Artem Osipov - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, wife, films, Margarita Osipova 2021



"Here is an acting profession ... A person knows how to do anything in principle, nothing, but at the same time he has a profession that such a load is responsible for himself. A person who protrudes on the stage also forms our consciousness to a certain extent. "These words of Artem Osipova as a confirmation of how the actor of the artist belongs to work. He does not just earn an actor.

Childhood and youth

Artem Alexandrovich Osipov was born in 1983 in Saratov. By nationality he is Russian. In the family, the boy was the second of three children.

Since childhood, Artem was interested in the theater, so the father and mother recorded the Son in the theater circle. At the young age of Osipov doubted about the further career and had every chance to become a musician. In school years, he was engaged in the Saratov Conservatory and enjoyed the location of teachers, but after the graduation, after all, he chose the acting profession.

Osipov passed the entrance examinations and entered the MCAT Studio School for Course to Konstantin Raykin. From the 2nd year, the actor played on the scene of the famous Moscow Theater "Satirikon". The first work of Artem is the role in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Macbeth", put the performance of Yuri Butusov. At the end of the Studio Studio, the guy was invited to work in the family "Satirikon".


The leader's debut in the movie took place in 2005. Osipov offered a small episodic role in the popular TV series "Lawyer 2". The next picture was the melodrama "Love as love". Working in this project, Artem received the most important thing - experience. After all, he, as he said, was lucky to work together with great actors: Sergey Nikonenko, Boris Shcherbakov and Larisa Lubina.

Then Osipov starred in the popular detective TV series "Liquidation", which received the "Teffi" award, "Golden Eagle", and also became the "best television series" 2008. But all these projects did not bring the desired popularity. Only after the main role of Alexander Mokhov in the television series "Sasha, my love", the artist felt the taste of glory.

The actor also appeared in the historic TV series "Life and Adventures of the Japanese Bears". He went to the screens in 2011 and rightfully deserved audience love and recognition.

Despite the rapid career growth on TV, Artem did not forget about the theater. Together with Konstantin Raykin, he worked on the creation of a film-play "King Lire", whose director spoke Yuri Butusov.

A no less significant event in the career of Artem was an invitation to the melodrama "One Night of Love". A tagged actor, the growth of which is 182 cm, with dignity wearing an epilutes of Count Ignatiev, in love with the main character of Sasha slack. Osipov starred on the same platform with the stars of the Soviet cinema - Irina Muravyeva and Alexander Filippenko. "One Night of Love" was nominated for the international award "Emmy International" as the best series in the world.

Career went to take off. Artem Osipov changed the images like gloves, which allowed him to demonstrate the audience of the polyhedral of talent. In the painting "invaluable love", he played a cunning sinker, and in the melodrama "temptation" - the director of the plant.

An important project in filmography of Osipova was the mini-series "To marry at all costs". He was entrusted by the main male role - Plato Protasov, a businessman who, together with the Central Heroine (Natalia Zemtsova), discovers the corpse in the kitchen.

Especially good, Osipov managed detective roles. Therefore, he was invited to play in the pictures "disappeared", "later repentance", "Mukhtar. New trace. "

It was possible to work Artem and with the famous actors of the Quartet and theater. Together with them, he was involved in the film "Day of Elections - 2". The picture received positive feedback and large cash collections. Shooting took place in Astrakhan. Star cast diluted residents of the city, who starred in the crowd.

Then a melodramatic picture "Third Life Daria Kirillovna" appeared in the artist filmography. Anna Kazychitz played the main heroine.

But, as Artem admitted himself, the director see him in films on the medical topic: "Probably, each actor has its own set of professions, whose representatives have to play especially often. Doctor in my top. " In the role of the doctor, he appeared in the paintings of the "Shutchnitsa" and "marriage games", and the role of the patient tried in the series "Sklifosovsky" and "Dr. Tyrsa".

Osipov also joined the acting ensemble of the 2nd season of Sitkom "Hotel Eleon". He performed the role of Yuri - the guest of the Eleon Boutique Hotel and Paul's friend. The character is negative, because the family values ​​neglects and changes the wife Olga.

In the melodrame "from hatred to love" with Maria Kulikova, in the main role of Osipov played an eccentric, abusing the leading corporate alcohol in the restaurant. He suffers only a beloved woman, in the role of which Elena Obolensky starred.

In 2018, the Military Drama "Axipov" was added to Osipova's watchlist. She received ambiguous reviews. Viewers discovered historical inaccuracies.

Shooting in the cinema Artem combined with work at the Sachirikon theater. He played in the performances "London Show" and "King Lear". The last statement was noted by the National Prize "Golden Mask".

Artem Osipov was fully talent in the play "Seagull", which was raised by the play Chekhov. He played two characters at once - Eugene Sergeevich Dorn and Konstantin Gavrilovich Trepleva.

Personal life

Osipov starred in the cinema, performed in the theater, a little time remained for his personal life. Therefore, the artist's own family did not have a long time, love Artem met not immediately. One day, fate brought him with Margarita Osipova. A woman from Minsk, by education, the manager "administers seven," as Artem says.

When Osipov met the future wife, he learned that the woman already had a child. Actor warmly accepted the Son of Beloved and became his father. "I seem to see him with stepfather, but we have no word in the family. I treat my son as a native. We have no separation on your favorite or unloved children. So it was from the very beginning, and I really value communication with children, "said Osipov.

Later, the spouses were born two more sons. Photos of children periodically appear in the "Instagram" of the actor along with frames from films, rehearsals and comic productions.

Family happiness of Osipova overshadowed health problems. In 2018, information appeared that he was urgently hospitalized to the Moscow clinic. Fans got worried that their idol had a serious illness. However, everything turned out to be not so scary: Artem fell in the workplace, the physicians diagnosed he had a fracture of the leg and dislocation.

The incident occurred during the play "King Lire". At the very end of the presentation, the actor's leg was confused in the tissue carpet. He fell, and on top of the scene partner fell on top. Artem required surgical intervention. After operation

He quickly went on amendment and was able to return to work.

The actor whose creativity has gained a large number of fans, in 2019 he was invited to the program "The Fate of Man". In an interview with Boris Korchevnikov, he told about his personal life and answered such intriguing questions about how she made a proposal to the spouse and whether she was jealous of him to the profession.

It turned out that Margarita first could not accept the eternal employment of her husband and kisses on the set. Over time, she understood that these are the specifics of the acting profession. "Then I was greatly jealous. All these kisses on the set, new partners in every scene, but now no. I have long used to. Although to live with the actor, of course, difficult. This is a completely different world, "Margarita said.

Artem loves to travel, cook (the artist has even the second category of the pastry chef), play sports. By the way, the sport was the reason that Osipov began to personally execute dangerous and complex tricks on the set. Over time, I realized that the trickling interferes with how to act as an actor, and then takes away the bread from a professional cascaderal, which is much more spectable to perform a trick. Yes, and about the family should think.

Svetlana, the older sister of Artem, teaches English in Schukinsky School. Brother Ilya became the artist of the ballet, lives in St. Petersburg, founded a dance school.

The surname of Osipov turned out to be quite common in the actor's environment, Artem was attributed to the relationship with his colleagues Evgenia Osipova and Alexey Osipov, who died under mysterious circumstances. The latter is known about the biography of the latter, which gave fans a huge field for theories and condoms. However, neither Alexey, nor Evgenia family bonds do not associate a man.

Now Osipov is faulting acting skills in Satirone, and the emphasis is on skill in the cinema, so that theatrical walls did not interfere with the capture of modern trends. The artist himself offered Konstantin Raykin to open the course.

Artem Osipov now

Artem Osipov in 2020 was demanded from directors. He received several secondary roles in films and popular sitcom. Among them, the series "Unprincipled", which tells about the personal life of rich Muscovites, and the detective "closed season" about mysterious murders in the resort town.

In the popular detective TV series "Spasskaya", Artem Osipov appeared in the episode called "Last Cruise". He tried on the image of the main suspect Alexander Stunik, who works by the second assistant captain on the liner.

Melodrama "Find us, mom!" She became the first premiere with Osipov in 2021. But if he played a secondary role in it, then the actor embodied one of the main characters in her "for everything paid".


  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2008 - "One Night of Love"
  • 2009 - "Paradivari gun"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2012 - "The right to the truth"
  • 2013 - "invaluable love"
  • 2014 - "Bones"
  • 2014 - "Slazen"
  • 2015 - Londongrad
  • 2016 - "Get married at all costs"
  • 2016 - "Shutchiks"
  • 2017 - "Fat Games"
  • 2018 - "Ax"
  • 2018 - "Irckka 2"
  • 2019 - "Crasst"
  • 2019 - "Recipes of Family Happiness"
  • 2019 - "Ricochet"
  • 2020 - "Closed Season"
  • 2020 - "Spasskaya"
  • 2021 - "Find us, Mom!"

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