Rupert Friend - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Rupert Frand does not like to communicate with the press, although journalists recognize that he is a pleasant and polite interlocutor. Those who meet the actor on the street may have the impression that he strongly tries not to attract attention.

However, Rupert is confident that they become known regardless of their own desire. Man forces to manage only the depth of penetration of public in personal.

Childhood and youth

Rupert William Anthony FRRAD was born on October 1, 1981 in the village of Stonesfield, Britain, in the family provided and essential for the family. Mother Carolina Friend is a lawyer responsible for the preparation of judicial materials in Turpin and Millar Solicitors, and Father Nicholas Friend worked as a historic-artist. Life in a small town was not very exciting, and, like all the boys of their age, Rupert was often alarmed in fights and spent almost all his free time on the street.

The Frannd family had no video recorder, they did not visit the cinema, and for a long time the boy did not even know about the existence of cinema. The first film of Rupert was the picture about the American archaeologist Indiana Jones, which he looked into the movies along with his uncle.

Rupert Frand in youth and now

Young Friend caught fire a dream to ride the world and repeat the feats of the idol, becoming an archaeologist. However, soon the guy discovered that not all archaeologists lead such an interesting way of life as a character of a beloved film. Then the future artist drew attention to the artist of Indiana Jones Charisson Ford and caught fire a new dream - to become an actor.

Rupert visited the Marlborough secondary school, which was at one of the churches in Woodstock. He also studied at School Shervel and College "D`overbroeck`s" in Oxford.

Rupert Friend

After school, Rupert secret from Rodney filed documents to the Academy of Dramatic Art of Webber Douglas in London and entered. The young man had excellent external data (height of 185 cm) and undoubted talent, therefore, even the lack of experience and training was not an obstacle for him. Parents The decision of the Son did not be delighted, as they considered the acting a "risky business" and would prefer Rupert to become a lawyer. According to his own recognition of FranD, he began to practice acting quickly late.

In 2010, the actor first debuted on the stage of the London theater in the formulation of Douglas Carter Bina "The Little Dog Laughed".


The creative biography of Frand began while studying. In 2003, the young actor Rupert Frand, who at that time was still listed by the Academy's student, was invited to shoot the British-Australian project "Libele", where the main role was played by the popular American actor Johnny Depp. The picture became the debut for the Franc, and for the director of the painting of Lawrence Dunmor.

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The film was shown in the cinemas in November 2004. For his secondary role, Rupert was awarded the nomination "The most promising debutant" and the satellite awards as a "outstanding new talent". The picture used incredible success, which also affected the popularity of the young actor.

Rupert actively visited castings to the films and was chosen to Mr. George Wickham's role in the historical drama "Pride and Prejudice" based on the Roman Jane Austin. And again the actor fell into the full-length picture, where world cinema stars are involved, including the actress Cyrus Knightley. The film saw the light in 2005 and became numerous awards, among them and Oscar.

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In 2005, the American film "Mrs. Palfrey in Cleairmont" came to the screens, where the actor got the main role in a pair with British actress Joan Plourait.

Two years later, Rupert participated in the filming of the full-length painting "Last Legion", telling about the times of Rome's fall. In the film, the actor received a secondary role of demetry, but did not use the picture with great success. Despite this, she nevertheless brought success to the actor - Frank was increasingly invited to US-British projects.

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In 2008, Friend debuted as a screenwriter: along with a friend of the acting environment, Tom Monson wrote the first scenario for the short film "Long and sad Saga about suicide brothers". The main roles in the painting also played Rupert and Tom.

In 2009, the British actor appeared immediately in two kinocartes in the image of key heroes. In the British comedy "Sheri" directed by Stephen Frirza Rupert played a major role - spoiled by the young man Sheri, the life of which is closely related to the character of the legendary American actress Michel Pfaiffer. The film warmly accepted critics and got three awards for music and costume design.

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The second picture of 2009, "Young Victoria" told about the life of the young Queen of Victoria and her marriage with Prince Albert, who was played by Friend.

The drama "Boy in striped pajamas" was shot on the novel of the Irish writer John Boyna. The book is reprinted in 50 languages, headed the list of bestsellers, compiled by The New York Times, and the author is nominated for two dozen awards. In the film Rupert Frand appeared in the image of a cruel officer of the Hitler's army. The main character of the picture is the 9-year-old son of the Commandant concentration camp, having made friends with his inhabitants.

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In the film "Lullaby for PI" Rupert played a major role - a man, after the death of his wife turned into a recovery. Seeing this situation, the owner of the house allegedly confused the keys to make a girl with a strange name of Pi in the apartment of a sad musician, and he shook out of surprise. The picture, as the press wrote, is full of brought cliches, the characters are spelled out. But just such a film and want to see, sitting alone by the fireplace with a cup of tea.

The creator of the "climber" and "strong nut - 2" Renny Harlin presented his vision of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict of 2008, removing the military drama "5 days in August". Friend played american journalist who saves the life of Georgian military.

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In the role of President Mikhail Saakashvili, Andy Garcia spoke. A couple of days before the premiere of The New York Times published an article by the human rights activist Anna Neistat, who called the film "extremely dangerous in the current geopolitical situation and one-sided".

In 2012, Rupert debuted as an actor American television series, published in Russia called "Alien among his". Direct translation of the original name - "Motherland". The project enjoyed incredible success at the viewers, and already in the 3rd season, the secondary character of Franc became one of the main heroes of the picture. In the center of the story - Marine Nicholas BRODAULI performed by Damiena Lewis and the CERRI Matsison agent, which is played by the 4-fold owner of the Golden Globe Claire Danes.

In 2015, Pavel Lungin adapted the thriller for the Russian viewer and took the lead in the lead role of Vladimir Mashkova and Victoria Isakov.

In 2014, it became known that Rupert Frand was invited to the role of Agent 47 in the film "Hitman: Agent 47". The actor played the main character and replaced on the set of the tragically deceased Paul Walker, who originally chose to this role. The shooting of the paintings started in March 2014 and took place in Berlin.

The film is a film adaptation of a popular series of computer games about the adventures of the hired killer under the name Agent 47. For the actor, it was the first large-scale and high-budget American film, which is completely able to make his star Hollywood. The premiere of the tape took place on August 20, 2015.

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The artist attracted the attention of directories, but this did not mean that films with his participation were poured like out of abundance horns. The process of creating a film is unprecedented, so caste rating blockbusters 2016 was equipped long before Rupert declared himself as an agent 47. 2016 marked the calm in the actor's work.

In 2017, Frand fulfilled the role of Vasily Stalin, the son of the leader of the peoples in the picture called "Stalin's death" director Armando Ianuchchi. By the name it may seem that the audience is waiting for a historical drama, but in fact the picture is the screening of French comics.

Rupert Frand played Stalin Vasily

In Russia, the film, in terms of the scandaling level, an equivalent to Matilde Alexey Teacher, was demonstrated in a number of cinemas, despite the revocation of the rolling certificate. The public has sharply condemned the work of the British and French cinematographers for the transit of facts and insult human dignity.

In 2018, Rupert replenished the filmography of the Detective Ribbon "Simple request," telling about a single mother earning on the blogger. A woman agrees to fulfill a girlfriend's request, after which she disappears, and heroin does not have anything, how to get for her searches. Friend played a husband of the missing girl.

Personal life

During the filming of film adaptation of the novel "Pride and Prejudice" Rupert Frand met the British celebrity Kira Knightley. Roman developed rapidly and rapidly, instantly becoming public domain thanks to journalists.

Rupert Frand and Keira Knightley

Cyrus often told the press that she dreams of marriage and family, however Rupert had no riser to marry British and American cinema. Soon, the actress has matured with such a position of things and took up his rapidly developing career.

The attitudes of the artists seemed so ideal and deprived of the scandalous details that the application for the end of the novel between Kira and Rupert at the end of 2010 was a shock for the public.

Rupert Frand and Keira Knightley

The actors broke up suddenly, without visible problems and scandals, but they still had the reasons for completing relationships. The initiator of the rupture was Knightley, who simply lacked time for a personal life.

Also a considerable reason for a similar solution was the popularity of the actress and the excessive publicity of the couple, which is extremely annoyed by Frank. According to rumors, Rupert also strongly jealously Knightly to a colleague in the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea "Orlando Bloom. In addition, men are similar as brothers.

Rupert Frand and Orlando Bloom look like

When Kira invited chosen to a party with the film crew, Frand almost initiated a fight with Bloom.

In 2013, at a charitable evening in London, Rupert met the Paralympic champion and model Eymi Mallyz. The actor did not bother at all that the girl is older for 5 years and moves on the prosthesis - even in infancy because of the congenital vice, Eymy lost his legs below the knees.

Rupert Frand and Eymi Mallyz

In December 2014, the couple announced the engagement, the wedding took place in May 2016.

The marriage has passed in the setting of secrecy, only a month after this event, Rupert shared with fans of wedding photos on the page in "Instagram".

Rupert Friend with his wife

The actor's wife performs with motivational speeches at events for people with physical disabilities, one time represented on fashionable showing the collection of fashion designer Alexander McQueen, filmed in the cinema ("Twin Towers" Oliver Stone). Aimi uses proteins of its own design. There are no children from spouses yet.

Rupert Friend now

In early 2019, the biographical tape "Van Gogh was published on Russian screens. On the threshold of eternity. " In the role of a brilliant artist, Willem Defo, familiar to the audience on the criminal drama "Mississippi on fire" and the film Oliver Stone "Teloz".

Rupert Frand entrusted to play the younger brother Vincent Van Gogh, Theodorus, secretly helped the painter with money. The film covers the period of life of the artist in France and his friendship with the Paul Gaen. This role was performed by Oscar Aizek.

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Now Rupert Frand is filmed in the final season of the "Motherland" series, for which one day has already received a nomination for Emmy. The actor is still playing a guy with a foggy past, which the official duty makes the inhuman acts, respond to the part of the work that the NSB and the CIA are silent.

Friend will try happiness as a director, removing the sports drama "Cornerman". In the debut directorial project Rupert invited Bruce Willis to the main role. The film will tell about the coach on Boxing Konstantino d'Amato, the robust champions of Rocky Graziano, Tysyka Tyson, Floyd Patterson.


  • 2004 - "Libele"
  • 2005 - "Pride and Prejudice"
  • 2006 - "Last Legion"
  • 2008 - "Boy in striped pajamas"
  • 2009 - "Young Victoria"
  • 2010 - "Lullaby for PI"
  • 2011 - "5 days in August"
  • 2011-2018 - "Motherland"
  • 2015 - "Hitman: Agent 47"
  • 2017 - "The death of Stalin"
  • 2018 - "Van Gogh: on the threshold of eternity"
  • 2018 - "Simple request"

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