Rebecca Ferguson - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, "Mission Impossible", Tom Cruise 2021



Rebecca Ferguson consider the owner of classic biblical beauty, and therefore it looks so winning in costume films. The actress is guided by the rule of the famous compatriot Ingrid Bergman - "Stay yourself - the world is idle originals." Unlike others is one of the explanations of why in the filmography Rebecca so many resonant paintings.

In an interview, Ferguson admitted that it was accustomed to jump from the plane to the train, and then into the car, but did not love secular events and passes along the red carpet.

Childhood and youth

Rebecca Louise Ferguson Sundstrom was born on October 19, 1983 in Stockholm, a zodiac sign - scales, by nationality - Swede. Her mother of Rosemary, by origin, British, moved to Sweden at the age of 25, where he met his daughter's father, a Swede. However, the marriage of the parents collapsed when the girl was still a child. Rebecca three brothers and sisters.

From 6 years, Ferguson went to English-speaking school, after 2 years he moved to the Swedish general education institution. From the age of 13, the future actress worked as a model, removing for local magazines in a swimsuit and advertising clothes. Being a student, Ferguson was seriously interested in music and went to the music school of Adolf Freders, which he graduated in 1999.

At 18, the Swedish actress lived in America for almost a year, in Miami, where, in addition to participating in the shooting, was surfing and diving. A year later, Rebecca was seriously fascinated by the study of history and religion, which in the future it helped when shooting in historical films.


Rebecca Ferguson made his debut on the television screens of Sweden in the melodramatic series "New Times" on TV4 TV channel, when she was 15 years old. The girl got the main role of Anna Gripenhilm.

The series started in 1999 and first had good rating indicators, however, with each subsequent season, the advantages of the audience fell. As a result, in 2006, the channel management decided to close the project. This series made Rebecca with a popular actress in Sweden. She had their own fans and shooting suggestions, but the actress was not in a hurry to completely devote the lives of the movie.

In 2002, another melodrama "Ocean Avenue" was released on the screens, where the girl played the role of Christ Erickson, appearing in several episodes. The series was filmed together with the American Studio, and the actress moved to America.

In 2004, Rebecca starred in the horror movie "The Spirit of the Drill". The star of the Swedish cinema received one of the main roles. Critics pretty coolly reacted to the film by Mikael Hofstrem's director, hinting at the similarity of the project with the American films "Halloween" and "Friday, the thirteenth". However, this did not prevent the project to get a few awards, in particular for the best director's work and for the best soundtrack.

After this picture and the closure of the series "New Times", Rebecca took up his family, going to the Swedish outback. There, far from the attention of journalists, the artist was involved in the survey of short films of local directors, among them the paintings "Plus", "irresistible" and others can be noted.

In 2008, Ferguson again appeared on television, taking part in the filming of one episode of the film "Vallander".

Random meeting in the supermarket Simrishamna changed the biography of Rebecca. Director Richard Hobert suggested actress a major role in his full-length film "Before Antibes One End." This tape opened the Ferguson road to the world of serious full-length cinema.

Talented Rebecca was noticed in London, where she was invited to the casting in the historical multi-art picture "White Queen". On samples, the performer was offered to play two scenes in front of the entire set, including the main actor of the Max Irons. The only thing that the actress knew at that time about his character was that this was a young and strong person, who became a queen, and then widow.

Ferguson passed the sample and was approved for the role of Elizabeth Woodville, Spouse Edward IV. The serial premiere took place in 2013 on the BBC One TV channel. The 10-serial film is positively accepted both spectators and critics. About Rebecca Ferguson spoke around the world, she was nominated for the prestigious Golden Globe Award in the category "The best female role in a mini-series or television film."

In 2013, Rebecca received the first sentence from Hollywood on shooting in the adaptation of the comic book "Hercules" from the director Brett Ratner. The actress played Eugene, the daughter of Tsar Thrace Cotis. The film was released on the screens in 2014, in parallel with the other picture about the mighty warrior Herakla, opening the Ferguson road to American cinema.

In 2014, Rebecca again participated in the filming of the historical series, but on the territory of the United States. "Red Tent" tells about the times of the Old Testament Patriarchs from the Book of Genesis. The actress received the role of Dean, the main character of the drama leading the story about the life of his family. The shooting of the series was held in Morocco, and the picture was released on the screens in the winter of 2014.

In 2014, it became known that the performer was given a role in a popular series of films about the adventures of Superogent ITAN Khanta "Mission Impossible". Rebecca appeared on the screen with the stars of world cinema Tom Cruise, Alek Baldwin and Jeremy Renner. The actress appeared in the role of the British specialist Lisa Faust.

Cruise personally pointed to Ferguson directors when he looked "White Queen". Rebecca recalled that he never spent so much time in the gym and did not suspect how scrupulously belongs to Hollywood to the nutrition of the actors. Rebecke had to study self-defense techniques, ranging from martial arts and ending with arms for 6 weeks. Most tricks in the actress painting performed on their own.

Especially spectacularly low (height 170 cm) Brownie looked in the scene of the attempt on the Austrian Chancellor and during the descent from the roof on the rope in a sexy yellow dress. This jump from the building was filmed on the first day on the set. Rebecca recalled this moment in an interview at the Shame Norton Show: "And so we jumped, he (approx. Tom Cruise) looks at me in his usual style of Tom Cruise and says:" Welcome to the mission "." The shooting was helped by Ferguson to get rid of many fears, and the game with such famous actors became invaluable experience. According to the completion of filming, journalists began to attribute to the executors of major roles in the film, to that Cruz and Rebecca Ferguson, romantic relationships, but the actors did not comment on the information.

After the militant "Mission is impossible: the tribe" Rebecca was invited to a psychological thriller "Girl in the train" with Lyuk Evans and Haley Bennett.

Then the actress failed the samples in the horror movie "Alien. Covenant "for the role that eventually got Catherine Wateterson. Perhaps, so at first, she initially rejected the proposal to participate in the "Live" project, pluggingly echoing with the famous franchise. But the agent convinced Rebecca that in the new picture emphasis on human relationships, and not at the resettlement of alien organisms in human bodies. And Ferguson surrendered.

The role in the "Snowman" with the participation of Michael Fassbender Swedish agreed with pleasure, as it loves the work of the writer Yu Nesboy, on whose novel was filmed a movie. In addition, Thomas Alfredson acted as director, about cooperation with which Ferguson dreamed. She played an assistant detective, looking for a serial maniac.

In the music drama "The Greatest Showman" Ferguson got a real character - Opera singer Johanna Maria Lind, who lived in the XIX century and for the magnificent soprano-ninted Swedish nightingale. In the lead star of the American show business of that time of Finnish Taylor Barnuma, Hugh Jackman, who performed songs in Musikle himself, as well as Zendai with Efron. Jenny Lind's main song Rebecca was not herself - instead, the American singer Lauren Ollred was sang.

In 2018, Rebecca again appeared in the image of the MI6 agent in the next part of the tape "Mission Impossible". Michel Monhans returned to the movie caste, and the list of newcomers was represented by Henry Caville, Sian Brooke and Vanessa Kirby.

2019 turned out to be productive for Rebecca - at the beginning of the year the film was released "Born to become the king", in which she embodied the image of the evil Morgana wizard. The main role was performed by Luis Eshborn Serkis, the son of actor Andy Serkis.

In June 2019, the actress appeared in the form of another negative character - aliens of Riza in Spin-off the comedy militant "People in Black: International." The script of the film belongs to the authors of the fantastic tape "Iron Man", the director of the first three parts of Barry Zonnenfeld this time became producer. The previous performers of Tommy Li Jones and Will Smith refused to shoot, Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson came to replace them. With them and entered into confrontation of Riza performed by Ferguson.

At the end of October of the same year, the film "Doctor Son" was released with Rebecca and Yuean McGregor, which is the screening of the novel of Stephen King, and also rethinks the "radiance" Stanley Kubrick. In the center of the plot, the main character of Roman King and the film Kubrick - Danny Torrens, who survived the nightmare at the Overluk Hotel, grew up and settled to work in a nursing home. He got a nickname doctor sleep, as it uses his abilities of "radiance" and feels, to whom of the guests it's time to leave this world. Rebecca performed the role of Rose-in-hat, heads of the secret society "True Knot" - a cult of mental vampires, which hunt for children with "radiance." Danny must protect the "shining" girl Abra (Kayli Kurran) from Rose.

Personal life

After the filming of filming in the TV series "New Times", actress, together with his guy, Ludwig moved to the picturesque seaside town of Simrishamn. There, the couple was born the son of Isaac (2007), and Rebecca devoted himself to raising a child, parallel working as the head of the studio of the Argentine tango and removing in the short film. However, the relationship was not charged, and they dispersed with Ludwig. Later, Ferguson lived with a new boyfriend from Sweden by Olaf.

During his appearance on Shame Norton's "Show" on January 26, 2018, Rebecca reported that he was in the sixth month of pregnancy by the second child. In July 2018, the actress was born daughter Saga. In the fathers, the Child first recorded Zak Efron, with which Rebecca allegedly "spinning" the novel on the set of the "Greatel Showman". Joint photos of Efron and Ferguson were published on the fan artist pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter". In fact, the Girl's Father is Rory, Rebecca's husband. They played a wedding in 2019 and now live in Richmond, in the southwest of London.

Rebecca manages to maintain an excellent figure, its weight is 55 kg.

Rebecca Ferguson now

In 2020, the actress was starred in a large number of films that went to rent in 2021. One of the most anticipated - remake of Dune David Lynch, 1984. The film directed by Denis Villenev. The Atreides family controls the planet Arrakis, which produces spice, the most important substance in the universe. The chief hero of the picture of the floor of Atreidez played Timothy Shalam, Rebecca performed the role of his mother Lady Jessica, Oscar Isaac - Duke Summer Atreides.

It is also expected to continue a series of films about Agent Itan Khanta - prepares for the release of a new episode "Mission Impossible - 7". The main roles will again play Tom Cruise and Vanessa Kirby, Rebecca Ferguson will return in the form of Liza Faust. Eminent actors Simon Pegg and Ving Rames also continued their participation in the project.

For 2021, the release of another film with Rebecca Ferguson is planned - "Memory".

Central Character Nick Banker Plays Hugh Jackman. Nick is a private detective, with the help of a special technology, it can penetrate people to remember the customers to remember the important moments of their lives. One of his clients becomes Mei performed by Ferguson. Nick falls in love with May, but one day she disappears. Now he needs to reveal the secret of her past and learn the truth about the woman he loved.


  • 2011 - "Before Antibes One End"
  • 2013 - "White Queen"
  • 2014 - "Hercules"
  • 2015 - "Mission Impossible: Rogue Tribe"
  • 2016 - "Despite falling snow"
  • 2016 - "Girl in the train"
  • 2017 - "Snowman"
  • 2017 - "Live"
  • 2018 - "Mission impossible: consequences"
  • 2019 - "Doctor Son"
  • 2019 - "People in Black: International"
  • 2019 - "Born to Become King"
  • 2020 - "Dune"
  • 2021 - "Memory"

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