Keitlin Jenner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Instagram" 2021



Keitlin Jenner (William Bruce Jenner) is an American athlete, the Olympic champion in a decade, the author of the world record invincible for 5 years. In the future, it became famous as an actor and a reality participant.

Keitlin Jenner

In 2015, William Bruce Jenner made Caming Out as a transgender woman. Helds took the new name Katelin and began to appear in society exclusively in the female.

Childhood and youth

Keitlin Jenner, nee by William Bruce Jenner, was born on October 29, 1949 in the town of Mount Kisco in New York. His father William served during World War II, and after she was engaged in leaving the trees, Esther's mother was a housewife engaged in raising four children.

The boy studied in a secondary school in the city of Mount Kisco (Sleepy Hollow). The training was hard because the boy had congenital dyslexia, which had a negative impact on the estimates. Bruce was afraid to attend classes, teachers and classmates. The first 6 school years, the child silently suffered until he was finally diagnosed by selective inability to read and write. Since then, teachers have become more loyal to Jenner, especially after he began to be interested in sports and athletics, showing quite good results on this field.

Keitlin Jenner (Bruce Jenner) as a child

The Jenner family moved to Connecticut, where the guy went to Newton's school. There he continued to develop sports talents, began to play football. Having received a football scholarship, Bruce entered the Graceland College in Lamoni, Iowa. However, the guy had to forget about the football career after he damaged the knee joint in 1969. His coach and mentor Velon offered Jenner to try himself in a decathlon in which Bruce has reached considerable results after graduating from college in 1973.

Keitlin Jenner (Bruce Jenner) in youth

In his youth, Jenner began to do business. He owns the firm "Aviation Bruce Jenner", which supplies consumables for intermediaries and airlines. He also worked as a vice president in the company that develops Jennernet software application.


Jenner was actively engaged in the college. Then he focused on a decathlon, which included 10 types of athletics. He first competed in this sport in 1970 at the Drake Relays sites, where she took the 5th place. A year later, he took 1st place at the competition from the National Association of College Athletes. "

In 1972, Bruce went to the Olympic Games in Munich, where he took 10th place in the overall standings. But this defeat only spur a guy to train is still diligent. In 1974, he became a US champion in a decade. In 1975, Jenner established the first world record in discipline, and a year later surpassed it by 14 points.

Bruce Jenner at Competitions

In 1976, the athlete confidently won the Olympic Games, putting a new world record. Bruce was ahead of the nearest rival for 200 points. This victory made Athlete by the National Hero and provided him with the prize of James Sullivan, who annually handed over to the fans athletes who have achieved considerable success. The cup with his name was decorated with many American glory halls, which somehow were associated with the life of the athletics. Jenner kept the world record until 1980, and the US record was up to 1991. It was a triumph of the athletic biography of Athlete.

Having won gold at the 1972 Olympic Games, which only Soviet Athletes won, Bruce Jenner became famous. He was recognized on the streets, he was a frequent guest on television, he had an incredible number of proposals. Soon after the games, his face decorated a box with oat flakes "Wheaties".

Bruce Jenner with a gold medal of the Olympics

In September 1976, he was invited to a dinner in the White House, where he met with the 38th President of America Gerald Ford.

Since 1980, Bruce engaged in sports races, successfully participating in the series of IMSA Camel GT games. In 1986, he became the winner of the 12-hour race together with the navigator Scott Prouett.

Films and television

Bruce Jenner's candidacy was viewed on the main role in the film "Superman", but she got the actor Christopher Rive. In 1980, the athlete debuted in the music comedy "Do not stop music". The picture failed at the box office, becoming the winner of the antipremia "Golden Malina". Bruce also received "Golden Malina" as the "worst actor."

Bruce Jenner on television

Since then, Jenner went around a big movie party, preferring shooting in television series and films that released solely for display on television. He starred in two sports films: "Golden moment: love story at the Olympic Games" and "White Tiger". Bruce participated in the filming of the police series "Chips", where he played an officer of Steve McLish in 6 episodes. He also often acted as a guest star in other TV shows: Silver Silver Spoons and the Educational 30-Series Painting "Learning to read".

Bruce Jenner in the series

Jenner regularly participated in various TV shows. In the ABC Athletes show, he appeared along with the famous athlete and TV presenter Grits Grisham. In 2002, he was invited to the popular gaming program "Weak link", where the team of Olympic athletes was gathered.

He brought the greatest fame on television a realistic show "Family of Kardashian" on the TV channel "E!". The program appeared on the screens in October 2007 and was modestly appreciated by critics. However, the viewers of the show became popular, which made it possible to extend the shooting for 10 seasons. The TV project participated in the entire Kardashian family.

Bruce Jenner (Right) in the show

In 2011, Bruce again tried to return to a large movie, starring in the film Adam Sandler "Jack and Jill". He appeared in the episode with the famous actor Alem Pacino. But this picture began to be failed and won the antipremia of "Golden Malina".

In 2015, TV channel "E!" He took a film about the changes and life of Jenner. The premiere of the series "I - Kate" took place at the end of July 2015. Within the framework of the show, the creators showed how the worldview and body of Keitlin itself changed before and after the gender change and hormone therapy.

Kim Kardashian and Keitlin Jenner

Two years later, Keitlin released the book "The Secrets of My Life", in which he reported many impartial facts about the former spouse and her first husband Robert Kardashian. Jenner also revealed the secret of motherhood Kim Kardashian, told about the surrogate mother of the child of the artist. After the release of the transgender memoirs between it and the adopted daughter there was a conflict.


In April 2015, in an interview with the program "20/20", Bruce Jenner said that he suffers from adolescence with gender dysphoria and feels like a woman. At one time he changed into women's clothing and spent hormonal therapy, whose courses had to suspend when he married Chris Kardashian.

Keitlin Jenner before and after surgery

Recently, he increasingly began to think about changing the floor, which was the reason for the dissolution of marriage. Jenner returned to the course of hormone therapy, and also began a series of cosmetic operations, which should have made his body more feminine.

He temporarily abandoned the surgical change of gender, referring to the recommendations of the World Professional Transgender Health Association. According to Jenner himself, it is not important for the presence of female primary sexual signs, since he never pulled to men. Until a complete reincarnation in the woman's stars, he asked journalists to use the pronoun "he".

Keitlin Jenner

In June 2015, Jenner replaced the name to Keitlin and began to use the pronoun "she". After a series of cosmetic operations, Keitlin Jenner debuted as a model on the cover of the fashion magazine "Vanity Fair", shooting for which was held in the strictest secrecy. Before that moment, no one saw Jenner's new look, and her appearance became a real sensation.

For more than a million people, Katelin Jenner subscribed to the Katelin page in just 4 hours, having broke the record of American president of Barack Obama.

Keitlin Jenner in a swimsuit

In 2017, a final floor transaction was held: Keitlin still went to her for psychological comfort. After surgery, Jenner has repeatedly appeared in front of the reporters in a swimsuit - paparazzi made a number of photos with a former athlete on the beach. The video of this moment fell on the personal page of the Transgender in "Instagram".

Personal life

Before the sensational transformation into a woman, Jenner managed to marry three times. The first spouse was Christie Scott, he lived with her 10 years. They have two children, Burton and Cassandra.

In 1981, the athlete divorced Christie and a month later married Actress Linda Thompson. The couple had two sons - Brandon and Brody. After 5 years, they terminated marriage.

Bruce Jenner (Keitlin Jenner) and Christie Scott

In April 1991, Bruce was combined with a marriage with Chris Kardashian. In marriage they had 2 daughters, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner. The athlete also became a stepfather for four children Chris from the last marriage: Courtney, now famous Kim, Chloe and Rob.

Keitlin Jenner with daughter Kylie Jenner

In 2013, the couple declared preparation for divorce, as they stopped living together over a year ago. The basis of the reason for the divorce Chris Jenner called "insurmountable disagreements", although later it became known that the man was forced to divorce his wife to finally solve his inner disagreements.

Bruce Jenner (Keitlin Jenner) and Linda Thompson

In 2015, on the eve of the transgender transition, Jenner became the culprit of an accident. According to the information that fell into the media, the car in which the man was driving, crashed into ahead of the standing car, and she flew to the intersection. As a result of a collision of several cars, a woman died, 5 other participants in the accident were injured. At that time, a man appeared before the court, he threatened the term for killed man. The former athlete himself did not recognize the guilt, but it was ordered that Jenner was driving with increased speed.

Bruce Jenner (Keitlin Jenner) and Chris Jenner

In 2017, Keitlin's personal life became interested in reporters again. Former Olympic champion was noticed in the company of Andrea Plezic, which also made a transgender transition. Reporters rumored about strong alliance, but the relationship between lovers did not last long.

Keitlin Jenner and Sofia Hutchins

In 2018, it became known about the new passion Katelin - Sofia Khatchins, Transgender model. Jenner and her girl shortly after the start of the novel began to live together. The difference in age is 48 years old, Sofia conflicts with Children Choices did not confuse partners. According to rumors, the couple is preparing for the wedding.

Keitlin Jenner now

In November 2018, Keitlin Jenner suffered significant losses. Due to full-scale fires in California, the Transgender burned the house. Her residence was a chic mansion with an area of ​​300 square meters. M. None of the family members and staff did not suffer. Malibu residents were evacuated in advance, after declaring an orange danger. Now the ex-champion gets condolences from colleagues in connection with the catastrophic consequences from the emesis of the element.

Keitlin Jenner in 2018

Keitlin tries not to lose heart. She spends time for Christmas shopping, preparing for celebration celebration. Moreover, the transgender does not hide all changes in his figure - Keitlin appeared in a fitting knitted dress, which stressed her discover stomach.

Haters have already managed to attribute to Jenner pregnancy, but others suspect that this is this comparison and the newly new lady sought. Moreover, Keitlin and Sofia have already officially declared the desire in the spring of 2019 to register relationships and know the joy of maternity.


  • 1980 - "Music Don't Stop"
  • 1980 - "Golden moment: love story in the Olympic Games"
  • 1981 - "White Tiger"
  • 1982 - "Chips"
  • 1982 - "Silver spoons"
  • 1984 - "She wrote the murder"
  • 1997 - "King Mountains"
  • 1999 - "Sleepy Women"
  • 2008 - "Physical Culture Teacher"
  • 2014 - "Obvious"
  • 2015 - "I - Kate"

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