Andrei Gaidulan - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Films 2021



Andrei Gaidulyan Fame acquired thanks to Student Sitcomm, which made it popular in the youth environment. In addition to career in Russia, the artist showed himself and in the West - Hollywood projects already have in his repertoire. Andrei is not going to stop there. He plans to continue cooperation with American directors, as well as try himself to Broadway.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Sergeevich Gaidulian - Native Moldavian, but despite this, the name of the actor constantly generates questions about his nationality: it is consonant with most Armenian surnames. Official sources have repeatedly refuted the presence of the actor of Armenian roots.

Andrei was born in Chisinau in April 1984. Father is the retired colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the service, together with his wife, the seamstress-motor for education, founded his own sewing business. Helped her parents older sister Andrei.

In school years, Guidulyan visited theatrical studio under the leadership of the Honored Artist of the Republic of Sergei Tiranin, played KVN. Andrei saw his future biography associated with creativity, despite the fact that the parents were against. They planned to convey the son of a business, but the guy did in his own way. Moreover, before him there was an example of the sister, which in the metropolitan theater institute had studied at the artist in the costumes.

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Upon arrival, the guy failed the exams in Schukinsky School and Rati. But Guidulyan managed to take the selection to the Institute of Contemporary Art, where he was accepted on the acting faculty.

After graduating from the university, Andrei entered the Toroupe of the Glas Theater, created with the assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church. The performances here were put on Christian themes. Copyright received the plays of Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Ostrovsky, Anton Chekhov.

Later, the actor visited the United States, where he received additional education in the American school of acting skills. Andrei teachers were Matters of the World Level - Al Pacino and Danie de Vito.


For some time, Andrei played in the "voice", in parallel looking for work in the cinema and removing in episodic roles. The novice artist debuted in the episode of the popular series "Kulagin and partners".

Soon he played a passing role in the detective detective men's multi-line tape, after which it was lit up in a number of projects. Andrey was looking forward to a star role.

In 2007, Gaidulian was approved on the main role of Sitkom "Univer". Here he managed to organically convey the image of one of the main characters of Sasha Sergeeva.

The actor got the role of romance-astronomer, which is constantly forced to go against the wishes of the father-businessman. External data of Guydulan also worked on the image. The low growth of the Looped actor (the growth of Andrei 162 cm with a weight of 73 kg) perfectly approached the role of a responsible student.

Sitkom brought the artist's popularity, the work became the main in his filmography. Continuation "University. New dormitory "and" Sashahatany "secured success finally. The main characters of the second series were the characters of Andrei Gaidulian and Valentina Rubatova.

New creative successes did not slow down to appear. In 2011, the artist was offered to play in the films "Manticor" and "full contact". Later, the performer starred in the series "Friends Friends".

The artist is also involved in the theater: he participates in the entrepreneur "Chic Wedding", where Mary Gorban, Olga Kuzmin and Mikhail Bashkatov became its partners. The actor's repertoire also includes "number 13" and "Murlin Murlo". Announcements of speeches and photos from performances regularly fall on the page of Andrei Gaidulan in "Instagram" and "Twitter".

In addition to working in the theater and on the set, Andrei one time spoke at nightclubs as a DJ. With musical sets, the artist, he said, traveled by Paul-Russia.

Personal life

In the student years, Gaidulian had a short novel with a classmate of Rimma. For some time, the couple worked in the "Glas" theater. Soon they broke up. But when it became clear that Rimma is waiting for a child, Andrei showed nobility: the born Son Fedor was a lawful father.

Soon after parting with Roman's personal life, Andrei Gaidulana made a new round. In the metropolitan nightclub, he met the new chief of Diana Okylov, a girl from a secured Uzbek family. She grew up in Tashkent, and after school decided to study in Moscow. With study, the girl did not work out, but she found the second half. Andrei, the girl has conquered the fact that MiG brought order in his bachelor dwelling and settled life. Diana was perfectly preparing and fully corresponded to the dreams of Andrei Gaidulian about the ideal companion.

Lovers practically did not part. In early 2015, Gaidulan made an offer to her beloved. It happened in Venice. In September, the couple should have played a wedding, but the celebration was canceled due to the state of health of the groom. It turned out that Andrei was sick with cancer, he was diagnosed with Lymphoma Hodgkin. The treatment of the artist was held in Germany. After returning to Russia, it became clear that he defeated the disease.

The experienced jointly adversity influenced Andrei and his girl. In the fall of 2016, the wedding still took place, but in marriage they lived for a short time, the general children from the spouses did not appear. Permanent quarrels led to the fact that after a year after marriage, Guidulyan and his wife broke up. Diana called the cause of the divorce of Andrei's Roman with his counterpart Alexander Belteshevich. The artist himself was denied this fact in an interview.

Andrei Gaidulan now

Andrei Polon forces and creative plans. The actor still works in the Sashatany project. A new job is preparing to go on screens - a criminal comedy "kill the boss", in which Guidulyan reincarnated in the hero named Stas. The executor appears and in the TV projects. In the spring of 2019, he became a member of the TV game "Soyuz" Studio, "where blogger Huseyn Hasanov spoke as his opponent.

And the actor engaged in business. He became a co-owner of the Pizzero Foxzeria "Pomodoro". According to Andrey, today he feels a successful restaurant. The project was profitable and brings a good income to Gaidulan.

Now the artist lives for 2 countries. He spends a lot of time in Los Angeles, where he makes an acting career. Guidulyan already starred in the Hollywood full-length film, where he played a scientist who dreams of saving the planet.


  • 2006 - "Kulagin and partners"
  • 2006 - "Detectives"
  • 2008 - "Dachnitsa"
  • 2008 - 2011 - "University"
  • 2011 - "Manticor"
  • 2011 - "Full Contact"
  • 2011 - 2014 - "University. New dorm
  • 2013 - "Friends Friends"
  • 2013 - N.V. - "Sashahatany"
  • 2016 - "About the War. Nurse"
  • 2018 - "Zomboyel"

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