Maria Kulikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Maria Kulikova - actress of cinema and theater with the appearance of cold beauty, as if he came down from retro cards, and recognizable subtle style. Thanks to the increased attention from the director of the melodram, its filmography is growing rapidly. In Kulikova, the fear of being unclaimed, because it agrees to play in the same type of projects. But the audiences like these stories, and the collective image of a modern woman who embodies Maria.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born in Moscow in 1977, in an intelligent family. Mom - Engineer, Father worked for Gospelloradio, sang in church church. Grandma headed the Vocal Faculty of Gnesinsky School, and the music in the house was given first place. True, Kulikova never learned to play the piano, which now regrets.

In the theater studio, 10-year-old Masha recorded after the family from the center of the capital moved to the outskirts. The area was considered disadvantaged, and parents tried to protect the daughter from a bad effect. Yes, and the girl grew too shy and squeezed. As the actress recalls, Baba Yaga became her first role.

After school, Kulikova decided to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University, since then this profession was prestigious. But, having fallen into courses, I realized that the soul does not lie to this specialty. She handed over the exams at once in all theatrical universities and admits that she was miracle to Schukinskoye, on the course of Evgeny Knyazev.

In the same group with Maria, Dmitry Ulyanov, Oleg Makarov, Stanislav Madznikov. Colleagues retained the student habit of gathering at the mentor to the old New Year, and in the summer, come to the cottage to him.

Personal life

The series "Two Fates" has changed not only a career, but also the personal life of the actress. At the set Maria met the future husband of Denis Matrosov. Lovers were not separated from the first day of dating, three years have lived in actual marriage and did not rush to officially execute relations.

In the registry office, the accident led an accident: during a joint walk, Kulikova jokingly offered the chosen one to get married. And he agreed. The actress wanted children, despite the crazy work schedule. Plans to have a child were even in reminders on the refrigerator. And in 2011, Maria gave birth to Son Ivan.

Parents of the boy have begun construction of a country house. This is the future of the nest seemed guarantee and the sign of a happy life together, but actually caused a lot of conflicts in the family.

Denis took the construction to her heart, stayed for a long time and could even throw bricks himself. Maria did not see sense to spend money and time only for a housing project, she wanted to live more today and more often see his beloved husband.

In addition, the views on family life among actors also did not coincide. Satrosov has repeatedly said that he dreamed of a quiet keeper of the family hearth and a new home horsepower. Survived Kulikova's perfectionism was unlikely to see himself as a housewife.

The baby briefly swallowed the family. Although on weekdays, star parents constantly disappeared on the shooting, the weekend were devoted to family affairs and walks. The spouses diligently hid the waving from Vanya.

At the beginning of 2015, fans surprised the news that sailors and Kulikov were divorced. About the causes of parting were not reported. At the same time, rumors walked that the marriage destroyed the married infidelity of Denis - Roman with Irina Kalinina.

The actor himself argued that Maria decision accepted alone and it was difficult to argue with it. And on the publication that wrote about "relationships" with Irina, he sued. With Kalinina and her husband, Evgeny Martynovy sailors are friends. And as if to blame the scandal to inflate, including the section of the property, Svetlana Antonova, who advised a cudal unprofessional lawyer. In fact, Denis and Maria broke up lovely.

The actress does not forbid his son to communicate with his father, believing that the necessary atmosphere should be preserved between parents, since the child needs to feel that he has a mother, and father.

Maria settled near the ex-spouse, in the house acquired in the mortgage. Former dwelling went to Denis, who paid the ex-wife relying on the law part. The sailors created a new family, raising another son. Kulikova is not married yet, but not alone.

Around the personal life of a beautiful and popular woman walks a lot of woven. Mary attributed a connection with Maxim Averin, with whom she plays together in the series "Sklifosovsky".

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But the celebrity itself commented on these rumors, saying that he had long been friends with Averin, more than 20 years old, and nothing but sympathy, they were not experiencing each other. And at the same time admitted that at the first acquaintance did not fall in love with a charming colleague only because it was already in a serious relationship.

Also, the actress was attributed to another loud novel, with Andrey Chernyshov. With a man, the artist met on the set of the same series, where Denis met, "two destinies." In an interview, Maria Kulikova missed or directly said that Chernyshov is a family friend. With all that, it was with Andrey that she often flirted and exchanged mysterious views. In 2016, the movie "Mystery of the Big House" again reduced free Kulikov with Chernyshov on the same platform. That's just the heart of Andrei since 2008 belongs to Mary Bestginsk.

In early 2018, Maria was mentioned that for a long time is not considered a single mother. In her life there is a favorite man who taught to rejoice in every day. With the chosen character, the artist is often sent on travel, both in the native land and abroad. The photo of the satellite, which Kulikova did during a trip to Greece, she placed in "Instagram".

The actress's account in the network acquired at the request of a nephew, having learned that fraudsters, using the name of the stars, collect money allegedly for charity. Fakes and now there is a lot, and this page shows the year of birth to Kulikova.

A woman manages to stay at an altitude without excess cliff - you will not meet the pictures of Mary in a swimsuit or underwear. The exception of steel frames from early melodramas with its participation.

The name of the man who conquered EE, Maria did not call, but there is no impossible for journalists. They rummed that for the sake of the Blonde Vitaly Kudryavtsev left the Son Savelia and the spouse Seraphim Nodovskaya. However, in a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, the leading show "The Fate of Man", the "youth" star said that Kulikova appeared in the life of the former husband two years after the divorce. And Savely rides a visit to the father and made friends with Ivan.

Maria is considered a benchmark of femininity, possessing wheat color of hair and bright blue eyes, which appreciate the directions and prohibit repainting. The actress surprises that he does not look at her age, while sports (swimming) was engaged only in childhood. And it is not corrected (the weight of the culikova is 60 kg, the growth is 174 cm) due to intensive shooting, daily work in the house and proper nutrition. In addition, the health of the family is watching the elder sister Galina, a physician by education that worked in the clinic.

In 2019, Mary had to calm fans who believed the publications that the Lithuanians are mortally sick. Say therefore she and her son gave to the upbringing Denis, and nothing writes in "Instagram". In fact, the actress at that time was filmed in Ukraine, and under the contract disclose the details of the project forbidden.

"The Internet is akin to the weapon of mass lesion. A person leads him to action without seeing his victims, without feeling responsible for the deed. An even greater bewilderment causes when some characters are dirty on the Internet and on the pages of the magazines of once close people. "

Films and serials

After the end of the Theater School, Maria is invited to the episodic role of Lena Rogosina in the series "Turn the key". The actress is also removed in the detective of Egor Konchalovsky "Relator", appears in the film "Empire under the blow", as well as in the popular TV series "Deadly Strength". But until 2002, Kulikova received only small episodic roles.

She brought popularity to her "Two Fates", in which she played a major role. Note that the samples of Maria came by chance. The actress was invited to another project, but she was mistaken by the door. The shooting of the first part of the series was held in the apartment of Mary's parents. According to her, all relatives are used to walking in the evenings near the cameras, and she herself found funny to play her daughter in a filmmaker, without leaving the parental home.

In 2005, she plays in the drama Tigran Keosayan "Lily Silver-2". Also, Maria invites Alexey Kiryushenko in Sitka "My beautiful nanny". In 2006, the actress receives a major role in the dramatic series "Blood Sisters" and in the same year it is removed in the series "Rails of Happiness" and "The case was in Gavrilovka".

In 2007, the artist's work did not become less, she starred in melodramas "she said" yes "and" squirrel in the wheel. "

In 2008, there are 4 films with Kulikova at once: "The Building", "Flight of Fantasy", "Own True", "Allow you to kiss" and the final, fourth, season of the series "Two Fates".

The picture of "Mill of Hatspeetovka 2: Challenge of Fate" released in 2009, brings a new wave of stunning popularity with a new wave of stunning popularity. After 2 years, a continuation of the "milking" was shot, and after Maria receives an invitation to join the acting of the Sklifosovsky series.

The heroine of Mary, the surgeon Marina Narotinskaya, appeared in TV show only in the 2nd season, but surprisingly quickly won the hearts of the audience. Inaccessible beauty capable of competing with men, perfectly added the ensemble of the series.

The name of the Kulikova is in the lists of the main stars of the project, and in the 2020th season earned the 8th season. As the actress itself is recognized, this role was not easy, since there was a controversy with EE cheerful and cheerful character. By the way, Maria often took with him on the shooting of her son Ivan, who quickly became the favorite of the entire film crew, as sandwiches prepared for her.

Another popular project in which the woman is involved is a series of melodrama "Perfumesha". In it, Maria Kulikova performed the main role of Natalia Baranova, the main technologist of the perfumery factory.

The heroine actresses ambitious, marks the director and dreams of creating his own collection of spirits. But at the same time, it is not just a cold careerist - she wants to save his own provincial factory from the metropolitan rationalist manager who wants to build a supermarket at the place of production.

The stars of lyric paintings are always becoming partners in the workplace of the actress: Vitaly Kudryavtsev in the melodrame "Too beautiful wife", Sergey Astakhov in "Where is love", Alexander Dyachenko in "Late colors" and others. In 2015, fans saw with the participation of a woman's "theory of incredibility", "two plus two".

The next year also brought 3 films with Kulikova: "Pearls", "Three Roads" and "I am looking for a man."

In 2017, full-length films "from the first to the last word" and "Mystery of the Big City" came out. In the new series of "perfumes", Alexander Nikitin appeared in the role of a competitor.

A bright page in the creative biography of the actress was the melodrama "Hotel of Happy Hearts", where Mary managed to reincarnate in the hostess of the hotel, the husband of which mysteriously disappeared while traveling through the African continent. The Kulikova company on the screen was the stars of the Screen of Elizabeth Kononov, Anna Andrushenko, Andrei Barilo, Yuri Baturin, Evgeny Miller.

In Ukraine, the project "One who is not sleeping" came out with the participation of the artist. In the film, we were talking about a team of private detectives who successfully reveal the most confusing cases.

In 2018, Maria reincarnated to the main heroine of the series "Angelina". Rustic grass becomes the only one on the village who can help in salvation from the diphtherite children of her former lover. But after the death of one infant, Angelina is accused of deliberately killing a child. Vitaly Kudryavtsev and Tatiana Kolganov also participated in the film.

Another work of Kulikova - Melodrama "Ahead of the Day", in which she gets the image of a rich man's wife (Sergey Gorobchenko). The silent lady of the heroine actresses was not always. Initially, Nina worked as a cleaner in the house of the future spouse, but her pregnancy changed the course of events.

The dramatic image of the artist went to the TV series "Dr. Snail". The main heroine of the Medical TV series - Kira Ulitina performed by Mary Kulikova - a talented obstetrician-gynecologist, on the operating table of which one day the newborn dies. The doctor is forced to leave the capital and go to work in the outback, where local doctors meet her hostile.

In the fall of 2018, the TV channel "Home" presented to the audience another bright melodrama "from hatred to love" with the participation of Kulikova. The actress played a girl, which in front of the wedding suddenly meets the man of his dreams. Two rivals were presented on the screen Maxim Bitukov and Roman Polyansky.

In 2019, their repertoire appeared on the criminal film "Anatomy of the Murders", in the Ukrainian tape "Mystery Mary".

Melodrama "Lydia" is a story about all-consuming maternal love, egoism of children and happy, although at first an accident. Here, Mary has a randomly found image of a woman who surrendered circumstances. The symbol of the Renaissance becomes passer, barely not lost under the wheels of her car.

Picture "Taxi driver" - a joint project for Mary, her son Ivan and Vitaly Kudryavtseva. In the center of the plot - the heroine, the death of her husband, breaking with daughter, business loss and betrayal of friends. But, as it should be according to the rules of the genre, the final of the viewer does not disappoint.


Career Kulikova as film actresses develop rapidly, but she does not forget about the theater. The star performed on the stage of the Moscow Academic Satira Theater, playing in the performances of "eight loving women", "secretaries", "Khanuma" and others.

In 2003, Maria Kulikova played in a unique concert version "Eugene Onegin". The project was led by the famous German conductor Gerd Albrecht. Music to the spectrum was written back in 1936 Sergey Prokofiev for the statement of Alexander Tairov.

In 2011, with the birth of the Son, Kulikova wrote a statement about the care of the Satira Theater. The leadership of the theater team advised she was not in a hurry with dismissal, but the actress was so plunged into motherhood, which was inexperienced. In 2016, Maria began cooperation with an "independent theater project."

In a tandem with Ivan Lodine actress, he made a producer of the play "Be with me" on the play of Alexander Volodin "five evenings". She wanted to "stir something bright and interesting to be stationary scenery, and not three stools." Colleagues decided not to arrange a tour of Ches, and go to the regional centers two or three times a month. Starring - Same Kulikova, Valentina Mazunina, Igor Petrenko.

Maria Kulikova now

The performance of Kulikova is surprised, because every year it is removed more and more. Maria is involved immediately in the top ten paintings, while playing the main roles.

The actress does not think of herself in the "big meter" and does not consider the work in the series unworthy of the attention of a good artist. In her opinion, any plot should be told with a soul. Over the years, the amplua Kulikova does not change - the same loving, understanding, strong supporter of justice.

In melodrame with elements of a detective "For Your Happiness", Maria in the image of a business woman plans to expand the matter due to a profitable marriage of his daughter. But the opponent appears on the eve of the wedding, it disappears without a trace of circumstances, and concerning mommy turns into a suspect in murder.

On the problems of children, the plot of the film "Love with risk for life" is built. Heroine Kulikova looking for daughter. During the searches, it turns out that the girl disappeared after meeting with a young major, and the guy's house will be filled with blood.

"Death in the lens" is also a story about the crime. The actress played a relative of the businessman who had deceased, as it was believed in an accident. And only the widow sees what the investigators did not notice. The roles in the painting also received Evgeny Sidikhin, Maya Gorban and Dmitry Frid.

The dramatic series "Clinic of adoption" raises the question to which Maria was asked in his youth, still being married to the sailor. Then the spouses after the birth of their own child were thought about the reception. In the film, except for Kulikova, the love of Tolkolin and Cyril Grebelshchikov are involved. Their characters are intermediaries between childless couples and orphans.

One of the bright Premier 2020 is the series "Pythagore's theorem". In the center of the plot is a classic love triangle, which, unfortunately, is not amenable to accurate calculations. Alexander Vlasova, Yegor Beroev, Nina Usatov also starred in the picture.

And in February 2021, the long-awaited 8th season of the series "Sklifosophical" started.


  • 1999 - "Relator"
  • 2000 - "Empire under the blow"
  • 2002 - "Two Fate"
  • 2008 - "Let me kiss you"
  • 2009 - "Ryabins of the borders of the scarlet"
  • 2009 - "Digger from Hatspeetovka"
  • 2010 - "With greetings, goatosanitra"
  • 2013-2021 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2014 - "Husband for an hour"
  • 2014 - "Late Flowers"
  • 2015 - "Two plus two"
  • 2017 - "Perfumesha 2"
  • 2018 - "Lydia"
  • 2018 - "Angelina"
  • 2018 - "From Hate to Love"
  • 2019 - "For Your Happiness"
  • 2020 - "Adoption Clinic"
  • 2020 - Pythagore's Theorem

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