - fitness three times a week, sunscreen and moisturizers for skin, protein diet with ham, fish, chicken and salads.

Fair Fisher now

In 2012, Fair Fisher played a major role in the series "Save me, Saint Georgy." The actress in all stated as far as she did not like the borough heroine - the mistress of the brothel. The Globo Studio preferred to refuse faith in participating in new projects. The situation has shifted 5 years later. The return of the goddess on the screens, according to media reports, oversees the Brazilian businessman Peter Kiko. Relationships in a pair are not commented.

The same television company suggested Fisher a special role in the Youth Film "Training" (2018), where the artist plays with the Brazilian movie star Beatrice Nogail. Another major role of faith is the "Persecution" drama, which was based on the real story of a reproductologist of Roger Abdelmissic. Pioneer Eco was accused of rape of patients and sentenced to 270 years in prison.

Fair Fisher now

In a mystical melodrama with elements of a detective "Life Mirror", faith appears in the form of a former actress of the 30s, which is filmed in the role of Mother of the Groom's Main Heroine. The young man is accused of murdering a girl, and the investigation of the crime stretches until the mid-2000s.

The creators of the theatrical production "Sweet Bird of Youth" on Tennessee Williams must probably know that, inviting Fisher faith to the play, they would not be mistaken with the choice of performer. After all, a key character is forgotten, a sprinkling actress, dreaming of back to the stage. And faith as nobody familiar with these feelings and emotions.

Fair Fisher in 2018

Together with the daughter of Raphael, who learned in the United States on the actress, the movie star launched a comic Youtube Channel "Verafitnes". The format is simple: those who are invited to the celebrity studio discuss diet, cosmetic procedures, give the audience advice, how to maintain health and beauty. However, there was a place and professional medical advice.


  • 1981 - "I love you"
  • 1984 - "Kilbo"
  • 1990 - "Fifth Monkey"
  • 1991 - "Forever"
  • 1996 - "Fatal Inheritance"
  • 2000 - "Family Ties"
  • 2002 - "Clone"
  • 2004 - "Mistress of Fate"
  • 2005 - "America"
  • 2007 - "Amazonia"
  • 2009 - Road India
  • 2012 - "Save me, Saint George"
  • 2018 - "Training"
  • 2018 - "Life Mirror"

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