Igor Nikolaev - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, composer, "instagram", Yulia Proskuryakova 2021



Igor Nikolaev love millions of listeners. Artists who choose his songs become stars. The author's hives appreciate colleagues, calling Russia's pride - as Larisa Valley, a unique phenomenon in art - like Alla Pugacheva, and just a genius - according to Philip Kirkorov. The life of the composer is devoted to the music, it is reflected in her thoughts, experiences and contrasts.

Childhood and youth

The Russian singer and composer Igor Yuryevich Nikolaev was born on Sakhalin, in the provincial town of Holmsk, January 17, 1960. The boy's father was a poet marinist and consisted of the Writers of the USSR, at the same time, by focusing the charges of the Captain of the vessel carrying cargo for long distances.

Young Nikolaev spent most of the time with her mother who worked as an accountant. Wages barely grabbed products, but Igor did not confuse poverty, he read a lot, was engaged in sports and music.

Creative abilities showed out the boy since childhood. The mother gave the Son to Sakhalin Music School, where he began to learn the violin game. After graduating from school, Igor entered the Sakhalin Music School, but after a year he left the city and went to conquer Moscow. Then many were leaving Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk "on the mainland".

In the capital, Nikolaev took the 2nd course of the music school at the Moscow Conservatory named after Peter Tchaikovsky. In 1980, at the end of the Moscow Institute of Culture, the musician defended the graduate work and became a specialist of the pop department.


After graduating from studying at the Moscow Institute of Culture, the talented musician was noticed by Alla Pugacheva, who invited him to work as a keyboard player to the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Recital", where he quickly retraced into the arranger. The first songs written by Igor Nikolaev for the Primateonna Russian pop, became hits, and, as they would say now, the charts were blown up.

In the 1980s, the musical compositions "Iceberg" and "Tell me, Birds" brought Igor to the All-Russian glory of a young, but already known and durable composer. They were singing the whole country. Career Nikolaev began with these songs.

A turning event in the creative biography of Igor Nikolayev was to participate in the music contest "Song of the Year - 1985", where his new compositions were sounded: "Farm" performed by Alla Pugacheva and Komarovo performed by Igor Sklyar. The debut turned to Nikolaev a deafening success, securely consolidating him at the top of the Soviet pop Olympus.

Igor Nikolaev sang wonderfully. The solo career of the singer started in 1986 from his own song "Mill", which was included in the album eponymous, who received unprecedented popularity. Then followed "raspberry wine", "Birthday", "Let's drink for love", "Congratulations".

Soon the musician along with Allla Borisovsky toured in Japan. In 1988, Igor Nikolaev first appeared at the Song of the Year's Annual Music Festival with his own composition "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", which also unconditionally became a folk hit and single plate of the same name.

After 2 years, Igor Nikolaev met Natasha Korolev novice singer. The creative union is quickly converted into the duet. Popular compositions "Taxi", "Dolphin and Mermaid", "Winter months" sang the whole country. The joint project of Nikolaev and Korolev received a high assessment of not only Russian, but also western listeners. With the program "Dolphin and Mermaid", duet participants performed in the walls of the legendary concert hall "Madison Square Garden" in New York.

At the beginning of Millennium, Igor Nikolayev released a new disk called "Broken Cup of Love". A year later, in 2001, he received the title of Honored Worker of Culture and Arts of the Russian Federation. In the same year, Igor Yuryevich was awarded the Golden Gramophone Prize for the New Music Album "Five Causes".

Almost every year I gave the Nikolaev wave of success in the form of another reward for his achievements. In 2006, a popular singer and composer received 2 orders: Peter the Great I degree and the "ministry of art" (golden). In the same year, Igor Nikolayev launched the Creative project "Two Stars" on the ether of the first channel, which caused a huge interest and sympathy of the audience, looking forward to the exit of each release.

In the summer of 2008, in the framework of the All-Russian competition "New Wave", passing in Jurmala, Igor Nikolaev arranged a creative evening concert. On his own benefit, the singer performed a new hit "There is something in this" in a duet with a young singer Julia Skrukuryakova, who later became his third wife.

Author, singer, composer and arranger Nikolaev productively collaborated with prominent figures in the field of Russian and foreign pop. His songs were performed by the artists Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Larisa Dolina, Irina Allegrova, Alexander Buynov, the "Accident" team and Alexey Kortnev. On Russian stage, especially among the artists of the USSR era, there are almost no musicians who would not cooperate with Nikolaev. Among the foreign stars of pop music, performing songs, ordered or purchased from the Russian composer - Sisters Rose and Cindy Loper (USA), Swedish singer Liz Nilson, Japanese musician Tokico Kato and others.

Igor Yuryevich also had contracts with popular Russian songworked poets. He wrote music to the verses of Nikolai Zinoviev, Leonid Derbenhev, Mikhail Tanich, Vladimir Matsky, Andrei Makarevich, Igor Kohanovsky and Evgenia Yevtushenko.

Along with this, Nikolaev repeatedly came into the jury of musical festivals and contests, followers of which - Lyudmila Sokolova and Diana Gurzkaya - subsequently performed compositions of Nikolaev.

In 2015, after a 9-year break, Igor released a new album "Line Life". On the disk are collected and songs that have become hits, and new compositions. Only the music of one track does not belong to Nikolaev - Igor Krutoy became the creator of the "Starfold". Also included duets with his wife and instrumental theme to Hollywood's melodrama Say IT in Russian, accompanied by a Belgrade Symphony Orchestra.

Some critics reproach the singer for the redundancy of the "sweet molasses" in the works, others say romanticism and soulfulness, not annoying with age.

Composer and performer on the stage For many years, the possession of the press and love of fans - sit and won on the laurels. But Igor Nikolaev is not from such. The musician is interesting to modern trends. In 2018, the chief lyrics of the Russian scene surprised the public with a collaboration with a young singer from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Emma Blinikova. The girl knows in the Internet community as Emma M. The new duet recorded a cover version of the hit "Let's drink for love".

At the same time, the media space shook the message that Igor refuses to compose new compositions for Irina Allegrova. For the "Empress" of the Russian stage, Nikolaev wrote two dozen songs, and each found a response in the hearts of the listeners, including the "Wanderer", which began to climb the artist to Olympus. The musician stressed that the old material is of interest, and if people suddenly became new, then new hits would appear. And so he said everything that he wanted, and at concerts asked to sing "from the old". In addition, Irina cooperates with young authors who will have to offer.

At the creative evening of Allegrova in the New Wave Hall, the most "old" Nikolaev "Wedding Flowers", "Junior Lieutenant", "Stupid Boy", "Photo 9x12" were performed.

In the fall, a new book of Igor Nikolaev poems called "Songs and Artists" was published. This is not the first edition of the poetic compositions of the composer. The collection "I love you to tears", published in 2015, is dedicated to Igor's parents. The book includes 200 song texts, rare artist pictures and family photos.

In December, "Avtoradio" presented the festive song "New Year", to write down Igor Nikolaev a chance in the company Kati Lel, Denis Klyaver, Alexander Marshal and Viktor Rybina. In the show "To the whole voice", organized for talented young performers from the CIS countries by the World 24 channel, a creative evening of the Russian composer passed.

A surprise for the New Year holidays was the duet of Igor Nikolaev with a friend and a colleague Yuri Antonov with a fresh song "Sea".

In 2019, the singer traveled the city of Rossi and Belarus with a tour "The best and new songs # Stamping". Despite strong employment, Nikolaev found time to press Alla Pugacheva at the anniversary concert - the media event has already dubbed the return of the prima to the scene.

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, Nikolaev and Valeria recorded the song "Make a Wreath on the Sea" to the verses of Andrei Voznesensky. The record was held on May 8, the composer wrote touching music, and Joseph Prigogin (singer's husband) announced the composition.

In 2020, Nikolaev presented a new song "I miss you" in Createness with Igor Cool. Dimash Kudaibergen became the performer. In "Instagram" before the premiere of the composition, enthusiastic reviews sounded that "brilliant co-authorship" and "magic voice" can only create splendor. When the song, finally, sounded, the fans were delighted with the penetration of the execution and the incredible sensuality of the lines.

The new track "I love this winter" composer released in November. On the cover of the disc Family photo: Igor himself, his wife Julia and their daughter Veronica. All three of them took part in the song record.

For many songs of the singer, clips were removed.

Personal life

Igor married for the first time on a girl with whom was sitting at one desk at school. Elena Kudryashova and Nikolaev got married in 1978, then their daughter Julia was born. The ugassing of relations that faced the junior years has become a completely natural development of events. Igor broke up with the first wife when their daughters were 13 years old. After the divorce Elena went to America, leaving the child with her husband.

Later, the composer married, choosing Natasha Korolev in his companions of life. Their first meeting occurred when the singer was still married, and completely did not foreshadow a bright fire of feelings. When Nikolaev saw the girl for the first time, he was horrified, but after listening he thought. It took several months so that between young people began to slip the sparks of romance. All this time, the pair recorded songs, the singer diligently worked on the image. It happened in the early 1990s, when the media wrote about the open novel of the ingenious Russian composer and the young, but the newly appropriate hopes of the Ukrainian singer Natalia gust, later received a creative pseudonym of the Korolev from his patron.

Bright and rich in the time wedding took place in 1994. Marriage officially registered employees of the Moscow Region School of Igor. However, this union was not destined to last long. In 2001, the couple broke up. The cause of the divorce, as the singer itself told, was the interest of Nikolaev to other women. After the first betrayal of the Korolev gave a spouse to awareness of the situation and the decision-making. It was a year, but nothing has changed. Natasha initiated a wicked process that passed on the eyes of the whole country. The musician tried to return his spouse, made loud statements from the stage, but Korolev remained adamant.

5 years after parting in an interview, Igor confessed that women who met him at that time, "were a certain similarity of Natasha." The desire to repeat the strong feeling and that emotion led a man to an unconscious search similar to that very much. Of course, cloned people do not happen, but some similarities can be found.

After another 4 years, the artist has a third spouse Yulia Proskuryakova, whose similarity with Natasha Korolev noted fans, and reporters. Igor and Julia's acquaintance took place in the Yekaterinburg Palace of Youth, where the girl since childhood was engaged in the vocal studio. Proskuryakova worked in a notarial office, and his friend called her at the concert of the metropolitan celebrity - Nikolaev arrived with tour. Julia is still surprising, how made his way through the crowd of fans and guard to demonstrate the singer its vocal data.

Igor rated and asked to send him a drive with records. Later, when Julia wanted to return the disc, the composer suggested to stay in Moscow, removing the apartment for the girl. During the year, the trigger of characters was followed. The couple came into one apartment after a quarrel. Nikolaev said that he had no strength to conflict, and he wants Julia to always be near.

In September 2010, lovers legalized the relationship. Mother of Ksenia Sobchak, Senator Lyudmila Pesolov, who considered that Igor and Julia "closed the wedding" are attributed to the merit. The press reported that the singer was secretly married in America, and no excuses were accepted into account. Here is the disorders, having met lovers at the competition "New Wave", did not believe. Upon returning to Moscow, Igor made a proposal girl.

5 years later, a long-awaited girl appeared on the world. According to the calculations of the doctors, the date of birth of the second child Igor coincided with his older daughter Yulia. But Veronika Nikolaev was born prematurely, and the first months for parents were held in experiences and unrest. Now, fortunately, all difficulties behind.

Nikolaev older than Proskuryakova for 22 years and first jealous of the chosen to the peers. When I was convinced that Julia does not deceive, calmed down. Igor himself told that even for the novel with the queen, who was younger for 13 years, received from those surrounding in full. But with the current wife for some reason, everything is different.

The daughter of Julia from the first marriage Igor, with honors, graduated from a general educational music institution in the class of piano, as well as college of arts and pop in Miami. At a young age, the girl starred in the television project "Good night, kids", fulfilling the composition of Winnie Pooh specially written for her, and later participated in the shooting of the clip Alla Pugacheva "Uninvited Guest" and several Father clips. Julia lives in the USA. After a divorce with her husband, John, she looked at the doctor.

Children of the composer Julia and Veronica get along with each other. From personal life, Igor does not secretly, often publishes the photo of the former and current family members in "Instagram". From Queen Nikolaev retained friendly relations, artists communicate, congratulate each other on the pages of social networks with significant events. Both Julia also became friends. The wife and eldest daughter of Nikolaev love to sit after a cup of tea, chat, walk around the city or make raids on shops. Women understand each other with a half-clow. The result of such friendship is the song "You are my happiness", which Yulia Nikolaev wrote, and performed by Julia Proskuryakova.

Artist's wife although he said that he did not put the goal to make the singer career, nevertheless performed on stage. For a spouse, as well as for dueta performance, Igor composed the compositions "SMS", "one hope for love", "New Year without you", "My man".

Nikolaev admitted that only Julia felt the happiness of family life. It can be "and strict, and tender, and affectionate, and caring." Proskuryakova for a man is not only a wife, but also a favorite interlocutor and a partner, as well as a great, faithful woman.

Igor Nikolaev now

On March 26, 2020, the composer was taken to the hospital with suspicion of Coronavirus. Shortly before hospitalization, Igor returned from a long round in Russia. It was assumed that the singer could have become infected at the birthday of Alla Cool, where Lev Leshchenko was present, who was diagnosed. In the communation, Nikolayev was diagnosed with focal pneumonia, and on April 7, he was discharged, and the treatment of the disease (analyzes on COVID-19 came negative) Igor continued at home. In "Instagram", he thanked the doctors, everyone who was worried, expressing hope for the emergency end of the self-insulation regime and won all health.

In 2021, on November 17, the jubilee concert of the singer and composer is expected. Information about this is posted on the official website of Igor Nikolaev. Event location - Crokus City Hall. The duration of the program will be 2 hours, will be executed both old songs and new tracks.


  • 1987 - "Mill"
  • 1992 - "Dolphin and Mermaid"
  • 1995 - "Let's drink for love"
  • 2000 - "Broken Cup of Love"
  • 2001 - "Five Causes"
  • 2002 - "Sorry and let go"
  • 2003 - "Poor Mozart"
  • 2006 - "How beautiful you are"
  • 2006 - "Just everything has passed"
  • 2009 - "Irina Allegrova. Songs Igor Nikolaev "
  • 2010 - "Igor Nikolaev and Julia Proskuryakova. New songs"
  • 2014 - "Line Life"

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