Alexander Samoilenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Filmography, Series, Children 2021



The acting game is based on faith in what does not exist, but what could happen to a person, his friends or relatives. Then you have to access the depths of the memory. Why the artist becomes a master, a star, grows in a professional plan, more than once asked Alexander Samoilenko. And he himself found: because these "but suddenly" becomes more and more. However, the cinema for the actor is a fairy tale in which the performer is immersed every time with his head and upset when it comes to return to reality.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Samoilenko was born on March 28, 1964 in Tashkent. He grew up in an exemplary family of intellectuals: Father Valery Samoilenko - Dear Professor, Dr. Science, who studied hydrobiology, and mother worked as a teacher at a local school. Since childhood, Alexander was vaccinated with respect for the elders, he had a parents in everything.

The boy was grew up with a dreamy and artistic child, visited an acting craftsmanship circle and spoke on a school scene. Soviet cinema inspired Alexander to become an actor.

After graduating from secondary school, Sasha decided to enter the Theater Institute. The mother made a categorically against the actor in the family, however, the Father insisted that young Alexander himself chose a profession. In the youth, Samoilenko went to Moscow and filed documents to the Higher Theater School named after B. V. Schukin. Thanks to the congenital artistry and participation in the skill and talent of the boy, the boy was enough to get the approval of the examination commission and enroll on the acting faculty.

Theater and business

In 1988, Alexander Valerianovich graduated from the school and went to work as an administrator at the Wakhtangov Theater. Two years later, Samoilenko decided to do business together with his friend, actor Maxim Sukhanov.

After the restaurant "Prague" ripped a contract for servicing the theater buffet, friends organized the club "Lighthouse" on this site. It was a closed institution for actors of the theater and their friends, which performed and the function of the buffet. Samoilenko and Sukhanov also organized the opening of the cafe in the Central Children's Theater.

Restaurant business flourished, a little later, friends opened the Labardans Art Restaurant, which initially planned to turn into an artistic center with a cafe and the theater museum. As the actors tried to help his colleagues: the buffets were free of charge for poor theater workers, paid the commemoration and fed the students of the Schukinsky school.

To work in the specialty Alexander Samoilenko became in 1997, after he was invited to the troupe of the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after Stanislavsky. On the stage, the artist played Sir Tobi from the "Twelfth Night" Shakespeare and Baptist from the "Taming of the Shrew".


Alexander Samoilenko played his first roles, still being a university student - not so much for the start of the career, as for a part time. He appeared in the Music film "Trades in ancient spirit" and the drama "Forgotten Melody for Flute" directed by Eldar Ryazanov, published in 1987.

The next time, Samoilenko returned to the movies after 10 years, taking part in the filming of the detective series "Mosseck, 12", where Dmitry Kharatyan called him. The profession, which Alexander Valerianovich considered boring and monotonous, again intrigued and inspired him. He entered the acting ensemble of the series "Cobra", "Black Room", full-length painting "Oligarch". Thanks to the last artist gained popularity and first fans.

In 2004, fantasy film "Night Watch" was released on the screens, which instantly became cult. In him, the actor fulfilled the role of Ilya - Magic-Perevil. The artist also played in the continuation of the film "Day Watch", who saw the light in 2006. For participation in the film, Samoilenko agreed after the persuasion of the casting director and directly Timur Bekmambetova, since Alexander Valerianovich does not like the work of Sergey Lukyanenko. It is much closer to him by Alexey Ivanov or Zakhar Prilepin. Along with the artist, Maria Poroshina, Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov and other Russian actors were involved on the set.

In 2004, a debut took place as a producer. Together with Maxim Sukhanov, Alexander Valerianovich set the New Year's melodrama "Parcement from Mars", and a year later she made his debut and as a director in the film "Roman Horrors", which came out on the screens in 2005.

A great popularity of Alexander Samoilenko brought shooting in the Russian TV series "Daddy's daughters". The actor played a friend of the Chief Hero family, the dentist Andrei Mikhailovich Antonova. The project was popular, the series was filmed from 2007 to 2012, after which the project suddenly closed, remaining without a logical end.

In 2008, the screen "Blue Night" film was released on the screens, telling about the life of the Pioneer Camp of the 70s. In the center of the plot, the director David Tkebuchava presented the history of the "pedagogical" composition, people who, in parallel with the upbringing of the younger shift, solved personal problems. Samoilenko performed the role of a musical leader in the picture.

In 2013, the series "Queen of Gangs" was released on the screens. According to the plot, the main heroine of Polina, which Ekaterina Kuznetsova plays, a rural girl, waiting for his beloved army. However, the guy is not the only one who smelled in the soul of the beauty of Polina. Eye put on her local authority of the drills, which Alexander Samoilenko plays. It would be unlikely that the girl would choose Burov if her mother had no expensive operation. And then Polina is decided to marry a hated Uhager.

The actor filmography continued to be replenished with comedies. So, in 2014 the screens came out the picture "Light on Messenger", in which Garik Harlamov played the main role. In the film, a popular comedian is reincarnated in the cunning realtor Pavel Basova, conducting semi-lifted transactions. From uncle and part-time chief, rigid and unprincipled dolza (performed by Samoilenko), the hero receives the next task, but something went wrong. In the tape, Christina Asmus also appeared in the role of Florist Elizabeth and Yuri Kuznetsov in the role of Father Pasha.

Samoilenko combines acting and production activities. Among the producers - films "Commander of the Polar Star" and "be free." One day, Alexander Valerianovich was mentioned that he was tired of the cinema and in the coming years in the creative biography, perhaps a pause will appear, and the proposed scenarios are not forced to beat the heart from excitement. Apparently, this conclusion did not apply to the pictures of the "Election Day-2" and "Arrhythmia". In the first, comedy with the "quartet and", the actor played the chapter of the administration of the governor, who suddenly refuses to re-write to the post. In the second appeared in the form of the father of the main character, whose family problems are accompanied by failures at work. "Arrhythmia" was awarded 3 prizes of the Festival "Kinotavr", including the Grand Prix.

Karen Shakhnazarov Samoilenko appeared in a secondary role in the "Rock" adventure tape on provincial musicians who conquer Moscow. In 2018, arrhythmias along with the film "Salyut-7" claimed the Golden Eagle National Prize. The victory went to the drama on the management of the unmanned orbital station, in which Samoilenko played the main role - the head of the PCU.

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Alexander Valerianovich, according to the premiere show, was similar to Cosmonaut No. 41 Valery Ryumin, who became the sample of the hero. The artist himself admitted that he first felt it was like - to be filmed in a blockbuster. And the children's jury of the International Film Festival "Scarlet Sails" ARTEKA "awarded Samoilenko with the title of the best actor. Natalia Gromova, by the way, director of the Children's Festival of Arts, which is held in Artek.

In the same year, Alexander Valerianovich's filmography was replenished with the President of the President's Vacation. The name of the film does not imply politicians, it is a comedy about the head of the state, tired of official duties. The president rides on holiday in the Crimea, and before that changes appearance. The latter circumstance leads to a series of misunderstandings. Samoilenko in the picture spoke as a Cossack Ataman.

The formulation of the film "As Children" was carried out by Fatim Ibrahimbekov, daughter of director and producer Rustam Ibrahimbekova ("Burnt by the Sun", "Urga-Territory of Love"). She also belongs to the scenario, in which it is about young theater actress, dissatisfied with its status. The girl is going to pump a lucky colleague, but dislike is reborn into tender feelings. In the comedy drama, in addition to Alexander Samoilenko, Paulina Andreeva, Konstantin Khabensky, Irina Gorbachev, are involved.

In 2019, the adventure comedy "Difficulties of survival" about the ambitious journalist, which in search of a hot report goes to a uninhabited island to visit the hermit, was released on the screens. Alexander Valerianovich in Anna Ardova, Yana Tsaznik, the hopes of Sysoeva and Nikolai Fomenko went on shooting in Kerch. According to the initial plan, the plot of the film unfolded in the north, but then the film crew decided that the warm sea is more pleasant.

Alexander Samoilenko was lucky to play a major role in the drama of Alexander Cotta "Consequences". The character of the actor is a businessman raising 3 children. Having learned that one daughter is a nose, the hero is divorced with his wife and takes children to themselves. Suddenly, a man learns that he is fatal, and is being taken for looking for a guardian for girls.

In the same year, artist fans were able to appreciate his new work - the role in the comedy of Klim Shipenko "Holop". Here Samoilenko followed the image of a billionaire who is trying to re-educate the spoiled son Grigory. The picture shows a bright cast - Milos Bikovich, Alexander Bortich, Ivan Okhlobystin and others.

Also, the filmopower Alexander Valerianovich was replenished with the role of Chrome Fermer Ignat in the Melodrame "Nine Liberty". According to the plot, Samoilenko's character will become a husband of the main heroine of Masher Trophimova (performed by Zoe Berber), which does not bend under the blows of fate, wanting to find family happiness.

In 2020, the artist continued to work in the theater and cinema. On the screens came out the 3rd season of the participants of the series "Parents". Alexander Valerianovich played the head of the family, and the image of his wife embodied on the screen Mary Powder. The role of the eldest son from the three "Kinosethey" went to Alexander Samoilenko-younge. The fans drew attention to the fact that Samoilenko, the neck practically does not turn in the frame, explaining this by the consequences of the automotive accident.

Also, the articianship of the artist was replenished with work in the film "See as I," telling about two rising teenagers. Shortly before the premiere, the actor became the guest of the Evening Urgant program, in which he told about the shooting in the tape, in particular, about an unusual place chosen for one of the scenes - the "medieval" castle located under Taganrog. Also Samoilenko shared a story about his own film projects.

Personal life

The actor prefers his personal life to hide from the eye of journalists. Nevertheless, it is known that Samoilenko has three children from three wives. With the first wife of Isless Borovikovskaya Alexander Samoilenko met, being a student of the institute. Young people got married, they had a son Stepan. But the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, and the spouses soon divorced. Stepan became a lawyer.

In 2000, the actor married the girl named Elena, who gave him the second son of Sasha. Later in the program of Boris Korchevnikova "The Fate of Man" Samoilenko admitted that the second beloved "went out" when he fell into a terrible car accident. The reason was the fact that the artist fell asleep and crashed into a car standing on the road. In addition to the driver, no one was injured. The culprit of the accident received serious injuries - the head broke the head from the blow, the face was cut.

The artist was forced to spend more than 3 months in the hospital, transfer several operations. During the period of Elena's illness, he cared for the victims daily, which was not easy at the moments of his movements (with an increase in 187 cm, the artist weighed 105 kg). For this, Alexander Valerianovich remained grateful to his companion. However, the spouses could not find harmony in marriage. Their Son, Alexander Samoilenko-Jr., graduating from school, decided to go in the footsteps of the Father and became a student of the Schukinsky school.

It is known that Alexander Samoilenko had a romantic relationship with Yalga Lomonosova actress. Roman began to develop after joint filming in the series "Cobra. Antiterror "and lasted 2 years. They say Samoilenko persistently cared for the actress, drove along the restaurants, borrowed with flowers. However, Olga met the future husband, and the relations of colleagues ended.

In 2006, the performer became interested in a certain girl Evgenia, who at that time worked at his restaurant. Guidance turned into a novel. To be with loved, Alexander Valerianovich divorced and registered a marriage with her. In 2009, the son was born the son of Prokhor.

In 2015, the actor and the third wife, who, by the Word, was the younger spouse for 19 years, Alexander Valerianovich lived in marriage for 8 years. In his youth, Samoilenko believed that women knows and able to calculate the steps "of these unpredictable animals that do not know what they will do next next minute." And now I'm not sure. The state of love is energy-efficient, and devote himself to this laziness, Ironized Samoilenko.

However, in 2016, he presented a new companion - actress Natalia Gromov. In the circle of friends, Alexander Valerianovich called Gromov wife. In the summer of 2019, the elect gave him a daughter Eve. The newly-made father could not attend next to his wife in childbirth: that day he was in Ufa on the filming of the film "Pirate Soul". But now he is trying to spend all his free time with his family. Samoilenko is not present in social networks, in the same "instagram" photo artist publishes fans, colleagues and friends.

Alexander Samoilenko now

The actor played the ambiguous role of the investigator Mikhail Shahhanovich in the series "Sunshuba", the premiere of which took place in the spring of 2021.

The project illuminated the difficult history of investigating crimes of Manyaka Gennady Mikhasevich. Special emphasis in the tape was made just not at the murderer atrocities, but for the constraint of law enforcement agencies, including Shakhivovich. In this regard, the hero of Alexander Valerianovich became a collective way of unscrupulous investigators, whose negligence and led to such a number of victims of the Vitebsk scenario.

Zoya Berber lit up in the acting ensemble, Samoilenko has already played a couple of "nine lives" with her. In this project, tense relationships are tied between their characters.


  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2006 - "Day Watch"
  • 2007-2012 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - "New Earth"
  • 2010 - "Captain Nemova Heart"
  • 2011 - "Revelations"
  • 2013 - "Last summer in Chulimsk"
  • 2014 - "Easy on Mind"
  • 2015 - "Survival Lessons"
  • 2016 - "Elections Day - 2"
  • 2017 - "Salute-7"
  • 2017 - "Arrhythmia"
  • 2018 - "President's Vacation"
  • 2019 - "Difficulties of Survival"
  • 2019 - "Hop"
  • 2020 - "Parents-3"
  • 2020 - "Parents-4"
  • 2021 - "Sunshub"

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