Angela Khacaturjan (Angela Khachaturian) - biography, personal life, photo, news, widow of Arzibashev, "50x50" 2021



In the painting of Eldar Ryazanov "Cruel Romance", Artist Sergey Artzibashev brilliantly played the Kassira Glyaeva, arrested in the house of Ogudallov. The name of the former daughter-in-law of the actor Angela Khachaturyan appears in the Russian courts, in which the lady appears to be the plaintiff, then the defendant. The photo of the ex-relative Sergey Nikolayevich is now regularly appearing in the media.

Childhood and youth

About childhood and youth Angela Vasilyevna almost nothing is known. The lady does not disclose information about age and parents.

In 2004, in an interview with the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", Khachaturyan mentioned that he was born in Rostov-on-Don and the theater was very loved with young years. When Mothers Angela presented two tickets to the tour of the Leningrad Music Hall playing, the woman gave them to her daughter and son.

Angela Khacaturjan and Vladimir Artzibashev in youth

According to Khacchaturnyan, she received two higher education in his youth. According to the first diploma of the native of Rostov-on-Don, a lawyer, and on the second - theatrical critic. Both qualifications were useful by Angela when writing as a special correspondent for crushing material about the competition "Jurmala-87". The Khachaturian article was published in the first issue of the magazine "Change" for 1988.

Personal life

In the future husband, Vladimir Arzibashev, a native of Rostov-on-Don fell in love with first glance. Two children were born in marriage - Anna and Ksenia's daughters. The entertainment-music and informational television show "50x50", which came from 1988 to 2000.

Marriage Angela Vasilyevna with Vladimir Nikolayevich legally ended with a divorce in the summer of 1998. However, for some time the actual personal life of the spouses continued unchanged. In 2005, Arzibashev began a novel with the financial director of Catherine Shakina. Soon Khachaturian gave to live in the United States. Vladimir Nikolaevich lived on two houses and two states, moving from America to Russia.

Vladimir Arzibashev and Angela Khacaturnyan

The visit of Arzibashev to his homeland in the fall of 2019 ended tragically. I felt a bad 71-year-old man Shakina sent to the private clinic "Medicine 24/7", where he soon died. Having learned about the disease of the ex-spouse, Angela Vasilyevna flew to Moscow, but in the ward to the former husband, the lady was not allowed. Khacchaturian is confident that Vladimir Nikolayevich provided the services of inadequate quality and filed a lawsuit on the clinic worth 60 million rubles.


In addition to the produce in the program "50x50", in the 90s of the 20th century, Angela Vasilyevna organized the concerts of stars at the stadium "Luzhniki", and at the beginning of the third millennium he headed the media fund and the highest college of popular music. In March 2004, Khachaturian became the director of Music Hall in the god on the Neva. A native of Rostov-on-Don planned the theater, admiring her in his youth, turn into the musical hall.

However, less than a year after the appointment, the former wife of Arzibashev was fired from the post because of the scandal associated with the breakdown of the tour in St. Petersburg, the Musicla "Nord-Ost". According to Khachaturian, the old building of Music-Hall turned out to be not ready for the installation of cumbersome scenery of the performance. The opposite side argued that the director extorted the money "for each chih" from future tourists.

In the spring of 2006, Angela Vasilyevna, by decision of the Kuibyshev city court, was restored in the previous position. After the next dismissal, Khachaturian put the cross on Music Hall and left for the ocean.

Angela Khacaturnyan now

In the first half of 2021, Angela Vasilyevna became a gost of a talk show on Russian federal channels. In May, the former wife of Vladimir Arzibashev visited the "Direct Ether" program, and in June - on the transfer "Let them say."

Angela Khacaturjan (Angela Khachaturian) - biography, personal life, photo, news, widow of Arzibashev,

In the interval between the visits on the TV, the lady was attacked by an unknown brunet during the evening walk with the dog. The stranger splashed with an acid in the face of Khachaturyan, and the widow of Arzibashev, doctors stated the burn eye. In the transfer of Dmitry Borisov also visited Ekaterina Shakina, accused Angela in the greed and slander.

A week before the visit of Khachaturian on the first channel, the Pravda Studio program came out with the subtitle of the "adherence of fraudsters on trust", in which Iska to the clinic "Medicine 24/7" were called part of the information attack on a healing institution. Journalist Vsevolod Krekotten unveiled previously unknown facts of the biography of Angela Vasilyevna: allegedly in the US, Khachaturian tried three times for minor thefts.

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