Danila Poles - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Fashion 2021



Danila Polesov is a Russian mannequin, a fashion model, a dancer, TV presenter who at the beginning of the 2000s built a dizzying career in the West.

Danil Polyakov

Almost recently glorified on world podiums androgyan today, few people will distinguish between the urban frka: Poles are not shy to ask for alms in the central district of Moscow, calling himself homeless.

Childhood and youth

Danil Polyakov was born on January 31, 1983 in Moscow. The boy grew in a large and creative family: his father was an artist, and his mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten. Danila was a younger child and early childhood began to look for ways to differ from older sisters and brother.

As a child, the boy adored to attract attention to him, dressed in strange outfits. In this form, he came to school, causing perplexity of classmates and teachers. Danil sought to work and was not afraid to show his own unusualness. Even the profession, which he dreamed of was unusual - wanted to become a confectioner, because he adored sweet.

Danila Poles on the filming of the film

Learn Danilla did not like. The only object that Polyakov had fallen, was natural science. He was fond of sports, although it did not particularly affect his figure. The guy was swimming in the pool, walked for fencing and dancing. The father tried to teach the son of the game in hockey, but the male game did not cause a response to the heart of Young Polyakova.

At 15, the young man began to dance in GO-GO clubs and after a year later attracted the attention of the new team "Demo", where he became a dancer. In the group, the guy became very close to the soloist Maria Zheleznyak, who was his sister's friend. The girl taught her friend to enjoy cosmetics and select outfits, which made Danil think about the career of the model.

Danil Polyakova has a non-standard appearance

Its non-standard appearance also contributed to a similar profession. With the DEMO group, the guy spoke until 1999, after which the parents were still banned from participating in the tour. Danila began to cooperate with the team of singer Valeria and DJ Grup.

After school, Polekov dreamed of entering the specialty landscape designer, but the study was dear, so the guy chose the profession of a journalist. After graduating from the preparatory courses, he tried to enter the institute, but failed exams. In order not to get to the army, Danile had to enter the University of Natalia Nesterova to the specialty "Advertising".

Fashion and creativity

During one of the speeches of the Valeria of a young and non-standard dancer, Svetlana Vatanin designer noticed. Danil was highlighted with high height (189 cm) with low weight and red-haired hair. The girl invited Polyakova to show his collection at the "smirnoff" competition, where he was noticed by the stylist Galina Smirnskaya and offered to be held for the journal Ptüch.

Model Danil Polyakov

Later, the guy became a member of the photo shoot for the fashionable youth magazine "Ohm", after which the Storm model agency proposed to sign the contract. The bright start became for the young men the fateful moment in the biography.

Danil became a model at the show of a new collection of the famous Russian fashion designer Denis Simachev. The appearance of the guy simply struck journalists and model critics, his face quickly became recognizable. Simachev provided the guy only his best things, thanks to which the Polyakov was found out in Russia and abroad. Already then he put himself a goal to become a "universal" model capable of showing men's clothing, and women's collections. In many ways, a similar solution contributed to the androgic appearance and Figure of Polyakov.

Danila Poles on the podium

Soon, Danil had the opportunity to realize his idea of ​​life: the stylist of fashion house "Prada" David Bradshow invited a guy to shoot for the magazine "GQ", where he had to pose in a female image.

The photo session caused an unprecedented excitement around the model and image, breeding a whole wave of imitators: in one moment the fire-red hair in combination with thin aristocratic features of the face became popular in the fashion world. However, those who did not appreciate Polyakova, considering his appearance in the fashion error in fashion.

Danil Polyakov - Androgin

In 2006, another photo session was held for the fashionable Italian magazine Vogue with photographer Stephen Messel. The magazine presented Danile an even greater number of fans and invitations on trend shows of the whole world.

Poles became a popular model not only in male shows, but also in women, where he managed to take a special place. He was desired to see on his podiums brands Prada, Yohji Yamamoto, Jean Paul Gaultier, Junya Watanabe and Denis Simachev, and he was reciprocating.

Danil Polyakov

After deafening success in Europe, Danila decided to return to Russia and continue his career here. The guy founded his own brand "100% vanilla", which dedicated the so-called "crisis of 25 years." He released a collection of clothing, and also organized a photoproject from the photographer Alexei Kiseleva. It participated 25 people who were 25 years old and who dreamed of changing their lives and show the audience their essence.

Danila Poles on heels

In his own birthday, January 31, in the capital of Russia Polyakov opened the exhibition of home apparel from the brand "100% Vanilla". The collection contained 35 items of clothing and accessories that were torn in intimate places.

In 2010, Danil appeared immediately in two shows of collections of Russian designers: Vyacheslav Zaitseva and Masha Tzigal. In the latter, he acted as a stylist, which was a lot of succeeded. Thanks to him, the collection acquired bright photographs and conceptual video.

Danil Polyakov and Marina Glukhova

In 2011, the mannequin received the position of creative director of the Brand "Pure Joy Fashion". However, Danil himself considers this work temporary, since the position requires a constant presence in the office, which the guy is not used to. I contributed to the professional career Danilles of his friend Marina Glukhov, who at that time was engaged in promoting the brand in the media.

In the same year, Poles tried himself as a member of the jury in a reality show about the "Top Model in Russian". Of the 14 participants, the model of the model business was to choose one winner. The second season of the show took place in London, the third - in Miami, after the filming of which producers decided to change the whole jury.

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Polyakov became the guest of release of the Comedy Club a humorous show, where he participated in the "Song about Lesting". On the shooting, the mannequin dressed in the cropped jeans and a shirt, the Vietnamese headdress of Nonla was conquered on the head of Danil. Later, the mannequin appeared on the ether of the program "We are talking and showing!", Whose release theme is called "Redhead on heels."

In 2013, a joint exhibition of Danils and photographer Dmitry Zhuravlev called "Natura" opened in the Metropolitan Gallery "Ruarts". Photos of the mannequin were closely related to the theme of nature and demonstrated without the use of graphic editors.


Becoming a world-famous star of Podium, Polyakov continued to pull the public with a new force with his behavior and frank statements. He put on the women's outfits in which he walked through the streets of the city, causing passers-by as admiration and disgust.

Appearing in public events, Polesov provoked another scandal. Once, being on the speech of Ksenia Sobchak, Androging began to scream TV presenter, as he loves her. After Danil made a remark, he, he would not think that he was overlooked to the floor than shocked those present.

Danila Poles with Alla Anastasyeva

In 2013, Danil became a member of the popular show "Dancing with the stars", where he danced in a pair with Alla Anastasyeva.

During one speech, the mannequin took off his pants, appearing in front of the audience in the shorts. According to the artist himself, so he tried to smooth the impression from not until the end of the intended dance.

In July 2015, Poles again shocked the public, starting to dance at the FruitVibrations electronic music festival, having lowered his pants and exposing the fifth point before the public. However, his output remained unposted, only by providing journalists a number of photos and material for articles.

Epataged Danil Polyakov

Over time, its photo shoots were becoming more shuffle, and the outlets on the podium were accompanied by scandalous. So, on the set for the autumn-winter lucket of cashmere accessories Katia Mossina Danile appeared naked, just covered with his hands. Given the complexity of the character of the mannequin, it was more common to invite it to fashion shows.

In it, they were increasingly seen only a fashion model, and the circle of communication Danilov narrowed to the part of young designers. On behalf of Polyakova there is a personal profile in "Instagram", where he lays out photos and videos from previous shows. New frames have not appear on the model page for a long time.

Personal life

Daniel Polyakov prefers about the personal life of Polyakov, while gladly tells about intimate preferences and experiments. He does not hide that he had close relationship with men. Nevertheless, Danilla is still closer to traditional relationships and values, at the same time he lived with a girl named Marina in his own apartment in Moscow.

Marina was called the wife of Danil Polyakova

In the interview with 2016, Danila declared that he had lost her bed, often nights the open-air and fast food noodles. The fans of the model assumed that this is a part of the Frca image, but a young man and now they meet on Arbat or in the chamber of the car, where he asks alms.

Poles repeatedly stated that family life, the wife and children were never priority for him. He still does not feel ready for loved ones. Although, as the Poles admits, he once made a proposal of his hand and the heart of the girl, however, he was silent about the name of the elect.

Danila Poles now

Since 2018, Danil Poles is becoming less and less like a hero of a secular chronicle. Unknown model plans for 2019. Its only occasionally mention journalists in reports concerning modern fashion trends.

In September, the mannequin became the guest of the program Andrei Malakhov "Russian guys-models: how to earn millions?" Also Polyakov starred in the arthouse picture of Max Timofeyev "On Nicknamed the Devil".

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