Basta (Vasily Vakulento) - biography, personal life, photo, news, "voice. Children », Concert, Zivert, Team 2021



Vasily Vakulentko (Basta) is a popular Russian rap-performer, composer and television-friendly. The famous rapper manifested himself not only in music, but also achieved special success in the role of a screenwriter, director and producer. Also known under the noggano pseudonym.

Childhood and youth

Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko was born in Rostov-on-Don on April 20, 1980 in the family of personnel military. His parents had no relation to the world of art, but, noticing that her son had musical abilities, a boy was taken to a music school.

At the end of the general education school, Vasily decided to continue his way in the world of music and became a student of a local school by choosing the conductor department. But in the youth, the future executor of Rap realized that the conducting was not something that he was commemorated for self-realization. Being a teenager, he showed interest in the new phenomenon for Russia of the 90s - rap culture.


At the age of 15 years, the young musician wrote the first rap text, and in 17 Vasily took the Psycholirik group, soon renamed "Casta". In his native Rostov, Vakulento was known as Basta Hrew. During this period, a debut track in the Rap style called "City", recorded by the cloust appeared.

The 18th anniversary of the musician noted writing a new song "My Game". "City" and "My Game" quickly glorified the Basta far beyond the limits of the native Rostov. Gradually, the composition of the artist was becoming increasingly popular.

From that moment on, Vakulent, along with another Igor Igor, who is also a rapper, began to tour in the cities of the Black Sea coast of Russia. They went to a peculiar music tour of the Krasnodar Territory and even in the North Caucasus, performing on a variety of venues. At times, 6-7 thousand fans were collected at stadiums. The artist began problems with drugs, and the concert activity quickly sued. The singer did not speak with concerts for several years.

Creative Career Rap Artist resumed in 2002. Yuri Hair, friend Vakulento, offered to make a studio at home, man complied with the necessary sound equipment. Vasily, who has long bored for creativity, quickly restored his old compositions and wrote new ones. But Rapper Basta no longer remembered, and the producer turned out to be a difficult task.

About this difficult period of life Vasily wrote a song under the speaking name "Striving labels, no chance." By the lucky accident, Demodisk Vakulento got to Bogdan Titomir. The musician liked the compositions of young performers, and he invited them to the Russian capital. In Moscow, the Titomyr led Bast and Volos to the studio of the Creative Association "Gazagolder", where rappers accepted and showed interest to them. In the first year of stay in the capital, the singer created a musical material for several disks, but decided not to rush, and release albums with a time interval.

Debut album "Basta 1" (2006) Rap lovers perceived positively. This long-awaited success was so inspired by the Contractor that he issued 2 new clips under the names "Autumn" and "Once and Forever." For quick distribution, he used the Internet.

In 2007, the Album "Basta 2" appeared, where duets with the singer Maksim and Rapper Guf came, and a number of new clips, the most vivid of which turned out to be "so crying spring", "our summer", "inland fighter" and "tea drinker" " In just 3 months, the second compilation broke up with a circulation of 50 thousand copies.

The "graduation" composition ("Medley") became one of the main musicians in the career. In social networks, users called it one of the best, suggesting that such a single will play schools for a long time. Many fans think that this song is written on the basis of real events. However, the singer in an interview said that a fictional story is based on, and he did not have the most prom.

In the future, the rap performer paid more attention to working with other representatives of the Russian show business. Together with the group "Nerves", he created a clip "With the hope of wings", which impressed the Russian viewer.

In 2007, Vasily Vakulenko learned not only under the pseudonym Basta, he also became Noggano. Under the same name, three Rapper albums came out: in 2008 - "first", in 2009 - "warm" and in 2010 - "unnecessary".

In 2011, Basta pleasantly surprised fans with the new album "Nintendo", which struck the unusual style of "Cybergang", and the fans of his work were expected from other innovations.

Successful was the cooperation of Vasily with the singer of Polina Gagarina. Songs "I am without a whole world of a whole world" and "voice", as well as the composition "Angel of Faith", presented in 2016, were particularly remembered to fans.

The album "Basta 5" became the seventh work in the discography of Rapper, speaking under the scenic pseudonym Basta. After a time, Vasily pleased the fans of Noggano, releaseing the "Laksheri" disk. Thanks to the income of $ 1.8 million, the executor fell to the 17th position of the list of the richest leaders of Russian show business according to Forbes magazine.

Vakulento cooperates with famous musicians in creating new masterpieces. Together with the singer Alena Omargaliyeva, he sang the composition "I am rising above the ground." Surprised fans and execution of the Rapper of Soviet songs. Caver-version of the lyrical song "Dark Night", written by composer Nikita by theological and poet Vladimir Agatov, became the unique work of the Basta.

Then the song "Master and Margarita" was recorded together with the young. This single can be attributed to completely different works that do not have similarities with already familiar compositions. The song entered the soundtrack to the full-length feature film "I and Ud. Redemption".

Among the works of the musician who became part of the film projects, the song "Giiv Mi Manya", entered the Soundtrack of the Criminal Comedy "Bablo", a cover version of the "Paradise Apples" composition, which sounded in Drama "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". In the number of ribbons in which Rapper's songs are used, "homeland", "Ke-dy", "Attraction", "Street".

Fans expected from Vaculenko and unique concerts, which were solved by a few rap performers, because in the memory of fans, April 2015 remained, when he was the first of the Russian rappers to speak with the symphony orchestra at the Olympic Stadium, the biggest concert area of ​​the Russian capital. Therefore, in 2016, the rap performer organized a concert in the Kremlin Palace and again with the participation of a symphony orchestra.

Repeated concert in the Olympic "artist decided in 2017, and for a review of 360 °, all fences were removed, and the singer appeared before the 36-thousand public on the scene decorated in the form of a boxing ring.

Vaculenko continues to master new creative horizons without stopping at what. In 2017, he became the owner of the GQ Journal Prize "Man of the Year" in the nomination "Musician of the Year".

A year later, the Contractor presented a Live album "So live." It includes the old songs of the singer, recorded in live sound during a concert tour in Russia and America. Among them - "Sansara", "Master and Margarita", "where we are not." Thanks to the acoustic execution, all favorite hits have acquired a new sound.

In August 2020, Basta, together with the singer Zivert, released the "Nebologo" composition. The song is dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman whose love is fading.

In honor of his 40-year anniversary in November 2020, rapper released the 6th studio solo album "Basta 40", which included 23 compositions. Scriptonitis, ATL, Noize Mc, etc., the collection of the songs took part in the songs. Presentation of the collection was scheduled for July 2021 at a musician concert in Luzhniki. The artist himself described the collection as "Farewell to himself - young, young, bold, fatal."


In 2016, it became known that the rap performer became the mentor of the 4th season of the "Voice" project, and the company was made up by Polina Gagarin, Alexander Gradsky and Grigory Leps.

In 2018, the show "Voice of Streets" started, which the creators were positioned as the most honest rap-battle of Russia. Of the 60 thousand candidates on the casting were selected 30 participants who fought for a cash prize and the opportunity to work with Gazgolder label. The jury included Basta and hip-hop artist restaurant (Alexander Timarians).

The singer became the mentor of the 5th season "Voice. Children, "where the chairs of the judges also occupied Pelagia and Valery Meladze. Ward Raper Sofia Fedorov with the song "For Dessert" took 2nd place in the superfinal. In the 7th season of the show vocalist Vasily Olesya Kazachenko became the winner, and the singer himself was the best mentor.

In 2018, the rapper took part in the 7th season of the television show "Voice", the maximum result of his wards was 4th place (Schaen Oganesyan). But in the 9th season, Basta became the best mentor based on the results of the voting, his vocalist Vasily Pischik took the 4th place.

Vakulento entered the list of members of the jury of the 2nd season of the show "Songs" on TV channel TNT. The winner of the project was the woofer of Timati Slame (Vyacheslav Isakov), who made a contract with the Black Star label.

The rap performer appeared on the humorous television show "Frozhar", where his opponent was Timati.

Other projects

In 2008, the creative biography of Basta was enriched with new pages. He debuted immediately in several qualities - as a screenwriter, director, producer and actor. It happened when Vasily presented his own film "Tea Drunka". Write the Scenarios Roiper so much like that they began to appear one by one. The director Vakulent worked in the film "Fairy Tales for Adults".

In April 2018, a musician, together with Kievstone, launched her Gazlive show on YouTube. Within the framework of the program, the leaders invited domestic stars and interviewed them. The project was popular with the audience, but at the end of the year was blocked due to advertising bookmakers.

In the fall of 2018, the premiere of the Criminal Comedy "Clubar" was held, in which the role of the main character, a promoter drawn into a criminal scaffold, performed Basta. He became the author of the film's musical accompaniment. Evgeny Stychkin, Dasha Charush, also entered the cast.

In August 2019, on his Yutiub-Channel, Vakulento launched a new show "Question Edge". The characters of the program become visitors to the singer's own restaurant Frank by Basta and answer questions from visitors, both fans and Heyters. The guests of the project were Mikhail Galustyan, Ilya Sobolev, Instasamka, etc.


In 2016, the Basta had a conflict with the Russian Rapper Cyril Tolmatsky, known as Decl. The latter complained about too loud music in the Moscow club "Gazagolder", which belongs to Vakulent. A rap-performer responded in social networks by publishing an angry post relative to such comments. The publication of tweet in the Microblogging Service "Twitter" led to the fact that the trial began.

Decl demanded compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1 million rubles. As a result, the court was decided to partially satisfy the lawsuit - to recover compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

The scandal received a continuation a year later, after Tolmatsky continued to respond negatively about the "Gazagolder" studio, for which Basta could not respond again, calling the musician "hermaphrodite". Decl sued, this time increasing the amount of compensation 4 times, and again won the case.

Personal life

Personal life Badges have developed happily. With the future wife of Elena, he met by chance. The initiative was shown by the girl itself - a long-standing fan of Creativity of Rapper.

Elena - Daughter of the famous journalist Tatyana Pinskaya living in France, and an entrepreneur engaged in the implementation of elite wines. At first, the future mother-in-law, seeing the brutal rapper in tattoos, was terrified, but, after reading his texts, he changed the anger to mercy. A woman agreed that the guy is very talented. A rap artist wrote soundtracks to the Documentary tapes of Pinski about Artists Eric Bulatov and Oscare Rabin.

In 2009, Vasily Vaculenko and Elena Pinska wealed relations and married. The couple had children - in the same year the first daughter Masha was born, and in January 2013 - Vasilisa. The birth of daughters changed the life of the artist. In an interview with Vasily noted that before his life proceeded only at night, and now he began to notice the beauty of the day, dawns and sunsets.

For several years, rapper is engaged in boxing, but it does not plan to fight himself, although after launching the Gazfight project he has repeatedly received an invitation to ring.

Forbes magazine included the Basta to the ranking of the Stars of Russian Show Business 2020 with the highest earnings. Vakulento is located on the 4th place with an income of $ 6.6 million. Part of the profit in 2019 he brought an advertising contract with the Opening Bank, as well as his SKA football club from Rostov-on-Don, the native city of Vasily. But in the top three, Sergey Shnurov (cord), Egor Cre and Dima Bilan were entered. In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak Raper rated its revenues of $ 4.5 million. The most profitable sphere of the musician activity is concerts.

The popular artist leads an instagram account where the photos from the projects and from the personal archive is postponed.

Basta now

Now the artist speaks on private holidays, and also resumed tour, which were suspended due to quarantine. Current information about concerts is published on the official Bastaite website.

In February 2021, the show "Voice. Children ", together with Svetlana Loboda and Yegor, Creed Rapper took the place of the mentor. His team of the 8th season was included Maria Polikij, Kira Gogoladze, Timofey Zavalinich, etc. On the Evening Urgant program, the artist told the leading Ivan Urgant about his mentoring and the competition between professional boxers, which suits the promoter company Basta Gazfight.

In April, the rapper became the captains of the team on the Azamat Musagaliyev show "Music intuition" and fought with the Pelagiai team.


  • 2006 - "Basta 1"
  • 2007 - "Basta 2"
  • 2010 - "Basta 3"
  • 2010 - "Bast / Guf"
  • 2013 - "Basta 4"
  • 2015 - "Basta / Smokey MO"
  • 2016 - "Basta 5"
  • 2019 - "So live"
  • 2020 - "Basta 40"


  • 2014 - "Gazagolder"
  • 2016 - "Ke-dy"
  • 2018 - "Clubar"


  • 2008 - "Tea Drunka"
  • 2008 - "Fairy Tales for Adults"
  • 2016 - "Voice"
  • 2018 - Gazlive.
  • 2018 - "Edge Question"
  • 2021 - "Voice. Children"

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