Susana Vieyr - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV series 2021



Susan Vieira is the Star of Brazilian TV series, which in Russia became famous after the appearance of the "Secret Tropicani" in soap operations, "New Victim", "in the name of love".

Suzana Vieira

During the creative career, she managed to express themselves in various roles, removing in comedy, dramatic and disdicakers. Susan and today amazing fans of love and a daily appearance.

Childhood and youth

Sonya Maria Vieyr Gonzalvish, who is better known as Susan Vieira, was born on August 23, 1942 in Sao Paulo, a city in Brazil. The girl grew in the family of a diplomat: Father Marius Vieira held the position of military attache in the Brazilian embassy on the territory of Argentina, Mary's Mother Yes Conceise in his youth was a pianist, but later she was engaged in the house and raised five children.

Susana Vieyr with parents and younger sister

The Vieir family often moved due to the professional activities of the Father. Little Susan lived in Argentina, Brazil and UK. Children received an excellent education, which included knowledge of etiquette and learning several foreign languages. Living in the capital of Argentina, Susan Viyra seriously engaged in classic ballet and dreamed of becoming a famous ballerina.

Susana Vieyr in childhood

Her teachers became emigrants from the Soviet Union, which were strict to young ballerina and talked to her tough discipline. The actress even performed in the famous Columbus Theater. However, it was impellent, the girl lost his characteristic to all ballerinas Idruku and was forced to forget about the dream. Nevertheless, Vieira continued to do dancing and even entered the ballet school, which he graduated in 1963.


Returning to Brazil, the 16-year-old Suzana Vieira got into the dance ensemble, who took part in the shooting of the TV show on the local canal. For the sake of shooting, the girl had to change the name of Sonya to the name of the younger sister Susani to avoid confusion between her and the other participant of the team. A talented and extraordinary artist noted a director of Cassion Mendez and invited to participate in a number of other shows, as well as shooting a melodramatic series.

Susana Vieyr in youth

In 1966, the actress was filmed immediately in three melodramas from the studio "Excelsior": "Stone souls", "Silver mines" and "no one believes in me."

In 1970, Susanne was invited to the largest Brazilian TV channel "Globo", which made a star of television from it. Her first project in a new job was the series "Pygmalion 70", where she played with the famous Brazilian actors Sarzhiu Cardoz and Maria Louise Castelli. In 1974, at the request of a friend, she was taken to the Miscellaneous film "Spike", for the role in which the girl received a premium from the Association of theatrical critics of Sao Paulo.

Susana Vieyr in the series

In 1976, a multi-sulfur melodrama "Brutal Angel" was released on the screens, where Susan played a major role. The actress played Nissi, a young ambitious girl, ready for everything to achieve his goal. Her partner on the screen was Jose Vilker. The project enjoyed success among the public.

Two years later, the artist again received a major role in the series "Heir", which allowed her to enter the global level. The project was shown in Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and in the Soviet Union. These 2 films brought her world fame and popularity.

Susana Vieyr in the series

Every year, 1-2 television projects were published with the participation of the actress. In the 80s, the star appeared in the series "Dance with me", "Additional dreams", "fraudulent".

In 1996, Susan played a new victim in the Motheric film, which was removed in the detective genre. The main roles were executed by Claudia Oan, Tony Ramos and Arasi Balabanyan. Vieira appeared in the form of a hizer of the Pizzeria of Anna Karvali. In Motherland, the film was awarded two prestigious premiums.

Susana Vieyra in the role of beans in the film

After a year, Vieira shone in the Brazilian soap opera "In the Name of Love". She portrayed a negative heroine Brunka, Marselev's mother (Fabio Assonson). The role was later recognized as the best in the career of the artist. The main characters presented the actresses of Daarte and Gabriela Duarte. The role of the second-plan star of the screen was embodied in the remake of the melodrama "Cruel Angel", where in 1997 the main role was performed by Gloria Pires.

On the eve of the new millennium, the show of the historical picture "Music Her Soul" was started about the first composer woman in Brazil Shikinje Gonzaga. At the same time, the actress is removed in the Melodrame "Air Castles", which was later recognized as the best project of the Globa Studio. On the screen she appeared again in the favorite role of the villain. Soon, Vieira starred in the "Women in Love" melodrama, where he performed the role of age heroine Lauren, in love with the young man's handsome (Raphael Calometry). The work of the artist was appreciated by two national prizes.

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Soon the next soap opera "Mistress of Fate" was released on the screens of Brazil, in which Viyire got the role of the main protagonist of the series Maria do Karma. In his youth, she loses his daughter, which steals from the hospital heroine Nazare (Renata Sorra). At the end of the film, native people find each other. The actress was also included in the repertoire of the films "Two Persons", "Tropical Paradise", "Bloody Ties" created in the 2nd half of the 2000s.

Suzana Vieyr actively continues to be filmed in films and serials to this day. Her filmography has dozens of projects, of these, most of them are multiserpical melodramas that are shown on television for more than one year. The latest projects in the creative biography of the star star include the medical series "Love for Life", where Susan fulfilled the role of a doctor, and the television "Rules of the game", in which she appeared in the form of the Night Club owner.

Actress Susana Vieira

In addition to the career in the cinema, the celebrity is engaged in teaching drama and acting: in Angola she led the course "Horizonte Njinga Mband". Susan is also a classic ballet teacher.

Vieira participated in theatrical productions on works by Brazilian writers: she played in performances "Life passes", "live water" and others. In 2010, the actress played Maria in the formulation of the "Passion of Christ", which took place in the open-air theater "New Jerusalem".

Suzana Vieira

In the same 2010, Susan Vieira published the Music Album "Brasil Encenta". To record vocal party songs, actresses had to survive an operation to remove polyps from voice ligaments.

Personal life

Wiery's personal life is not less saturated than her shooting on television. In 1961, Susan married the director of the Cardozo register, with whom he met during filming at the studio "Tupi". At the time of marriage, she stopped filming the cinema, and after the birth of Son Rodrigu in 1964 he took up his upbringing. Her husband was categorically against the career in the cinema, but in 1966 the actress returned to television again. In 1972, their marriage collapsed.

Susana Vieyr and her son and son

In 1986, Vieira on the filming of the film "Painful Passion" met with a businessman Carson Gardia Sabalem, who participated in Massovka. The guy was 24 years old at that time, and he was in love with his childhood in love with a popular Brazilian actress. The novel of 40-year-old actors and a young entrepreneur caused a lot of noise in the press, but Susan himself, the difference between the ages with his chosen was not at all frightened. After Carson got into a car accident, the artist was sitting around his bed around his bed around the clock, caring for health and well-being beloved. Lovers bought a plot of land 130 km from the capital of Brazil, where they built a chic house with a garden, a swimming pool, a football field and a stable.

Family life Vieira and Gardia Sabaly did not cost without scandals. Journalists have repeatedly tried to catch the young chief of the actress on treason and asked her provocative questions on the topic of jealousy. Susan with dignity withstood all the interviews and never gave a reason to doubt her faith in the loyalty of her husband.

Susana Vieyr in a swimsuit

The couple also became a person involved in criminal investigation: the body of the manager of their estate was found on the territory of the mansion. According to one of the versions of the investigation, the man was killed in the attack of jealousy of the chief of artist, but the hired lawyer was able to remove all the accusations with the famous Brazilian couple. However, despite all the experienced events, in 2003 the couple broke up due to irreconcilable disagreements.

In 2006, Susan again tied a novel with a young man who was under her for 28 years. Police officer Marsely Silva became the chosen one of the celebrity. The couple met on the annual carnival in Rio de Janeiro. But this novel ended the tragedy. In 2008 it became known that Silva regularly changed the popular actress with his mistress Fernando Kuni. At the same time, the guy with a scandal was kicked out of the police: a few days earlier he beat and raped a prostitute in the motel.

Susana Vieyr and Marselo Silva

A month later, Silva's body was discovered in Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro: he died from overdose cocaine to which he was addicted at 14 years old. 2 months after the tragedy, Susan reported to journalists that the money was also told by Marsely during their livelihood: he took out household equipment from the apartment, cradle gold and jewelry, threatened, blackmailed a popular actress by video recordings, on which she nakedly took a shower.

In 2009, Susan Vieira appeared in public with novice actors Sandro Pardoz, who, like the previous artist men, was younger for many years.

Susan Vieyr and Sandro Perdoz

The couple met on the carnival and a year later she began to live together. They even planned to officially legitimize the relationship, but in 2013, Vieira and Perzau parted at the initiative of the actress, which was tired by the permanent departures of the young beloved.

Susana is sure that meeting with the main man of her life ahead. In the meantime, the actress with friends every year visits Brazilian carnavals, where it demonstrates their figure, snaps into bright swimsuits with feathers.

Susana Vieyr on Carnival

Colorful photos from the holidays fall on the personal page of the star in "Instagram".

Susana Vieyr now

Now Viyra has slightly reduced creative activity. In 2017, it appeared only in an episodic role in the dramatic series "there was time." In 2018, he began shooting in the series "Amigas de Sorte". This is a comedy in which the main role is the main role.


  • 1962 - "Only True"
  • 1970 - "Pygmalion 70"
  • 1976 - "Two Lives"
  • 1993 - "Tropican Secret"
  • 1995 - "New Victim"
  • 1997 - "In the name of love"
  • 1997 - "Cruel Angel"
  • 1999 - "Air Castles"
  • 2003 - "Women in Love"
  • 2004 - "Mistress of Fate"
  • 2007 - "Two Persons"
  • 2010 - "Bloody Ties"
  • 2017 - "It was time"

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