Miroslava Karpovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Pavel Prilum 2021



Miroslava Karpovich - Russian actress of cinema and theater, model. Glory she brought a role in the series "Daddy's daughter", where she played Masha Vasnetsov. Her biography resembles the history of Cinderella - in one morning a simple girl woke up with the famous and beloved viewers. But it may seem like this at first glance, since all the achievements are the result of constant and hard work.

Childhood and youth

Miroslava Karpovich was born on March 1, 1986 in the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk. By the sign of the zodiac she is a fish. Artist has a sister of Christina and Brother Andrei. Childhood The future star spent in the village: she with tenderness and warmth recalls these years and the garden in which there was a lot of apple trees and cherries.

The small world was distinguished by a strong character. Among friends and classmates occupied the position of the leader, could stand up for herself, for which others and respected it. Already in childhood, the girl realized that he would like to get into the show business. Doubt is that she will succeed, there was no: the world was used to getting what he wants.

Personal life

Miroslava Karpovich is not deprived of male attention. And this is natural, because it has a bright appearance, an average growth of 170 cm with a weight of 52 kg, a slim figure, which is evidenced by the photo in a bathing suit.

In the midst of the filming of the series "Daddy's daughter", the girl had a warm relationship with a partner in Philip Pale, who performed the role of a broom. This fact has become the soil for rumors about the novel between actors. However, the girl has denied them, saying they are friends.

The popularity of the artist was positively affected by a personal life - she had many fans. In their list and a wealthy businessman. The man provided the girl to the unequivocal signs of attention. However, Miroslav rejected all the courtship, as he turned out to be married. The girl considers sin to contact a family man. In an interview, she repeatedly shared his opinion regarding marriage: "The husband is forever." Therefore, in no hurry to make a choice.

At 23, Miroslava gone from the parent house for a removable apartment. An independent life lasted for a short time. The girl moved back, explaining his act that the apartment address learned one of the obsessive fans and began to pursue her.

Miroslava Karpovich infrequently shares with journalists with details of his personal life, but after all, once admitted that she was not disappointed in this matter. According to the celebrity, there was a young man in her life, who used her "as a spare airfield."

In 2010, Miroslav took part in a joint photo session with Sergey Lazarev. The fans of the singer immediately began to talk about possible relations. The actress was often asked to convey Hello Sergei, tell us about him and share the opinion of his work.

In 2012, the news appeared in the press of Roman Karpovich with Yegor Creed. They quickly found a common language, despite the difference in the age of Miroslav older than Egor for 9 years. The musician, who started his career under the mentoring of Rapper Timati, devoted the song of his beloved and gifted her attention. The main obstacle relationship was the busy work schedule of the actress and life into two cities, because of which the lovers see only occasionally.

Artist attributes a novel with a colleague according to the film "Corporate" by Aristarkh Venezes. Many believe that he was the mysterious guy about which the girl said to journalists. The opinions of fans of these relations are diverged, many claim that Miroslava and Aristarha had a novel, but they had long parted. The actors do not comment on these rumors.

In 2019, rumors appeared on the network that Karpovich is pregnant. She posted a photo in "Instagram" with the tummy. However, it turned out that this is just a role in the performance.

In June 2020, the actress was noticed in St. Petersburg, when she walked along the Nevsky Prospect with Paulil. The actor only recently disturbed the marriage with Agata Mutzing, in which two children were born. Therefore, the news caused public resonance and began to actively discussed on the network. Soon the press appeared photographs Paul and Miroslava on vacation in the Crimea. Karpovich did not comment on rumors about new relationships.

In March 2021, a party, which incense, the leading role was held at the party in honor of the end of the filming of the series "In a cage - 2", visited together with Karpovich.

Model Career

In 1992, the Karpovich family moved to Moscow. In the new city of the world, at the age of eight, it began to attend the children's studio "Model Show". And after 5 years she became a real star.

In 1998, Karpovich concluded the first contract with the Russian Silhouette Model Agency. She managed to become a popular model, despite not quite a podium growth. Famous brands of Centro and Calvin Klein invited it to participate in the shooting.

In the magazine "Maxim" Miroslava Karpovich was named one of the seven sexy women in Russia. In 2011, she starred in a frank photo shoot for this gloss.

Miroslava got into the lens of such popular photographers, like Pavel Shelkovnikov, Alexander Kologreva, Daria Lakututina.


Most of all the world has been to the theater. The profession of actress impressed her as a child. Then the metropolitan theater troupe came to her hometown of Berdyansk, which showed the performance of Jeanne D'Ark. Looking at the production, the girl forever loved this type of art.

In 2006, Karpovich graduated with honors from school-studio named after VL. Nemirovich-Danchenko at Mkate. Her artistic leaders were the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Igor Zolotovitsky and Associate Professor Sergei Zemtsov.

Even during the period of obtaining education, Miroslav participated in the performances of Mkhat. She played a doll Mademoiselle Fifi in the "Pyshchka" Georgy Tovstonogov and Madeleine in the formulation of Viktor Ryzhakova "Do not part with your loved ones."

Experts highly appreciated the role of a young actress in the play "You" Viktor Ryzhakova. For this work, she received the Golden Sheet Prize in 2006.

Among the theatrical works of Miroslav, in addition, the role of Julia in the "Breeding, or a session of love magic" Eduard Radzukevich, Jane Warzington in the formulation of Sergei Efremova "Number 13".

In February 2020, the premiere of the performance was held with Miroslav "Cosmetics of the Enemy" based on the tragicomedy Amelie Notomb. Also lately, Karpovich played in such productions as a "gift for mother-in-law", "Schashni", "Husband for rent."

"Father's daughters"

Miroslava Debut Karpovich as film actresses took place in 2007. Then she got the role of Katyuni in the film-comedy Dmitry Korivov called "Holy Case". Despite the fact that critics gave a picture of a weak rating, she still received a special award at the Festival of Kininomedy "Smile, Russia!" - The prize was issued for a successful triple debut in comedy.

In the same year, Miroslav was approved for the role that made her favorite of millions of viewers. In the TV series "Daddy's daughter", a 21-year-old actress played 17-year-old Masha Vasnetsov, the older daughter of the main hero. The difference in the age between Karpovich and her heroine did not interfere, on the contrary, hardly anyone would have looked more harmoniously in this role and naturally.

The plot of Sitcoma told the story of a single father, who played Andrei Leonov, raising five daughters of different ages and with absolutely different characters. In addition to Miroslav, the roles of "father's daughters" performed Nastya Sivaeva, Dasha Melnikova, Elizabeth Arzamasov and Ekaterina Starshov. The bridegroom Masha Vasnetsova, a journalist Felix, introduced on the screen Kirill Kaganovich.

The audience loved Masha Vasnetsov for its relaxed nature, the immediacy, kindness and desire to transform everyone. One of the most beloved episodes in Sitkom is when the girl performs a funny song "Dandelions".

Miroslava itself is pleased with the way she managed to create in the project. According to the actress, to better convey some quality of the character of Masha, she adopted a lot from her mother, which he considers immensely feminine. In addition, the actress often watched the behavior of girls who traveled with her in the subway.

The series "Daddy's daughter" became so popular that he was filmed until 2013. In total, there were 20 seasons.


In 2008, the filmography of Miroslava Karpovich was replenished with three more roles. The actress starred in the film Oksana Bychkova "Plus One", in the Melodrama of Sergey Oldenburg-Swingzov "Dove" and in the film Evgenia Bedaleva "New Year's tariff".

In 2010, the artist received the role of a friend at a hotel at the New Year's Shatami. A year later, Karpovich pleased fans by the appearance in the Comedy "All Inclusive, or all inclusive" and in the Manticor's thriller.

Miroslava starred in several music clips. In 2011, she appeared in the video on the song Leonid Agutina "still returns", and in 2012 she took part in the shooting of the "Starletka" video clips of Egor Crea and "Lift" of the Group "Sky No. 7".

For 2012, the roles in the mini-series "My Favorite Genius" and the short film Alexander Guiceal "Salut" took place. In the same year, Miroslava took part in the voicing of the cartoon "Alice knows what to do" - the vote of the actress spoke to Natasha's character (girlfriend of the main character of Alice).

Then Karpova appeared on the screen in the next year in 2013, the turn of Oleg Zakharov called "Believe in Himself." In 2014, the painting of the comedized genre "Corporate" came out with the participation of Miroslav. The actress was shot in two short films - in Sprint, Yuri Sysoeva and in the "good start" Anton Elashevich.

In 2016, the artist presented his own voice characteristics of two cartoons of Russian production. She voiced the wizard of Alain from the "fairy patrol" and the princess from the cartoon "Bogatlish". At the same time, Miroslava played in the Social Drama "Knife", which was the first picture of the project "Department of Moral Cinema".

In the same year, the girl tried herself in the role of leading urban events. Together with the actor's TV series, Alexander Sokolovsky, she spent the day of youth. The viewers of the world pleased the hit "Dandelions", and Sasha - acrobatic dances.

In 2017, the horror film "Bride" was released on the screens, in which Karpovich played. The picture has become one of the most expected Russians and subsequently received approving reviews. According to Producer, the Bride caused great interest in the international market. Thus, participation in the filming of Horrora became another step to the artist to the world recognition.

The actress is the owner of several premiums, including "for the successful comprehension of the actor profession" and "for the best female role", which confirms its abilities and talent.

Celebrity spends a lot of time at the studio behind the voicing of Alenki - there is a record of the final of the season of the animated series "Fairy Patrol".

Miroslava Karpovich now

Now the actress is filmed in the cinema, takes part in theatrical productions and is engaged in model business.

Karpovich continues to participate in full-length projects. Fixed shooting in the film "FRIEND FOR SALE". He talks about Ivan, who broke up with his girlfriend Katya and disappointed in a relationship. One day, his profile enters the marriage agency of a friend of Goosh, and it becomes the object of desire for unmarried women.

At the end of 2020, Miroslava changed the image - briefly cut the hair.

Despite the fact that Miroslava keeps life in secret from the press, it leads a popular blog in "Instagram". Karpovich often lays out photos, accompanies them with signatures and is divided not only by professional filming, but also children's photos, frames during the choice of clothing or cooking dinner.


  • 2007 - "Holy Case"
  • 2007-2011 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - "Plus one"
  • 2008 - "New Year's tariff"
  • 2009 - "Dove"
  • 2010 - "New Year's Shatta"
  • 2011 - "Manticor"
  • 2012 - "My favorite genius"
  • 2012 - "Salute"
  • 2012-2013 - "Daddy's daughter. Supernests »
  • 2014 - "Corporate"
  • 2015 - "Escape for the Dream"
  • 2016 - "Izgoy"
  • 2017 - "Bride"
  • 2020 - "FRIEND FOR SALE"

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