Ekaterina Rednikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ekaterina Rednikova is one of the few Russian actresses, whose dramatic talent was rated both in their homeland and far beyond. She starred in several American and English films, and also lit up in Lithuanian and Turkish cinema. Critics recognize that such acting is too closely in the ranks of the second magnitude.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Rednikova was born in mid-May 1973 in the Moscow family: the father worked as a senior researcher, and the mother is an economist. Exactly its nationality is unknown. At the time of birth, Kati in the family has already grown up the son of Dmitry. The girl loved singing in public, but grew up a very shy and modest child.

To provide the daughter of the possibility of development and help overcome an excessive impairment, the mother began to drive it to the film. Also from the 6th grade, the girl began to engage in the theater studio. Rapinov received its first role in the film only after 10 years, at 16, and the efforts have raised their fruits: she became relaxed and relaxed calmer to a large number of spectators.

After graduating from school, Katya went to the guitis to the masters Pavel Khomsky and Nikolay Lazarev. And after receiving a diploma in 1995, immediately fell into the theater Et Cetera, where she was entrusted with one of the main roles in the then playing "beyond the horizon".

A few years later, Catherine was already involved in three pieces, in two of them performed a major role. After successful work, the period of the clutch was coming, and the actress concentrated on a career in the field of cinema.

In the 2000s, Rednikov collaborated with the "Empire Stars" theater, playing in just one play. In 2008, a serious scandal broke out around this organization, and in the end it was closed.

Personal life

In 2005, Catherine became acquainted with the American producer Sergey Konov on the set of Captivity Captivity. They communicated 2 years before relations turned into romantic (despite almost a 20-year-old difference), and in 2008 the couple played a wedding. In the same year, rumors crawled out that Redernov had a relationship with Alexander Kalyagin, allegedly had a novel with an actor and director of theater and a movie, which at that time was married to Evgenia Glushevko. True, this story did not receive further development.

While the rumors were discussed in the press, Katya continued to build relationships with Konov. Solid and representative Sergey on the head above the miniature (height 164 cm with a weight of 60 kg) radar. In addition, he is a relative of the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, but this fact did not affect the life of the artist.

As the actress admitted, the mind conquered her in her husband. Fucking in love with Katya after reading the book of the Konov "Service of Translators", and the marriage officials were officially decided after the direct recommendation al Pacino, with which they had together dinner.

Shortly before the wedding in an interview, Rednikov reported that the decision to get married was unexpected for both, but they are very happy. In 2012, 39-year-old actress and a 57-year-old producer became parents. Son called Lavra. Katya's age was not afraid, knew that "was born for love that children will appear sooner or later, and years are not a criterion and not motivation."

The artist, as wrote the media, admitted that in his youth preferred to communicate with the older people, and with the peers were boring. "Then it was gone, and the fact that my husband is more than me, for almost 20 years, is an accident, it happened. I think the perfect gap between spouses is 5-10 years old. "

In 2015, information appeared that spouses in a quarrel. The indirect causes of these assumptions was that Catherine and Sergey ceased to appear in public, and at the Moscow Film Festival, the beauty was accompanied by a certain Count Argentine Alejandro Zichi-Tissren.

What is happening in the personal life of Catherine, it is not known for certain. It is saying that Sergey actresses never returned.

In early June 2017, the celebrity became the heroine of the program "Alone with all" on the first channel. She spoke on the air, as from early childhood, he dreamed of becoming an actress, film and act on the scene of the theater. Also Rednikov told, as he woke up by the famous after the release of the film "Ladar-Peasant Madrid", but the real popularity found after filming in the "Thieves". Spectators learned that her parents and son are in America, and the entire main work of the actress - in Russia, so she has to live on two countries.

There is no personal account in "Instagram". Despite the excellent figure, the expected photographs of the celebrity in a bathing suit on the network not to find, but the photo of the favorite actress publishes devotees and colleagues on the shooting sites on their pages.


The actress debuted into the cinema in incomplete 17 years, playing in the comedy "womanizer" and in the drama "Lessons in the late spring". After 2 years, in 1993, it was entrusted with a secondary, but characteristic role in the thriller "the abyss, the circle of the seventh". Over the next four years, Rednikova played in several pictures, including one American. These roles did not bring popularity, but have added experiences and contributed to future success.

In 1995, Catherine appeared in the film "Baryshnya-peasant woman", fulfilling the role of the maintenance of Nastya. The tape based on the story of Alexander Pushkin fell in love with the audience, won the prizes of film festivals "Literature and Cinema", "Film Schools", "Golden Vityaz" and nominated for "Nika" in six categories.

The first major role of Ekaterina played in the Russian-French film "The Thief". The actress itself notes that this is one of the three filmmakers that she is proud of. Since the shootings in the film, Redfish is a friendly relationship with Vladimir Mashkov. For the role of the actress showed random willpower, bypassing hundreds of contenders. She managed to be so impressed by the director that, despite all the competition, Pavel Chukhray gave preference to the Kate.

The film received a huge number of awards, nominated for the Oscar Award as the best film in a foreign language and won a special prize at the Venetian Film Festival. Catherine was awarded the Gold Aries and Nika premiums.

Catherine Rednikova in the film

It's time to consolidate success, but there was a default, the costs of culture were cut, and calm came in Russian cinema. A year after these events, actresses called from America, offering to act in the lead role in the film "Visa to Death". After filming Katya left in the US to live, look around and trying happiness in the film.

Only in a few years, the radarone managed to achieve at least a few secondary roles. There is nothing surprising in this: Hollywood does not like foreigners. However, Catherine did not lose time in vain, sowing to meet and tie a friendly relationship with Milli Yovovich and Al Pachino.

One of the notable projects that completed the period without roles was the dismissant series of Russian-American production "Russians in the city of Angelov", where the actress played with Eric Roberts. After 2 years, Katya appeared with him in the film with a 10-million budget "Border Blues".

In the adventure TV series "Diversian" and a popular detective "Killy Strength", minor roles got a secondary roles, the actress appeared in the comedy "I knew" the actress appeared in the image of the marriage of the main character.

In the future, Catherine continued to periodically be filmed in foreign films. In 2005, she received a proposal to play a major role in a 3-serial tape from the BBC Studio "Arkhangel". Daniel Craig became partner.

Then the Russian woman received a major role in the project with a budget of $ 100 million, but the film crew was suddenly fired. A new director came and led another performer Penelope Cruz.

Another failed delicious character - Maria Magdalene in the eternal biblical plot. However, this time, halfway for completion interrupted the economic crisis of 2008. Moments with a minus sign, according to Kati, in the creative biography there was more than positive, but in the acting profession it is impossible to be discouraged and lowered hands.

For 25 years, Ekaterina Rednikova starred in a variety of films and serials, fulfilling both the main and secondary roles. All these works are very diverse, from thrillers to melodram, but the actress allocates only three projects from them, "Split to her": Drama "Gift Stalin", the criminal drama "House" and the TV series "Hindu", which, according to the performer, "He became a pleasant exception among uninteresting scenarios."

In early 2015, the detective series "Family Manyak Belyaeva" with the participation of Catherine, who gathered positive feedback. Spectators noted as a good acting play of the main characters and the exciting story.

A year later, she appeared in the unusual form of an employee of the internal affairs bodies in the picture "Run!". The film talked about the hacker-developer of a unique program that fell into prison on false accusation. Competitors begin to threaten the family, and to save loved ones, the hero has to run out of the place of detention.

Then Catherine appeared in the new 12-serial film "Hugging the Sky", which went on the first channel. The plot carries the audience in the 1980s to the Trans-Baikal Martial Garbison, where the Lugovy family moves - Lieutenant Colonel Andrei and Marina's wife and their 15-year-old daughter Zhenya. The girl falls in love with a classmate Vanya, feelings turn out to be mutual. But it happens that young people lose touch with each other, and again occur already in adulthood. Ivan becomes a pilot test, and Eugene is a military surgeon.

Catherine Rednikova in the film

Young heroes played Alexander Petrov and Lyubov Aksenov. Catherine Redfire and Anatoly Whom got the main roles of already matured Ivan and Zhenya.

In 2017, the celebrity filmography was replenished with melodrama "Can I hug you?". In the film, the actress played Elizaveu, the mother of the main character performed by Maya Gorban. The daughter, having left for the holidays, falls into trouble, and the parental of the house also finds himself in a love triangle.

In the same year, the acting ensemble from Redernoy, Nikolai Fomenko, Viktor Rakov and Veronika Vernadskaya starred in the Blue Rosa tape of the lost feelings, search for forgotten love and sudden meetings changing fate.

2018 gave Catherine to participate in two projects - "Ahead of the day" and "Swallow". In both of the actress leading roles.

In the first film, Rednockova plays a prosperous wife of "New Russian", which is going to become a mother. The same event prepares her housekeeper and girlfriend. Suddenly it turns out that three children have one father - the husband of the main heroine. Sergey Gorobchenko starred in the role of "happy dad".

In the "swallow" Character Catherine - Woman Observing Revenge, having fallen for 15 years behind a grille on a fabricated charge. Committing to freedom, Asya turns into Alina and takes for his own investigation, the results of which destroy a carefully thought out plan. The assistants of the character of the radarovoy in the realization of the dream of retaliation are girlfriend and journalist. Olga Fadeev and Ilya Soskov starred in these roles.

Ekaterina Rednikova now

Catherine and now continues to be filmed in the cinema, regularly appearing on the screens in the images of different heroines. In early May 2020, the premiere of the Art Film of Vadim Shmelev "Podolsk cadets" with the participation of the Rankerovoy, but because of the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the premiere was transferred to autumn. Japan, South Korea, USA, United Kingdom and Country Scandinavia have already acquired the rights to rent a ribbon.

During the writing of the scenario, evidence of the participants of the events was taken into account, as well as the documents preserved in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. To achieve maximum accuracy of events, for filming the film created a special platform with a built village, an artificial river, dotted and dumping a part of the Warsaw highway. In total, the making creators spent 450 million rubles., 60 of which allocated the Ministry of Culture, the remaining funds were invested by film studio, representatives of the rental and investors.

The same autumn, the audience saw a favorite actress in the series "Kazanova" with Anton Khabarov and Svetlana Khodchenkova.


  • 1992 - "Risk without contract"
  • 1995 - "Baryshnya-peasant woman"
  • 1997 - "Thief"
  • 2002 - "Russians in the city of Angelov"
  • 2004 - "Diversian"
  • 2006 - "Nine months"
  • 2008 - "Gift Stalin"
  • 2010 - "Hindu"
  • 2011 - "House"
  • 2013 - "Hugging the sky"
  • 2014 - "Family Manyak Belyaeva"
  • 2016 - "Run!"
  • 2017 - "Blue Rose"
  • 2017 - "Boomerang"
  • 2018 - "Swallow"
  • 2018 - "Ahead day"
  • 2018 - "Swallow"
  • 2020 - "Podolsk cadets"

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