Chris Evans - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Chris Evans is a popular Hollywood actor who remembered fans the role of Captain America. He made himself, but does not reveal on the laurels. His career and today develops rapidly. The talented artist is invited to be removed not only in fantastic films, but also in social dramas, historical paintings, comedies, melodramas.

Childhood and youth

Christopher Robert (Chris) Evans was born on June 13, 1981, under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents were typical representatives of the American middle class: Bob Evans, father, worked as a dentist in a local clinic, and Lisa Kapuano's mother was dancing and was the artistic director in the Koncord Youth Theater.

When Chris was small, the family moved to the city of Sudbery, where Evans held early years. As a child, he was distinguished by artistry. The emanship and mobility of the boy mother decided to send to the "peaceful direction" and began to teach her son to dance, including a chief.

In the general education school, Lincoln in Chris quickly consolidated the role of "Poor Guy". He was a soul of the company, thanks to which it became quite popular at school. The future star of Hollywood preferred humanitarian sciences requiring communication with people, but accurate sciences were barely. Evans collected books about survival in the wild and adored campaigns, one time even dreamed of living in the forest.

Actingly, the boy became interested in school thanks to the influence of the older sister Carly, who played in the local theater. Having performed a pair of episodic roles in the production of the regional theater of Massachusetts, Evans firmly decided to devote his lives of movies.

In his youth (1999), the future actor moved to New York and settled in a small apartment in Brooklyn. He entered the Institute of Cinema and theater Lee Strasberg and began to act in movies.

Personal life

Like many Hollywood stars, Chris Evans does not like to comment on a personal life. At the age of 20, he met Jessica Bil, with which he later starred in the films "Cellular" and "London". Their love story lasted until 2006, however, the actors even have friends after parting.

In 2007, the guy began to meet with the actress Mint Kelly, but the novel turned out to be short. In 2011, rumors appeared that he had a relationship with Anna Faris. Couple filmed together in a romantic comedy "How much do you have?", Thanks to which it became close.

Later, Chris resumed an affair with Minco Kelly. Lovers met exactly a year before finally parting. Subsequently, the Molver attributed a love relationship with Sandra Bullock, Lily Collins, Elizabeth Olsen, but not followed by official confirmations from the stars.

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According to American media, in early 2016, Chris met Jenny slate. Soon the famous American actress became his girlfriend. The couple met a year, and in 2017 the celebrities ceased relationships. Later Evans and the slate tried to resume the novel. They communicated for three months, and the artist even presented the girl to his relatives. Many fans hoped that she would be his wife. But in March 2018, a message about the final breakdown appeared.

In July 2020, Chris provoked rumors that he had a novel with Lily James, who is known for the role of Dounton Abbey. Celebrities met in London at a private party in the club, and after they went together for a taxi to the hotel. Then the paparazzi photographed them in one of the parks of the city. A couple sat nice on the grass, ate ice cream and chatted.

In mid-September, the popularity of Chris Evans has rapidly increased: he ranked the first lines in the Tremitter trends and Google. The actor randomly laid out a spicy shot into his Instagram account. Confuez occurred when a man shared in Stories Recording a screen on which his family had fun at HEADS UP playing. The gallery of media files flashed in the video, among which was a photo of "male dignity."

The actor quickly deleted the publication, but she had already managed to fly over the network. Fans are violently responded to the fact that their idol posted genitals. Intimate photo created a wave of sharp jokes and memes. He was overwhelmed and relatives of Chris. His brother Scott wrote:

"Yesterday I did not go to the social network. So what I missed? "

At first, Evans did not comment on what happened. However, after a few days, he came into contact and managed to take advantage of the situation. In Twitter Account Actor wrote:

"Now that I attracted your attention, go to vote on November 3!"

Tattoos can be attributed to evans hobbies. He has five drawings on the body, each of which has a sacral meaning. For example, the SCS abbreviation means the initials of his brother and sisters. The inscription "Always in mind" is devoted to a friend Matt Badswing, who died as a result of the accident.


While still a schoolboy, Chris for the first time visited New York to pass the summer internship and participate in television castings. The guy was lucky, and he signed a contract with the agency, thanks to which he had a person engaged in roles.

In 2000, the actor debuted on TV screen in the series "The opposite sex". From this point on, his creative biography began. The tape did not enjoy the success in the audience and had low ratings, as a result it was decided to stop shooting after the 8th series. And although Evans played in the main part, the picture did not bring him fame.

Later, the debut of Chris took place in a full-length picture - he appeared in the family dramatic film "Newly Applications" directed by James Allen Bradley. In the tape, the actor played on the same platform with an uplish star Hollywood Kate Bosworth.

The first success and popularity came to Chris through the participation in the youth comedy "Nedelsky Cinema", where he fulfilled one of the main roles. The film was released in December 2001 and was low rated by film critics, which did not prevent the picture to find his audience. The tape opened the doors to a talented actor to other promising high-paying projects.

In 2004, the light saw the film "Higher score" telling about six teenagers passing exams. In this project, Chris was played with Scarlett Johansson for the first time. In the same year, a criminal tape "Cellular" was published, where the main roles introduced the stars Kim Bacyinger and Jason Steate. Shooting in a similar picture became a source of experience for a young actor. And although both projects did not use the critics or the audience, the public and producers appreciated the acting game Evans. Gradually, he began to offer new bright roles in the cinema.

The world's success and popularity of Chris has brought projects related to comic film adaptation. The first similar film for the actor was the painting "Fantastic Four", which was the same name of the Marvel comic. Evans passed the casting and received the role of a person-torch by signing a contract for participation in three franchise films. The premiere of the picture took place in July 2005.

The cash charges were quite good, despite the mediocre reviews of critics, and in 2007 the continuation of the "Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer invasion", which was also criticized without tired of screens. The third picture of the project was canceled due to the decision of the film company about the reboot of the series.

In 2006, in connection with the injury, Chris refused to shoot in all projects, but in 2007 returned, playing at once in several pictures. Among them is a science fantastic film about the space "Peklo" and the comedy "Baby Diaries", where the actor met again with Scarlett Johansson. Also this year, Evans voiced two animated films - "Ninja Turtles," where the character of Casey Jones, and the "Battle of the Planet Terra" said his voice.

In 2008, Chris played in the film "Kings of Streets" with a truly star cast. On one set, the legend of Hollywood Keanu Reeves, the owner of the Oscar Awards Forest Whitaker and the star of Dr. House of Hugh Laurie. However, even such a composition did not help to get good critics reviews, and the checks of tapes just 2 times exceeded the budget.

In 2010, Chris offered a role in the film based on comic about superhero Captain America. The actor defeated the proposal of the film company three times before agreed to sign the contract. Initially, it was frightened by the duration of the contract: Evans had to appear in nine films (subsequently the amount decreased). In addition, the artist surprised the "greed" of the company's managers. In Hollywood, it is known that Marvel is reluctant to share the profits with the performers. So, for the "first avenger" Evans received a fee of $ 300 thousand, later this plank was raised to $ 6.9 million.

The previous film of the Iron Man series became incredibly popular and made the performer of the leading role of Robert Downey - the youngest object of the close attention of journalists. At that time, Chris was not fully confident that she was eager for such glory. Friends who were advised to sign a contract were helped. Shooting started at the end of June of the same year, the man had to train 2 hours a day for four months to look like a hero of American filmmix.

With a height of 183 cm, its weight exceeded 87 kg, the actor managed to gain 10 kg of muscle mass and sweep his endurance well. On the set, he was expected to work in heavy armor with a sweaty sword in his hands. Later, in an interview with Chris, he said that during training did not use a treadmill and did not swim, but paid attention to playing sports and worked out one category of muscles daily.

Not without protein cocktails and dietary protein foods. Help Evans in the gym provided a coach who worked with Daniel Craig when preparing for the role of James Bond.

The premiere of the painting "First Avenger" took place in July 2011. Critics have positively assessed the history of the superhero, and the film became a nominee of a number of prestigious film. The actor himself was awarded the awards as the best superhero at the SCREAM Awards festival and was nominated three times on the best actor. This picture brought Evans worldwide fame.

Kinoproject became successful in the box office. Directors immediately thought about creating new parts about superhero. In the film, the audience was remembered by an allay witch, which Elizabeth Olsen played. In addition, Captain America received a partner Baku Barnes, the role of which in the tapes "First Avenger" and "First Avenger: Another War" performed the American actor of Romanian origin Sebastian Stan.

Evans continued to carry out the terms of the contract with Marvel Studios and filmed in the films about superhero from comics. In 2012, the actor played in the Avengers, and the 2014 presented the audience the continuation of the adventures of Captain America called "First Avenger: Another War." In 2015, the fifth film was released on the screens with the participation of Evans "Avengers: Era Altron."

Shots in the popular film franchise made Chris one of the highest paid actors of Hollywood and the in-demand artist of modernity. Nevertheless, due to participation in a series of films, the movie star has almost no time for shooting in other projects. However, the actor could not refuse the contract with the Gucci Guilty. In the roller of the brand, lifted in the style of the movie "City of Sin", he appeared in the company Colleagues Evan Rachel Wood.

In April 2016, a film was released about the adventures of "Avengers" with the participation of Evans "First Avenger: confrontation." It would seem that this picture will become the last of the Avengers series, since the contract provided for participation in the project until a certain period of time, but soon the shooting of the next part of the film was launched, in which the artist was also involved.

In the same 2016, Evans fell under the hot hand of Twitter users. TV viewers criticized Chris, TV host popular Top Gear's car show, which is the namesake of the American. The debut of the reporter on rating transmission was clearly failed, and users began to send angry messages to the account of the British Achrisevans, but by ignoring the first letter in front of the name and surname, the publications were automatically redirected to the American actor page. Soon the error managed to eliminate when the misunderstanding noticed one of the users.

In June 2017, a presentation of the tape "Gifted" took place. Here Chris got the opportunity to show the new side of the acting talent. On the screen, he appeared as a deep dramatic performer. His hero alone brings up a small niece that begins to show uncommon mathematical abilities. Together, the uncle and the child have to confront the plans of Grandma Girl Evelin (Lindsay Duncan).

TV viewers, having heard the name of Chris Evans, confuse an American with an equally famous Welsh actor Lyuk Evans. Despite the various assumptions about the kinship of celebrities and the publication of American media of their joint photo with Hollywood film actor Jeremy Renner, Chris and Luke are not relatives.

In 2018, the artist replenished the filmography of the franchise "Avengers: War of Infinity", which broke the record to overcome the turn of global cash regions. She entered the fourth of Kinokartin, who gathered $ 2 billion at row.

In 2019, Evans expanded the boundaries of his role, and the directors provided him with new interesting roles that he embodied. The actor starred in the drama "Get knives" and the historical film "Resort for divers on the Red Sea".

In April, the following part of the "Avengers: Final" took place in April, which became for Evans ending at the stage of cooperation with Marvel. The film continues the story about the gigantic cosmic villain of Tanos. The members of the Avengers team are going to come up with a new plan, how to kill the monster. After so many losses, they can no longer allow an error. As in the previous parts, in addition to Chris, the main roles were performed by Robert Downey - younger, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan.

In the same year, the actor voiced the storyteller in the film about the animals "Supersobaki."

Chris Evans now

In 2020, Chris Evans starred in a detective "Protecting Jacob". The plot tells about the prosecutor Andy Barber. His 14-year-old son is accused of killing peers, and evidence speaks about the opposite.

Now fans may hope that their favorite actor will appear in a new large-scale action-franchise "Gray Man". Joe and Anthony Rousseau will be produced by the spy thriller producers. The project budget is $ 200 million, which makes it the most expensive film from Netflix. In the second main character, Ryan Gosling will reincarnate.


  • 2000 - "New Archings"
  • 2004 - "Cellular"
  • 2005 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2007 - "Nanny Diaries"
  • 2008 - "Kings of the streets"
  • 2009 - "Fifth dimension"
  • 2011 - "First Avenger"
  • 2012 - "Avengers"
  • 2014 - "First Avenger: Another War"
  • 2015 - "Avengers: Era Altron"
  • 2017 - "Gifted"
  • 2017 - "Spiderman: Return home"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2019 - "Get knives"
  • 2019 - "Resort for divers in the Red Sea"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"
  • 2019 - "Supersobaki"
  • 2020 - "Protecting Jacob"

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