Julia Menshova - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "instagram", "Alone with all" 2021



Actress in the third generation Yulia Menshov, who became a star of television, criticized every time a new project with its participation comes to the screens. But she claims that the studio does not play kindness and cordiality, but behaves the same as in life. With the image of the Iron Lady agrees, partly because it has its own opinion about everything, and so that it has changed, the opponent will have to do not persuade, but bring a lot of arguments.

Childhood and youth

Russian actress and TV presenter Yulia Vladimirovna Meshsov was born in 1969 in the famous Moscow family. Father Vladimir Valentinovich Menshov is a famous director, the laureate of the prestigious Award "Oscar". Mother - Talented Russian actress Vera Valentinovna Alentova. With such genes, a creative biography is destined.

In childhood, Yulia was attended by theatrical circle, in the 9th grade she sweared the pride of the fact that in a number of Moscow theatrical schools easily passed to 3 rounds. However, by the end of the school, it was not determined clearly with the profession. The smaller well received writings, the girl led a diary, wrote short stories "on the table". On the horizon, the literary institute was issued, but his father noticed that in such a young years there was still nothing to say.

The daughter went to the Faculty of Journalism, but 3 months before the exams learned that at least 3 published works should be submitted to the creative contest. Articles at Julia, of course, did not find. Meshsov thought that he would receive the next year, and the released time would "cross" in theatrical, but not ababa in what, and at the Studio School MCAT.

Theater and films

In 1990, Malsov graduated from MCAT (she studied at the actor's workshop Alexander Kalyagin). After graduating from the Studio Studio, Yulia was invited to speak in the Taurope named after A. P. Chekhov. In parallel, she began to film. The first role is the girl played in the film "Act, Manya."

In 1994, the actress suddenly decided to change professional activities, despite the fact that the career and in the theater, and in the cinema was quite successful. Meshshova went on television.

In 2004, Julia after a long break performed a major role in the popular TV series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...". In this film, in addition to the lesser, played Alika Storkov, Zhanna Epple, Lada Dance, Vera Alentova, Andrei Sokolov. This series was a kind of Russian analogue of American "Sex in the Big City". "Balzakovsky age" again returned the popularity and love of the audience.

In 2006, the actress was filmed together with Mikhail Porechenkov in the Comedy "Big Love". After 2 years, Menshov tried himself in a new image of a serious investigator in the series "The crime will be disclosed." In 2010, the actress played in such an amplua in the "Seventh Sacrifice".

In 2013, Meshsov performed a major role in the series "Between us, girls." According to the story of Heroine Yulia Elena, her mother of Iraida Stepanovna performed by Galina Petrova and daughter Olesya (Natalia Skomorokhov) live quietly in the provincial town. Each heroine has its own character and worldview, and the only thing that unites women is the absence of husbands. The spouse of the Iraida Stepanovna left life, and Olesya's father threw his family. The estimated lifestyle collapses, when Olesya leads to the house of his young man Nikita, who is terribly not like the heroine less. The conflict reaches until the man does not appear in Elena's life, which was played by Alexander Nikitin.

In 2018, the artistic career of Menshova continued with a cartoon character - the actress voiced the mother of the main character in continuing the cartoon about Uncle Fedore and the cat Matroskin.

In 2019, the actress's filmography was replenished with Sikvel Comedy "Between us, girls", where Alexander Nikitin again became a partner of Julia. "I hope, get married" - she signed a joint photo with an actor in "Instagram" before going out. At the end of the first season, the heroes of Dmitry Labusha and Natalia Skomorokhova got married, and the question of the personal happiness of the characters of Galina Petrova and Lossaya remained open. The acting ensemble of the second season was diluted by Valery Garkalin, Pavel Belozerov, Valery Afanasyev.


The first program, which Julia Menasov led on television, was the "world of cinema" on the TV-6 channel. Then Ivan Demidov, Deputy General Director, released the first female show in Russia "I myself", the leading of which was appointed Julia. I liked this project, because Menshov discussed the problems that are close to every woman. From this point on, the career actresses went to the mountain. In 1999, she received Teffi as the best TV presenter.

2 years after the start of the program, "I myself", Julia was appointed Deputy Director of TV-6 Moscow. In 1998, the actress became the head of the Directorate for the production of television programs in the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation. There she worked for 3 years, but in early 2001 decided to open his own production center. In parallel with the producing, Julia played a movie.

In the same year, Menshov returned to the screens as the leading transfer "Teach me to live", which was broadcast throughout the year, but after changing the leadership, the project was closed. In 2011, the woman tried herself as a director and put the play "Love. Letters "in the theater named after A. S. Pushkin. By the way, the main roles in the formulation of the parents of the actress.

In October 2013, Julia Meshsov became the author and the leading program "Alone with all" on the first channel. Julia in the Transmission Studio talked to acute and very personal topics. The main task of the TV presenter was to pull out of the remote corners of the guest's soul all the most intimate.

"Very often, journalists ask standard questions, and the essence of man eludes. My task is to catch this essence, and it seems to me that he is concluded in the feelings, and not in words, "Julia said about the meaning of his program.

The heroes of the transfer became Patricia Kaas, Lara Fabian, Pierre Rishar. And, of course, the mass of Russian celebrities, including a journalist Sergey Dorenko, an actress and deputy Elena Drepeko, Poethesse Larisa Rubalskaya, Entrepreneur Ayaz Shabutdinov, Colleagues-TV host Vladimir Pozner and Alexander Gordon and many others.

It was not without scandals. After the conversation with the People's Artist of the RSFSR, Lyudmila Maxochkaya video with Ether "Alone with everyone", even people were sent to each other far from the theater. And future journalists on the example of an interview with the star showed what difficult interlocutors could be.

"I can speak with the audience without a lead. I have come alone with everyone, but not with you, "said Maksakov.

Thanks to the "Instagram", the viewers heard the point of view of the lesser on the decision of the first channel leadership, to shift the program from the evening air to the daytime. In the social network, the actress explained that the project belongs to the canal, and it obeys the order of the leadership. And those who have no opportunity to see the transfer on TV can do it at any time on the official website of the first channel.

In August 2017, it became known that the leadership of the first channel closed the show "Alone with everyone", since the program has already gave the program for the audience. The presenter hurried to calm the fans, stating that cooperation with the canal would continue.

In the new season, Menshov and Maxim Galkin became the leading show "Tonight", which, after the departure of Andrei Malakhov, was left without an official representative. Interest in the project, Julia explains the nostalgia of the audience at Soviet times, according to the individuals remembered for decades. Unlike century 21, which "did not grow up people who enjoy folk love."

Yulia Menaskova's name was in the list of applicants for the Teffe Prize in the nomination "The best leading entertainment program", but the statuette went to the CTC channel, to colleagues from the "Weekend show" Roman Yunusov and Anton Lirnik. Then, the actress remained without awards changed the most familiar image, making a banging haircut of a kara with ripped ends. TV presenter, according to fans, as if she was raging for 20 years.

In 2019, as part of the transfer "Living Life", Julia M. Meshshova made a story about Marina Tsvetaeva. Rich by anger and indignation the story caused a sharp criticism of Galina Danilieva, a researcher of the Museum of Poets. She accused the leading in distortion, and sometimes in frank lies. "This product is not just bad, it is harmful," the teleproekt checked the employee of Marina Ivanovna's memory.

In May, Julia disappeared from the transfer of "Living Life", and the post about the "law of boomeranga" in "Instagram" published the questions of fans. The actress voiced the story of a man on nicknamed American, who killed 11 people in duels and then buried the same amount of her children. Fans suggested that the lesser has an insurmountable contradiction with the leadership of the first channel.

In October 2020, Meshsov became the guests of the "Honest Divorce" program on the Yutiub-Channel of Agatha Mutzing. The idea of ​​the show is to help people survive parting. The leading invites men and women, the conversation is not built on templates, there are always many emotions and tears on the air. Julia told about separate accommodation with Igor Gordin and gave Agate, experiencing a gap with Paulil, several tips.

Personal life

Relationships with parents from the actress were not easy. In childhood, a girl lived with a grandmother. In addition, Yule did not pay the necessary attention, she witnessed complex parental relationships. Alentova and Menshov diverged and 4 years lived separately. As Julia told, the marriage of the Father and Mother at some point came to a dead end due to the difficult Soviet life - poverty and disappointment strongly influenced.

Father, student Vgika, had to work on at night in bakery, unloading bread. And at the same time in a free minute to throw scripts. Domestic worries fell into the mother, which served in the theater and went on stage, being on the eighth month of pregnancy. On the soil of constant problems, the relationship ended, but it was unprofitable to divorce into those times, so parents did not do this. As it turned out, not in vain: after a time of faith and Vladimir again came together.

M. Meshsova was in no hurry to marry and build his own family. With actor Igor Gordin, Julia was scheduled for 27 years. The couple had two children - daughter Taisia ​​and son Andrei. Ironically, the parental family situation was repeated in the life of the only daughter of Menshov and Alentian - the same 4 years of separation without official divorce. Although, according to Yulia, they did not doubt that it was forever.

The cause of the gap was the chronic fatigue of both: the little son did not sleep at night, and both parents worked until late evening, after which they were expensive at nights. In addition, the actress considers one of the reasons for parting with her husband's social inequality in marriage. Julia did not make problems from what comes from the famous family - people the name of Menshov familiar, but the male pride of Igor was infringed.

However, that the gap does not affect the children, Menshov decided that they would travel to rest every year. In addition, the Father visited children. According to the actress, after another visit, the daughter asked mom so that the dad would no longer leave. It was touched by Julia, and the spouses reunited again.

In 2012, there was a rumor that in Julia again problems in the family, but the actress did not comment on this information. On the personal life of the daughter refused to speak and her parents. Later, the TV presenter was in an interview told that in his youth disappeared a traction to talk with their parents in souls, and his father and mother made it live according to the established rules, pressed, even when Julia graduated from the institute.

The actress believes that the atmosphere of mental intimacy in the family remains understanding and confidence. Parents should be friends with children, find a balance between their own fears and freedoms. Menchov and Alentov did not immerse themselves in the depths of psychology, but the daughter is grateful to the mother for the moral foundations, and the Father is for the fact that "the interests intensively sent in the right direction." Julia muttered a bunch of books, walked on museums and conservatory only because something or a different work advised Dad.

July 5, 2021, Vladimir Menshov died. The cause of death has become complications caused by coronavirus infection. At the time of death, the spouse Vera Alentova was also in the hospital and was treated from COVID-19.

Yulia Menshova is a mod lawmaker among actresses in terms of hairstyles. The last haircut is an elegant short bob - actress introduced in 2016. With the same at one time, the popular singer Victoria Beckham, the spouse of the British footballer David Beckham. The Russian actress produced Four Or's courage and at the same time sophistication.

Meshshova likes to experiment with filters in "Instagram". In 2019, for example, she posted a photo with the effect of "plastics" in Stork. In the picture, the actress is significantly increased lips and cheekbones.

Age is not dominated over little, while the secrets of the beauty of an attractive actress are simple. Meat, milk and dairy products are excluded from the menu. In priority green tea with honey, fish, vegetables. Julia complies with Christian posts. Little, with growth in 177 cm, it feels comfortable with a weight of 60-64 kg. Surchase cosmetics Artist buys in a pharmacy and prefers light makeup.

In 2020, a snapshot of a little one appeared in the "Instagram" in a swimsuit, made 15 years ago.

"Eh, if in 2005 I already had an" instagram "... and now, of course, you have to take the mind," Julia signed.

Turning attention from the press forced Julia and Igor to protect children. And only in 2017 it was time when parents decided to show heirs to fans. Taisia ​​Menshov in a picture published by Julia at the end of 2020, the fans of the actress called a copy of the grandmother - faith Valentinovna.

Julia Menshova now

Julia goes to theatrical layouts in entrepreneurship projects. She plays on the stage of the "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors" in the play "Valentine's Day" and "Bestoch". Olesya Zheleznyak, Konstantin Yushkevich, Andrei Soskov, Zoya Buryak and others are now partners.

At 2021, the performances of "Love and Other Shorts" were announced, where the artist plays with Ivan Kolesnikov, and the "Island of the lost shower" with Olga Prokofyeva and Yevgeny Dyatlov.

Julia actively uses "Instagram". One of her last headings with subtitles "Eternal Questions" comes out once a week and is built on the letters of readers.


  • "I myself"
  • "To be continued"
  • "Alone with all"
  • "Tonight"
  • "Living Life"


  • 1991 - "The case of Sukhovo-Koblin"
  • 1993 - "Discerning the bridegroom"
  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2005 - Balzakovsky age, or all the men: "-2
  • 2007 - Balzakovsky age, or all the men: "-3
  • 2010 - "Seventh Sacrifice"
  • 2013 - Balzakovsky age, or all the men ... "-5
  • 2013 - "Between us, girls"
  • 2014 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2018 - "Between us, girls - 2"

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