Jake Jillenhol - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



"People should not participate in the marathon in the name of achieving the goal. It is more important to achieve the goals how you live life, as you enjoy every minute. Emotions are important, not goals. "So Jake Gillanhol answers the questions about what he lives and works, it is not for nothing at the university he studied from Robert Turman, the father of the minds of Turman and a friend of Dalai Lama.

Childhood and youth

American actor and hearts Jacob Benjamin Jillenhol was born on December 19, 1980 in Los Angeles (California). He was lucky with his family, perhaps it was she who predetermined his future biography. Jake Father - Director, Mother - Writer, Great - Jamie Lee Curtis. The room in the house was filmed with Stephen Godberg and Ian Hawk.

Jake is a second child in the family. Maggie's older sister also in the future became an actress, married Peter Sarsgaard. Parents tried to raise children strictly, following the aristocratic traditions, because Gyllenholov clan is known in Sweden's secular circles: Praprapraded Niels Gunarson Hal has erected to the nobility in the 17th century.

For the first time, Jake starred in the film when he was 11 years old. The debut was the painting "City Pijons". Then the father gave him small roles in other projects.

In Jake, a lot of nationalities are mixed, he himself from his youth considers himself a Jew. At the age of 13, as it should be the Jewish boys, the rite of Bar Mitsva passed. Wealthy parents chose the abode of the homeless to this, wanted the son to appreciate what he had, respect family values ​​and traditions.

As a child, Jake Jillenhol worked to travel with his family around the world. He was already then understood that the money was going to work, soap dishes in the kitchen of the restaurant, was a guard order on the beaches.

After school, the guy entered the Columbia University. This university is native for his family, because the mother and sister studied there at one time. But Jillenholu-youngee study was quickly tired - he graduated from the 1st year and threw the university.

Jake decided to immediately devote himself to the acting career immediately, and with such relatives to get used in the Hollywood film industry was much easier.

Personal life

Gillenhol's personal life is an inexhaustible source of hot news. After the premiere of the Gorbate Mountain, the newsarets spoke about the unconventional orientation of Jake: He played the role too believable. The actor did not refute these rumors and did not hide the joy that his talent was appreciated.

With a hit as a lodger, a partner in the Gorbate Mountain, Jake tied a real friendship: he baptized his daughter his friend. Friends were close to the soil of unsuccessful selection into the musical "Moulin Rouge". Both were casting, and the role in the end went to Yuena McGregor.

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In 2001, Jake Jillenhol met Jenny Lewis. Next year, the sister introduced him to the actress Kirsten Dunst. This novel lasted 2 years. Next was followed by a series of short incident intrigues with partner on the set.

In 2007, the public discussed the relationship of Jake with Reese Witherspoon, a colleague on the film "Version". The couple refuted these rumors, but after the official divorce of Reese with her husband, the actors began to see together more and more and the interest in their relationship resumed. This time, on the contrary, even after parting the press service of both celebrities, they argued that they were still found.

Then followed an equally discussed novel with Natalie Portman. As in the previous and subsequent cases, it is difficult to say whether relations between the actors have existed, or it is only the fiction of the press and the PR-PRESS of the film companies.

In any case, Jake gave a few enthusiastic interviews about Portman, which complained about the complexity of choosing a place for a joint dinner, as Natalie is vegetarian. Portman, in turn, no less warmly responded about Gyllenhol.

In 2010, Jake attributed a novel with an actress Anne Hathaway, with whom he played lovers in the painting "Love and other medicines" and starred in several joint frank scenes.

The artists did not comment on these rumors in any way, but on the wave of popularity of their probable relationships organized a bold photo session for the cover of Entertainment Weekly.

In the fall of 2010, journalists have already spoke about the new Beloved Jake - Country Music Executive Guard Taylor Swift. They met less than three months: for the new year, Jake Gillanhol was free, and the singer dedicated to the former guy's song We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.

Already in 2011, a new rumor appeared: the celebrity twisted a passionate novel with Dakota Johnson. In 2013, a new version of the actor relationship appeared in the press. According to Paraszi, Gyllenhol began to meet with the Emily Donato model.

Another partner of the actor is the Alice Miller model. Lovers often appeared in public together and lived under the same roof, but soon "the cat ranging between them." It is concerned that Alice did not stand the test of the distance when Jake flew to the shooting of the next picture.

Some sources claim that Gillenhol escaped, because, unlike Miller, was not ready for a serious relationship.

In mid-2015, the press spoke about the new Jake Roman, this time with Rachel Makadams. The reason for rumors was the fact that the actors continued to be often seen together, although joint shooting in the painting "Levsh" ended in six months before.

Journalists have discarded many snapshots of a couple in restaurants and walking. But Jake himself denied all the rumors, told Ellen Degensheres in the program, which is not found with anyone.

They rumored that he would not marry in any way, because the first thing introduces a girl with his mother. And Naomi Foner would seem to believe in marriage by agreement and, being on the second education psychologist, carefully checks the potential daughter-in-law. Choosing a son, she has never approved.

In the winter of 2016, Jake was seen in the company Margo Robbie, Australian actress, which a little later gained insane popularity thanks to the blockbuster "Self-suicide detachment". Journalists noticed not only the delicate embrace of Jake and Margo, but also an expensive ring on the nameless finger of the girl.

The press was immediately filled with conversion about the engagement and began to read Margo to Jake's wife. At the same time, the man denied the relationship, and Robbie openly declared journalists, which in principle does not intend to look for a husband in the actor's environment.

In meetings with the daughter of producer Greto Caruso, a hint of a romantic connection was not observed. Jake and Greta are familiar for more than 10 years, and Gillenhol has repeatedly emphasized that only friendly relations are associated. In an interview, the Hollywood actor admitted that he considers the main task in life the search for the "right woman".

A non-standard sense of humor of a man plunged fans in shock when he stated that he was going to create a family with Tom Holland. Fortunately, that post in the social network turned out to be a joke, and not a caumbling auto.

The enviable fiance of Hollywood Jake remained not long. In 2018, the news was leaked in the media - almost two weeks after the acquaintance, Jillenhol came with the model Zhanna Kadier. For the first time, a friendly couple of lovers appeared at the premiere of the Broadway Musical Sea Wall / A Life, in which the actor fulfilled the main role.

Frenchwoman younger Jake for 16 years, cooperates with One Management Agency, represents Chanel and Chloé. Friends of lovers hoped that the actor still suggests the word that "there is nothing more important and more responsible than the role of husband and father."

Gyllenhol friendly with Bryce Dallas Howard, Peter Sarsgaard and Matthew McConaja. He likes to cook, enjoyed shopping and markets. Supports the EDIBLE SCHOOLYARD organization, promoting healthy eating in schools, annually sends a batch of trees to Mozambique to restore forests. The actor is not sauing social networks, communicates with fans in Facebook, photos and video from which is duplicated in "Instagram".

Fasciating in Youth Buddhism, Jake and is now guided by this philosophy in life, believes in the energy relationship between people, trying to analyze emotions, own and others.


After the 1st year of the University, Jake was invited to a major role in the "October Sky". He managed to accurately convey the character of the young man Homer, who dreamed of building rockets. Despite the age, Gyllenhol looked adequately against the background of Laura Dern and Chris Cooper.

However, they say that the first sprouts of popularity embarrassed a young man and he decided to return to study. Alas, University Jake threw just because they did not teach acting skills.

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This fact was later affected by Gillanhol with a crash failed listening to the role of Frodo in the "Lord of the Rings". Nobody suggested young man that the character was required by the British accent.

However, the last drops of regret on the absence of higher education in the actor erased the following project. In the fantastic film "Donnie Darco", ON showed himself brilliantly. Jake and Maggie Gillenhol played a pair. The picture did not have much success in the box office, but after the release of the film on the DVD began the rapid growth of the popularity of the artist.

Further, the luck strip Jake Gillanhol ended: the paintings in which he was filmed, did not find a positive response from the audience. Lucky and success came to him after the role in the "day after tomorrow" ribbon. The film collected $ 500 million at all.

A year later, Gyllenhola and Hita Ledger spoke all Hollywood. The young man said that he took the director Ener Lee Ismor, literally absorb this role. The drama "Gorbaytaya Mountain", telling about the same-sex of the love of two cowboys, affected the forbidden, but such an attractive topic for the audience. Jake from all over his acting talent showed weaknesses and sacrifice of the hero, whoming his passion and thoughts that love does not have sex.

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The glory of the artist strengthened the military drama about the war in Kuwait "Morai", the Zodiac detective on the serial killer of the 70s. For the role of a police officer, discontinted the abduction of children in the film "Captrans", Jake was awarded the prize of the Hollywood Film Festival and nominated to the "satellite", and the film itself is included in the top ten in 2013. This thriller is also hardly the only chance to see the movie descent without beard.

In addition, in the "prisoners" the man first demonstrated a tattoo in the form of a star. Over time, the drawings decorated his chest, arms and back. However, the actor argued that there was a temporary one, applied only to transfer the brutality of the image.

Another result of the cooperation of Gillanhol with the director and the nominee for Oscar Denis Vilnevoy - the psychological detective "enemy". Jake fulfilled the 2 roles at once - teachers of high school and amazingly similar to him actor.

The political thriller "version", in which Gyllenhol starred along with Reese Witherspoon and Meril Streep, is based on real events - mistaken abduction and torture of the CIA of German citizen of Lebanese origin.

In 2006, Jake Gillanhol was nominated for Oscar, but did not receive the cherished statuette. But awarded the BAFTA award and other prestigious awards.

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In 2009, the actor appeared in the screening of the computer game "Prince of Persia. Sands time. " Here, the attention of the audience was attracted not only the acting game and Eastern flavor, but also long hair and naked torso "Prince". After that, the film Jake became increasingly appearing in amateur online ratings of the best tors in cinema.

Presenting a picture in Russia, Gyllenhol told, as suffered from unusual hairstyle, as the parkur mastered and learned to jump from the window on the back of the horse, although the main tricks performed Daniel Craig's dubler. He remembered that he had Russian ancestors on the maternal line. Okoy delight among actor caused Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina. Jake made an impression, with what humor the elderly colleagues perceived the difficulties of the film process, have enjoyed each moment.

The appearance of Gillenhol, whom he reached the beginning of filming in the sports drama "Levsh, became the subject of envy in men and at times increased the female audience. Jake with growth in 183 cm increased muscle mass by 13 kg to his 77. But shortly before this film for the role of paparazzi in the picture "Stringer" the actor lost 12 kg.

The executor of the leading professional boxer told that 5 months spent on the ring, paying training for 6 hours a day. During this time, mastered the skills of boxing for both the body and for the mind.

"You can't play a boxer, being only outwardly similar to the boxer. You must believe that you can exist in this world. "

In 2015, Jake Gillanhol starred in the Drama Drama. He received a major role and embodied on the screen a subtle psychological image of a person who does not feel anything after the sudden death of his wife, but he writes extensive autobiographical complaints to the serving company and is experiencing an irresistible desire to destroy their apartment and life.

On the shooting of the film-catastrophe "Everest", the actor's hero died from supercooling. Gillenhol lay in the snow in a 30-degree frost, closed with ice, and almost flames. But cascaders and creators of visual effects were awarded nominations for Saturn and Screen Actors Guild Award.

In 2016, Jake again played the main roles in the main narration and in a parallel plot - in the drama Tom Ford "under the cover of the night", which critics called an aesthet thriller. Gillenhol replaced George Clooney, his partner for shooting was Amy Adams. The jury of the Venetian Film Festival, the "satellite", Critics' Choice Movie Awards and the "Golden Globe" noted the script of the film, directing work, performers of key and secondary roles.

In 2017, 3 films were published with the participation of Gyllenhol, which criticized the status of blockbusters. The scientific fiction thriller "Living", in which the main roles, in addition to Jake, played Ryan Reynolds and Rebecca Ferguson, tells about the Martian living creature, penetrated the international space station.

Another fantastic tape in the filmography of the actor - South Korean "Ochal" about a genetically modified monster, selected for participation in the Cannes Festival. After the appearance at the Gyllenhol film filter in the company with a colleague Lily Collins media immediately created a new romantic couple.

In the same year, Gillenhol was awarded the prize of Hollywood Film Awards, and in 2018 - nominations for the "satellite" for the embodiment of the image of the victim during the explosion at the Boston Marathon in the biographical drama "stronger". A film about courage and the power of the Spirit, who did not beat off the financial costs of shooting, received enthusiastic reviews of critics and recognition of the audience.

Family drama "Wildlife" - the directorial debut of the actor of the floor is given, with which Jake worked in the paintings "Okcha" and "Captrans". In the screening of the novel of Richard of Richard Ford, Jillenhol and Carey Mulling played a married couple, experiencing a disorder. The narrative in the film is conducted from the face of the Son. In this role, an upward Australian Star of Ed Okssenbuld.

In 2018, the director Jacques Odar, who has already received the Golden Palm Branch in Cannes, presented the comedy western "Brothers Sisters" on the azure coast with the participation of Jake Gillanhol, Rouhwer Hauer and Hoaquin Phoenix. The film tells the story of two hired killers who wished to get rich and change the bloody occupation, and in the course of the narrative turns from the traditional Western in a psychological drama.

Jake Jillenhol now

The actor is able to reincarnate in any character, funny or heroic, intellectual and can only wave fists. Jake admits that he is quite lazy, and immediately says that first of all examines his hero from the mental side. Star, whose name does not come off from the press pages, believes that the less about him know, the more interesting look at it on the screen and one thing is the image. Such a unity of opposites and attracts directors and fans to Gyllenhol.Embed from getty images

In 2019, the premiere of the film based on Marvel comics was the "Spiderman: away from home" with Tom Holland in the lead role. Jake reincarnated to Misterio Super Sloda.

In the future, between Sony and Disney, the conflict has happened - the company did not come to the agreement in the monetary issue. It was reported that Disney demanded 50% of the income from future projects about a spider person, although initially was content with only participation in Mercert.

"Departed from home" - the most successful project in the studio history with revenue over $ 1.1 billion. It is clear that the previous conditions have become disadvantageous for Marvel. After the departure of the main producer, Sony Pictures stated that she would continue to develop a spider man and without the participation of Marvel Studios.

In 2020, consensus reached the joy of fans. Hollywood insiders reported that in the summer of the 2021 spectators waiting for the "Spider Man" trickle.

"You will never be predicted, the cinema will become great or fall. But the actor should only be filmed in the cinema, in meaning and whose success believes. Otherwise, exactly nothing will happen. I believe in fate, that we must receive life lessons, "said Celebrity.

The producer company Gillenhol Nine Stories took over the remake of the Danish detective tape "guilty." The actor plans to fulfill the main role of a policeman translated into the rescue service.

The first TV series - "Lake Success" appears on the Jake's track record - Gary Steingart's book removes the TV channel NBO. The author of the novel is a Soviet emigrant. Ego Character is a financial manager who suddenly throws a job and seven and go to search for youth love. Gyllenhol in the project also serves as a cozer.


  • 2001 - Donney Darco
  • 2002 - "Highway"
  • 2005 - "Gorbay Mountain"
  • 2007 - Zodiac
  • 2009 - "Brothers"
  • 2010 - "Love and other medicines"
  • 2011 - "Source Code"
  • 2013 - "Enemy"
  • 2014 - Stringer
  • 2015 - "Lefty"
  • 2015 - "Everest"
  • 2017 - "Live"
  • 2017 - "Okcha"
  • 2018 - "Brothers Sisters"
  • 2018 - "Wild Life"
  • 2019 - "Spiderman: away from home"

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