Evgeny Dyatlov - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, "three chords", children, wife, romances 2021



Million's favorite believes that it is obliged to live with a successful creative biography of the principles, "which leads you to a state of crazy curious curiosity," not fit into generally accepted standards and not to fall under someone else. Today, the Russian artist Evgeny Dyatlova has a huge army of fans, among them and connoisseurs of his acting talent, and those who are delighted with his performance of Russian romances.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Valerievich Dyatlov was born in Khabarovsk early in the early spring of 1963. When the child turned 5 years old, his father was tragically died - drowned during the ferry across the river. Little Zhenya could not recover from this strike for a long time, and his Mother of Love Sergeevna had to be held for his shoulders responsibility for the family, who remained without a breadwinner. On the care of the widow, 5-year-old Zhenya and tiny Volodya remained.

Love Sergeevna to alleviate the unbearable burden, moved closer to relatives to Ukraine. The family settled in Industrial Nikopol, where Eugene Dyatlov went to school. In the same educational institution worked and mother - teacher of chemistry and biology.

From early childhood, the boy demonstrated good musical abilities, so, besides general education, visited and music school, where he studied to play the violin. The duties of Evgeny included a ledge of the younger brother Vladimir, as the mother constantly disappeared at school.

After graduating from the school, Dyatlov becomes a student of the philological faculty in the University of Kharkov, but it was necessary to interrupt their studies, because in a year he was called to the army. In his youth during the service, the guy participated in amateur amateur and was a "human-orchestra".

Having served the period, Eugene decided not to return to the institute and went to work for the plant. Since the young worker often sang at the machine, and I did it well, the bosses noted him and recommended to try the forces in theatrical university. Then the young man thought about the work seriously.

In 1986, Dyatlov successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography in Leningrad. He studied at the studio of Alexander Kunitsyn, but I didn't forget about music: along with the Auktsyon group, Dyatlov recorded the album "How I became a traitor."

Theater and films

In 1990, Evgeny Dyatlov received a diploma and immediately settled in the Buff Theater. Here the novice actor worked for a year, and then moved to the youth theater on the fountain, who considered it more promising for himself. On this scene was delayed for 5 years, playing many bright roles. Perhaps the most memorable one is Shervinsky in the "Days of Turbines".

In February 1998, Dyatlov again changed the creative vector and moved to the Satire Theater, which was on Vasilyevsky. Here the artist received the long-awaited major roles. Beautiful dyatlov vocals, energy and skill soon turned it into the leading actor of the theater.

The cinematic biography of Dyatlov started with a small role in the multi-meter melodrama "live - see" in 1996. And only in the early 2000s, his work in the cinema becomes larger. At this time, the artist appears in the paintings of the "Line of Fate" and "Lost Sun". In the artistic ribbon "Yesenin" Yevgeny Dyatlov played Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Since 2004, Evgeny Dyatlov, for 7 years, played Captain Smoke in the criminal series "Streets are broken by lanterns. Cops - 6. Over the years, the artist has become recognizable and popular. This film replenished the musical repertoire of the artist in such a philosophical hit as "my road", which Eugene began to perform at concerts.

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The role of the hero-policeman for a long time becomes the only direction in the creative work of the artist, but periodically he managed to go beyond the image. It can be seen in the pictures of the "White Guard", "Life and Fate", as well as in the lyrical tape "Salami" and Comedy "Kopeyk". In the historic drama of the director Sergey Snezhkin "White Guard" Dyatlov reincarnated again in Leonid Shervinsky, while the singing talent was useful as it is impossible.

The main role in the film "Chkalov" Evgeny, for personal assessment, perceived as a gift of fate. A project telling about real men whose example is always before our eyes, the actor dedicated to his father, grandfather and unuse. Dyatlov tried to pass the hero as he had perceived him - close to the top romantic, which naively dreams of a bright future and realizes that all efforts are meaningless.

In 2007, Evgeny Valerevich Dyatlov became a deserved artist of Russia. In the military drama "Battalion" Evgeny received the secondary role of the staff officer. The screen time on the character was allocated a bit, however, the actor was honored to play in the Dmitry Meshieva project and Igor Ugolnikov - professionals who do not have passing heroes.

With the same pleasure of Dyatlov adopted an invitation to director Sergey Skunzhen, to which there is a great respect, to play in the historical detective "Contribution" about the abduction of an expensive diamond.

Eugene noted that due to the dense schedule, it was not very different and rushed to the set, but personal attitude towards the director shallow doubt. The hero of the artist is a merchant with an unclear future, who fell into a community of civil war.

In 2017, the leader of the rolled was the fairy tale "The Last Bogatyr", in which Dyatlov reincarnated in the epic character of the Dobryna Nikitich, Konstantin Lavronenko - to the Koschey of the Immortal, and Elena Yakovlev - in Babu Yagu.

In the TV series "Tobol", released on screens in 2020, Dyatlov played the first Siberian governor, Prince Gagarin. In the episode of the film starred his daughter Vasilisa. The parent did not wish the girl acting fate, but since the creative vein was inherited, he recorded it in a circle of journalism. Dmitry Nazarov, Dmitry Dyuzhev and other performers became the colleagues of the artist for the project.

Sports tape "Lev Yashin. The goalkeeper of my dreams "- the screening of the biography of the famous Soviet football player, which rivals were called a panther and octopus for dodging, the speed of movement and vision of the field. In the film, Dyatlov was playing the role of the Dynamo Hockey Club coach.

In 2020, the artist continued to work in the cinema. So, the exciting detective series "Sherlock in Russia" came to the screens with the participation of Evgenia. The director of the Nurbek Egen's project was inspired by the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle about the Great Detective, but moved the action to Russia. Here, in the gloomy Petersburg, Holmes went to find a cunning jack of the Ripper.

In these adventures, the British helps to investigate not Dr. John Watson, and the Russian doctor Ilya Filimonovich Kartsev. Maxim Matveyev played the main role in the film. And Dyatlov appeared in front of the audience in the image of Koblin. Also in the picture, Vladimir Mishukov, Irina Star'shenbaum, Konstantin Bogomolov and others were starred.

For the role in the military drama "Podolsk cadets", Eugene changed the image - reflected the mustache. In the film, the artist appeared in the form of the head of the Podolsky Artillery School, the feat of the cadets of which in 1941 is dedicated to the picture. The role at first instructed Alexei Guskov, but it did not work out in the working schedule time. The filmmakers decided to do without computer graphics, and the shooting participants were sent to military exercises.

Music and television

In parallel with the theater, a man worked on television. He was the leading cycle of programs called the "Century of Kavaleargrads", which was demonstrated on the Culp channel. At the same time, he led the "Investigative Committee" and repeatedly appeared with performances in the transmission of Romance Romance. Fact, high (height 183 cm) The artist immediately remembered to the public.

In this project, an actress and singer Ekaterina Guseva also appeared, with whom Dyatlova had a beautiful musical duet. The pair often appeared in concert programs, in contests and festivals, where they performed compositions from Soviet films, the hits of the world pop, in particular the French chanson. Eugene appeared on stage with Oleg Pussin.

Popularity in the Piggy bank of the artist added teleproducts, including musical. Participation of Dyatlov in the Two Star Show helped fully reveal to the second talent of Eugene - Pevical. A couple of Evgenia Dyatlova and Diana Arbenina on the television house ranked 2nd place, having received a special prize from the Primateonna of the Russian pop, Alla Pugacheva. Especially remembered the performance of the song "I love you to tears."

You can listen to strong and rich Bariton Evgenia Dyatlov at solo concerts, with which the artist is often touched by the cities of Russia. Records of performances in the concert hall of P. I. Tchaikovsky and the Great Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky" are often broadcast on television screens.

Many artist songs cause a storm of emotions from fans and music lovers. For example, the composition "Dreams of carefree", filled with Dyatlov at the anniversary evening Vladimir Eurois in the Kremlin in February 2014, gained over 1.5 million Views YouTube. Multiple views was also honored with a romance from the film "Survovers" called "Prayer".

In the "King Ring" show, Eugene, on his own admission, satisfied sports interest. Boxing was carried away in childhood, learned to "knock on the pear" according to books, then went to the section. Dyatlov reached the final of the program, where he lost to Edgard's dressing driver.

In 2015, Evgeny Dyatlov became a member of the 3rd season of the "exactly" program and in the framework of the project brilliantly reincarnated in Mikhail Boyarsky, Adriano Celentano, Vakhtanga Kikabidze, Frank Sinatru and other popular performers. The room was brilliantly and unforgettable, in which the artist presented to the public "Aria Mr. Xa", known to fulfill the Soviet singer Georg Osza. According to the results of the season, Evgeny Valerievich became the winner, dividing the leader's place with Maxim Galkin.

In the fall of 2016, the actor came to the Superseason project of the turning distance of the "exactly", where the best participants in previous issues competed. Dyatlov appeared in the images of Bono, Alexander Serov, Alexander Kalyagin. But the viewers of the November issues of the project especially liked. In one of them, the artist appeared in the image of Vladimir Vysotsky, performed the song "Konii People", and in the other Evgeny Dyatlov and singer Aia sparkled Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush, Svet Hit Don't Give Up.

Participation in the television show continued in 2017. The artist and singer again appeared on the popular project "exactly", fulfilled with Anna Barzaya Romance "You will wake me at dawn" from the rock opera "" Juno "and" Avos "."

Evgeny Dyatlov's own anniversaries notes not only in the family circle, but also on stage. I did not exception and 2018, in which the actor noted the 55th anniversary. The artist performed in the Concert Hall of Kapella with the program "Mystery". At the end of the year, "along St. Petersburg", which includes classic Russian romances, city lyrics, Gypsy, Ukrainian, Cossack songs, in particular "Black Raven", works of Yuri Vygoda and Bulat Okudzhava.

Personal life

Eugene, the owner of a bright appearance and a fascinating voice, heard the pet's favorite. Yes, and the artist himself was not seen in indifference to the weak floor, so Eugene Dyatlov's personal life is saturated with events and new novels. The first wife of Yevgeny became the actress Daria Lesnikova-Yurgens (familiar to the audience on the role of Marilyn in the painting "Brother-2").

Dyatlov and Lesnikova-Yurgens got married when they were students of the 4th year of the theater university. In this marriage in 1991, the firstborn Dyatlova - Son Yegor was born. But soon the family broke down. Egor went at the footsteps of the Father, graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art, it works at the "Baltic House" theater, starred in the series "Sea Devils", "Streets of broken lanterns", "Hounds".

The second wife of the artist was Ekaterina Dyatlov. The second son Fedor appeared in this union. But this marriage lasted for a short time. The Son on Education Artist-Designer, but, according to Father, the profession does not work.

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Now Evgeny Dyatlov is married for the third time. Spouse - Actress Satira Theater and Personal Agent Julia Jerbinova, in 2007 gave her husband to Vasilis's daughter. The long-awaited child appeared from the second attempt to Eco. The artist lives in St. Petersburg and supports relations with all children.

Eugene does not consider himself an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, however, in his youth, bought in the hole, walked in winter around the city in the sandals and sweaters and did not worry that the relatives perceived such behavior as social.

Boxing gloves Actor hung on a nail and began to go to the pool, carried away by rifle sports. The artist did not bypass "Instagram". Photo Dyatlov from the shooting sites and concert posters are published in the personal account of the artist, as well as on the pages of colleagues and fans.

Evgeny Dyatlov Now

In 2021, Dyatlov returned to the usual image, appearing in criminal paintings. First of all, we are talking about the plenty of the "imitator", whose action unfolds in the northern capital. Here there is a cruel murder, which reminds the crime that has long been perfect by an anastasia of the transported (the role was performed by Evgenia Kryukov). Dyatlova Character, Head of Corollary Ivan Nuts, decides to approach the case non-standard.

The artist compared his hero with the people of another profession - surgeons. From their actions, Evgeny noted in an interview depends a lot. And often in their power to reduce suffering and pain, the same quality is inherent and nuts, which in its work affects the fate of many people.

In another criminal drama called "Shark", a native of Khabarovsk had to play the role of the criminal investigation chief. The highlight of this image director of the tape Andres PUUSTUSMAA called the fact that the character performs job descriptions and at the same time is the performer of not entirely legitimate orders from a businessman with a difficult reputation.

For Eugene, this project has become another test for strength. In the plot of his hero was involved in a variety of tricky scenes - the actor was useful and his physical training, and good experience.

In addition to filming the movies, Dyatlov was involved in the 6th season of the project "Three Chord". On the stage, the artist again performed the composition of Vysotsky than he deserved the praise of judges. However, the following speeches were criticized. For example, after the "Jewish tailor" number, Alexander Novikov asked the singer to never go out with this song, because it lates all the sadness of the Jewish people. And Yevgeny her simply could not experience.


  • 2001-2004 - "Black Raven"
  • 2002 - "Dead Power"
  • 2002-2012 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2007 - "Echo from the past"
  • 2010 - "Golden Capan"
  • 2011 - "Rage"
  • 2012 - "Life and Fate"
  • 2012 - "Chkalov"
  • 2014 - "Battalion"
  • 2015 - "Contribution"
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2019 - Ilyinsky Rubeze
  • 2019 - "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams "
  • 2020 - "Podolsk cadets"
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2020 - Tobol
  • 2021 - "Imprint"

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