Stanislav Bondarenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, main roles, filmography, actor, TV series 2021



Stanislav Bondarenko - Russian actor and cinema of Ukrainian origin. The artist became famous for numerous roles in the series and films. Thanks to the bright appearance and the charisma of the Pom, the public most often appears in the image of lovers and loving heroes, but there are exceptions.

Childhood and youth

Stanislav Gennadievich Bondarenko was born on July 2, 1985 (zodiac sign - cancer) in the city of Dneprudny Zaporizhia region (Ukraine). The actor has a big family - a consolidated older brother and two twin sisters. Svetlana and Snezhana were born when Stas was 9 years old. As for the parents, the father is engaged in the construction and repair of cars, Mom worked as a stylist assistant. When her son was born, she was 17 years old.

As a child, Stanislav lived in his homeland, and at the age of 11 and the family moved to Moscow. He studied well at school, was an active child with different hobbies. The young man was engaged in ballroom dancing, walked on Karate, in that period about acting as a profession did not even think.

After graduating from high school, Stas was going to enter the Moscow Aviation University, but the case has changed the decision of a young man.

The dance studio, where Stas went, was invited to the evening concert of guitis. A talented guy noticed one of the leaders of the school. The teacher suggested Bondarenko to pass the audition, so Stas entered Gitis. He was considered a diligent student, so he quickly entered the number of the best ones and received an increased mayor of the scholarship.

Theater and films

A young actor began to shoot in the movie on the 3rd course. At the insistence of agent, Stanislav went to the samples in the TV series "Talisman of Love" and received the role of Lovelas Pavel Uvarova. Together with him, Tatyana Arntgolts worked on the set. After filming, the young artist admitted that Tatiana really liked him not only as a professional, but also as a girl.

After the "Talisman of Love", Stanislav received a large number of interesting offers. The next role was the character of Nikolai Martynov (Killer Mikhail Lermontov) in the film "From Flame and Light". The image of a bold, strong, but a little arrogant young man Bondarenko succeeded. Such heroes are usually quick-tempered and often come into conflict with others because of women, which, in fact, happened to Lermontov.

Later, the paintings "Capan", "Sin", "Captive children" and others came out. Series and melodramas are becoming the main in the creative biography of the actor.

In 2008, Bondarenko performed a major role in the series "Provincial", the actor played Mark Gorina - the spoiled son of rich parents, who changed after the appearance of a girl from the province in his life.

Later, the actor's filmography expanded at the expense of the TV series "Lyuba. Love "," Kiss of Fate "," Unloved "and others. Despite the fact that all films were presented in the genre of melodramas, the artist tried not to repeat in the nature of the images. He appeared in the role of both positive and negative heroes.

About the theater Bondarenko also tries not to forget. Since 2006, he performs on the scene of the Mossoveta Theater, which was invited immediately after the end of the institute.

At the theatrical site, the artist appeared in the performances "engaged", "sons of his mistress", "I, Grandma, Iliko and Illarion". Staging on Alexander Ostrovsky "Not all Cottle Maslenitsa" he played a hippolyte.

Most of the main roles that went to the actor is the role of Hero-lover. Similar offers come from film directors, as well as theatrical matters. This explains the increased attention of the female audience to the person of the artist. This state of affairs does not make a man who looks like the true owner of female hearts, because his characters love transforms to be unrecognizable.

Spectators believe that due to appearance, the actor takes the roles associated with melodramas. Nevertheless, many believe that this is only a plus for the Russian artist, which is capable of realizing himself in other directions in the future.

In 2012 and 2013, the films "Cinderella" and "Summary Sister" appeared with the participation of the artist, and in 2014 a picture was published "Verney My Love". In the last ribbon, actress Olesya Fattyova appeared in the lead role, which was playing the naive cello faith by Nagornohnaya, which was in a confusing triangle. They celebrated film critics and the role used by Stanislav Bondarenko. Later, actor fans made a music clip with excerpts from this tape.

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Then the artist was invited to film "In the Name of Love", where he again got the main role. The tape tells the story close to many women. The main heroine Nastya seemed to be happy in a relationship with his man, but soon his "leads" the best girlfriend of the girl. Having succumbed to the female Charm, Andrey (Stanislav Bondarenko) marries her and only after some time begins to understand what the real gold missed, and under the mask of the new wife, a monster hides.

In 2016, Bondarenko appeared in the lead role in the Plastic Drama "Caligula" based on the play of Albert Cami, the premiere of which was held on the stage of the Moscow provincial theater.

Bondarenko looks brilliantly as a Roman tyrant, because with a height of 190 cm and the weight of 90 kg he has a relief sports figure. His partner on the spectrum was Ravzhana Kurkov and Ekaterina Spitz. In addition to the stationary theater, Bondarenko also participates in the entrepreneurial productions of "HUNTING FOR MEN", "Wheel of Fortune", where Ivan Likov, Anna Mikhailovskaya and others play with him.

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In 2018, the Repertoire Bondarenko was replenished with three works in bright projects. These are detectives taken based on the works of Anna and Sergey Litvinov. In the film "Pearls for Pearls", Stanislav played a pair with Catherine Kopanova, whose heroine is engaged in his own investigation of a strange murder of a young girl. Other parts of the series were films "Ten arrows for one" and "fatal training".

In the hostages, Bondarenko got the main role, other major characters played Evgeny Osipov and Konstantin Soloviev. The picture tells about a woman who celebrates his birthday in the circle of the closest people. In mid-March 2020, the premiere of the series "Classmates of death" took place on the TVC channel. This is an adaption of Anna's novel and Sergey Litvinov, which was embodied by the director Philip Korshunov.

Stanislav received the role of Dmitry Semianova, a talented journalist, who took a modest Nadya in his wife. Of course, he knew that his bride was unpredictable, but he could not assume that the secrets would be revealed on the eve of the wedding.

TV project

Bondarenko became a member of the Georgian program "Dancing with the Stars". His partner was the president of the Federation of Sport Dance Dance Nick Keshelava. In the finals, the couple performed a hot dance of Pasodobl. Jury members put the highest scores, resulting in the Russian actor and professional dancer took the cherished 1st place. As a prize, Bondarenko got the apartment in Tbilisi.

And before this, the artist was invited to the humorous Georgian transmission, the prototype of the Russian "Evening Urgant". The lead member of the Stanislav traditional national dish and checked it on the knowledge of other traditions of his country, beating everything with humor.

In early 2019, Bondarenko visited the studio of the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. On the air, they talked not only about the formation of Stanislav as an actor, most of the time devoted to the discussion of the artist's novels, which there were a lot in his life.

Personal life

Bondarenko's first wife became Actress Julia Chipples. The actor met the future spouse in the early 2000s, being a student. Young people met in the study theater. Julia visited the acting skills, and Stanislav studied in Gitis.

Serious relationship began after the second random meeting. If you are familiarizing, the actor lost the number of the girl and met Julia by chance in a few years at the celebration of the birthday of the common girlfriend. This time Bondarenko was not confused and began to care for her. Couple played a wedding in 2008. The spouses were born firstborn - son Mark.

For many years, the couple was considered one of the strongest in the Russian cinema, but in early 2015 the news was known that Stanislav Bondarenko and Julia Chipples divorced. At the same time, the actor continued to participate in the education of the Son. The boy visited the school with a humanitarian bias, football and tennis sections, together with his father starred in the tape "Turn My Love".

Later it became known about the actor's novel with the winner of the beauty contest "Miss Russia" in 2010, Irina Antonenko. They met during the filming of the television film "Golden Cell". This relationship did not lead to serious changes in the personal life of the artist: soon parting was followed.

In 2017, in the Russian media, there was information that Stanislav Bondarenko rests in Georgia with a model and businesswoman Auriki Alekhina. Popular Russian actor has fun May holidays. This was evidenced by the photo of the artist, which appeared in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte. In social networks, users carefully followed the personal life and creativity of the idol, even created fan clubs for this.

In parallel with the work of Bondarenko visited the sights of Georgia - the city of Mtskheu and the wine region Kakheti. It is known that in this region, Stanislav Bondarenko visited the alarms, Lagodek waterfall Ninoshiev and Alazan valley. About Kakheti Russian artist said the following:

"Seeing such beauty and height, and especially the expanses, I want to fly."

Interestingly, with Georgia Bondarenko associates a lot. For the first time, the actor appeared in the country in March 2016 with a charity mission, performing in support of the boy Mikhail Shvitaridze, who was sick with osteoporosis, the most difficult chronic and progressive disease of the spine. Then Georgian activists turned to the Russian actor, because Bondarenko is popular in Georgia.

In the fall of 2017 it became known that Stanislav became the second time Pope. Aurika gave him Alexy's daughter. Parents did not hide their happiness, generously sharing joint pictures and photographs of a newborn with subscribers.

Bondarenko also said that his children had birthdays in one after another. Mark often happens in the new home of his father. According to Stanislav, there are friendly relations between the children, in the presence of Mark Alexy glows from happiness and never mapping.

For the third time, Father Bondarenko was lucky to be in the spring of 2019 - the spouse gave him another daughter, which Mikaela called him. At about the same time, the artist put a post in Vkontakte, where he demonstrated a marriage certificate. As it turned out, the parents of two daughters played a wedding in April 2017.

Stanislav Bondarenko now

Despite the fact that it was not destined to learn from the aviation institute with a large father, to try on the role of the pilot, he still had to live in the "Big Sky" Drama, the broadcast of which began in June 2021 on the Channel One.

Before the start of production, Bondarenko's tape was trained on the An-2 aircraft, better known in everyday life as "corn." The actor shared his impressions from the process, calling him fascinating and curious. In an interview, Stanislav remembered that several years earlier fans made him an incredible birthday present - flight by plane. Perhaps Bondarenko said, it became a certain message to space, which contributed to the approval of his candidacy for the role of the pilot in the picture of Vlad Nikolaev.


  • 2005 - "Loneliness of Love"
  • 2007 - "Capan
  • 2009 - "Provincial"
  • 2010 - "Nanolyubov"
  • 2011 - "Unloved"
  • 2012 - "Lyuba. Love"
  • 2014 - "Vernelize my love"
  • 2015 - "Moms"
  • 2016 - "Golden Cage"
  • 2017 - "Fugitive"
  • 2018 - "Ten arrows for one"
  • 2019 - "hostages"
  • 2019 - "snakes and stairs"
  • 2020 - "When the clock is 12 beat"
  • 2020 - "Classmates of death"
  • 2021 - "Big Sky"

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