Gerard Depardieu - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Gerard Depardieu is a French actor who made the brilliant career not only in his homeland, but also in Hollywood. He is called a man with thousands of persons, he equally convincingly plays in comedies, dramas, copyright cinema. Almost every appearance of the artist on the screen is an event in the world of cinema.

Childhood and youth

The star of French cinema Gerard Depardieu was born in December 1948 in the city of Sateur in the poor family of an illiterate tinsmith Rena. By the sign of the zodiac he is Capricorn. The post-war time for the family was heavy. Earned Rene lacked anything. Depardieu existed on social benefit. The firstborn, the elder brother of Geraria Allen, was born in 1945. After 2 years, Elena's daughter appeared. And when the Gerard was born a year later, family-owned problems were added to material problems. Rena began to disappear and supply the last money. For seven years, Gerard has two more brothers and sisters.

A hard life made parents harsh and indifferent. From the lack of attention of Mom and Father in childhood, Depardieu began to stutter, preferring to communicate with gestures or dismissed. Despite all the problems, the boy's first school classes studied not bad, but then launched classes.

In 1951, the American air base was settled in the chateaunder according to the NATO development strategy. For locals and Gerard himself, this event was a huge meaning. The base became an island, where it was possible to join the overseas music, culture and, most importantly, movies. The first American films Depardieu looked in his youth just at NATO Air Base.

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Over time, the behavior and academic performance of Gerard deteriorated. A complex teenager was left in the class for another year. In 1962, the teenager received a document on incomplete secondary education and relief left the school walls. The deer, who looked much older than his age, he immediately got a job in the printing house.

In addition, Gerard fell into a dubious company of the same time, stolen on the airbase of fuel and other unsightly affairs. Once the police came to the House Depardieu. Not found in the dwelling, they advised parents to send a guy to a colony for complex teenagers. Father refused. But soon, the son still landed for 3 weeks to prison, having fallen with the company "On Hot". Then the young man was just 16 years old, so he was released.

Perhaps Gerard would have stayed in the chateau if one of his friends would not call to come to him to Paris. Friend studied at the acting courses. It was not difficult to escape from the home for the young man: he did it regularly. Depardieu went to the capital of France, where he went for the company with a friend to see what he was engaged in courses.

One of the eccentric teachers noticed an increasing guy who had sharply allocated among the others, and suggested him to show the pantomime on a given topic. For Gerard, who had extensive experience with gestures, this task turned out to be easier than simple. Winned so much liked the teacher that he suggested a artistic guy to stay. So he began to learn from the courses of the most famous French teacher of theatrical art of Jean-Lauren Koshe.

Personal life

The wrong features of the face, the coal and the departice of the Depardieu did not interfere with him to remain charming and attractive both in the youth and in adulthood. Although over time, the owner of the sports torso lost its former forms (with a height of 180 cm its weight reaches 122 kg), it does not prevent the actor to establish close relationships with the opposite sex today.

In women, including the most beautiful stars of world cinema, Gerard has always enjoyed considerable success. The sympathy was demonstrated by Catherine Denev, Isabelle Adjani, Andy McDowel and Monica Bellucci, with whom he starred in films. But, despite the considerable interest in his person, Depardieu has remained faithful to his wife for many years.

Future spouses became acquainted in the fall of 1968 in the School of Koshe. Elizabeth Gino, unlike the "proletarian" of her husband, had deep aristocratic roots and belonged to the richest family of Paris. Beloved got married on April 11, 1970.

Their marriage lasted 26 years and collapsed in 1992. Officially spouses divorced in 1996. The reason was the unexpectedly emerging connection of Depardieu with a dark-skinned model Karinn Silla, who gave birth to Roksan's daughter from him.

In 1997, Gerar's personal life was again in the top news: the star happened to the novel with actress Karol Buke, the face of Chanel. But, according to Depardieu, the woman had a significant drawback - jealousy. In 2005, they broke up.

Celebrity has officially recognized four children: two senior, Juli's daughter and son Guyom, from Wife Elizabeth (Guillaume did not become in 2008), Roxan's daughter from Karinn Silla and son Jean from Cambodian Elene Bizo.

Daughter and son born in official marriage became actors. In the family of Guillae Depardieu, who died suddenly from the consequences of pneumonia, the daughter of Louise will grow up. Julie Depardieu raises the son of Billy, who was born in 2011.

In March 2020 with an actor there was a funny case. Nikolai Valuev posted a joint photo with Gerard in his twitter account. Network users did not recognize the Frenchman and accepted him for the Boxer's mother. And someone in it in him did the grandmother.

In September, Depardieu adopted Orthodoxy in the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky, which is located in Paris. This was reported by the priest. He noted that only close friends of the actor attended the sacrament. And immediately after the ceremony, Gerard baptized the girl.

The actor said that he had chosen a new religion for him. He accepted such a decision after communicating with the clergy, and also because he likes the Orthodox liturgy. As a spiritual mentor, a man elected Metropolitan Pskov and Porkhovsky Tikhon. The latter is known for being the confessor of Vladimir Putin.

It is worth noting that in 1960 Gerard accepted Islam. He later was interested in other religions, among which Buddhism and Hinduism.


The teacher Jean-Laurent Koshe sent a new listener to the speech therapist and even paid for treatment. Sick Gerard, since childhood, who did not feel such care, quickly changed. He was improved without tired - fixed the pronunciation, read the classical literature, went to art exhibitions and in museums. A more diligent student in the kosh was not yet.

The cinematic biography of Gerard Depardieu began in the mid-60s. As a debut role, he played hipster in the short film Roger Lenard "Hipster and Lamishnya". Then was the nameless hippie in the full-length picture of Anise Warda "Navikaya". It must be said that it was a period when the French film industry turned from the annoying refined handsome men to brutal characters, so liked youth audience.

The beginning of the 70s became a wonderful start of the cinematic career of Gerard Depardieu. He appeared in several high-quality paintings, the most significant of which is the melodrama of Jacques Dere "a little sun in cold water", the criminal drama of Jose Giovanni "Scammon: bringing trouble" and the drama of the avant-garde of Margo Duraz "Natalie Grunie."

Wake up the famous actor helped the role of Jean-Claude in the provocative tape of Berran Britia "Waltsizing". It was 1973. The film was picturesquely talked about charming charming stalls, loved to burn life and without difficulty involved in different criminal adventures. In general, Geraré was lucky again to play herself, with which he perfectly coped. The picture had a huge success. Some adored her, others scolded, but there were no indifferent. Depardieu became unprecedented popular.

However, Geraar did not want to remain forever in one role. He dreamed of playing other images and characters. And he managed in the films "Last Woman", where Ornella Muti also starred, and "prepare the handkerchiefs". In 1976, Depardieu was fortunate enough to work with the director Bernardo Bertolucci, who removed the film "The Twentieth Century". In Film, in addition to the French actor, the main roles were performed by Robert De Niro, Dominic Sanda and Donald Sutherland.

Soon the awards fell on Depardieu. The first cinematic bonus "Cesar" was obtained by an artist for the Melodrama of Francois Truffo "Last Metro", where he starred with Catherine Denev. Others followed behind it.

In the early 80s, Gerard began to be filmed in comedy films, having received a new wave of adoration and popularity of the public. Few people remained indifferent from watching the film "Inspector-Razing" or "Tartuf". And when Depardieu appeared on the screens in a couple with Pierre Richarom, a grand success fell on him. The first film in the bright duet was the comedy "Unweight", He also starred Jean Reno. After her success, completed the trilogy of director Francis Weber Tape "Dock" and "Fugitives".

In the mid-80s, Gerard Depardieu was already all the recognized star of the world cinema. The same brilliantly actor played roles in ribbons of different genres: comedies, militants, dramas.

No worse met the artist and the beginning of the 90s. He appeared in Sirano de Bergerac, where he played the main and his beloved role. Gerard again proved that it can be ingeniously reincarnated into fundamentally different images. For Sirano de Bergerac, Depardieu was awarded at the Cannes Festival, and the film itself received an Oscar, a few "Cesar", "Palm Branch" and other awards.

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After the painting "Sirano de Bergerac" before the Depardieu, his doors opened Hollywood. Together with Andy McDowel, the actor starred in a residence permit. For this role, he received the Golden Globe. Then there was a comedy "between an angel and demon, where the artist for a couple with Christian Klava was a brilliant duet, who made everyone laugh to tears.

In the romantic-heroic role, the fans saw a favorite artist in the film adaptation of the novel by Alexander Duma "Count Monte Cristo." But in the comedy "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar", Gerard appeared in the opposite image, which also caused a large excitement.

In 1997, for considerable achievements in World Cinema Depardieu, the prestigious cinematic prize of the Venice Film Festival "Golden Lion" received a prestigious cinematic prize.

A year later, he starred in the romantic comedy of "Beauty". The main heroine Cecil Burstie is completely unhappy with his gray life. It is solved on the cardinal changes and takes steps towards entertainment and pleasure. Geraaru got the central role of Laurent Gaspara.

In the new century, the actor's repertoire was replenished with a drama "Natalie", where his partner became Fanny Ardan, the comedy "How much do you cost?", In which Monica Bellucci shrewd. A bright page in his filmography was the film "Rasputin", dedicated to the famous and ambiguous personality in Patriotic history Gregory Rasputin. Other significant work in the career - "Valley of Love" and "Sofa Stalin". In Russia, the actor took part in the creation of the youth series "Zaitsev + 1", the dramatic multi-sieves film "Mata Hari".

The artist's filmography continues to be replenished with new works at least in young years. Depardieu is filmed in more than four projects per year, it works at the audio studio. It is a comedy "save the sun", "good apple", where the partners of the actor became Juliets Binosh, Catherine Denev, and the criminal thriller "Carbon".

In 2018, Gerard starred in the main cast of the melodrama "Lover of My Wife." Mother was also busy in a number of French films. With the participation of the star, the Drama "Anatoly History", the Biographical film "Bach", in which the actor played the main character, and the Russian comedy "Sport without Borders".

Russian citizen

At the end of 2012, Gerard Depardieu acquired a house in the Belgian town of Nechez. This caused a considerable discussion in the media about a possible attempt to actor from taxes. Jean-Mark Erot, French Prime Minister, called this attempt "pitiful."

This is terribly outraged by Depardieu, and a few days later he answered the premiere with a letter in which he invested his passport and a social card. In December of the same year, Gerard moved to Belgium and a few days later refused French citizenship, stating reporters that he considers himself a citizen of the world.

On January 1, 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the provision of Russian citizenship artist. At a press conference, the head of the Russian Federation stated that "if Gerard really wants to have a residence permit in Russia, or a Russian passport, then we will assume that this issue is resolved, and is resolved positively."

For 5 January 2013, Depardieu became a citizen of Russia. The French actor decided to settle in Saransk, where the country's leadership offered him a choice of mansion or apartments in an apartment building.

In the same place, the artist stood in records of the tax inspectorate. A month later, the celebrity was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic." He personally from Ramzan Kadyrov received a luxurious gift - a 5-room apartment in the center of the capital of Chechnya. New citizenship did not prevent return to the actor in Belgium. In 2018, he declared the desire to change the place of residence in Europe to the house in Algeria.

At the end of 2018, it became known that Gerard changed the Saransk residence in the Novosibirsk. In Siberia, the actor is going to conduct food business and shoot a documentary about the city by order of the first channel. Photo with Walking on Auchan in Novosibirsk Depardieu decorated the pages of many Siberians in "Instagram".

Gerard Depardieu now

In 2019, Gerard Depardieu starred in the film "Thalassotherapy", where he played himself. According to the plot, the French writer Michelle Welbek meets the famous actor in the center of thalassotherapy in Kabur. Together they are undergoing treatment of sea water to promote health. However, they don't have to adhere to strict rules of the medical institution.

Another picture with the participation of Matra - the Chess player of the production of India and France. In it, Gerard reincarnated into the image of Silvena, one of the best grandmasters of France. It is worth noting that the film is removed on the biographical book "The Secret King" and is based on real events.

2020 for the actor began with participation in the TV show "New Year's Eve on the First". Together with the singer, he performed the song Paroles ... Paroles. The room was romantic and french charming.

Then there were shooting in the "Evening Urgant" program. The release is devoted to the celebration of the New Year. However, Depardieu in an interview admitted that he did not like this holiday, like Christmas.

Now the actor is engaged in work on the picture "Anatoly History", which is removed on the novel by Mark Arena. The director spoke Artak Igitan. The plot of dramas is spinning around the Armenian-Turkish conflict, which affects the fate of people. Gerard fulfilled the role of a blumony lawyer.


  • 1967 - "Hipster and Pijon"
  • 1974 - "Waltsizing"
  • 1976 - "Twentieth Century"
  • 1981 - "Unweight"
  • 1983 - "Dock"
  • 1986 - "Fugitives"
  • 1989 - "Too beautiful for you"
  • 1990 - "Sirano de Bergerac"
  • 1990 - "Residence permit"
  • 1998 - "Count Monte Cristo"
  • 1999 - "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar"
  • 2005 - "How much do you cost?"
  • 2011 - "Rasputin"
  • 2016 - "Sofa Stalin"
  • 2018 - "My wife's lover"
  • 2018 - "Aladdin's Adventures"
  • 2019 - "Thalassotherapy"
  • 2019 - "Chess player"

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