Elena Vaenga - biography, personal life, news, songs, photos, "instagram", concerts, husband 2021



In the circle of friends, Elena Vaengu is called Lenenergo for Harizmu, irrepressible character, the gift to lift the degree of mood in the room where it appears. The singer should not call anything among the night, if a question on the concert program arose in the head. And what is surprising, no one will indicate the artist for hours. Elena and herself is ready to respond to call for help, regardless of where and what time of day outside the window.

Childhood and youth

Elena Vaenga, according to Elena Chruleva's passport, was born on January 27, 1977 in the port town of Severomorsk. Parents worked on a ship repair plant, father by education engineer, and mother - chemist. The girl grew along with the younger sister by Tatiana and the pivot sister in the first marriage of his father.

Childhood The future singer spent in a small village Welcome at the place of work of the parents. Hruvevy family brought up children in rigor, instilling discipline. Days of the girls were literally painted by the hour: Charging, school classes, visits to circles and again lessons.

Later in an interview with Elena told that her biography was combat. In the house she suspected in all corners, the belt hung in the prominent place, from which Vaenge sometimes got it. At school, the girl scared teachers, climbed into boyish fights. Because of the conflict with the teacher-anti-Semites, Lena was excluded from school and took back, only when another teacher was commissioned for it.

"In this connection, I gave such a definition: I am a typical northern woman with southern blood."

Helen's talent began to manifest themselves in early childhood. She studied to dance from three years. At the same young age, the girl with ease repelled the melody played on the piano, and their parents realized that they had a future star. At 9 years old, the child wrote the first song.

Parents sent daughter to music school. Parallel Vaenga was engaged in sports, which helped maintain a good physical form. After graduating from school, Elena moved to St. Petersburg to her grandmother to enter the university there. However, it turned out that there was not enough one class for a full secondary education, and the girl was forced to go to school again to finish the 11th grade.

In 1994, Elena Vaenga entered the Music School named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, where he continued to explore the game on the piano. She was hard to study, the level of musical education did not reach the capital, she studied mainly on the fours. The future singer showed enviable diligence, on the 2nd course it was even translated from a paid branch to the budget.

After graduating from the school, Elena decided to realize the childhood dream and go to study acting. The choice fell on the Theater Academy (Ligitmik), where the singer came on the course of Gennady Trostynetsky. There, Vaenga learned 2 months, having received an invitation from Moscow to record a musical disk.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Elena entered the Baltic Institute of Ecology, politics and rights to theatrical faculty. In his youth, she was sure that the actress of the theater would become. However, after graduating from a university with a red diploma, returned to the music.

Personal life

With a civil husband, Ivan Matvienko Elena met in 1995 in St. Petersburg. He is blood of Gypsy, which caused the disapproval from the parents of the girl. However, 18-year-old Vaenga chose a favorite opinion of the family. The actress almost immediately moved to Ivan, quarreling with relatives.

Matvienko supported a talented spouse as he could. A man leaving the city to work to provide Elena the opportunity to record albums and buy scenic costumes. He produced her first and subsequent albums. Despite the ideal relationship, the couple broke up in 2011. According to Elena, the cause of the cessation of relations was the lack of children in the Union. Nevertheless, the singer remained in friendly relations with Matvienko, the former spouses even live in neighboring apartments and now continue to communicate.

In 2012, Vaenga gave birth to a son, which called Ivan. Later she admitted that the father of the kid is a participant in the musical team Roman Sadirbayev.

In September 2016, colleagues were an official marriage in the St. Petersburg Furshtatsky registry office. At the ceremony there were 20 loved ones and friends, press access to the building was banned. The singer's husband was born in 1983 in Krasnodar, I also graduated from the music school, played the drums in Svetlana Surgana ensemble.

Maternity presented real happiness to Elena, although she sees it not so often because of the tour. Ivan's brief and grandfather, whom Vaenga sends every winter to live in Cyprus to his friend. The performer tries to visit the Son as often as possible, and sometimes takes Vanya with him on tour.

To spend winter by the sea, the artist only dreams and says that she brought a personal life to sacrifice career.

"Everyone wants to be aristocrats with billions in the accounts so that Mom and Dad are constantly sat at home, and 25 children were fed, dressed and learned. But in my situation there are either tears pour, or work in days! "

In 2016, the singer attracted attention to his appearance. At the beginning of the year, Elena repainted into the blonde, which shocked fans, and then again changed the image and briefly triggered.

In addition, that year, the celebrity once again lost weight, causing the approval of fans. Changes in the appearance of Elena immediately shared with subscribers in "Instagram". However, the actress, whose growth is equal to 177 cm, did not perceive the overweight as a problem, although in 2014 he dropped 15 kg in 4 months, arguing with his own concert director for money.

The state of health of Vaenga periodically causes concerns from fans: the singer often cancels concerts due to flu or other ailments. In 2018, she was hospitalized, and in a year flew to treatment in the Netherlands. True diagnoses are publicly a performer never calls.


As a student of the theater institute, Elena Vaenga went to Moscow at the invitation of the music producer Andrei Razin on the record of the first album. But the record was never released, and its work difference was sold by other artists from the Russian pop. However, the celebrity is not configured to sue the famous producer.

The girl was disappointed in the show business and again decided to become an actress, but a civil husband and producer Ivan Matvienko persuaded her to return to the musical scene again. Thanks to the spouse in 2003, the world saw the first album Elena "Portrait".

At the same time, Khrulev, on the advice of the mother, took the creative pseudonym Vaenga on the name of the river near her hometown, is the word in translated from Samsky means "deer". The disk came out under the new name of the singer. The record was popular in St. Petersburg, a talented young performer was noticed and began to invite songs and contests of the song.

The recognition and love of the listeners of Vaenga received, released in 2005 the "White Bird" album, which included the songs of Taiga, "Wish," "Airport", "Chopin" and others.

A number of compositions instantly became hits. Journalists massively wrote about the growth of the popularity of the singer and the Phenomenon of Elena Vaengi, which has achieved serious success without the help of famous producers, composers and influential relatives. The artist songs were favorably distinguished from the fact that modern pop performers offered to the listener.

Soon the title "Queen of Chanson" was entrenched soon. For the hit "I smoke" in 2009, the singer received the first award "Golden Gramophone". After a year, the "Airport" composition received the "20 best songs" award, and the "Absinthe" track is the "Song of the Year". From 2011, Elena gave tour of the countries of the former CIS, Germany and Israel.

In 2012, the artist had to take a break in a concert tour, as Vaenga damaged voice ligaments and could not sing physically. She spoke in his homeland and went on maternity leave, after going to the stage only at the end of the year. Since 2012, Elena has received the title of singer of the year according to the "Chanson Year" award for five years.

In addition, in 2012, the "where there was" the prestigious song "Song of the Year" and the Golden Gramophone, in 2013 they also marked the new Vengy's song "Bride", and in 2014 - recorded in a duet with intars Busulis "Neva". The creative alliance with Busulis was not limited to this - together with the singer Elena performed another composition called "Gravity".

In 2013, the singer spoke at the Slavic Bazaar festival. The event was remembered by Elena's fans by another interesting duet. She sang together with Alexander Malinin Song "Two Souls." At the same time, the composition "For you" appeared in the discography of the artist, filled with Jan Marty. With Stas, Mikhailov Singer released the "Two Star" disk.

At the end of 2015, Elena Vaenga gave a solo concert in the Kremlin and executed both the best songs from the famous audience of the repertoire and completely new compositions. The speech in the State Kremlin Palace was dedicated to the release of the new program and the next album of the singer.

In 2016, the Lady Di composition was nominated for the Russian National Music Prize in the "City Romance" category. At the same time, Elena traditionally participated in the Gala-concert of the National Prize "Chanson of the Year", where, together with Mikhail, a bubble sang a song "What we did". The concert was broadcast on the air of the First Channel.

In December, Vaenga spoke at the annual New Year's concert of "Neolgoboy Spark", where he sang a duet with love of the Uspenskaya acquaintance to many since childhood "song Turtle Tortilers", and also appeared with Latvian pop singer Lime Vaikule. Elena shared together with the latter in "Instagram" and received compliments about the festive type of artist.

In 2017, the singer went to the touring tour of the cities of Russia and the nearest abroad, but was forced to cancel or postpone some concerts due to the fact that he had fallen into the hospital with the influenza.

To calculate the number of Elena clips, there are enough fingers of one hand. This type of television art does not like, believes that for the singer, the main thing is a living chat, "Let the viewer sees how I rinse into the microphone."

Vaenga's concert chart, judging by the official site, is scheduled for a few months ahead. Tour singers pass in Russia, by the countries of the Baltic and Central Asia. In 2016, the actress first visited the Crimea and since then comes there every year, for which the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker" included it in the black list.

In early 2018, the celebrity submitted to the courts of students a new song "Confession". In the fall of the same year, the next album called "1 + 1", on which the compositions performed by Duet with Mikhail Nikitin, Alena Petrovskaya, Jein (Evgenia Lavrentyeva) and the participant of the Achi Purceladze show were recorded. There are already familiar Lyme Vaikule and Intars Busulis.

Latin American motifs were sounded in the song Mueve La Cintura Mulata, performed by Vaenge with Roberto Kel Torres, represented by Cuba at the New Wave Competition in 2013.

The festival "Slavic Bazaar - 2018", as wrote a number of sites, showed a new Vauregu: a living sound, an incendiary program, works in which jazz, rock and gypsy tunes are heard. The brass section, drums, percussion - in general, nothing from the usual chanson, where the criticism took the work of the artist in the early 2000s.

Elena has changed both as an actress, not inferior to Alla Pugacheva in the experience of each song as a separate performance. In the performance of the singer got rid of the tragic oversight and the sluggish utterance of the ends of phrases, which was previously greased the meaning of the song.

Vitebsk Vaenga invited artists, "which neither on TV, nor by radio is not cool," including Lyudmila Sokolov. The native of Volgograd liked Elena since the time of the show "Three Chords". Both were remembered to the public a kind of version of the song Vladimir Vysotsky "Horses People".

Tele Show

Vaenga periodically becomes a member of the popular TV show of the central channels. In 2011, she fought in NTV the program "Music Ring" with Leonid Agutin and won the colleague. The number of votes given to the TV viewers of Elena exceeded the number of votes for the "Barefoot Boy" almost 5 times.

In 2014, Vaenga as a member of the jury participated in the showing show "exactly" on the first channel. In addition to refereeing, the artist shone on stage, fulfilling the song Anna Hermann "Only once the gardens bloom." Then, together with Lyudmila Sokolova, she presented the song "Absinthe".

From the same 2014, the singer is part of the judicial board of the program "Three Chord". It appeared in several releases of the first seasons of the television show.

Elena Vaenga now

The period of self-insulation of Vaenga spent in his country house, engaged in the economy. In addition to work in the garden, the celebrity is not averse to soaring in the sun in a swimsuit next to the pool located on the household plot.

In the spring of 2020, the exclusive online concert of the singer on the video service WINK was held, during which the artist continued to questions from the audience. In the summer of Vaenga, the Guest of the Vitebsk Music Festival "Slavic Bazaar", where he performed 2 songs.

After the speech of the star, the audience did not want to let her go. Journalists in the conversation called her "Queen of Chanson", to which Elena admitted that he did not consider himself such. According to the performer, this title belongs and will belong to Assumption's love.

In the new season, Vaenga presented a pleasant surprise to fans - entered the jury of the teleconcurs of "Voice. 60+ "Along with stars such as Garik Sukachev, Tamara Gverdcitel and Lev Leshchenko. According to the singers, the decision to become a mentor of the competition for artists aged was with difficulty. For Elena, each performer with great experience causes respect, and she is not morally not ready to make a remark of vocalists older than themselves.

In December 2020, Elena agreed to a frank conversation with Boris Korchevnikov in the program "The Fate of Man". In this interview, she opened some of the secrets of personal and creative life. According to Vaenga, Boris is her favorite TV presenter, so the conversation with him became a real gift for the singer.


  • 2003 - "Portrait"
  • 2003 - "Flute 1"
  • 2005 - "Flute 2"
  • 2005 - "White Bird"
  • 2006 - "Chopin"
  • 2007 - "Absinthe"
  • 2007 - "Dunes"
  • 2008 - "Keys"
  • 2012 - "Lena"
  • 2015 - "NEW"
  • 2018 - "1 + 1"


  • 2011 - "Music Ring"
  • 2014 - "Extremely"
  • 2014-2017 - "Three Chord"

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