Jude Lowe - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Priest and manager, writer and Russian sniper, the conqueror of female hearts and a detective is a short list of images embodied by Jude Low on the screen. Just about roles, artist's work and prefers to tell."If you prove others in youth that you know how to play, then when you have already taken place as an actor, everyone is beginning to be interested in your game, but your life."

However, enter into a dialogue, where all attention is focused on it, on its weaknesses, Jude agrees only with professionals in existentialism. They would have asked why, for example, chooses home parties, not secular clutches. Or does not receive pleasure from romantic gestures like a bouquet of flowers, presented by the beloved woman, and does it just because it is accepted by society. After all, it's just a sign of politeness, but much more pleasant to experience and give feelings, emotions.

Childhood and youth

Jude Lowa was born in December 1972 at London Pedagogues Maggie and Peter Lowe. His father is a junior class teacher, mother - English teacher. David Jude Hayworth Lowa turned out to be a second child in the family, in which at the time of his appearance he was already grown up the daughter of Natasha.

With love for the theater Jude infected from parents, avid theatrons who did not miss any premiere. At 6 years old, the boy made his debut on stage, while playing a small role in the children's production, and at 12 he was adopted in the troupe of the National Music Youth Theater.

Until the 14-year-old, the teenager studied in an ordinary school, but the bullying of classmates forced the parents to translate the Son to a private educational institution. The reason for the ridicule of the peers over the young Judah was its appearance: blue eyes, linen hair and expressively outlined lips. Such appearance is called Angelic, but adolescents considered it simply a native.

At the age of 14, Jude Low first appeared on the screen - he was invited to fulfill a small role in the Sketch of the program for teenagers "Pocket Money". And at 17 the guy played a barn in the painting "Gloucester tailor". Successful debut pushed the young actor to quit an adult school and with his head to plunge into your favorite occupation. Especially since Jude was offered the role of a problematic teenager Natan in the popular TV series "Families".

Personal life

During participation in the Picture of Shoping, a 24-year-old performer met with his future wife Sadi Frost, who was already 31 years old (she is older than Juda for 7 years). During a marriage with her, the actor made himself a tattoo on the forearm with the words Sexy Sadie. A couple had a son of Rufferti and daughter Aris. Sadi has a son from the first marriage. The actress, known for the role of Lucy in the Koppolovsky picture "Dracula", plunged into households, and her husband's career was rapidly developed. Juda acutely lacked the time for the family, he constantly disappeared on the set. Rumors about the novel with Nicole Kidman put a point in the already rumped marriage. Spouses broke up in 2003, despite the appearance of the third child - the son of Rudy. During the divorce, the performer presented the house for a house for several million dollars.

The personal life of celebrities beat the key: shortly after the divorce with Sadi followed a beautiful relationship with a blue Miller. But the final was also sad: the famous actress accused the beloved in treason, told reporters that Jude Lowa raised a novel with nanny of his own children.

Consolation from love failures The British artist found in the arms of the Samantha model Berk - in 2009 she gave birth to Sofia daughter. But a few months later, Sienna Miller and Jude Low again were together - they participated in the show on Broadway in New York. Relations launched another year, but for them in early 2011, the final gap followed.

In the spring of 2014, the Contractor was again in the top of Hollywood news: he broke out a short novel with a beginner singer Catherine Harding (scenic pseudonym Kat Cavelli), which is 18 years younger. The couple met in London, then the artists set themselves to the Czech Republic, where Lowe was filmed in the spy ribbon. But with the end of the filming ended and the novel. In March 2015, Harding gave birth to a girl hell from the actor, but the pair did not plan to resume relations.

It seems that women for the Hollywood heart - an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and he is not going to stop: information about the new passion of Jude Lowe appeared on the Internet. Envious English Bachelor meets with the doctor of psychology Philip Kohen. Photographers noticed a couple together in one car. On April 30, 2019, the wedding of Juda and Philipses were held - a civilian ceremony was held in the city hall in the center of London. Savior in the celebration was the eldest son of the actor Rufferti. And on August 8, the performer was born the sixth child - information about it posted paparazzi, so neither the floor nor the name of the baby is unknown.

Jude Lowe loves football and is a long-standing fan of Tottenham Club. And he does not forget about his children from previous marriages and proud of their successes. Having matured Iris Low, the godmother of which is Kate Moss, became the face of the English brand advertising campaign Illustrated People. In this, she went in the footsteps of the Father, who in 2011 participated in the advertising of the Spirits "Dior Sport" and became the official face of this fragrance. Old photos, where the family is in full force, appear in the "Instagram" girls.

Successful steps in the model business did the eldest son of the artist.

The famous Father has no personal accounts in social networks, they are also replaced by dozens of fan.


The creative biography of Jude Lowe developed rapidly: the young artist was filmed in the series and at the same time went to theatrical layouts. He was involved in the production of "Pygmalion" and even visited his first tour in the cities of Italy.

In 1991, a 19-year-old actor appeared on the screen again - this time in the episode of the television series about Sherlock Holmes. At the same time, Lowe debuted on the stage of one of London theaters, while playing a prominent role in the play "The fastest clock in the universe." The statement was recognized as the best theater premiere of 1992, and all of its participants were in the center of attention of critics and the public.

Two years later, LOU first offered a key role in the Shoping Thriller Directed by Anderson. And although at the box office, this film failed, the skill of Judah increased significantly, and now he could be proud of the first major role in his filmography.

But at the Juda Lowe Theater, there was a collateral: "Death of a merchant" and "Snow Orchid" with his participation was successfully successful. In the tragicomedy "terrible parents", the young artist had to be exposed to his role - the production had a somewhat scandalous tint, but brought the actor a nomination for the prestigious theatrical prize of Lawrence Olivier.

1995 also turned out to be generous for the artist for awards: For the role in the "indiscretions" play, Jude Lawn came first in the nomination of the Tony Prize, and then one more - Ian Charleston. It is noteworthy that the formulation of the British saw on the scenes of Broadway, and also a partner artist turned out to be the famous actress Kathleen Turner.

Following successful theatrical performances, a truly successful role in cinema followed: the artist starred in a melodraman "I love you, I do not love you" and the Drama "Telling", which described the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany.

These works were opened by Juda Low by famous directors, forcing them to look closely to the artist. He was invited to the biographical drama "Wilde", which came out on the screens in 1997. Jude played Oscar Wildend Lover - Lord Alfred Douglas. In the famous writer reincarnated the famous British actor Stephen Fry. The drama brought the Contractor a wide recognition in world cinema.

In 1997, Lowe, at that time married to the artist Sadi Frost, decided to create his own film company, which existed for almost 7 years. Founders, in addition to Lowe's spouses, were the British colleagues Yuen (Evan) McGregor and Sean Peters. The film company performed the producer of several sensational paintings, among which the brightest: "existence", "the property of Makhouoni" and "Heavenly Captain and the World of the Future".

Success in the Native Great Britain opened the actor of the door to Hollywood: in a short period, Jude lit up in several films. In the fantastic thriller "Gattak", he appeared in the image of a paralyzed disabled Jeroma Morrow. In this sensational project, Hollywood stars of the mind of Turman and Itan Hawk starred. It is noteworthy that film crimits wrote about the picture of the praise reviews, but the audience did not appreciate it, and "Gattak" failed at the box office.

However, Hollywood accepted Jude Low, and it became clear after the British were invited in 2 new projects - a criminal melodrama "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" Krinta Istoda and the romantic comedy "Music from another room". These paintings came to the screens in the late 1990s and brought the actor awareness in the American film industry.

Stunning glory waited for a British star in 1999. In world rolling, the psychological thriller Anthony Minghell "Talented Mr. Ripley" was released, in which Lowe reincarnated to the hugee life of Greenlet. The main character of the picture - Tom Ripley - played Matt Damon, another key role got a young actress Gwyneth Paltrow.

The arrogant, but at the same time an incredibly attractive balovd dicky Greenlyf performed by the Low instantly won the hearts of the American spectators.

The film turned into a bestseller and gathered at the box office more than $ 80 million. Jude Low was nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe.

The undoubted triumph carried out the performer to the top of the world cinema. From now on, he starred only in projects that strengthened him in the status of the world star. In 2001, a picture "Artificial Mind" was published, for which the Lowe was nominated for the second "Golden Globe". The drama Anthony Minghell "Cold Mountain", whose premiere took place in 2003, brought the artist to the second nomination for the Oscar statuette, as well as the nomination for the Golden Globe and BAFTA.

Undoubtedly hits were the paintings "Detech", "Aviator", "Handsaw of the Alpha, or what men want", "proximity", "the whole royal", "Exchange leave" and "My Blueber Nights". In the psychological drama Mike Nichols "Proximity" Jud Lowe played along with Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman and Clive Owen, in the Ribe "Exchange Vacation" - with Cameron Diaz, in the "Deether" - with Michael Kane, in the Aviator - with Kate Beckinsale.

In 2009, the Gaya Richie "Sherlock Holmes" film was released on world screens, in which Sherlock played Robert Downey Jr., and Watson - Jude Lowe. Charming Irene Adler depicted Rachel McAdams. After 3 years, there was a continuation of the tape called "Sherlock Holmes: game of shadows."

In 2011, Lowe added his glory to a small role in the Oscar-axis film of the legendary Martin Scorsese "The Keeper of Time", and in 2012, he was shot in the new film "Anna Karenina" on the novel of Lion Tolstoy (Joe Wright took for the project). The artist reincarnated to Alexei Karenina, and his wife Anna played a brilliant Cyrus Knightley. The world premiere took place in the fall of 2012, and in Russia the drama was seen in January 2013.

Among the successful paintings of this period, in which the irresistible Jude Low appeared, it is worth named by the sensational films "Infection", "Side Effect", "House Hemingway", "Spy", "Obsession". In an epic film about the epidemic "Infection" of LOU partners along the shooting platform were Marion Cotiyar, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow. In 2020, this picture entered the number of films most discussed in social networks, and after all, from the moment of filming, 9 years have passed. It can be said that the coronavirus pandemic presented a new life and popularity "infection".

In 2014, the Star Actor pleased his fans by the appearance of Kevin McDonald in the adventure thriller, where he starred together with the Russian stars Gregory Doblygin and Konstantin Khabensky.

Pleasant for surprises for the multi-millionth army of the fans of the Hollywood celebrity was 2016. The audience saw her beloved artist as Pope of Roman in the TV series Paolo Sorrentino "Young Dad", where Dian Kyton and Silvio Orlando appeared in addition to Low.

Pope Pipe XIII - the face is fictional, but this is no less charismatic. The high priest in the presentation of Low smokes and drinks Coca-Cola, does not comply with the century-old traditions and in general behaves like an ordinary member of the flock. Critics called the choice of actor to the main role in ingenious. Jude tried to explore the literature on Roman dads, but did not find what it was specifically interested. And Paolo advised to play just a priest. The performer, being a professional, moved deep into the search for answers to the questions, which was moving by this man who he let in his life and got rid of what.

The film made such a deep impression that for the first time in 70 years, the Venice Film Festival included a series in his program.

In a number of European countries, the rating of the "young dad" exceeded the indicators of the cult "game of thrones." The shooting of the 2nd season of the television series called "New Dad" was held on the territory of the Vatican in the Cathedral of St. Peter, in Rome, as well as Milan and Venice in 2018-2019. John Malkovic, filmography who played the role of the newly elected Pope John Paul III became the counterpart for Lowe. The world premiere of the series took place on September 1, 2019, and it came out in 2020. The tape was also awarded a positive reaction from the film critics.

Another premiere of 2016 is the Drama Michael Grandja "Genius", in which Jud Lowe, Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman played key heroes.

In 2017, the Contractor again appeared on the screens in a new project, which promised to bring another portion of fame as its creators and artists engaged in the picture. This is the adventure tape of Guy Richie "King Arthur Sword", shot in fantasy genre.

King Arthur in her plays Charlie Hannem, and Low appeared in the image of the Celtic King Vortigun. Rental fees of the film disappointed producers and forced to think about the appropriateness to stretch the story of the leader of the British on 6 parts.

More successfully accompanied the musical drama "Voice of Lux", presented in 2018 at the festival in Venice. Jude Low played again with Natalie Portman: she portrayed a popular singer who suffers from childhood memories, he is her producer. The Wrapped UP composition of the Australian singer Sia, who sounded in the film, Portman performed itself.

Also in 2018, a picture of the "Fantastic Creatures: Green de Wald crimes" was published. The film producers were chosen by the role of the young director of the School of Albus Dumbledore's magic from the list of actors, in which the names of Strong, Christian Beale, Benedict Camberbet. As a result, Jude Low remained in the project. The dark wizard, whose name is the film, played Johnny Depp.

Lowe, as decided the creators of the stories about Harry Potter, is a phenomenally talented actor who embodies the nature of Dumbledore in accurately in accordance with the idea of ​​the author of Joan Rowling.

In 2019, 4 paintings were published with the participation of celebrities: "Rhythm Section" (the image of a retired agent Mi-6 Boyd), "Captain Marvel" (the main role of Walter Louuson), "Rainy Day in New York" (role of the screenwriter) and the "nest" (the main role of the entrepreneur Rory).

Thriller Rhythm Section presented Jude Lowe in the image of a brutal handsome, who became a satellite Heroine Blake Lively and an assistant in the investigation of the death of her family. The film is filled with spy passions, and the sharpness of the plot once again underlines the presence of producers who created individual parts of Bondian.

In the psychological drama "Nest" Jude plays an American businessman who has moved with his family to England. Spouses do not cope with the new way of life and move through self-destruction.

Romantic comedy "Rainy Day in New York" with the participation of Judah Low, Timothy Shalam and El Fanning accompanied the scandal associated with the director of the film Woody Allen. The latter was accused of Harassment, so the project risked to remain without wide advertising and rental in large networks. Although some PR provided him with Shalam, Selena Gomez and Griffin Newman, who donated the fee into a charitable organization to combat violence.

"The rainy day in New York" did not come out in the United States, since the local press arranged a real injury to the director: the actors starred in the film join the journalists. Jud Lowe turned out to be the only exception: he called the situation with shame and publicly called for stopping Allen's mud. The project was unclaimed in the archives of Amazon for more than a year, after which it was released in Greece, Italy, Poland and Russia.

In the film "Captain Marvel" Low agreed to play the commander of the soldiers of the race of the race Course from the comic book of Marvel. Marvel Studios has long dreamed of getting an actor in their projects, but it was only possible for the 21st film film.

Robert Downey Jr., having experience in the confused franchise with hundreds of characters, advised a colleague, not even try to delve into the essence of their relationship, and focus on his own role. The Lowe Hero helps the military pilot to cope with the genes of an alien creature, which was introduced into its body as a result of a catastrophe.

Jude Low now

In 2020, the actor filmography was replenished with the film "Third Day" and "New Dad".

In addition, Downey and Low returned to the favorite images of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in the 3rd part of the detective militant Guy Richie. This is the continuation of Sherlock Holmes films and Sherlock Holmes: the game of shadows. " According to the plot of this non-classic film adaptation of the popular work of Arthur Conan Doyle, a couple of detectives returns after 9 years. Now work on the ribbon is not completed - the premiere is planned for 2021.


  • 1999 - "Existence"
  • 1999 - "Talented Mr. Ripley"
  • 2001 - "Enemy at the gate"
  • 2003 - "Cold Mountain"
  • 2004 - Heavenly Captain
  • 2006 - "Invasion"
  • 2009 - "Imagonarium Dr. Parnassa"
  • 2009 - "Sherlock Holmes"
  • 2012 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2013 - "Side Effect"
  • 2016 - "Genius"
  • 2017 - "Young Dad"
  • 2017 - "King Arthur King Sword"
  • 2018 - "Voice Suite"
  • 2018 - "Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes"
  • 2019 - "Captain Marvel"
  • 2019 - "Nest"
  • 2019 - "Rainy Day in New York"
  • 2019 - Rhythm Section
  • 2020 - "New Dad"

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