Edward Norton - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Roles, Filmography, "Fight Club" 2021



Edward Norton is an American actor, a star of Hollywood, who has repeatedly honored the nomination for Oscar. For the initial character, he walked among his colleagues the most unbearable actor.

Childhood and youth

Edward Harrison Norton was born in August 1969 in Boston (Massachusetts, United States), but grew up in Colombia (Maryland, USA). Zodiac sign: Lion. Since the birth of a boy and his sister Molly expected secured life: Robin's mother was a teacher, and the father Edward-senior is a lawyer. But the grandfather, the "inventor" of supermarkets, an architect, a famous housing planner for low-income people and author of a number of tourist centers of Boston, became more famous.

Edward Norton began to think about tie his biography with the scene, in childhood. He "fell ill acting" at 6, when he watched the play "If I was a princess." The famous artist admits that at that moment could not tear the eye from the "Theater's Magicness, the scene struck him out." After some time, the Little Edward began to attend the Orenstene Columbian School of Theatrical Art, and in 8 years she made his debut in the local production.

The boy surprised the lecturers of the dramaway with a serious approach to the acting, sometimes putting them in a dead end of the tricks on the overall character of his character or the original interpretation of the role played. For Norton, the scene became the place where he remained himself, could freely express accumulated on his heart. For him, theatrical life was more than balanced breeds of mother and father's lectures on the need for classical education.

Having completed the Wild Lake School in 1985, Edward Norton at the field of parents entered the University of Yale. For the next 5 years, a prestigious educational institution has become a katoroga guy, the salvation from which were produced in the Yale Dramatic School, where he improved acting skills.

Having received a bachelor's degree, Edward, once again succumbed to the influence of his parents, went to the city of Osaka (Japan) to work in the company Grandpa "Enterprise Fontadeishn". Thanks to hard work, he is Doros to a member of the Board of Directors, but, returning to the United States, Norton could no longer pretend. Once he just did not go to the service. The act of Edward was the cause of the scandal in the parent house, but the conversation with his father was brief:

- You can't throw everything! Do you understand that you betrayed me?!

- After thinking, but soon you will forgive me. Betray yourself worse.

After a week, Norton passed the minute audition from the famous playwright Edward Albi and received a role in the "Fragment" play - so began his creative activity at the Signature Theater in New York. In the youth, the future star had to combine an acting profession with the work of the waiter, as he refused to parents. Now Norton is part of this theatrical team.


For Edward Debut in the movie became the role of a prisoner-sociopath in the triller "primitive fear", released in 1996. Thanks to the sudden reincarnations, then in the rash Aaron, which suffers from stuttering, in her hard swarm with a devilish smirk, Norton eclipsed the main character, which Richard Gir played. All the awards and nominations of the film were somehow connected with young giving. He received the Golden Globe for work in this film and was nominated for Oscar as the best actor of the second plan.

Subsequently, it was repeatedly nominated, including for the best male role for the game in the painting about Neo-Nazis "American History of X". Norton played the central character - Nazis, revising his views. The role of brother of the main character who admired his courage and beliefs, performed Edward Furlong. Ribbon was repeatedly accused of excessive cruelty, but at the same time, criticism recognized that it was such scenes that the film would give a special realism.

The next film became a sign in Norton's career. The American actor was not nominated for serious awards for participating in the film entertainment "Fight Club" Chuck Palanik, but the real glory came to him.

The Persons Edward and Brad Pitt, who played an anarchist-anarchist with a split personality, began to appear on T-shirts, posters, circles and on the walls of houses in the form of graffiti.

A screenshot with Norton's character suffering from insomnia and a cult list of the Rules of the Fight Club and to this day are popular in the network, they acquired numerous variations and humorous alterations.

In 2000, Edward Norton tried himself as director, removing the romantic comedy "Keeping faith," which did not knit from his hooligan role. He dedicated this ribbon to Mother Robin, who died of brain cancer in 1997. To the question of reporters, what special he found in the work of the film director, Edward replied: "Creepy stress. White hair. Sick liver. And a lot of pleasure from the fact that, as a conductor, supervised the orchestra of many people with their ideas, problems and finds. " The tape turned out to be successful at the expense of sharp statements on eternal themes, an excellent acting acting and bright frames of New York.

In 2002, the film "To kill the smacky" came out on the screens, where Edward reincarnated in the character of a children's television show. Denis de Vito became the director of the picture, and Norton also took part in the creation of poems and music for a comedy about a lilac rhinocero. For co-authorship in writing songs Actor received a check for $ 40.

Soon, the fans watched the game of their favorite in the Dram "Frida", where the main role of the artist Kalo performed Salma Hayek. Norton here reincarnated in Magnate Nelson Rockefeller. Following this, the work in the Bruther Ratner Ratner "Red Dragon" was followed, where he played with Anthony Hopkins. Interestingly, Edward showed his character. The artist has rewritten the replicas and partner with whole scenes and without coordination with the director, he went out with the new text on the workplace.

In 2006, Norton again showed himself in the new role and took part in the shooting of the filmms of the British classic of Somerset Maem "Drawn veil". His partner in the shooting was Naomi Watts.

The actor played himself in the television series "Stella". Also received positive feedback from critics for the characters of the Movie "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Illusionist".

"Incredible Hulk" came out in 2008, and it was the only film of Norton in the Marvel Studio. From the first appearance, Edward demanded to rewrite the script and brought endless corrections to the dialogues along the shooting. To conclude a contract with him for subsequent paintings, the leadership did not become, replacing it by Mark Ruffallo, who possessed a more accurate character. In a recent interview, the actor noticed that the villain will play with pleasure, if Marvel gives him such an opportunity.

Another major role was waiting for the actor in the detective drama Gavin O'Connor "Pride and Glory". His hero is a policeman investigating his colleagues. Once he learns that his native brother can be involved in crimes.

In 2009, the premiere of the Criminal Comedy "Herbal" directed by Tim Blake Nelson took place. Edward appeared in the form of two brothers at once, whose opposite images collided in the picture. To prepare for dual role Norton left New York in Oklahoma. In the interview, he said that he had to be alone with him. The roles of two characters did not affect his fee, according to the actor, he got "twice less than usual."

In 2010, Norton received a major role in the Stone dramatic thriller. The actor embodied the criminal ready for all sake of conditional early liberation. The role of his beauties-wife went to Mill Yovovich, and the inspector, in the hands of which the fate of the main character is located, played Robert de Niro.

After 2 years, the repertoire of the artist was replenished with a role in the thriller "Born Evolution". Here Norton reincarnated in the retired colonel US Air Force. At the same time, independent projects "Dictator" and "Kingdom of the Full Moon" came out with Edward.

In an interview with 2012, the correspondent "Voice of America" ​​made an actor compliment about the hair color: "You are very gray hair," said Galina Galkina. In childhood and youth, Norton flashed a dark chestnut chapel.

In 2014, a man fulfilled the role of the Broadway actor in the Comedy "Berdman". His work was awarded many awards and high marks of world film. The film was nominated for 9 Oscars and won 4. Despite the fact that all the leading actors paintings - Michael Kiton, Edward Norton and Emma Stone - were nominated, "Berdman" did not take a single "acting" Oscar.

Together with the producer of Bill Migliore and writer Stewart Bloomberg, Artist created a Class 5 Films company.

In May 2015, the Comic "Fight Club - 2" appeared, the continuation of the book, whose adaption brought Norton popularity. Immediately after the presentation, the novels appeared rumors that the film was released. According to the press, Brad Pitt persuaded Chuck Palanik to give permission to decreep. In the plot of the comic after the first part there was a lot of time, the protagonist managed to acquire his wife and children, which means that the age of actors will not be a hindrance for incarnation on the screens of already familiar characters. But confirmed information about a possible film did not appear.

In 2016, the artist appeared in the Drama "Ghost Beauty". The main roles in the film about the advertiser disappointed in life, in addition to Norton, were played by Will Smith and Keira Knightley.

In 2017, he joined the Kastnya Cattle Cartoon "Dog Island", the release of which was held in 2018. Characters voiced Scarlett Johansson, Brian Cranston, Tilda Suinton and Bill Murray.

In 2019, Norton received the role of the villain in the fantastic militant "Alita: Battle Angel" Robert Rodriguez, refusing the offer of James Cameron to play in the film "Avatar-2".

In 2019, the crime drama "Orphan Brooklyn" was published on the novel of Jonathan Yontatan, where the actor played the main role of a private detective suffering from Turache syndrome. To prepare for the role of Edward, I looked through documentary films and met with people obsessed with this rare ailment.

In addition to participating in the acting ensemble, Edward was engaged in directed and producing the "Orphan Brooklyn" project. This is the second picture in the filmography of Norton-Director. Served Bruce Willis, Bobby Cannaval, Leslie Mann, Willem Defo. In part of the reviews, the film was called "from Norton about Norton", but in general, the tape adopted favorably.

Personal life

Edward Norton had close relationship with popular actresses Salma Hayek and Drew Barrymore. He also met with the singer of Courtney Love, with which he toured as a session guitarist in the Hole group.

In 2011, Edward made a proposal to producer Sean Robertson. The couple got married in 2012. In March 2013, the Song of Atlas was born in the spouses. In October 2016, a message appeared in Daily Mail that the actor was the second time by the Father. The star noticed when he returned home, carefully carrying a children's cradle with a newborn. Then Norton brought a huge suitcase and a white blanket. The representative did not confirm, but also did not refute the birth of his daughter.

Norton is a few in those interviews where you have to talk about personal life, spouse and children. Even in "Instagram", the actor does not seek to lay out family photos. But one day he said that he was proud of his wife.

The girl at the age of 17 came to conquer Hollywood from Toronto. She managed to make friends with the film director Juddy Apatoou and start working by the producer. By the time of the 33th anniversary of the shoulders of the shocks, the cash projects were already issued "a little pregnant", "Superpersians", "Sorokolen Virgin".

Edward Norton owns Japanese. He is a fan of the work of the Black Flag group.

The celebrity was a supporter of the Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer, criticized George Bush - younger. He even performed the producer of the film about US President Barack Obama (by The People: The Election of Barack Obama).

Norton is often attributed to related relations with John Cusacack. Actors really can really be taken for brothers, but Edward and John do not have related ties. Cusack is slightly higher (John's growth is 188 cm against 183 cm Norton).

Galant and courteous Norton does not forget to follow the figure. Thanks to sports training and healthy nutrition, the artist supports its weight in the area of ​​73 kg. A favorite holiday destination Edward is a Campiya Kanzi tourist resort in Kenya, where the star flies up to 3 times a year.

Edward Norton now

In 2021, the premiere of the film "French Bulletin is expected. Annex to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San". Rich to stars cast make a picture of an expected event. Now it is known that in the center of the plot tape - the Parisian branch of the American newspaper.


  • 1996 - "Primitive fear"
  • 1998 - "American History of X"
  • 1999 - "Fight Club"
  • 2002 - Frida
  • 2002 - "Red Dragon"
  • 2005 - "Kingdom of Heaven"
  • 2006 - "Illusionist"
  • 2008 - "Incredible Hulk"
  • 2010 - Stone
  • 2012 - "Born Evolution"
  • 2014 - "Berdman"
  • 2016 - "Ghost Beauty"
  • 2018 - "Dog Island"
  • 2019 - "Orphan Brooklyn"
  • 2020 - "French Bulletin. Appendix to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San" "

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