Olga Arntgolts - biography, personal life, photo, news, Tatyana Arntgolts, movies, sister, husband 2021



Olga Arntgolts - Russian actress, a representative of the creative dynasty. Thanks to its charm and hardworking, she managed to get into the number of the most sought-after executivers of modernity. At the same time, Olga always emphasizes that the family is for her - in the first place.

Childhood and youth

Olga Albertovna Arntgolts was born on March 18, 1982 in Kaliningrad. It is considered to be the younger, as it appeared on the light of 20 minutes later, Tatyana Arntgolts twin sisters. For his surname, the girl is worth thanks to the grandfather of Alfonglas, the Germans by origin. But the name for the child, parents chose before her birth: when twins appeared on the world, they were named after Tatiana and Olga Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Albert Arntgolts and Valentina Galich were actors of the Kaliningrad Drama Theater. The family lived in a communal apartment, but most of the time spent in the theater. The mother with his father gave the sisters on the costumes' care, and they themselves rehearsed and performed on stage. Olga grew up in a creative atmosphere and the first role of a frog in the play "Golden Chicken" played at 9 years old. Together with the sister of Tatiana, they became the first children speaking on the scene of the Kaliningrad theater.

Parents belonged to Olga as the youngest daughter, despite an insignificant difference. It was good for her, although the children were brought up in rigor and instilled accuracy. Unlike sister, the girl grew shy, she was hard to speak in public and read poems. As a child, she experienced an inexplicable fear of the theater and the way of Santa Claus, which passed only with age.

Arntgolz was engaged in gymnastics and pentathlon. At one time I visited the music school in the class of violin, but the study was given hard to her. When the time came to take musical exams, the sisters simply did not appear on them. At home, they caught a sobbing mother, which was offended by daughters. Only a teacher's call, who said that the twins were allowed to recall the exam, helped them to make it.

After graduating from the 9th grade, parents persuaded Olga to enter the prestigious lyceum, to the profile acting class. The girl dreamed of a career of a journalist, however, without a contest of twins could only take on theatrical direction. Father convinced her daughters that this education would benefit them: the program assumed an in-depth study of Russian and foreign literature, as well as the study of the history of the arts.

Then Olga and Tatiana for the first time realized how much they are. The teachers never confused the same girls, they were given a variekteric roles to emphasize their individuality. Olga learned to dance, execute songs, move and speak on stage. Literally on the second day of study, the young student finally decided to become an actress.

After graduating from Sister, Arntgolts went to Moscow to enter the theater institute. They did not even expect that they could go together - in case of failure, the twins were planned to go to Voronezh, where they were already provided with places in the local university. However, luck was on the side of Olga and Tatyana, the rector of the M. S. Schepkin Nikolai Nikolayevich Afonin himself took them to their course.

Olga, together with his sister settled in a hostel room, where two more girls lived with them. Olga and Tatiana growing in cleanliness and order were horrified by living conditions. However, taking himself in hand, they were able to turn the ordinary room into an exemplary dwelling. The sisters were very close and always helped each other, they lived together for a long time together: first in the hostel, then in a removable apartment, and a little later - and in their own.

In 2003, Olga Arntgolts graduated from the institute and immediately began shooting in the cinema.


For the first time on television, Olga Arntgolts made his debut in the movie "Black Room" director Alexander Hwa. The series was demonstrated in 2000 on the television channel ORT.

In 2002, the actress was supposed to play a role in the 4-serial film Next, where her sister Tatiana was already playing. At the initial idea of ​​the director, Olga had to appear in the form of a twin character of Tatiana, whom she sees in a dream. But the shooting coincided with the exams in the school, and the girl was forced to abandon the project.

Olga, together with his sister, was invited to the adolescent series "Simple truths", where they played sisters-twins Masha and Katya Trofimov. The picture, which appeared on the screens a year later, enjoyed tremendous success among young people. Bright and memorable girls liked the audience and became idols for many teenagers.

Arntgolts invited the three-minded series to the workplace, telling about the life of three children who actually remained without a father and mother. In this picture, Tatiana had to appear as a twin, but then fate ordered otherwise: because of the dense work schedule, Tatiana did not have time to shoot in the episode of the series.

Together, the sisters played in a detective multi-line tape "Why do you need Alibi?", Which came out on the screens in 2003. Despite the uniqueness of the twins phenomenon in the cinema, the directors did not hurry to offer similar roles to the girls. Rodality and similarity, of course, made career from the first days to fall into interesting projects and receive the main roles. But in their creative biography, the role of twins make up a small part.

Over all his sister's career, Arntgolts played together in projects: "Simple truths" serials, "Why do you need Alibi?" and full-length belt "gloss". Girls have achieved popularity and growth of success separately and not thanks to genetics, but only because of the talent.

Director Alexander Vyedinsky for a long time looking for an actress on the main role in the painting "Russian". When a photo of Olga came to his eyes, I immediately demanded the assistants to find the actress and bring it to the samples. Assistants confused twins and originally sent an invitation to Casting Tatiana, but she refused due to the workload. As a result, justice enthusiassed, and the role was received by Olga, which she was intended from the very beginning.

In addition to the appearance of a movie, Arntgolts took part in the shooting of the show "The Ice Age: Global Warming", where he replaced the sister, which was forced to leave the program in connection with the pregnancy.

By this time, Olga created himself a name in cinematographic circles, so the director willingly took her to new projects. In the Melodrame "Maternal Instinct" Actress appeared among the performers of major roles. Arntgolz got the image of the rainbits. Other participants in the love triangle played Victoria Tolstoganov and Yaroslav Boyko.

Together with Andrei Panin Olga Arntgolts played a "bomb" retrameterative. This film has become one of the latest works of the famous artist. In addition, the performer starred by the TV series "Officer Wives", the plot of which is spinning around the family, in every generation of which a dedicated woman was born, ready to follow his husband-officer everywhere. This is another joint work of the actress and director Dmitry Petruny. Later, the pair continued to cooperate in the "Resurrection" project.

Then, in the career, Arntgolts occurred calm, the actress plunged into family life. She herself at that time was repeatedly stated to journalists, which is ready for new projects.

A triumphal return took place in 2017 with the premiere of a detective "Queen upon execution", where Olga appeared in the captain of the police investigating the case under cover.

In addition to filming the cinema, the performer consists in the troupe of the Millennium Metropolitan Theater. Together with Arntgolts, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Natalia Bochkareva, Julia Rutberg, Alexander Nostere and other artists of the creative team are published on the stage.

In the filmography of Arntgolts several projects on the family and raising children. This is the series "Guardian", where the actress plays a hero's companion who adopted the child, and the melodrama "daughters".

Personal life

Olga Arntgolts is known for modesty and seriousness, before marriage, she did not advertise relations with the opposite sex. Even in the instagram account, the actresses are many times less than the photo and subscribers than the sister.

At one time, Olga was seen with his colleague Alexey Chadov, with whom she met on the set of the film "Live." However, young people denied the presence of love relationships between them.

In 2007, Arntgolts met with a future husband, actor Vakhtang Beridze. Together, they were brought by the scene of the theater, where they played in the "Hanuma". The actors quickly found a common language and became friends, love came to them much later. A miniature performer (Olga's growth - 165 cm, weight - 52 kg) looked even more fragile and feminine against the background of a brutal satellite.

In 2009, they secretly played a wedding that only close friends and relatives were invited. From the wedding travel, the spouses had to be abandoned due to the dense shoot of Olga filming. For the first time, the pair appeared at the "Kinotavra", where the actress came to represent the short-drawing project "Adaptation".

In 2013, artists were born daughter Anna. In November 2015, the married couple officially divorced. Now they support friendly relations for the sake of a common child.

For some time, Arntgolts thought to refuse career to engage in raising a child, but over time, I found the strength and the possibility of combining both classes. In an interview with Olga mentioned the strict upbringing of his daughter. The actress believes that the child should not have free time, so Anna from an early age visits the Big Tennis section, engaged in music, swimming, dancing and English.

Soon it became known that the change in personal life actresses still occurred, as evidenced by changes in its figure. The fact that Arntgolts is pregnant, the audience learned from the media. At the end of 2016, Olga gave birth to Son Akim. The father of her second child is directed by Dmitry Petrun, with whom, according to journalists, the actress began a novel during their collaboration on the TV series "Pandora", where the main character on the screen was embodied by Anatoly White.

At one time, the pair did not comment on their relationship, nevertheless the engagement ring on the right hand Arntgolz appeared. Later, the artist decided on a frank interview about personal life on the broadcast of Kira's transfer to the Stouthern "Wife. Love story".

March 18, 2021, on the 39th day of his birth, both sisters posted the same posts in "Instagram", informing fans about the birth of children with a difference of 20 days. Photos with tags from the hospital were pleased with subscribers. Olga for the third time became a mom at the end of January. Son Lev - her second joint child with Dmitry Petrun. In the family of Tatiana, Arntgolts and Mark Bogatyreva also appeared the heir. The boy was named Danila.

Olga Arntgolts now

Olga Arntgolts continues to cooperate with Ukrainian cinematographers. The actress is happy every time going to shoot in Kiev, where there lives a lot of friends. So, to bright projects shot in Ukraine, the series "Related links 2" can be attributed. This is the 2nd season of melodrama, in which the performer is reincarnated to the iron lady, the director of the advertising agency.


  • 1999-2003 - "Simple truths"
  • 2002 - "Three against all"
  • 2004 - "Russian"
  • 2006 - "Live"
  • 2007 - "Gllyan"
  • 2008 - "Maternal Instinct"
  • 2010 - "In the forests and mountains"
  • 2010 - "I go out to look for"
  • 2012 - "Piranhai"
  • 2012 - "Samara"
  • 2013 - "Gena Concrete"
  • 2015 - "Officer Wives"
  • 2017 - "Queen when execution"
  • 2018 - "For the first time says goodbye"
  • 2018 - "Related Ties"
  • 2019 - "Guardian"
  • 2020 - "Daughters"
  • 2020 - "Related Ties-2"

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