Vladislav Ramm - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Favorite quotation Vladislav Ramma:

"Only in difficult moments you see who your true friend is."
Singer Vladislav Ramm.

A former participant in the popular MBand group, with the scandal who left the team, met in his path of such people. The singer had supported and in creativity, and, as the fans are hoped, in their personal life. Going into solo swimming, Ramm proved that it has an inner rod, clearly knows where it moves, and it remains open and sincere guy.

Childhood and youth

Vladislav Ramm was born on September 17, 1995 in Kemerovo. The father was engaged in the education and formation of the character of the boy, thanks to whom Vladislav, according to him, comprehend the most men's concepts about life. His father Ramm considers the best friend and respectively respects.

The love of music by the boy went from the mother who worked as an artist of the musical theater. Not enough about the early life of the guy: from childhood Vlad sought to fame and seriously fond of music. The boy chose a life goal for himself - to become a musician and all possible ways tried to achieve it.

Vladislav Ramm in childhood and now

At first, the guy studied in a music school game on the piano, studying the musical letter. Later he studied vocals on private courses.

After school, Vladislav went in the footsteps of the mother and entered the Moscow Theater College Oleg Tabakov, the dreamed of becoming an artist. The study was given to the guy easily, he moved to the hostel, in a fun company of students of the educational institution. But on the 1st year, Ramm decided to leave the college, because he could not else be next to the girl who broke his heart.


Vladislav Ramm began his musical career with participation in the television project. On April 30, 2014, the famous composer and producer Konstantin Meladze announced the beginning of the casting in the realistic show "I want to Meladze." According to the results of the program from finalists, it was planned to create a male pop group. This project was a chance for Vladislav to get into the music industry.

Vladislav Ramm in the show

On September 13, 2014, the debut performance of the Ramma on television took place. The guy decided to hit the audience and the judiciary with an unusual act: he descended from the roof of the film balloon roof and a bouquet of flowers.

The feat was noticed and appreciated the judges of the competition, in particular, the ex-soloist of the Viagra group Vera Brezhnev without a queue missed the young performer on the stage. Do not notice and not remember the state handsome man (Vlad's height - 194 cm, weight -76 kg) with a torso in the tattoo was simply impossible.

Tattoo Vladislav Ramma

In the future, the attention of the audience turned out to be chained to Person Vladislav Ramma due to the information about his status of a married man. The 18-year-old performer told the audience that he was married to the Muscovite named Veronika. The girl came to the shooting several times to support her husband.

During the project, the singer managed to visit Timati, and then moved to the group of Sergey Lazarev, while the rest of his team left the show. As a result, Vladislav became one of the winners of the competition, having received the opportunity to be part of the new MBand team along with Anatoly Tsoem, Artem Pindyura and Nikita Kiosse.

November 24, 2014 The MBand group released the first single "she will return." A month later the same clip appeared on the screens. The team made his debut at the Big Love Show 2015 concert, dedicated to the day of all lovers in February 2015. In the future, the team became the owner of the title "Opening of the Year" and "Favorite Artist of the Year."

Vladislav Ramm and group

In June 2015, it was announced the start of the reality show "One day with MBand" for TV channel "STS Love". Within the framework of the Four Participants of the Group held time with 8 fans, which were selected during a large-scale casting in Russia.

Also, the singer managed to debut in the movies. Ramm played one of the main roles in the comedy "fix everything".

However, as part of MBand, Ramm stayed for a long time. The artist had a conflict with Meladze. At the end of 2015, the performer left the group. According to the producer, the guy is dismissed from the team for the professionalization. Ramm, on the contrary, argued that he left the group himself and that it was his personal initiative. Cause of care - the desire to make a solo career.

"I want to develop, engage in creativity and be an independent artist. I, like any man, must be established in this life, self-realize. "
Vladislav Ramm left the group

For goodbye, the singer thanked through the "Instagram" of other participants and producer, who "gave EMY a ticket to this interesting world."

The producer himself immediately complained in an interview to the radio that people like the Ramma should not work in the team and generally appear on the scene. Meladze also stated that his decision to dismiss the Ramma was not sole and other participants of the group sighed with relief. Colleagues allegedly suffered late and other executors' misdemeanors. As a result, "classmates" wrote off everything on a star disease that overtook a young guy.

The decision was also hasty, it was simply a statement by the performer through social networks was unexpected for his fans and fans of the group. One way or another, Ramm promised to return fans. And he did it in a year, although Konstantin Meladze threatened to leave the artist without a scene until 2021, until the artist was associated with a contract.

Vladislav's intentions to find creative freedom in court Meladze perceived with a grin. In the absence of human qualities and talent, no court will help to become a star, said Producer. Maxim Fadeev hurried to dispel the rumors that he allegedly substituted the friendly shoulder "squeezed boy." From his words, and Igor Matvienko also did not offer the Ramma help.

Vladislav Ramm and Nikita Kiosse

At the end of 2016, the joy of numerous fans, Vladislav Ramm introduced a debut solo album called "# first". In January 2017, the album was pre-ordered and the track "Influence" in iTunes and Google Play was presented.

In the first days of the release of the song hit the top charts in iTunes. After the premiere of the album, he also headed the iTunes top chart, and a few days later - and Google Play. Among the new songs are not only "influence", but also become popular "morning", "I will sound."

There are a young artist and clips in the arsenal. The speech in the group was removed on the songs "she will return" and "Look at me."

Personal life

As befits a member of a male pop team, whose target audience is women, the personal life of Vladislav Ramma is filled with rumors and scandalous details. Before participating in the project "I want to Meladze", the guy met with Muscovite Veronica General. During the show, he stated that he was married, but no details about the wedding were known.

Vladislav Ramm with the former wife of Veronica General

At the end of the show Ramm suddenly declared a divorce. In an interview with the magazine "Viva!" The artist later admitted that such a decision he accepted even before participating in the project, but decided to preserve intrigue to the end of the program.

On the shooting, Vladislav Ramm fell in love with a ballet dancer, with whom he had a novel. For the further development of events, the audience was monitored with special care that a lot was heated interest in the person of the young performer. In the final of the show Ramm appeared in front of the cameras with Veronica and admitted that he changed her on the project, so they are forced to part. The girl in response reported her pregnancy.

Daughter Vladislav Ramma

Some rose to the side of the abandoned wife, however, most of the fans of the artist only delighted the newly born freedom of the Ramma. He did not have a relationship with his dancer, after the end of the project, their path was separated, and in an interview with the guy stated that he did not count on serious and long-term relationships. On December 2, 2014, the former wife of Ramma, Veronica, gave birth to Nicole's daughter.

Vladislav Ramm and Misha Romanova

In March 2015, rumors of Ramma novel appeared in the press with the participant of the group "VIA Gra" Misha Romanova. Young people together attended festivals and rested in Thailand, the artist laid out on the page in "Instagram" common photos. However, Vladislav himself argued that he liked to spend time with a girl in a friendly atmosphere. One way or another, after the departure of the ram from the group, young people broke up.

Vladislav Ramm now

In 2017, a new twist occurred in the creative biography of Vladislav. Yana Rudkovskaya was taken to produce the Ramma. The singer is friendly with the older children of Yana, and not only this fact pushed the woman to cooperate. Rudkovskaya liked the voice of the artist, sincerity and the desire to satisfy the requests of young listeners, even if she doesn't like something. In addition, Vlad wrote 2 songs for Dima Bilan, successfully sold on iTunes.

Vladislav Ramm, Yana Rudkovskaya and Nikolai Baturin

Yana is confident that joints with Ramm projects are waiting for the same recognition as in the case of Bilan. The producer gave an angry rewarding to the worships, who wrote unflattering comments in social networks, allegedly returns all the boomerang.

The first product of the new tandem was the song "Enough in Spirit," and at the competition "New Wave" Vladislav made a composition "Neither you nor me". Both works are recorded with the son of Yana, Nikolai Baturin. A young man took the creative name of Kolyas. Rudkovskaya itself played the role of good faces in the clip "I-on".

In the clip "Neither, nor I" starred the model of Miranda Shelia, the current Parma Passion. The beauty, similar to Irina Shayk, was previously met with the Russian national football team Fedor Spear. Vladislav is morally ready for family life, but ahead of serious goals, in the first place - work.

"I have to make a lot of things to do, first of all for my family!".
Vladislav Ramm and Miranda Shelia

When journalists asked Rudkov's relations with the Velvet Music Production Center, which is now owned by Vladislav, Yana replied that he was ready for dialogue. Termination of the contract with the former team is a formality, and new songs are her property.

In 2018, Vladislav's album was published under the name "Lu4sh". Genre of songs - from "Klubnyak" to Sokula. One track is recorded in collaboration with Vadim Shirchov, protruding under the pseudonym of Valium. Ramm admitted that it was not focused on the firmness or uniformity of a particular style, loves music in all its diversity, but aware that the public prefers dance tracks. However, according to the inner sensation, the musician is closer "bold bit at an average pace."

In the "Internet", Fanata Vladislav Ramma created the original community. His members are named by "Rammers". In addition to the discussions of the singer's creativity, the participants are held before the New Year to carry out a share - the exchange of small souvenirs, and not virtual, and most of them are material: "Rammera" send notebooks, chocolates, postcards and other pleasant little things. The main thing is not a gift, but attention. The same exchange was held on the eve of 2019.



  • 2014 - "She will return" (Single)
  • 2015 - "Look at me" (single)

Solo albums

  • 2016 - "# first"
  • 2018 - "Lu4sh"

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